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The city park is a microcosm of life, where people from different walks of life gather to find solace and connection amidst the urban chaos. In the back of the park, near a copse of trees and bushes, a small white furred folf was enjoying the summer sunshine and the life of the park.

His collared polo was taken off and folded neatly on the park bench next to him, and his legs swung lazily back and forth as he finished chapter 8 of his favorite book in the whole world. This was the best part of the book - the moment that the brave heroine realized that the guy that she had met a couple days earlier... was not who he seemed.

He closed his eyes, large triangular ears perking up to take in the sound of birds chirping in the trees around him, and the distant maramba of a busker playing on steel drums. Cars honked, but it was a distant sound, the bleat of the unfortunate sods who had things to do and places to be on this fantastic, sweltering day.

Max couldn't resist the siren's lure of his book any longer! And opened it back up, reading the beginning of Chapter 9 with eyes wide and breath held.

I lay there for a long time, staring at the ceiling. About three things I was absolutely certain. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him—and I didn't know how potent that part might be—that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

I knew that last thought should have terrified me, but it didn't. Instead, it filled me with a strange sense of peace. I was in love with a vampire, and I knew that he could kill me at any moment. But I didn't care. I would rather be with him, even if it meant my death, than be without him.

I closed my eyes and thought about Edward. I thought about his beautiful face, his sparkling eyes, and his gentle touch. I thought about the way he made me feel safe and loved. And I knew that I would never love anyone else the way I loved him.

"Hey, champ. Whatcha readin'?" A sly voice said from directly behind Max. The folf startled out of his fantasy, to see a similarly shirtless lion man emerging out of the wild thorny raspberry bushes directly behind him. The lion's mane had bits of leaves and petals on it, and his teeth gleamed with pink raspberry pulp. He slipped an arm around Max's shoulders as he slipped his hips over the back of the bench, squeezing to keep Max from standing up.

The folf gulped as the lion slunk into place next to him, completely nude and with his testicles dark and purple - the neck was extremely narrow, and the folf could see just a hint of green, a band choking the lion's fat balls on the vine.

"Oh it's a wonderful, um, book, about werewolves and-" He started, trying not to stare at the nude lion's genitals, as his sheath stirred. The lion was just so blatant, so confident, casually approaching and saying hi. Max admired that. He'd always had difficulty introducing himself.

"Uh huh-" The lion said, as he slipped that hand down along Max's shoulder, claws prickling along ribs. "Cool. Cool. Hey, wow, dude. Great bulge you got here."

"Oh!" Max blushed hotly, spreading his legs obligingly as the lion reached down to cup the front of his bulging blue shorts. "I do... yes." Truthfully, nobody had ever openly complimented him like that before, and Max wasn't quite sure how to respond. "I grew it myself?"

"Damn, really?" The lion grinned. His own dick was hard, pink and prickly along his inner thigh, drooling precum from the tip. "That's amazing. I gotta see these for myself. Such potent, virile balls shouldn't be kept hidden away."

Max was finding it hard to disagree, with how the lion slipped a hand down into the front of his shorts. His toes curled and splayed as this stranger's paw wrapped around the bulk of his... everything! And pulled his nuts and sheath out into the open.

"Oh, yeahhh, wow, these are great. You know, every day, I put these bands on my nuts, and then I go out for a run and see what kind of adventure I can get into. I set myself a goal, ya know?" The lion said, as he warmly palmed and stroked along the rounded eggs inside Max's soft, snug pouch.

"Uh, oh, really? I noticed, I mean, I saw your bands..." Max panted, back stiffening as the lion casually, firmly pulled and stretched the heavy nuts away from his groin, over his waistband. "What kind of.. goal? I could use some motivation myself! Heh."

"Oh, you know, whatever I wanna do." The lion licks his lips as he slides his hands to cup the two nuts, his thumbs sliding to rest on top of them. "Sometimes I suck off dudes behind the Wendy's, ya know? Would you like that, stud? You wanna cum your hot alpha cum down my wet throat? Wanna breed me?"

"What are you-" Max panted, his dick thickening at the embarrassment of being exposed in public. A sleek jaguar diverted around the two, careful not to be seen looking over at the two, and Max struggled not to cover his face. "Dude, we can't be doing this, not in public!"

"Of course we can. I can do whatever I want," The lion man said. He was ignoring Max's sheath, the white socked holster kind of rudely squeezed against the folf's belly. "I'm the king, baby, don't you know that?"

"The king? The king of.. what?" Max stammered, starting to feel a bit of nervousness. The lion's thumbs were resting squarely on top of his two eggs, pushing firmly down into them, and it was beginning to be painful. "Hey, be careful of those STUD nuts. I need those in peak condition for-"

"Sure, sure, you worry too much!" The lion chuckled, as he squeezed down further. His thumbs burrowed down into the top of Max's balls, distending them inwards, and giving Max the unending, flagrant agony of a continuous kick into the testicles. "Oh, look, the alpha wolf has attracted some bitches."

It was true - a male and female fox had been walking by, holding hands and enjoying the warm sun, but now they were watching Max and his lion buddy on the park bench. Max blanched, the pain rolling in his gut making him sick to his stomach, but the two foxes were clearly interested in the folf. He shifted on the park bench, grasping at his sheath as the two watched. He looked down, feeling his dick hard in his paw already, and bucked his hips upwards, so that he could get to the sheath and roll it down, over that bright pink shaft. He looked back to the foxes, to see if they were still watching.

They were. In fact, the vixen, a buxom one in a pink bikini, had her phone out and was streaming the encounter. The jaguar jogger had paused in his second spin around the park as well, jogging in place behind the two foxes. Max tried to keep his expression cool and confident, despite the way the lion was digging his thumbs into his plump, tender berries.

"Fuck yeah, play with my nuts, slut," Max barked, giving a roguish, charming grin to the jaguar. "This guy can't get enough offff--OW!"

The king was being MUCH more aggressive, crushing his palms firmly together. Teeth gritted and bared, he ground his paws together, all of his fingers crushing inwards and into the folf's precious sex meat.

"Wait!" Max panted, trying not to squirm, kicking his legs out as tears brimmed in his eyes. "Too much, you're going to rupture my nuts!"

"Yeah, that's kind of the point," The lion said, and bore down even harder.

"Oh, fuck," the male fox said. "That folf is totally letting King Mange wreck his balls. Oh shit he's gonna get castrated. You filming this sweetie?"

"Sure am," The vixen replied, smirking deviously. Max squealed, still holding his cock, still squeezing and rubbing it. He'd forgotten to pretend he wasn't getting off on this. "What a perv."

"No-" Max said, as he felt the lion relax his grip, before crushing his nuts into paste between his savage, uncaring hands. "My balls, MY BALLS! I NEED THEM! NO! NOOOOO!"


Max had let go of his cock at the last second, grasping the back of the bench and thrusting his hips up into the air. He couldn't help it! He was cumming! His short little pink dick fountained white pearls of folf cum up into the air, shortly before his balls exploded, chunks of meat splatching outwards and upwards. His cum made it to his belly button in soft white streaks of seed, but his balls? They festooned the folf's chest, landing in the lion's rangy mane, a piece of them even landing right on the tip of the lion's cock with a quivering glistening splat.

The onlookers jeered at the pathetic folf cumming from his own emasculation. Max tried to stammer out an explanation, that he was cumming BEFORE his balls exploded, that he wasn't a perv, but the idea of it seemed too complicated too hard. It's not like anyone would have believed it.

He stared up, wearily, exhausted and broken, at the lion who climbed up from the bench. King Mange plucked a piece of pink tissue from his nose and slurped it off his hand.

"Your balls popped SO easy, dude. It's kind of embarrassing. Great for me, though." He slapped at his purple nuts. "I have enough time to go twist off someone else's nuts, if I'm lucky."

"Wait, your goal was to... pop my balls? The whole time?!" Max said, reaching out as the lanky lion disappeared back into the raspberry bushes, heading towards the public bathrooms.

Max slumped down, frowning. This sucked. His balls were splattered all over the bench, over his folded up shirt, even staining the pages of his favorite book. A shadow loomed over him, and he looked up, to see the jaguar jogger, reaching down to offer him a hand.

Max took it, gratefully. He used it to stand up - and was immediately spun around, his hand being pulled behind his back.

"You're under arrest for public indecency," the jaguar spat, as he handcuffed Max's hands together behind his back. "For exposing yourself in a sexual manner, and for feeding the homeless."

"Wait, that's a crime?!" Max cried, as the officer began frog-marching him across the park. "No, wait, please, let me at least pull up my shorts."

"Don't worry, shrimp dick, nobody's gonna notice THAT," the jaguar sneered. He walked the folf past everyone in the park, and even the musician stopped rattling on his steel drum, covering his mouth at the pathetic pink dick hanging over the tatters of a ruined sack, still oozing cum. "You have bigger things to worry about."



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