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Here's a comic featuring Tidus from Final Fantasy X. The idea was suggested by BiscuitBox.

First Part: https://www.patreon.com/posts/april-2023-9-x-82055958

"Having slurped down Evrae, with a big burp and a triumphant pat of his tum, Tidus continues his assault on Bevelle to rescue Yuna and stop Seymour's plot to marry himself off to her. I was thinking there could be a confrontation between them, where Seymour either grows too or assumes his boss forms Natus, Flux, and Omnis - each one failing to get the job done. After dealing with Seymour, Tidus can have a reunion with Yuna (genderbent or otherwise) who hadn't heard yet about the sudden surge of size!"

Tidus, now able to plow through any enemy or obstacle that got in his way, was determined to stop the forced wedding between Yuna and Seymour.

Easily destroying his way towards the site of the event, the titanic young man towered the man behind the fake wedding, Seymour! And even though he was able to see how the blond monster was able to just stomp down his forces, Seymour didn't stagger. Instead, he used his magic to strengthen himself...transforming into Seymour Natus!

...At least, he thought it would help, but Tidus just laughed at his attempt..and slammed down his fists into the little wizard! Defeating him inmediatedly...and as he crushed the small villain, he was able to absorb his power, making the young giant grow even bigger!

Even though Tidus thought the fight was over, a bright light surged from underneath his fists! Flying up into the sky, where it started to take shape...and it was Seymour again! But this time, he had a new form...Seymour Flux! This time, Seymour didn't waste any time to act, and shot a powerful magic beam towards Tidus!

...or at least, it seemed powerful for normal sized people, but to Tidus, it was just giving a slight heat on his pecs. Tidus, looking down at Seymour, dissappointed in yet another attempt. Proceeded to give the small creature some pity cheering...that is, he clapped his hands together, crushing Seymour once more between his palms! Once again syphoning the great magic from the little creature, making his beefy body pulse ever bigger.

This time the fight was surely over...right?


Another bright light surged out of Tidus' hands, expanding bigger before his very eyes!

The light expanded bigger and bigger, far bigger than any normal human...until it finally took shape, Seymour's final form, Seymour Omnis!!

He was definetly big, bigger than any human as previously said...the thing is...even though he was big, Tidus was HUGE! Still outsizing the giant entity by miles! The deitified wizard was inmediatedly humbled by seeing how the tanned young man was still very much bigger than him even when using all of his power...While Tidus was jsut looking down at him, trying to figure out Seymour's new, bizarre shape...and oddly tasty looking texture...

Anyway, Tidus, seeing how Seymour was staggered by Tidus' size, he decided to grab Seymour by his sides, easily lifting the smaller giant..and shoved him into his mouth! Easily slurping down the liquid body of the powerless wizard, whose struggle didn't stop Tidus from greedily swallowing his body whole! Tidus's belly expanding inmensely as he kept on drinking the fake deity.

Once he swallowed the creature whole, Tidus happily patted his belly, and let out a monstruous belch that resonated through the whole island! And as he was letting it out, his whole body pulsed bigger, and bigger and BIGGER! Dwarving every single structure in the island, his head surpassing the clouds, and his mass steamrolling through nearby buildings with him not even moving! Seems like that belch was the sign that Seymour was fully gone (and digested) by the giant blond...

Meanwhile, Yuna was at the altar, wonder what was the whole commotion...until a familiar voice called out for her...except it was much louder and booming. Noticing how she was covered by a massive shadow, she looked up, only to find two gigantic, tanned mountains hovering above her...and between them, it was Tidus' familiar cheery face, here to rescue her!

Now that Seymour was gone, there was one obstacle less for Tidus and Tuna, and decided to spend some time traveling the seas...which only reached Tidus' legs. Everyone knew that Sin was still on the loose...but Tidus was confident that he would be able to handle it with his new size and power~

Hope you like it!




"By all means try!" This turned out so good! The vore and that cute smile in the final panel in particular! The belly going so big and round after slurping up Omnis is a lovely touch! 😍

JT’s Channel

Geez, this is perfect, my dude! Love seeing Tidus grow! He deserves it. ;)