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Here's a picture featuring Agent 8 from Splatoon 3. The idea was suggested by ds.

"SPOILER FOR THE DLC. In the dlc agent 8 is climbing a tower in a very rouge like game with chips that makes his weapons and abilities stronger after each floor . How about he finds a size chip after each floor that starts to make him bigger and bulkier to the point he just stomps the hordes of enemies , he gets so big that he burst out of the tower and keeps growing to the point the top of the tower is barely reaching his waist"

8 was already pretty used to going through the Spire of Order as a sport. He tends to mix and match chips to experiment around. But once he came back in front of the Spire , he was met with marina, who announced that she developed a new Hack! This one would give him extra boosts based on the Color Combo of the chips!...but she did warn 8 that it was experimental. But 8 seemed pretty excited to give it a try! So he activated it right away~

Aware of the effects of the hack, he decided to go all Attack for the Color Chips! It started pretty swiftly, easily being able to one shot most enemies...and much easier as he kept on going on to the upper floors, gathering more strength! He felt great!

It was until the later floors where Pearl decided to announce something... 8's body started expanding! Marina sat dawn and started analyzing 8's stats...seems like the combo has gone so far, to the point that the bonus started to go through "Overdrive"!...As the numbers kept on increasing every second, so did 8's size! The whimpy Octoling slowly but surely filling more and more of the elevator with his expanding mass...until things got a little cramped for him and everyone else!


Meanwhile, Smollusk was waiting at the top of the Spire, bored of waiting with how long it was taking 8 to arrive...until he heard a loud crash! He looked over at the elevator, thinking that it was just 8 arriving...and it was! Except that it was 8's MASSIVE head surging from below!...Followed by two, gigantic, pillowy AND expanding pecs!

Smollusk was getting prepared to run away...but 8's growing pecs were faster, as his pec pushed Smollusk into the expanding flesh...the incredible speed that his body was growing made Smollusk feel like he was being pushed by a meteor at an incredible speed! THe poor lil guy scared out of his life.

Soon enough, 8 destroyed the whole Spire...his whole body having outgrown it, AND dwarved it...as it only reached the height of 8's calves;; 8 was embarrassed with how exposed his massive body was exposed for the whole Order Sector to see...his head even crashing through the ceiling of the whole virtual world!

Smollusk finally calmed down after the high speed adventure...now getting comfortable on top of 8's pillowy pec. Meanwhile, Pearl safely flew both Marina and Acht tto the ground...Marina stressed over the fact that she'll have t rebuild the spire, look into how to fix the strength bonus glitch...and look into if the tear of the Order Sector could lead to more glitches and corruption...

But the question is...would 8 like to get rid of that size? Whooo knows~




This was so fun to look thru! The growth was amazing (as always) but my favorite part was definitely Smollusk’s expressions 😆


Smollusk's little attempt to run aaaaaaaaaa