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Space The Final Frontier
Secrets Nasa Doesn't Want You To Know
Clark McClelland ScO

Edited by Harry Cooper from SHARKHUNTERS
and author of Hitler In Argentina: The Documented Truth of Hitler's Escape from Berlin

Space The Final Frontier! Secrets Nasa Doesn't Want You To Know. This book is probably the most important book on Ufology, UFO disclosure, and unknown facts about the German Paperclip scientists, specifically brought into the US to continue working on the German space program.

Who is Clark McClelland?

Clark was an engineer with NASA for 35 years and a certified SpaceCraft Operator – he worked with many of the astronauts, engineers, and especially, the German scientists at NASA along with the Navy and Air Force.

Clark McClelland is one of the few “primary sources” providing first-hand experiences from this incredible time. We’ve all heard rumors about astronauts having special encounters. Clark spoke with them face-to-face about these experiences and actually witnessed some himself.

Dick: “Harry, did you get to talk with Clark about all this, face-to-face?”
Harry: “Yes.”
Dick: “Do you believe all of this is true?”
Harry: “Absolutely!"

This is part #11 of a 33 part series. A new segment will be posted on weekends (bonus days) when available. There will be one video per chapter, for a total of 33 segments!


Stay tuned for exciting new information on history, the space-program, alien encounters, and more - from witness, Clark McClelland


(No title)



My volume is all the up and there is no sound. Video loads, but no sound.


sound is ok


thank you for removing the background music. It almost drove me mad