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Hello patrons! Here we have the newest release for DiCK, introducing more content for already existing characters and two new enemies for the new zone, the swamp, which is unlocked when you get access to Ku-Liang.

As we said last month, while we keep writing the main story we're going to be adding content to old characters that barely had scenes if at all, but we're proud to say that this month most characters in the early game already have dates, sex scenes, and corruption, and now what we need to do is to add a few more enemies to make adventuring more exciting, and also to polish more the retainer systems, adding more custom scenes, reports, and overall improving the mechanics for all the management part in the game. 

Without further ado, let's go to the changelog of this month! 


  • 3 new sex scenes with Tricia (you can find her visiting Ulvenorth) 
  • 3 new sex scenes with Lore (Ulvenorth)
  • 3 new sex scenes with Alba 
  • 2 new enemies: The Kijo (the red ogress) and the Ohaguro (the slim yokai) 
  • 1 new sex scene with Fokusu 

Next month we're going to be introducing a new region for Ch. 1 (The mountain) and two new enemies, the minotaur and the kobold, and you can expect enemies to be released more regularly for the next months until we have at least four different ones per zone. We also might eliminate a few older ones temporarily or rework them (Probably rewriting and redoing the art for the wolves and opossums), although this would be done only once we're done with everything else. 

I would say it would be really helpful to get feedback about the balance in the game; the Kijo is a very tough physical enemy while the Ohaguro is great at sexual combat, so think what strategy is the best to beat which. 

That'd be all for now, but we'll be soon with more news about what we're going to be doing for next month!



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