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Hello my dear friends! It is time to learn the touching story of a new girl named Camilla and her new friend. This story may not seem much sad, but it has a happy ending.

In addition, in the archive with a new story you will find not a big bonus. I hope you will like it. I will be happy to read your comments on this story because your opinion is very important to me

Thank You!





A classic Sting story. I was delightfully surprised by the ending; it seemed all set up to end with Pic 33, then - BOOM! - sex marathon! It's great that Camilla is reveling in being a bitch now, but she needs to remember that bitches gotta eat too, right? Hopefully further adventures don't ignore that she and her friend here are still without money or food... (Maybe she can pick up Samantha's pizza job while the latter is being impregnated in the distant future? lol)


Really great, great job !!! I almost overlooked it until today because it seemed to me no difference to the earlier new friend file (I just saw the story on your website so I looked closer). I will write a continuation for the story;-)