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Here's a sequence featuring Chilchuck Tims from Dungeon Meshi. The idea was suggested by Etherious001. Took some liberties.

"This is from the latest dungeon meshi episode that just hit right. Chilchuck and Laios swap species, Laios to a halfling? And Chil to a rugged dilf human from mushrooms I think. Chil enjoys rubbing his new size in Laios’ face, and keeps growing and growing as he eats more things in the dungeon, till eventually Laios looks like a good snack too…"

After an incident with a strange mushroom, the whole group of adventurers switched species for some time! Thankfully, it didn't last for too long, and everyone returned to normal...except for Chilchuck for some reason, who stayed looking like a tall, tired human...

Another thing that was particularly strange about his condition, is that he was much hungrier than when he was his normal, halfling self. He kept on getting cranky and impatient when Senshi was preparing meals with the monsters they've hunted down.

This one day, Chilchuck was particularly moody about being hungry, to the point that Senshi had to cook for some extra portions...except, they werent enough for him;; Chilchuk finished his plate, and stole the others' too! And not only that, but Chilchuck seemed to be getting taller with each meal he ate! Was it something about the mushrooms Senshi used for the broth? Its not like he used the ones that switched their species before...

Chilchuck not only was getting taller, but beefier too! In a matter of seconds, not only he was the tallest of the group, but the most muscular one! Dwarving everyone else's size as he grew!

Once he finished his several meals, Chilchuck decided to lay down to sleep, starting to snore in a few seconds. The others took it as a chance to rest as well, setting a camping tent next to their bigger companion...who was too big to fit in the tent. He was a nice source of heat, his massive body letting out some nice body warmth from the healthy meal he ate.

But as if things weren't chaotic enough by then, seemd like his body wasn't done digesting all the food he ate...as he started growing even more as he slept! His massive body pushing the tent into the wall, making the others feel a little too tight being pinned against the wall like that!

After an uncomfortably tight sleep, Senshi and Laios woke up to prepare breakfast. Once it was done, the fumes coming out of the pot inmediatedly woke up Chilchuck, who dozily walked over the pot, loudly yawning and scratching his body, his heavy steps being audible in the whole cave...And picked up the whole pot! His hands surprisingly not getting burned, he lifted the whole cauldron, and greedily drunk the whole broth! His belly expanding further and further with each gulp, visibly fitting the whole meal that was inside the container, leaving nothing for the rest...And if it wasn't rude enough, he lets out a loud belch as he finished, as he pulsed even bigger after that display of greed and gluttony. The others decided to not say much, as a cranky Chilchuck didn't sound like good news at that size...

The group decided to hunt down for more food...But Chilchuck was still hungry, and each creature they found ended with the same fate...Being eaten by the giant man. None of the monsters had a chance to fight back, as Chilchuck's strong arms and hands were enough to stop any creature into submission, and his legs big and long enough to reach any creature that tried to escape. Each creature just adding more and more size to Chilchuck, who only got hungrier the bigger he got. Not only eating monsters, but also giant trees and mushrooms that got in the way of his monster hunting.

Soon enough Chilchuck's size reached the ceiling of the cave they were in, his body expanding further and further, filling the whole cave, and his back pushing the ceiling further and further...


Chilchuck's mass was big and dense enough to break the ceiling, letting the giant human break into upper layers of the dungeon, structures, vegetation and creatures falling victim to the hungry beast's maw, helplessly falling down, making Chilchuck gain more mass and size by just keeping his mouth open as he broke into each layer right after another.


Soon enough, the people of the surface witnessed the sheer size of the previously small halfling...now big enough to have filled and destroyed each and every chamber of the dungeon, and surging out into the overworld....and grew even beyond that! Forests, landmarks and mountains getting pushed and destroyed by the collapsing ground, and the expanding mass of Chilchuck.

After his growth slowed into a stop, the dungeon being left as a crater that served as a snuggly seat for his, he looked down at his surroundings, the others somehow surviving the whole ordeal.

Once Chilchuck was able to recognize the small dots that his fellow adventurers were...he locked eyes into Senshi, which the dwarf inmediatedly knew what it meant..."More"...Seems like he better start working, or else they might end up being the giant human's next meal;;

Hope you like it!




lol I was planning to suggest chilchuck for the next month but so glad someone beat me to it , looks amazing


Wrong "sequence" Tag there is an "s"