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Here's a sequence featuring Dabi from My Hero Academia. The idea was suggested by TPoN.

"Anyways, my idea was that Dabi ends up discovering a quirked guy who’s able to create some sort of growth potion using his quirk to create the main ingredient for it. Rather simply, once he discovers this, Dabi kidnaps the guy and makes him make a ton of it, and makes him massage it into his muscles to grow him bigger, at the risk of being eaten if he doesn’t :3"

After hearing the reports of a new student with a quirk that could "power up others", Dabi offered himself to try to get this guy to join their forces. But what he really wanted was to see this quirk in action, and if it worked well..to keep it for himself!

And so Dabi learned about his whereabouts, followed him to school, and waited until he was off class so he could corner him in an alley. The guy was pretty easy to overpower, as it seems that he could only power up others, but not himself. This made it awfully easy for Dabi to just take him away.

The next thing the new quirk user could see was him being inside a dimly lit room, sitting on a chair in the middle of it. He tried to get up, but he was tied up, barely able to move.

He was struggling, until he could hear that a door behind him opened...and closed, followed by the sould of a key locking a door. The guy wasn't able to see who it was, but there was no need, as the intimidating Dabi nonchalantly walked in front of the new quirk user.

"I've heard many things about you, new one. Your quirk sounds pretty cool...mind showing me how it works?"

Dabi asked while smiling the scariest smile this guy has ever seen. He didn't answer, he just kept on struggling to get out. Dabi wasn't sure if he was just trying to escape, or the guy was actually willing to cooperate.

"Now, now..." Dabi said while approaching closer, sitting on the guy's lap, him being frozen at having this famously dangerous individual so close...As Dabi leaned forward, and undid the ties of one of the quirk user's hands. Dabi took the freed hand, lifted his shirt up, revealing his burned abs, the guy's eyes opening wide...And proceeded to lead the guy's hand into his abs.

"Now...do it" Dabi commanded, the guy was in no place to disobey, so he just followed his orders...as he started to rub Dabi's abs with his activated quirk.

And so it begun...Dabi, delighted to see that he didn't have to do much to convince this weakling, could already feel the power of this guy's quirk...As he felt his whole body pulsing bigger.

At all times, Dabi kept the guy's hand in place with a strong grip, the guy unable to break free, leaving him with no other option for to keep on feeding this menace with more power.

He kept going and going, Dabi becoming bigger and heavier for the poor, new student, the weight starting to hurt his legs...along with the chair, which was groaning as it kept on lowering more with the increase of weight of the young villain...

*SNAP* Until the chair finally snapped, leading both young quirk uses to the ground, the new guy having the worst part of the fall, as all the increasing weight of Dabi fell into his lower body. There didn't seem to be any broken bones...but he couldn't feel his legs, probably going numb with all the weight he had to sustain with Dabi. Meanwhile, Dabi found it amusing how the lil' guy seemed so scared and in pain in the moment, loving both that, and the feeling to keep on growing bigger...

But that wasn't enough, Dabi looked down at the guy, who was under the villain's massive ass, while his obscenely huge bulge was hanging right over the guy's face...He proceeded to demand for more...as the guy quickly obeyed, and started rubbing Dabi's legs, expanding the young psycho even further.

Dabi's body kept on steadily growing, filling the whole room, his body starting to push all walls in all directions...Not only the weight was increasing, but Dabi's ass was covering more and more of the new guy's body, leaving him less and less room for him even attempt to move or escape....along with Dabi's manhood, which twitched and throbbed its way into the guy's face. The guy tried to get it off his face, but Dabi, seeing how the guy crabbed his shaft with both hands, said "...Woah, wasn't expecting you to be THAT type~...Go on then..." Dabi said commandingly, the guy somehow understanding the situation almost inmediatedly out of embarrassment and fear...But Dabi's body was so big and heavy already...surely he would like to stop...right?

"Hey! Who told you to stop?...What? Getting too heavy for ya?" Dabi cockily asked, confirming the guy's fears...The young titan still wasn't satisfied...and so the guy had to start massaging the musky shaft with his hands while applying his quirk...expanding the villain even further.

Surely Dabi will let go of the guy once he's big enough, right?...right?

Hope you like it.




Man you’ve made me like Dabi/Touya hehe


The idea alone of someone growing on top of you in that position is making me crazy not to mention your amazing muscle style and those face expressions are pre seducing and commanding 😍😍😍


This is SO GOOD! The sadistic glee Dabi has gaining more power while the student is helpless to stop him is really fun. I love the chair snapping and Dabi slowly growing over the kid feeding him that power. An overall amazing sequence!