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Typical hot springs episode, sheesh! Bailey's forward, and Tala is just shy. Not reluctant, just shy, hope it comes across correctly. I've spent the past several pages on dialogue and stuff, so I'm easing up here. I don't think much more needs to be said after this for a bit.

Enjoy! Going to try finishing this within the month. Excitement!




Oooooooo now I'm excited for what comes next~


I am excited to this page finished version.


I am so exited for the final version! I like where its going


Bailey so beautiful and sexy!


Your expressions, even just in sketches like this, show emotions and feelings amazingly well. Can't wait to see this page done!


Yes! Now we get to the good part!


HOLE-EEE SHIT! This page is FANTASTIC! The dialogue is great, the poses are incredible and the views are superb! Fav page so far!

Antoine Davis

This is pretty awesome, can't wait to see what happens.

Antoine Davis

Also i have a question, will the climb take hours or a couple minutes? Like, is the whole comic gonna be at night and in the end it'll be morning or will it all take place at night for when Tala and Bailey return? Still, this page is pretty awesome.




"Sugar Paws" XD

Richard Awesome

Bailey is fast becoming a favorite of mine. Classic sex appeal.

Not Telling

Huzzah! The story continues!


This is gonna be a great opportunity for positive, happy, giggly experimentation. You don't need to dial all the way back on dialogue - keep them talking and joking about it as Bailey explores and leads her "apprentice" through things. I'm hoping to see plenty of smiling and enjoyment here.

Kenith Fox

I like how Tala is actually giving full consent and agreeing to experimemt. It makes me feel way more comfortable about the porn aspect of this comic and happy that Tala is more than fap material, in other word more "real". Also 'Hot Spring' by Draekos is a good comic that is like this individual situation if anyone is interested.


I like where this is going. :3


1 for Katt, 1 for Katia