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Hello my dear friends! I apologize for the long absence, the fact is that I suffered Covid-19. It was not the best experience in my life and I still feel the effects of the disease, but do not worry, I am already better and I started creating stories again.

By the way, did you know the latest news from Elena's life? Her grandfather gave Elena a house and she moved there with Buddy! Just imagine how many interesting things will happen in this house soon...

You can download the story via a direct link


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Attention! In order to gain access to the forum, please register on it and write me a personal message here or on the forum, so that I add you to the group corresponding to your patron level. If this is possible, please register on the forum under the same nickname as on Patreon, but if you want to choose a different nickname, let me know in a personal message

Thank You!





loved it