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Merry Christmas everyone! I love you all and I hope you are having a wonderful holiday 🥰 I hope you enjoy this photo set and are looking forward to the Lola bunny photo set later on this month too 😄 Signed prints for both will be available on Etsy on December 29th if you are interested! 😁 Anyway thank you all so much for an amazing year; I still have a few more videos before the year is over but every chance I get to tell you all that I love you is special to me. Never forget that I am so incredibly grateful for you all and for the discord family. I love you all, and Merry Christmas 🥰 Looking forward to another fun year with you 💖




Merry Christmas Raven! The photo shoot is amazing!! 🎄❤️

Daniel Restaro

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 🥂


Merry Christmas 🎅


Looking Beautiful, Happy Holidays !


Just gorgeous Merry Christmas


Ah the Raven socks 🤣