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Harsh light shone over their faces, emitting from the three-dimensional map of the warehouse hovering over the table. Several multi-colored dots shone between the blue holographic walls, most of them unmoving. A light, flickering dome stretched over the whole map, marking the wards around the place.

“Alright, what’s the plan?” Agent Ares’ voice cut through the silence of the tent. “According to this, there are two entrances. A small one at the right side and the main entrance in the front. And there are eleven guards around the property, two of whom are on the rooftop.”

“They are armed with those damned magic guns too.” Horus leaned over the table, examining the positions of bright red dots. “The whole perimeter security has them and there are two more gunmen on the inside.”

“Ideally, we should split.” Natalie hummed. “But we are going into the belly of the beast. Splitting might not be the best option.”

“There is also the matter of Rookwood to consider.” Harry poked his wand at the glowing pink dot which he had been marked to denote Rookwood. “He might not be holding a gun, but he is as dangerous as one of us, by all accounts.”

“Ex-Unspeakable and a participant in the dueling circuit.” Valkyrie nodded. “Twenty-two confirmed kills as per Auror reports at the British ministry. I suspect the number should be more because he and his organization operated in the shadows, opting for Guerilla warfare. He is a case in himself. But he is not our biggest threat. Those gunmen are.”

“If they have half a brain, they’ll shoot blasting curses or lethal spells as soon as we enter.” Daphne agreed. “Which means, shielding or any sort of cover will be practically useless. Unless one of us can maintain a mage shield for several minutes which would be bordering on insane. So…” She turned to look at Harry. “Felix?”

“The problem with mage shield is that it acts as a barrier for both sides. It would mean we cannot attack them either.” Harry scratched his jaw. “I can create a powerful shield which will hold for several seconds without breaking. But doing it continuously will drain me.”

“That is not an option,” Valkyrie shook her head, her curls flopping around. “Even if we consider six of us, we’re still outnumbered about nine to one, not counting the guards outside. But then again, the ones on the inside are another matter altogether. We need to get through the outer security first.”

No shooting civilians without reason.’ Harry ran a hand through his hair. ‘That’s good.

“Diana and Sher can only take down four at best before they are alerted.” Ares said. “And inside, they will be blocked by walls for the most part.”

“What if we both station them toward the small door?” Harry asked. “Once our wards are in place, to escape, those inside will have to run all the way to the boundary of the wards… which is several meters away. At minimum, it will take them half a minute to get there. Enough to injure or do something.”

“Felix, the people on the inside are another matter.” Valkyrie repeated. “As De Luca said, we must give them a chance to surrender. Yes, we can take down the gunmen immediately for wielding dedicated weapons capable of mass destruction. But that too is hazy at best in legal terms at best. Honestly, by protocol, we should be with an auror force, announcing our presence so they can surrender peacefully.”

“If we do that, we’d all be dead in less than a minute probably.” Natalie snorted. “But as much as I hate to admit it, you are not wrong. Level six missions do go in the gray at times. So, we have to make a few tough calls, I suppose.”

“It is as Hippogriff said,” Valkyrie declared. “We burn through the outer security, break through the doors. Take out the two gunmen inside before asking for immediate surrender. If they fight or run, we take them down. It is something we have to wing the hell out of.”

“But what we can plan for is the perimeter security.” Ares rubbed his hands.

“We need to fight eleven guards.” Daphne’s fingers circled the boundary of the map. “Or at least seven, if Sher and Diana can take out the ones on the right side and the ones on the roof. To protect ourselves, we can be invisible, but they will still know that they are under attack the moment wards go down. And as soon as we fire our first spell…”

“They will also know our general position.” Valkyrie ran a hand through her locks. “Myers alone tore through a whole hit-wizard squad with one of those guns. These are eleven people. Or even in the best case, seven. Also, two snipers and four men can be a problem. The gunmen might shield or take cover if they have a good presence of mind.”

Harry bit his lips. “I can deal with a few before the wards are taken down. It might not be enough to go through the whole security, but I have enough confidence that I can take two or three down before they get alerted.”

“Wait, how will you do that?” Horus raised an eyebrow. “You cannot pass through the wards. Even if you make a hole—”

“I don’t need a hole to get in.” Harry said. “Just trust me. I can slip through, take a few down and no one would know.”

“I don’t think I like how you’re keeping secrets, Felix.” Valkyrie narrowed her eyes. “First, the magic that makes detection spells fail over you. Then this. A magic that you say, will allow you to slip past wards, some of which are specifically designed to detect intruders.”

“He has demonstrated it before though.” Natalie intervened. “During his agent test. He slipped past the wards we made in the simulation room without taking them down. Daphne said that he’s been doing stuff like this since he was in school. Showing up in places where it would have been impossible to just sneak into or ones where he had no business being. That includes Hogwarts, under the command of the Death Eaters.”

Harry didn’t bother to correct her.

“So, family magic.” Valkyrie sighed. “Or whatever shit the British call it these days.”

“Do you want me to do it or not?” Harry raised an eyebrow at her. “I can take out the whole of the left side and make the job easier. At my signal, De Luca and Loki can take down the wards. Once the wards are down, well, you can attack.”

“It will work unless you’re discovered early.” Valkyrie’s eyes ran over the map. “Also, while we are not putting any holds on this mission due to its nature, do avoid outright killing if you can. The owner of the warehouse is a powerful man. He can cause trouble and pressurize the ICW which in turn, might cause trouble for W.A.N.D. or at least this case specifically.”

“And we must try to get this Rookwood fella alive. He might have the key to blowing this whole case wide open.” Ares added. “The investigation on him was the one that widened the scope of this case, after all.”

“That all is okay. But how do we deal with the goons wielding guns?” Daphne interrupted. “Even if Potter’s plan works to perfection, there are at least four of them whom we have to deal with.”

“We can work in pairs while being invisible. If spells come at you, one will shield and the other will shoot them down.” Valkyrie said. “The one shooting would have to be quick. Very quick. And whatever shield is used should be powerful.”

“Aegis Horribilis.” Harry suggested. “It can take blows and can be cast wide enough to cover a small crowd from heavy spellfire if needed.”

“It is also near transparent.” Natalie agreed. “We are five people now though. So…”

“Horus can stay back in case of any trouble.” Valkyrie said. “Then you and Khione. Myself and Ares. Felix will be within the perimeter, taking down the security. Once we are in, I announce the surrender while holding a shield and you all take down the gunmen.”

“Right.” Natalie nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Very well.” Valkyrie tossed her hair over her shoulder, her eyes flitting toward Harry. “Get the rest of the team up to speed and get the comms up. Diana should’ve brought the equipment by now. I need a word with Felix.”

Daphne raised an eyebrow at Harry who responded with a shrug.

“You are poking too much at Felix, Valkyrie.” Natalie’s eyes darkened. “And he has said that he won't join your team.”

“It is not about that. It is something about the mission.”

“Then you can share it with us here.” Natalie shot back.

Harry sighed. “Let’s not fight. If she wants a word in private, well, I see no harm. If it is anything I feel she is doing wrong, I will go straight to De Luca.”

“Ha—Felix—” Natalie continued but Harry shook his head.

“Go on. We will join you soon.” Valkyrie said. “And for more reference, it is about the masked lady. I might have something but I want to be a lot more sure before opening the can of worms for you.”

“You are not having him do your dirty work for you, are you?”

“No.” Valkyrie rolled her eyes. “Now, if you would?”

In a few minutes, everyone filtered out, Natalie shooting a glare at Valkyrie on her way out. Valkyrie waved her wand and Harry felt a ripple of magic cover the place.

“What did you find?” Harry asked. “And why haven’t you told them?”

“Because the thing is complicated.” Valkyrie said frustratedly. “The burnt face is not burnt but rotten. A withering curse to be precise.”

Harry winced. That was the same curse that had killed Dumbledore after affecting his hand. It was one of the worst curses to be ever created.

“Yes, quite nasty. She got hit by it in the left jaw through some sort of dart which was triggered by a ward being tripped.” Valkyrie said. “It was immediately contained of course. She was portkeyed into the emergency medical ward and with all the best healers on site. But, well, where it had spread would always remain. Half of her face had withered off and her vocal cords were damaged.”

“So, it is her, then?” Harry breathed. “The only difference is that instead of a burnt face, it is a rotten one.”

Valkyrie shook her head. “That's where things get complicated. The withering curse was stopped but not fast enough. It got to her spine.”

“And?” Harry frowned.

“Potter, the spine is where all the nerves are.” Valkyrie rolled her eyes. “They apparently stopped the curse before it would’ve paralyzed her or made her a vegetable. But her reflexes and speed would’ve never been the same. One of the healers said that she would have motor problems too. Unrefined coordination, tremors in arms and legs… late responses.”

“And the masked woman had crazy reflexes.” Harry muttered. “Bugger.”

“Yes.” Valkyrie nodded. “So, while the physical features are a match, it is impossible for the masked woman to be her. The withering curse has no cure.”

“Then she must have found a way.” Harry said adamantly. “Maybe some ritual. Or regrown the nerves.”

“Regrowing nerves is not possible.” Valkyrie huffed.

“We don’t know that.” Harry said. “If the physical features match… Impossible is just a word being used to convince ourselves. We must tell the team. Now.”

Valkyrie closed her eyes. “Let us get through this mission. Once we wrap up here and are back at the HeadQuarters, we can discuss the matter with the team.”


“Alright, we are ready.” Loki’s voice rang through the comms. “There will be a few seconds between the moment their wards go down and our wards go up. At the signal Potter gives, we will take the wards down. So, in that few seconds, you all have to make sure that no one goes out.”

“If they have the presence of mind, they might and there is nothing we can do to stop it.” De Luca sighed. “I am more worried about the sniper part of the plan. They will have four targets. For the ones down on the ground, it’ll be easy. But the ones on the roof? They will be alerted immediately unless they are taken down first.”

“Also, the two on the roof are the only ones who will have cover.” Valkyrie added. “But I have seen Diana take out worse.”

“You all do realize that I have a drone stationed on their heads? An armed drone?” Faizal's voice buzzed through the comms. “I can take them out in half a second.”

“Wait, that drone is armed?” Diana’s voice echoed as she gave Horus a quizzical look.

“Ward detonators and a pair of miniature cannons.” Faizal replied.

“You’re not blasting them.” De Luca denied. “We don’t want the roof to cave in.”

“It won’t.” Faizal said. “It is like a grenade and not a missile.”

“Are you sure?” De Luca asked.


“Alright then. Stick to the original plan for the most part except that Sher and Diana take out the ones on the right side first. Are the sniper’s nests ready?” De Luca turned to Mr. Singh.

“They are.” Mr. Singh nodded. “We will take our positions.”

“Remember, those who are not wielding guns or not attacking, must not be harmed.” De Luca said. “We do not want civilian casualties. Yes, they are manufacturing illegal contraband and they might not be completely innocent. But there is a chance they might be. So, unless they resist, you just ask them to drop their wands.”

“Yes, sir.” Natalie saluted. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“If you feel things are going south, you activate your portkeys. I will lock the wards totally and we call the hit-wizard force of Macedonia, bureaucracy be damned. Valkyrie, in there, you make the calls if needed.”

“I won’t disappoint.” She smiled. “Also, I might’ve found something before I came here. So, once we are back at HQ, I need a meeting.”

So she has decided,’ Harry internally breathed a sigh of relief. ‘No more secrets.

“Okay.” De Luca nodded. “Let’s get going. Felix, wait for our signal before going ahead.”

“I will.” He nodded.

Taking a deep breath, Harry remembered the feel of his invisibility cloak. The skin above his heart tingled and a chill poured on his body, goosebumps rising on his skin. The Elder wand slipped into his hands and he twisted on the spot, vanishing with a slight crack.

The wind howled as he appeared within the wards, several feet behind one of the men. The gravel moved slightly and Harry froze, ceasing his movements.

The gravel could be a slight problem.’ Harry glanced around, listening to the crunch of the gravel as the guards moved around, keeping a lazy watch.

The silver gun glinted in the sunlight, the wood of the guard’s wand poking through the slot.

“Err… Felix, where are you?” Faizal’s voice rang through the comms. “You just disappeared off the map.”

“I am within the wards.” Harry murmured. “Waiting for Hippogriff’s signal.”

“Very well.” Faizal acknowledged. “Hippogriff, Loki; Felix is in position. Commence ward takedown.”

Harry took a deep breath, letting magic run down his veins through the shaft of the elder wand which thrummed in his hands. Magic rippled, settling around his boots, ensuring the gravel wouldn’t give his position away.

Raising his eyes, he scanned his surroundings. Both the guards in his line of sight were not looking at him, instead, gazing at the trees and clouds.

“Alarms have been disabled.” Loki’s smooth voice rang in Harry’s ears. “Setting up ward detonators and preparing for takedown.”

“Drone is armed.” Faizal said.

“Sniper one and two in position.” Mr. Singh confirmed. “We both have a clear shot. Aiming for the head.”

“My team is in position too.” Valkyrie declared. “Awaiting signal.”

“Felix,” De Luca said. “We are ready. At your signal now.”

“Niffler, confirm positions. Anyone behind the warehouse?” Harry questioned, readying himself.

“Just the one guy marching up and down whom Diana is gonna shoot. And the guy on the roof whom I am taking down.” Faizal said. “There are two on the left side as you might be seeing and one in the front, who is close to the left side.”

“Copy that. I am going to start.” Harry cracked his neck, stalking closer to the man closest to him who was kicking at loose gravel.


The orange stunner hit the man at point blank range and Harry twisted on his heel, appearing near the other man, who whirled around.

Obtuno.’ A flash of orange caught the man in the face and he crumpled to the ground.

There was an indistinct shout.

“Hold,” Harry whispered as the thundering of footsteps got louder.

The third man appeared, his eyes alert and his gun out, emitting a faint yellow light.

Fulmens’ Thunder cracked out of Harry’s wand in a blinding white flash, blasting the man down the graveled path.

“NOW!” Harry said.

With a tremendous bang, the wards around the warehouse shattered, its sound drowning out the faint bangs of gunshots. Incoherent shouts rang toward the front of the building, moments before two explosions rocked the roof.

“Targets on the roof are down.” Faizal said. “So are the ones on the right and left. Three — now two remain in the front.”

Harry felt a tingle of magic prickle his spine.

“Wards are up. Only W.A.N.D portkeys will work now.” Loki said. “Do not try to apparate please.”

Harry held his wand up, running ahead toward the front. Jets of orange and pink light tore through the air, blasting apart everything in sight. The two gunmen who remained were shooting like madmen, waving their guns around like children waved their wands.

Harry saw a yellow flash splash across a translucent shimmer, sparks raining down on the gravel below.

“THERE!” A man pointed his gun at the shimmer, sending pink flashes of light hurtling toward the shield.

No.’ Harry waved his wand and the gravel rose, their crooked, uneven, black structure melting into smooth silver spikes which shot toward the men.

Crimson spurted from one’s ribs, splattering across the wall of the warehouse and the ground as he gurgled and fell. The other got hit by a flash of green light and fell, his eyes unseeing.

Someone used the killing curse.’ Harry let his invisibility ebb away, looking around the place.

“Who used the killing curse?” Harry asked, touching a finger to the device in his ear.

“I did.” Ares replied, as the group’s invisibility faded away. “The shield wouldn’t have held.”

“Time to break in.” Valkyrie strode forward, slashing her wand through the air.

A golden stream of fire burst out, shaping itself into runic letters, forming a complicated structure. Behind her, Daphne’s eyes were wide, running over the floating letters as if trying to decipher them.

“Three—” The runes vanished, forming a translucent golden shield, bigger than Valkyrie. “Two—” Harry positioned himself behind her, alongside Daphne, Ares, and Natalie. “One.”

Valkyrie thrust her wand forward, the golden barrier smashing through the door, Valkyrie following behind.

As soon as Harry entered, beams of purple struck the shield, hammering against it. A second later, a man was blown back, his gun skittering away. Daphne hurled a bludgeoner and a stunner at the second gunman, taking him down.

Harry’s eyes sought Rookwood, who was slowly backing away toward the door, his wand held in his hands.


Most complied immediately, wands clattering to the floor. A few didn't.

Spells of all kinds soared toward them, bursting across Valkyrie’s shield while a handful tried to make a run for it through the side door.

“Sher. Few are coming through the door.” Daphne said, slashing her wand in a blur of crimson.

“Copy that.” Mr. Singh’s voice rang, followed by a gunshot.

Across the room, A woman’s head erupted in a shower of crimson. Beside Harry, Daphne retched, turning away from the scene.

“Seriously?” Valkyrie thrust her wand and a wave of golden fire swept forward, twisting into runic alphabets in mid air.

Harry raised his eyebrow as they disappeared and four of the enemies got pulled off their feet, their bodies snapping tight together before golden chains wrapped around them.

Rookwood was still standing, a silver shield protecting him.

“Felix, get Rookwood.” Valkyrie ordered as her shield trembled. “And this shield won’t hold for long.”

Harry hurled a chain of curses at Rookwood which hammered into his shield, tearing it apart. Rookwood dove to the ground, scrambling for cover beneath a metal desk which vanished with a wave of Harry’s wand.

A bolt of puce soared toward Harry, only to splash against the remnants of Valkyrie’s shield which had begun to crack.

The attackers around the room were reducing by the second, thanks to the rest of the team.

Rookwood waved his wand and two men near him stood up, their eyes glazed. With a wave of their wands, two wide bronze shields materialized in front of them, covering Rookwood.

Harry cursed under his breath, firing a pair of reductor curses which hammered across their shields.

“Niffler, what’s Rookwood’s position?” Harry asked as the shields began to move toward the right.

“He is moving toward the door, I think.” Faizal replied after a few moments. “Can’t you see him?”

“Coward imperio’ed two men to shield him.” Harry said. “Horus, I need you to replace me at the front door. I am going after Rookwood. Khione, fire at the bronze shields if you can.”

Harry let the coldness of invisibility envelop him before the world turned around him. He reappeared on the graveled path, in front of the side entrance.

“Sher, Diana, hold your fires. Rookwood is gonna come out of the side entrance and I am here.”

Harry dropped his invisibility and waited for Rookwood to appear.

“Harry, Rookwood is out of the door.” Faizal said and Harry frowned seeing no one around.

He twisted his wand, a ripple of magic rustling through the gravel on the ground and Rookwood’s disillusionment charm dissolved. A purple curse flashed toward Harry who swatted it away to the side, returning fire with a bludgeoner and an orange stunner which burst against another silver shield.

Fulmen Flagello.’ A whip of lightning cracked across the silver shield, sending ripples cascading down its length.

The shield cracked like a mirror and Rookwood dove to the ground, avoiding the whip.

“Surrender, Rookwood.” Harry hurled another stunner at him but Rookwood rolled away, the gravel crunching beneath his body.

With a wave of Harry’s wand, the stones turned to ropes, wrapping around the death eater’s hand. A yellow curse hammered into Rookwood, slamming him onto the ground before an Expelliarmus ripped his wand away.

“Game over, Rookwood.” Harry shot a stunner, taking the man out.

“I’ve got Rookwood.” He pressed a finger to his ear.

“Very good. Take him back to the HQ and secure him.” De Luca said. “He was an unspeakable and a known terrorist. We don’t want surprises. We’ll get back as soon as we wrap up here. Most in the warehouse are down and we will be securing them.”

“Copy that.” Harry waved his wand, shooting a body bind at Rookwood before wrapping him in metal wires for good measure.

Leaning down, he grabbed Rookwood by the collar and activated his portkey.

The mission had been a success. And now, they had Rookwood in custody.


A ragged team walked into the common room, slumping onto couches or the carpet with tired sighs. De Luca gave a half-hearted smile to Harry as he conjured a chair for himself and sat down, Faizal, and Apollo following his lead.

“Where are Mr. Singh and Crystal?” Harry frowned not seeing them. “And Diana and Horus?”

“Clean up.” Natalie mumbled from the floor. “I need a strong drink.”

“I need a bottle.” Daphne looked away from the group.

“Kid, it happens.” Valkyrie looked up from the couch. “This is not the worst you’ll see. Not even close. Be glad it was not one of your own whom it happened to.”

“No, I know. Hell, I have seen bad things. But I have never seen someone’s head burst!”

Apollo quietly dug into his pouch, removing a small vial. “Miss, please drink this. It will help you calm down.”

Daphne pushed the vial away, looking paler than Harry had ever seen her.

“Nat.” De Luca gestured and Nat rose from the floor.

“Come on, Daphne. You’ve to drink this.” Natalie said softly. “We’ve all had a tough day. Been through tons of information, some disgustingly sick stuff, and just fought a tiring fight. Go on.”

Daphne sniffed, opening the vial and gulping down the liquid.

“That’s a good girl. Let’s get you to bed.”

“Not yet.” Harry glanced at Valkyrie. “The day is not over yet and it is just going to get worse.”

“Harry,” Valkyrie gave him a piercing look. “It can wait till they rest.”

“It has waited long enough.” Harry said resolutely. “And we have as much confirmation as we can get now.”

“Not complete—”

“Bullshit.” Harry snapped. “If you don’t want to tell them, I am going to.”

“Tell us what?” De Luca cut in. “What is going on, Harry?”

“De Lu—”

“Not you, Valkyrie. I asked Harry.” De Luca held up a finger. “Go on. What is it?”

“Well, Valkyrie and I were investigating the masked lady and we believe we have found a lead.” Harry began. “And based on multiple factors— her wand, her face, her height and body… we managed to narrow it down to one suspect.”

“That’s good then.” De Luca’s eyes flicked between Valkyrie and Harry. “We can go after her next.”

“Don’t jump to stuff, De Luca.” Valkyrie glanced at Harry. “Hear out who she is first. You won’t like the answer.”

Silence reigned for a moment as Harry and Valkyrie stared at each other.

“Alright. Potter, tell me. Now.” De Luca said irritatedly.

“Well—” Harry hesitated. “The masked lady is none other than your old team leader, Cadros.”

His team blinked for a moment.

“There must be a mistake.” De Luca said, shooting a glance at Faizal and Natalie who looked like they were about to explode into protests. “It cannot be Cadros.”

“It is.” Valkyrie stepped forward. “I confirmed it through multiple sources. Body imaging, medical records, wand identification… It is Cadros, De Luca.”

“You’re insane!” Natalie rose to her feet. “Do you know whom you’re talking about!? The one person—”

“Who had the skills and power to challenge me to a fight and come out on top?” Valkyrie raised an eyebrow in challenge. “You saw the fight, Natalie. There was no mistake on Potter’s or Greengrass’s part. Potter pulled moves which would’ve put my whole team in trouble, let alone me. A completely invisible opponent who can shatter mage shields with one spell. And she fought him on equal footing. Look me in the eye and tell me that Cadros couldn’t do it.”

“It doesn’t mean she did.” Faizal said quietly. “Valkyrie, the last we saw her—”

“She was in bed with half her face rotten, barely able to make a sound?” Valkyrie turned. “Tell me, Agent Niffler. Do you remember how she got the scar on her face?”

“The—” Faizal paled. “The Basilisk-horntail. It was permanent. Showed up in disguises too.”

“And the same scar our masked lady had.” Valkyrie pointed out. “Also her wand? Twelve and half inches, Aspen wood, phoenix feather core. A wand particularly suited for fire magic and dueling.”

“Cadros’ specialities.” De Luca said. “And the masked lady’s too, apparently. How sure can we be though? I mean, it could’ve been polyjuice.”

“She was invisible and wearing an Egyptian half mask. You think that was someone under polyjuice too?” Valkyrie frowned. “Also, I analyzed her expressions. The pain was very real.”

“Valkyrie, the damage to Cadros’ nerves was profound. She could barely hold a wand after the incident happened.” De Luca sighed. “From barely holding a wand to fighting like she would’ve at her prime… it is a bit of a stretch.”

“She could’ve been cured.” Harry cleared his throat. “Yes, there is no cure known for the withering curse. But—”

“You cannot discount the possibility.” De Luca nodded. “I understand.”

“You cannot seriously agree with them!” Natalie blurted.

“Natalie, they have evidence and damning ones at that.” De Luca sighed. “Harry— I am letting Valkyrie and you handle this segment of the case then. And Natalie, Faizal… before you protest, their suspicions are not without basis as I said. They have evidence so we better act on it. If she is innocent— which I hope she is, we will release her.”

“That goes without saying.” Valkyrie agreed. “I know it must be hard that your friend and mentor is now a probable enemy. I suggest you all take dreamless sleep potions and sleep over it. We’ve been up for more than a day. I’ll have a team of interrogators get information out of Rookwood and the others in custody.”

“No, leave Rookwood for us.” De Luca sighed. “I want to be there when they get the answers out of him under Veritaserum. Keep him stunned and bound. He shouldn’t escape.”

“He is.” Harry said. “I hit him with the tranquilizing pin. And a stunner and a body bind and made sure he had nothing but prison clothes on him. Also checked for poison or fake tooth. None, fortunately.”

“Good.” De Luca nodded. “We will wrap this shit up as soon as we can. Tomorrow is going to be another long day. So, get your rest.”


AND… DONE! Hope you all liked the chapter!

Daphne’s behavior on seeing the head burst was done because she is still a rookie. She has seen people die and might’ve even killed. But she hasn’t seen heads burst into a shower of gore and blood. So, she was disgusted by the sight.

The story nears its end now. The pieces are falling into place and now they have Rookwood. In terms of spy movies, this is where the hero will now know what the final plan of the villain is and where will the fight take place. The beginning of the end.

If you have any questions or see any mistakes, feel free to leave them in the comments.


Stay Happy! Stay Safe! Keep Smiling! Keep Reading!



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