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Those panes of glass are a pay wall. Seriously though, I had an ex that I couldn't stay with any more because of her deafness to what I said, only for her to parrot it back to me as someone else's words later down the line. It is quite infuriating.


Love you loads Edward! I'm intrigued by your process and I hear every word you say :)


Those of us to have been drawn to you by Spirit and who need to hear you are hearing you loud and clear. I am always waiting for your next words.


One thing I learnt: No one wants to listen. Everyone just wants to talk. This is why everything will fly apart.


it's hard to communicate with humans when you are not in the same dimension. We resonate with you.


Ed, we hear you and feel your frustration. Anyone who works with the general public, or does work for the government, has been there. Your never quite sure if they can't hear you, or if the universal translator is down (again).


Perhaps whomever is not listening because you speak in riddles. Maybe you should just say what you want to say to the person you want to say it to.


"Your lips move but I can't hear what your saying" Pink Floyd. Some times, I think I'm speaking to someone but their eyes glaze over. Months later they have this idea they would like to relate. Then they repeat back to me the same thing I spoke about earlier. Maybe I do that too.


How do I try and remote view? I want a tasking number


I've noticed that in my dreams, emotion is the language of the soul, so when something is trying to surface from the subconscious mind, it will find the closest fitting emotional representation of the message that is trying to be communicated to the conscious mind. So, I would ask myself in that situation, what event in my life has, or is going to have an emotional signature that closely resembles the emotional content of my dream? The events in the dream may not match anything that happens in real life in any literal sense, but I bet if you search it from an emotional content perspective you will eventually find a match for what it represents. That's how it tends to works for me anyhow.


Seems like ED is just mirroring what's happening to me I tried to reach out and all I get is Silence.


You're just vibrating at a different frequency Edward. You as a remote viewer have acquired knowledge far beyond the regular Joe. An ordinary person might find it hard to connect the dots as you might be projecting too far ahead. Thus they may chose to merely hear, listen or totally shut themselves to your message. I guess the question that needs to be asked, why do you want to be heard by these people who have put a pane of glass to your voice? Maybe they will get you when they're ready to accept the message. You have done your part. But you must consider, is the glass pane working both ways? Is the glass pane blocking their voices that may have their own messages for you? Thank you, Edward for sharing.


I dont know why I thought about this, and it came in a split second, but there has been a lot of discussion about the mRna vaccines and what could happen, like the possibility of using adenoviruses to change the neurons. Imagine if your ability to remote view or any spiritual connection for that matter is related to your DNA and people might vibe now scrambling the signal...


Makes me think of all the people that can't reach each other because of different information input, different developed neuro-pathways.. I have problems communicating since last year, that is about information. As soon as I skip that and go to feeling and being, then I can still communicate, even with my cat. Seems a good lesson for this time, to keep up the good communication, go out of your mind.


Help! I can't find the convo with Dick and Michael from 2/15/21. I started watching it, was interrupted. Now it's gone.


Also: enlightened beings have a hard time being understood by the layman. Because they communicate from another "plane" of world-vision. It is not because you spent too much time in other dimensions, but because spending this time doing RV has expanded your conscience and vision of the world. Thus, you cannot be understood by the other. The only door of comprehension is the vibration of truth, that can resonate for the other person, as long as the other person is ready to open her/himself to that vibration.


Exactly my point. Even better: ask youself, what part of me still does not get what I'm trying to convey to others. Since, as long as I'm trying to convey something, it is because I'm still trying to understand it as well. An Enlightened Master sits in silence and does not try to convey anything anymore. He just sits :)