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Hi everyone,

Dennis, Edward, Daz, and Dick discuss the February World Events RV data from each viewer.


(No title)



Dick’s piece on the 50/50 vote with Kamala being the tie breaker just happened today 2/5/21 on the Budget Resolution for Covid-19 Relief Bill. Link here from Epoch Times: Senate Democrats Approve Budget Resolution, All Republicans Vote No https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/senate-democrats-approve-budget-resolution-all-republicans-vote-no_3686321.html “The 51–50 vote was only possible because Vice President Kamala Harris used her tie-breaking ability as president of the Senate.”


This bill passage would also make sense why the crypto market is rising as I type this. More monopoly money into the further devaluation of the dollar by adding to the U.S. debt


How about " Count Catastrophe " as Edwards new moniker ??


The WSB folks at Reddit call themselves Apes. They have been sad this week.


Awesome! I agree with Dick that Kamala will be President someday. I saw a likeness of Kamala in a vision as President before I knew her.


CryptoViewing Team, Could this be the ‘high profile’ crypto arrest coming in the news that Dick saw??? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/the-rise-and-fall-of-bitcoin-billionaire-arthur-hayes “Screen-star handsome and fabulously wealthy, the African American banker turned maverick personifies the contemporary fintech pioneer. But the feds describe Arthur Hayes differently: a wanted man who “flouted” the law by operating in the “shadows of the financial markets.” Hayes’s indictment was unsealed in October, and he remains at large in Asia as prosecutors in New York hope to arrest him and try him on two felony counts, which carry a possible penalty of 10 years in prison.”


Hit for Daz? https://www.nasa.gov/feature/sofia-reveals-new-view-of-milky-way-s-center


Already a hit. Explosion in the sky in Indonesia or Malaysia yesterday


i think the ship wreck on under ice by Dick might be in Antartica... Clif High web bot


Regarding the BitMEX article, this is the deep state establishment (the planet bankster families) at work here saying you're not part of the "white shoe boy" club and we'll make sure of it. Just like the GameStop debacle we saw happen. The entire global system is rigged for the elites with the illusion to the little people to work hard, pay your taxes and retire on your bullshit 401k/pensions which is soon to be wiped out next. The criminal case has stunned legal observers. “I’m not aware—and I’ve done this for a really long time—of any other criminal indictment, and certainly not one targeting individuals, that is solely based on anti-money-laundering-program failures,” US authorities, message to the entire crypto community: “We’re going to make sure you understand this industry is subject to our jurisdiction.” A gentleman’s agreement: “You have an elite class of multinational corporations in business who are very well versed at dealing with their counterparties in government. It’s not a quid pro quo, but it is a working relationship, which includes, you know, illegality and enforcement as part of the choreography. And it’s literally choreographed. Nobody’s getting perp-walked from the Sacklers. But you can be sure that happens to people in crypto.” This last quote says it all


Dick seem to be describing the original Madrid fault earthquake. It made the water run backwards for a time.




this story just came out. not sure if its current or a rerun story. however i believe it came out today


For Daz RV session, the person he may have seen is Silk Road founder, Ross Ulbricht. Silk Road’s Ross Ulbricht Moved to Another High Security Prison https://bitcoinist.com/ross-ulbricht-moved-high-security-prison/ . In this article published on Jan 17th 2021, Ross was moved from Colorado USP Florence High to USP Tucson, Arizona. Dez stated that he thought the incident happen in Texas.


The 24-year-old founder of 2 crypto hedge funds overseeing $100 million admits to fraud Matthew Fox Feb. 5, 2021, 09:45 AM Stefan He Qin used the assets raised in his two hedge funds to pay for his own personal expenses, including a penthouse apartment.


Marjorie Taylor Greene could be the comforting new female leader speaking against corruption.


I wish people would jump to a better subscription site than Patreon. This is such a useless website. On a laptop you can only see 6 inches of the page at a time, between the browser window tabs, and the Patreon heading bar, it takes up 3 whole inches of screen space. Patreon also only has a tiny middle section to read on, and, like facebook, everything older is lost to the depths of scrolling down... no menu with topics to click on! Really super annoying and not fun or friendly to the users! Please find another site, or start your own website. Just a subscribers two cents. ;)


Internet Blackout in Myanmar https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/tens-thousands-protest-military-coup-myanmar-internet-blocked-nationwide


Could this be Dick’s avalanche? https://watchers.news/2021/01/22/rock-avalanche-with-unusual-runout-pattern-at-mount-darwin-new-zealand/


I think this is Dick's avalanche that takes the bridge out. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-55969669


Best news: Elon Musk otw Mars soon!😂


Possible hit with Dick Allgire RV session. 150 Missing After Glacier Collapse Causes Himalayan Tsunami In Northern India https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/150-missing-glacier-collapse-causes-himalayan-tsunami-northern-india


Possible hit with Dick Allgire RV session. 115 Inmates Spark Fires In Downtown St. Louis Jail Over COVID Concerns (Picture of windows blown outward). https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/115-inmates-spark-fires-downtown-st-louis-jail-over-covid-concerns


In my opinion, the background music at beginning of video is too loud and makes what the reviewers say harder to understand. Thanks for the report.


I've been debriefed...and it feels so good!


Not sure Dick earns his keep.... well maybe From The Weather Channel Android App: https://weather.com/news/weather/video/watch-rough-weather-break-freighter-in-two?pl=pl-the-latest. Lol. Keep up the good work!


It’s Jane Goodall. She is still alive.


Hi @Rose and @Edd, pls look into the following. I have been a photographer for 20 years. And I have to say, Biden's so called White House coverage is so obviously fake. Everything is wrong with the following video: https://youtu.be/CUkF0o4dKNM The light is wrong. Joe and Jill get direct sunlight which causes reflections, their immediate environment doesn't. The shadow of Jill is small and diffuse, the shadow of the black car is hard and cuts off at the edge of the lawn. Those two lines of paving slabs (which actually don't exist in videos with DJT taken from the same viewpoint) have different colours. The shadow under the large tree would be darker if the sun shines bright. The plants to the right at the sun-lit building are both wrong and have too much black. Walking to the helicopter, Joe is sun-lit, brightened and sharpened while the Marine's blurred, and his white hat is dull. Impossible if they're supposed to be at the same spacial coordinates. Biden should cast a shadow given the light he's in. Ok, I could go on, but I stop here. This is a retouching nightmare, as unprofessional as can be. And I did a lot of retouching in my professional life... Pls let A photographer or touch-up pro have a look to confirm! Thanks for all your great work!


Thanks for this.


Found a hit for Feb... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m4F9oh6Zm0


Wow! I was just coming to note how unusually silent he is as the Midwest and Texas experience this freezing crisis. No encouraging words for the masses?


I was curious which famous person would make the news regarding a horrible injury to neck / jaw. The only thing that came on the radar was Tiger Woods, but he suffered leg injuries. However, the first thing I heard was that "Jaws of Life" were used to peel him out of his car. Is it possible that Dick received the impressions of "trauma" and "Jaw" (of Life) and his mind took them literally, when one was more figurative rather than actual?


Come to think of it, it would be amazing if you could do a video in which you explain the process of how you gather intel on World Events that happen 1 month in the future. Farsight does a similar thing with their "Human News" segment. The way Courtney explains it, is that the target for any given month is "news that get the most coverage in the mainstream media" or something along the line. The process is a little more involved, but that's the gist of it. Since you actually started with the predictive news over at Farsight a couple of years ago, do you use the same method or do you have a different approach?


Hi Stefan, for World Events our remote viewers do multiple sessions and each one of them have a slightly different style and are attracted to different kinds of news. We keep it this way to allow for a diverse collection of news data and it always amazes me how many hits each of them have every single month. This is the only re-occurring target we have where the viewers aren't blind. They go into the session with the intent of collecting data about future world events.