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De Luca pressed his ring against the wall and stepped back as a web of thin purple magic began to weave across the wall. The stone rumbled and shifted, forming a doorway akin to the one at Diagon Alley.

“I didn’t know something was there behind the wall.” Harry whispered to Faizal.

“There isn’t.” Faizal’s lips tugged into a smirk. “This is a magical doorway. You can connect one or multiple teams’ headquarters through them if both team leaders give the go-ahead.”

That’s some impressive magic.’ Harry watched as the doorway opened on the other side, revealing Valkyrie standing with her team.

Valkyrie tossed her hair over her shoulder and waltzed into the room through the doorway.

“Welcome, Team One,” De Luca said.

Beside Harry, Daphne shifted as Valkyrie’s eyes ran over the whole team.

“Well,” Valkyrie smiled. “We shouldn’t be wasting time. Let’s get to work.”

“We have assembled all the evidence in the conference room.” De Luca said. “Come.”

Everyone moved to the conference room that had been expanded to fit a second team. With a flick of De Luca’s wand, the room lit up and bright light seared Harry’s eyes.

They should not make it so sudden.’ Harry blinked out the spots in his eyes, taking in the web of multicolored threads that stretched and intertwined with photographs and documents.

“This is quite something.” Valkyrie walked along the walls, studying the evidence. “And well organized too.” She turned to De Luca. “Alright, who’s briefing?”

“We all are, depending on the relevant parts,” De Luca said. “You already know the basics so we will skip to the more in-depth evidence. Please be seated.”

Valkyrie’s team grabbed the nearest chairs and pulled them out, sitting together while De Luca’s team took seats around the table.

“First let us talk about the weapon itself.” Faizal pointed to the photo of the silver gun stuck on the wall. “This gun has various enchantments layered on each and every part of it. The way it works in simple terms is that the user puts a spell in with their wand. A Trivian Pearl amplifies this magic in terms of power before a runic array breaks it down into parts and shoots them rapidly all without breaking the intent of the spell.”

“Like a muggle machine gun.” An agent from Valkyrie’s team muttered. “That’s actually a clever use of a staff’s working.”

“Yes, Agent Horus.” Faizal pulled out a file from a nearby stack. “The detailed working of the gun.”

“I suppose you’re already looking into this with the Trivian Pearl?” Valkyrie twirled a lock of her hair between her fingers.

“We are.” Faizal said. “Trivian Pearl mines are largely private. So we think that one of those mine owners might be connected to this case. A part of the reason why these Pearls are so expensive is because they are controlled by these private owners. If they have one supporting them, it would explain how they got so many to mass produce these weapons.”

“Right.” Valkyrie nodded. “Good thinking. Go on.”

“These guns have all appeared in every location we’ve been to.” Faizal said. “They, of course, are the link to everything. Myers, Rookwood, Nott… all the cases. Everything. We haven’t yet gotten time to sort through the new cases yet.”

“Not a problem.” Valkyrie said. “We are here for that. Nine new cases mean a lot of work. I am more interested in that lady there. I heard she gave the new kids quite some trouble.”

“By which if you mean she fought Felix and Khione before putting up a mage shield and then unleashing Fiendfyre, yes.” Natalie snarled.

“Fern.” Mr. Singh nudged her.

“Good job returning alive.” The man sitting next to Valkyrie said. “Fiendfyre is tricky to defend against. You cannot extinguish it with conjured water which would be most people’s first reaction to seeing a fire.”

“Felix used the water of the ocean to put the flames out.” De Luca said. “Khione put containers in the way.”

“Was the Fiendfyre controlled or left rampaging?” Valkyrie’s eyes flicked to Harry and Daphne.

“Controlled.” Harry replied. “I’ve seen rampaging Fiendfyre. This was a single construct, and very much in control.”

Valkyrie hummed. “There are precious few who could control Fiendfyre on their first try. Most lead to accidents, killing the caster and anyone in the area. Outside of Britain, there have been very few cases of someone unleashing those flames in the past five years.”

“Half her face was burned off.” Harry said. “Or it looked so anyway. Maybe…”

“That’s not a bad theory.” Natalie chewed her lip. “Burns by something like Fiendfyre cannot be cured or healed.”

“So, we have a trained witch— A trained, powerful witch, who likely has half her face burnt off.” De Luca said. “And she can barely speak but she has an Egyptian illusion half-mask with her, meaning the rest of her features are a disguise. We’ve asked for hospital records regarding any such cases, but that’ll take time.”

“Hey, Val,” the man behind Valkyrie called. “You remember that Dark lady in Cambodia? She had a tendency to use fire a lot.”

“Yeah, but she was killed, wasn’t she?” Valkyrie’s eyebrows drew into a deep vee. “That’s why we dropped the case if I remember correctly.”

“It was a thought.” The man shrugged.

“Who’s he?” Harry whispered to Crystal.

“Ares.” She mumbled out of the corner of her mouth. “Combat specialist. The quiet one is Loki. Blonde is Apollo.”

Valkyrie’s eyes flicked to them before she turned back to De Luca.

“Alright. I want to see the fight first.” Valkyrie declared. “Loki, Apollo help—” Valkyrie stopped short and looked at De Luca. “Sorry. Your call.”

“Well, we need to go through each of these case files.” De Luca pointed at the stack of boxes on the table. “We know they all connect somewhere with each other. We just need to find a link between them. A name, a place… anything. What these people are running is a criminal organization. It is organized so patterns will pop up. We just need to find them.”

“Assign everyone work, Hippogriff.” Valkyrie prompted.

“Right.” De Luca shared a glance with Natalie. “Valkyrie, you and Felix revisit the fight at the dockyard. The rest of you, pick a case and a partner but from the other team. I need Horus and Crystal looking into the potion though. Mandrakes are rare plants which don’t grow everywhere this time of the year.”

“We would need to date the potion for that.” Horus scratched his beard. “Because we cannot be sure they are freshly brewed. They might not have a long shelf life but they can last a year or two under stasis easily.”

“Do what you must.” De Luca declared. “See if you can form any links. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask out loud.”

Valkyrie smiled approvingly at De Luca before grinning at Harry.

Right. Time to deal with the devil.


“So, Potter,” Valkyrie walked alongside Harry who was carrying the pensieve. “What are your thoughts about the fight with this masked lady?”

“She was bloody good.” Harry said. “Toughest fight I had in the past couple of years.”

Valkyrie hummed. “Anything else?”

“She was trained and had been in actual battles.” Harry set down the pensieve on the table. “The way she reacted cannot come to you unless you’ve fought for your life multiple times.”

“Interesting, interesting.” Valkyrie nodded. “Go on.”

“That’s about it.”

“Can’t be.” Valkyrie shook her head. “Think, Potter. The way she fought. Was there some pattern you might’ve noticed? Was there a spell she kept using?”

“She repeated a few spells quite frequently.” Harry shrugged. “That’s what we are about to discern, aren’t we?”

“Yes, we are.” Valkyrie nodded. “But at times, you notice things while fighting that you don’t while analyzing.”

Harry removed a vial from his robes and poured the silvery memory into the pensieve. “After you, Agent Valkyrie.”

Valkyrie nodded and plunged in headfirst, Harry following a moment later. The surroundings swirled around them in a haze of blue and brown until Harry found himself landing on the ship next to Valkyrie who was looking around.

“What did you all find in the other boxes?” Valkyrie ran her hand over the nearby container.

“Muggle stuff mostly.” Harry said. “Grains and salt. The masked lady was sneaking a container into the ship. Which I thankfully spotted in time. It was there we found all the contraband stuff, the guns… and the Veela.”

“You weren’t there for that, right?” Valkyrie twirled a lock of hair between her fingers, watching the boy on the dock near.

“No, I wasn’t.” Harry shook his head. “Here it starts. The boy is under the Imperius. And that container just appeared.”

“Yeah, I noticed.” Valkyrie said dismissively. “I suppose—” The colors in the pensieve swirled and they found themselves on the docks, next to the container. “—You apparated. Alright. Good.”

“Khione? How long for the anti-apparition bubble?” A whisper drifted in the wind.

“Bad move. You will leave an escape route by the water.” Valkyrie noted instantly. “That’s how she escaped, isn’t it?”

“I have a feeling you already know that.” Harry rolled his eyes.

“I did.” Valkyrie conceded. “But an apparition bubble works by placing four stones. It has a greater range but it cannot extend over water. Or below the ground level. Next time when you’re next to water, put up the anti-apparition charm over the water in addition to the bubble.”

“I will keep that in mind.” Harry nodded.

“Just some advice.” Valkyrie patted his shoulder while a blue shimmer swept through the place. “Now, let’s see how good you are.”

A crimson beam soared through the air toward the blue outline of the woman who dove out of the way, her form rippling.

“That was a damn good disillusionment charm.” Valkyrie noted as the woman’s features cleared. “Hola, bad guy.”

“Girl.” Harry snorted.

“Come… out.” The woman rasped. “Fight… me… fairly.”

The whole surroundings froze and Harry raised an eyebrow at Valkyrie.

“Get this to linguistics later.” She said, walking nearer to the woman in the memory. “This woman’s vocal cords are damaged badly. These burns extend down to the neck here. See? Her face scrunches slightly in pain and her breathing grows heavier. It is painful for her to speak.”

“So those burns are real.” Harry deduced.

“Ninety-nine percent.” Valkyrie shrugged. “Unless she’s a ‘great amongst the great’ type of actress and is doing this to completely throw you off. Which seems a little far-fetched, honestly. She wasn’t expecting you both there. And she had an illusion mask on to cover her identity in case she was found.”


Valkyrie stepped back and waved her wand and the memory resumed. As the woman turned, another crimson beam flashed in the woman’s direction.

“She’s quick as a cat.” Valkyrie said as the crimson beam was batted away and a trio of fiery balls curled toward the invisible Harry in the memory.

“She opened with a fire spell and ended with it.” Valkyrie muttered as the spell splashed across the silver shield that rose. “And she did so with some great precision, it seems.”

“I wasn’t there behind it after this point.” Harry told her as he watched two purple spells burst against his shield before the shield turned opaque.

“Smaaaartttt.” Valkyrie inspected the shield and gave him an impressed nod. “You distracted her with a big shiny shield and then attacked her from another position.”

“Come… out.” The woman in the memory rasped, firing another spell.

“She’s using some tough curses there.” Valkyrie tilted her head, watching spells hammer into the silver shield. “Shield breakers, blasting curses, and whatnot.”

“Watch now.” Harry told her as the shield burst and spells soared over the water.

Two spells curved toward the woman’s back and she dove out of the way.

“Magical sensitivity.” Valkyrie stated as the woman rolled out of the way of another two stunners and a wall of dirt rose. “Or a really great sixth sense.”

The memory froze and then things began to move in reverse. The wall of dirt crumbled and stunners flew back into Harry’s wand till it froze with the woman in mid-roll.

“Her natural hair’s black.” Valkyrie knelt on the ground.

“How can you tell?” Harry frowned.

“Because she chose brunette.” Valkyrie replied. “Look here.” She pointed at the woman’s hair. “See her hair on this side and here? One is so much darker. You can almost see the black. Had it been blonde, it would’ve gone lighter.”

She has way more experience with this than I do.’ Harry followed Valkyrie’s arm. ‘I have never analyzed pensieve memories in this way unless it was for Voldemort.

“Alright.” Harry said. “Anything else.”

“No. Hair color is the easiest to discern when someone is wearing an illusion.” Valkyrie shook her head. “The magic doesn’t flow through your hair for normal witches and wizards. Only Veelas have magic hair and that too is up for debate. So illusions don’t exactly stick to the hair like it would to your eyes or skin. That’s why you need potions.”

“Polyjuice.” Harry nodded.

“Amongst others, yes.” Valkyrie snorted. “But our witch is likely black-haired.”

“Or a really dark brunette.” Harry said.

“Could be, yes.” Valkyrie agreed, getting to her feet.

She waved her wand and the memory resumed, steel spikes shooting toward Harry only to crumble against his purple shield.

“Cle…ver.” The woman croaked and Valkyrie moved closer to her face. As the tip of the masked woman’s wand glowed blue, everything froze.

“Yep, she’s in pain as she speaks.” Valkyrie gave me a thumbs-up. “There’s no way she would put on a facade every time in the middle of battle.”

“That’s good. We’ve already asked for hospital records.” Harry smiled. “We might get some connection there.”

“If they arrive in time, yes.” Valkyrie resumed the memory, and the blue shimmer washed over the docks.

Muggles in the memory glowed talking amongst themselves again.

“Why aren’t you glowing?” Valkyrie frowned. “Those uniforms don’t protect against detection spells.”

“Family secret,” Harry smirked.

“Keep it to yourself then.” Valkyrie rolled her eyes, turning back to the masked woman as chains wrapped around her feet. “You fight well though. Transfiguration in a duel is tough. But that woman is better. Oooh.”

Harry suppressed the flair of annoyance watching the masked woman fight back, blasting and vanishing the chains he had created. The chain around her neck was ripped out and transfigured into a metal shield against which spells burst.

“Definitely been in life and death situations before.” Valkyrie nodded. “Most would’ve panicked when being strangled and bound. And— damn.” Valkyrie whistled as the metal shield rammed into the container, sending it skidding a few inches. “I am so doing that.”

“Good for you,” Harry smothered the heat in his chest, ignoring the yellow spell slicing a gash in the container.

“Come… out.” The masked woman looked around. “Agent… of WAND… I… know it… is you.”

“These people are really laying heavy on knowing our identity.” Valkyrie’s jaw twitched. “Even Nott knew that we were coming.”

“I told you it might be suspicious.” Harry pointed. “You’re the one who said it shouldn’t be suspicious.”

“Not exactly, but yes, now I find it suspicious too.” Valkyrie bit her lip.

A golden shimmer spread from the masked woman’s wand and a form lit up in a golden haze in the distance.

“That’s not you.” Valkyrie said. “Still avoiding the detection charm, I see.”

Harry’s eyes narrowed and he waved his wand, stopping the memory. The masked woman’s acidic green curse froze in mid-air as he turned to Valkyrie.

“I never saw the golden glow. She was not in my line of sight.” Harry said. “How are we seeing this?”

“This is yours and the Greengrass girl’s memory combined.” Valkyrie replied. “We have a special device for combining these memories so we might get a better idea of situations.”

“Right,” Harry flicked his wand and the memory resumed, the acidic green curse slamming into the shield.

“She was lucky that she didn’t get hit by that.” Valkyrie winced. “That’s a really rotten curse.”

Harry nodded and continued to watch the fight unfold between Daphne and the masked woman.

“Where are—” A flock of birds flew toward the masked woman from another direction. “Of course. Applying the same trick twice.”

The masked woman got struck in her shoulder as she was distracted by the birds and flew back, rolling in the dirt.

“Bludgeoner. Good girl.” Valkyrie beamed.

If Daphne was here she’d be elated.’ Harry mused watching the mage-shield rise around the woman as spells flashed toward her.

“Those shields suck.” Valkyrie grumbled. “They’re very tough to break. Almost worth the magic it takes to cast it.”

The crack of thunder rang in Harry’s ears as a bright flash of light seared his eyes. The lightning hammered into the golden shield, arcs of electricity flickering down its length.

As the lightning stopped, only the faintest glow remained.

“What the hell?” Valkyrie blinked, turning to Harry. “How much magic did you put into that spell?”

“A decent amount. Here comes the Fiendfyre.” Harry pointed to the masked woman in the memory who raised her wand, angry flames spewing from it, ripping through her shield and turning toward Daphne.

Multiple containers flew in the fire’s path blocking the flames. The masked woman twisted away from a blasting curse and began to run toward the ocean.

“She’s escaping in the water!” Harry’s voice rang in the memory as the sea began to churn.

Valkyrie patted Harry’s back, her forehead creasing as the masked woman stopped in her tracks. With a flick of her wand the memory paused just as the water of the sea rose.

“What happened?” Harry turned.

“I… am not sure.” Valkyrie wetted her lips. “For a moment I thought I had seen her before.”

“You’ve been watching her for the past several minutes.” Harry frowned.

“The back… I don’t know.” Valkyrie walked nearer. “Do you ever get the feeling that you know someone but everything about them is just out of reach?”

“Erm, no?” Harry blinked. “Maybe you are mistaking her for someone else.”

“Probably.” Valkyrie said slowly. “Maybe I am.”

“If you’re getting something, don’t hold it back.” Harry told her.

“I am not sure, Potter.” Valkyrie sighed. “The body structure seems familiar somehow from the back. Which is very vague, to begin with. You’re probably right. It is someone else I am getting mistaken for. Let’s continue.”

She flicked her wand ignoring Harry’s skeptical look and the memory flowed again.

The water from the ocean shot forward, curving around the woman to meet the fire. The air sizzled as steam billowed, the water wrapping around the fiery serpent. Harry saw the woman dive into the water and disappear as the serpent screeched.

“There she escapes into the water.” Valkyrie commented. “That’s enough, I think.”

The two of them floated upward and the world swirled around them, splitting them back out.

“Alright. So, what we know is this.” Valkyrie sat down, pulling a notepad out of her robes. “Half-burnt face. Favors fire elements and powerful curses. Well-trained and experienced. Black or dark brunette hair. Am I right?”

“We already knew half of it, but yes.” Harry said.

“I will tell you something you didn’t know then.” Valkyrie smirked. “She had an Aspen wood wand. We can probably get the length through some more examination and scaling.”

Harry blinked. “There are probably hundreds of aspen wand users out there. No offense, but it seems like a wild goose chase.”

“Of course not.” She rolled her eyes. “Most ministries maintain a record of what wand chooses a wizard. It is, of course, kept under wraps and is not open to the general public. But at times it is used to identify a criminal or a dead body.”

“And WAND has all of these records?” Harry frowned.

“Yes.” Valkyrie nodded. “Well, for most countries, we do. In some countries like Britain, the records are only limited to only criminals and law-breakers. And some countries don’t even use wands.”

“Right,” Harry drawled. “But let’s do it.”

“Take this to linguistics too.” Valkyrie said. “There are only two of them working at WAND last I checked. They’ve a small office on the floor below Research and Development. See if they can get some accent from the woman. On the same floor, you’ll get a wandmaker. She has the wand records from the countries and will get you the information we need.”

“Alright.” Harry touched his wand to the pensieve drawing the memory back into the vial. “I’ll go and get that. Let’s hope it bears some fruit.”


A loud, strangled yelp rang followed by a crash as Harry pushed the door of the conference room open. Daphne lay sprawled on the floor, a chair lying next to her.

“You fucker,” Daphne glared, rubbing her elbow. “At least knock.”

“Why were you sitting at the door?” Harry reached out with his hand but Daphne slapped it away getting up on her own.

“It is your fault, you were rocking the chair girl.” Natalie snickered. “Now, don’t be a baby.”

“He still should’ve knocked.” Daphne sniffed.

Harry rolled his eyes and looked at the rest of the members in the room. “Did you all find something?”

“Yeah.” Faizal said. “There is definitely something in Macedonia. In the past six months, counterfeit galleons, and potion ingredients including the mandrake root and venomous tarantula have been caught being smuggled out of Macedonia into its neighboring countries. And guess what?”

“Macedonia is very near to the Black Sea even though it is land-locked.” Harry said. “So, the Trivian Pearl.”

“Oui.” A blonde man, Apollo stood up and stretched. “We’ve owled the Romanian and Turkish authorities for the release of the smugglers into our custody. We will be receiving them in about thirty-six hours.”

“That’s great.” Harry clapped slightly. “Anything I should be working on?”

“Here.” Daphne thrust a file into his hands. “This is a list of Trivian Pearl Mines and Greenhouses in Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, and Macedonia and who owns them. See if any names overlap or can be connected together.”

“Right.” Harry flipped the file open. “Anything else I should know before I get to it?”

“A lot of work is still going on.” De Luca said. “Crystal and Horus are dating the potions and we all are working through these old cases. Now, who is taking these wands?”

“Look for Aspen with wand length between twelve and a quarter inches to twelve and three-quarter inches.” Harry said. “Female users.”

“This for our mystery-masked menace?” Natalie raised an eyebrow, opening the file.

“Yes… the masked woman.” Harry said slowly. “Agent Valkyrie noted that she was using an Aspen wood wand. And the fact that her face was definitely burned.”

From the side, Valkyrie smiled at him.

“It makes sense.” Natalie flipped through the pages. “Aspen wood wands are used by some of the greatest duelists. Some dueling clubs in the past only took aspen wand users ‘cause they are all so good. Hey, even Cadros was an Aspen wand user! Who knew?”

Their old team leader.’ Harry’s eyes flicked to De Luca who kept reading through his file.

“What were the specifics?” Valkyrie asked casually, leaning forward in her chair.

“Twelve and a half inches. Aspen and Phoenix feather.” Natalie chirped. “Explains why she was so good at dueling.”

“Yeah, it does,” Valkyrie stood up. “Um, De Luca, can I borrow Potter again? I just recalled something in the memory of the fight. I think I might be able to discern the fighting style. Some dueling clubs have distinct ones.”

Why is she asking for me?’ Harry chewed his cheek. ‘Is this her way to get me onto her team?

De Luca frowned at her before nodding. “Yeah, feel free.”

“Great,” Valkyrie beamed, moving around the table. She plucked the file from Harry’s hands and put it on the table. “Come on.”

Harry followed her out of the room, closing the door behind him. As the door clicked in place, Valkyrie turned and grabbed his hand, pulling him with her.

“What the hell?” Harry muttered as she sped up.

Instead of going to the Pensieve room, she pulled him through the archway into her own team’s headquarters.

“Will you tell me what’s happening?” Harry asked loudly.

“I have a suspicion.” She opened the door to what Harry assumed was her office. “And if it is true, the rest of your team isn’t going to like it one bit.”

“What do you mean?” Harry frowned.

“Remember how you said I only predicted that the woman escaped by water because that was the only weakness of the bubble?” Valkyrie released his hand and removed something from a drawer.


“Well, how did the woman know that then?” Valkyrie tossed her hair over her shoulder. “She dove in and apparated away.”

“She had great magical sensitivity.” Harry pointed out.

“Yeah, I know.” Valkyrie placed a device on the desk before taking out another. “That’s why I need more clues to fall in place. Let’s get to the pensieve.”

“Shouldn’t we tell the team about this?” Harry jogged behind her.

“If I wanted to do that, I wouldn’t have pulled you out.” Valkyrie said exasperatedly. “I need to confirm this before I run my mouth.”

She is the best agent WAND has.’ Harry followed her. ‘If she is avoiding something, she should have her reasons. And if she’s doing something else, I can just send a message to De Luca or the rest of the team in a second.

“Alright.” Harry said. “Let’s do that.”

“Give me the memory of your fight.” Valkyrie removed her wand and pressed it to her temple drawing a silvery strand. “And you see this.”

“What is this memory about?” Harry watched the silvery mist swirl in the pensieve.

“You’ll know.” Valkyrie said grimly. “I will need the memory of your fight though. If you could, just give me the part after she casts the Fiendfyre. I don’t need much.”

Harry acquiesced, drawing the memory and depositing it in a vial that she conjured.

“You watch that memory first.” Valkyrie glanced pointedly at the pensieve. “I will work here. Go on.”

Harry gave her a last look before plunging his head into the pensieve.

The world lurched and Harry found his feet landing on a tiled floor in a well furnished room with white washed walls.

This room seems familiar.’ Harry looked around. ‘This looks like a team headquarters.

A loud series of raps at the door drew his attention. Valkyrie appeared with a snap in front of the door and pulled it open.

A woman stormed into the room without preamble, brushing past Valkyrie.

“Excuse me?” Valkyrie turned looking affronted.

“You will cease any attempts to come near my team, Valkyrie!” The woman whirled toward her.

Her dark brown hair came undone, falling down her shoulders and back. An ivory white wand slipped into her hand and Harry felt cold fingers curl around his heart.

It’s her.’

The woman shoved her wand beneath Valkyrie’s chin. “If I find you lurking near my team, trying to get Natalie into trouble, I will end you, little girl.”

Harry saw fear flash in Valkyrie’s eyes. “I was just—”

“I was not done talking, Agatha.” The lady took a step forward and Valkyrie backed away against the wall. “If you ever raise an eye toward Natalie again, I will make sure you are kicked out of here in disgrace. Am I understood?”

The memory turned dark and Harry found himself being spat back out of the pensieve.

“It was her.” Harry said, watching as an image of the masked woman floated in front of Valkyrie. “Was she who I think it was?”

Valkyrie said nothing, tapping the device that spun on its own.

“I do not want to say anything till I get at least some confirmation.” Valkyrie said.

The device glowed and Valkyrie raised her wand.

“Dark brown.” She licked her lips, running the tip of her wand against the woman’s hair in the image.

The brunette hair turned darker till it matched the hair of the woman Harry had seen in the memory.

“It’s her.” Harry whispered.

Valkyrie moved toward the pensieve, extracting the memory back before dropping it in the device. She turned a dial on it, images of the memory flashing past in the air until it stopped at the moment the woman had drawn her wand.

“Moment of truth,” She muttered, tapping both the devices.

Faint smoke rose into the air, curling into the number ‘94’.

“It is a ninety-four percent match.” The color drained from Valkyrie’s face. “Our Masked Woman is none other than your team’s old leader. Agent Cadros.”




I am getting James Bond Goldeneye feelings here. Alec trevelyan (006) was presumed dead and had a burn scar after the explosion. Turns traitor.

HPfanfictioner66 HP66

I love spy movies tbh. And turning traitor is somewhere a common theme in several of them. Honestly, I don't remember where I got the inspiration from but it was something I had planned since day one. Cadros was always meant to be the antagonist.

Peter Rubinstein

There's a part of me that thinks she is Valkyrie & is doing this as a distraction.