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Hi Guys

Here's my first art for the month. My own character that I created year 2010.

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Something about the armpits you draw 😋😋😋

Tom white

Artnip's thick girls are perfect! this girl is most erotic character among his drawings


You're soooooo good. Unbelievable.


She looks so gorgeous, amazing as always 😍💖😎


This piece is absolutely STUNNING 😍👍 Seeing how far you've come along with your art has really given me HUGE motivation to push myself harder now. I used to be good at drawing when I was much younger but stopped for about 23 years lol. Ive picked it up again in the last 3 years and I'm trying to get into semi-realism but still can't get past the head/hand sketching phase lol. But this pic is the massive slap-in-the-face wakeup that I needed. Your art is truly inspirational. Thank you again for posting this 😁👏

Zatarra Manetti

I'mma nibble the fuck out of that apple.

Amanda Clover

Love her! Such a sexy picture!

Draven Shadow

Omg she is SO beautiful!! 😍😍😍😍


Gorgeous redhead dude, and very pretty apple tattoo. I hope to see more of your original work soon


Talk about improvement! She's absolutely stunning!

Ioncivery - Hank

😍😫👌 I'm speechless keep up the greatness

Valla Valhalla

A true masterpiece, very much I like the artwork :)


Hawt. Really, REALLY hawt