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Hi CryptoViewing family,

We are giving you a special treat today! We are re-releasing an important foundational segment to everyone because we feel it is important information for our members. Here Dick and Friends discuss the DeFi Network, the structure of the new world financial system.

This is the kind of content available to our Visionaries and FOUNDERS.

Some of you may have already seen this titled "Got Cryptos?" but given how the DEFI Network is taking off we wanted to give everyone a refresher!

All the best,


(No title)



Thank You.


I suspect I am not alone in finding this disturbing.


Has D-Day finally arrived? A Task Force is taking up positions off the coast of California. Check this out, folks. https://mobile.twitter.com/Teqmock/status/1351559628677672968?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1351559628677672968%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.simonparkes.org%2Fpost%2Fmilitary-task-force


“Hit”? “Flies”? I think I get it


You guys have talked about market/dollar crash last year, is it gonna happen anytime soon?


What happens if there is some large scale EMP that knocks out the power grid? What would happen to everything if it's all digital?


Hi @Edd and @Dick. Have you noticed? Pres Trump's "Farewell Speech" at Joint Base Andrews had gold-trimmed flags. Which means he was handing the power outside of D.C. (a territory now occupied by troops) to the "next administration". Not to Biden. This is massive! Wait and see. I even heard intel that the USA Corporation Ltd. (which was registered in the City) ceased to exist.


This is not only a creepy subject, but also creepy to watch. That guys mouth isn't even moving, his head gesture's are not in sync with what he is saying. The shadow also reminds me of the alien video of Roswell.. the movements without the mouth as they speak. Who is this guy?


wow, so we can't hear the whole thing without being a $100/mo member??