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Happy Saturday Supporters!

We've got heavy rain and thunderstorms down here in otherwise sunny Miami, and as such we've been dealing with patchy internet and threatening power outages. Nothing too drastic, but the state of Florida have issued a permanent flood watch in our area. That aside everything is fine, but I thought it best to postpone the Daz+ stream we had tentatively planned a couple of weeks ago. We'll do that on the last Saturday of June instead, I hope I'll see you there.

In the meantime, I've been able to record a much better second take of the Chaos Cloth demo! This version highlights the benefits of using it even for follower clothing compared to merged figure/clothing and shows all the other goodies too. I even got away with much less crashes, perhaps even no crashes at all! Have fun with this: https://vimeo.com/956814232/7cfef52af0

In other news, I posted yesterday's Game Animation Sample as a short on my channel and it unexpectedly blew up with the shorts crowd! Most viewers were concerned my Daz character wasn't wearing any underwear. Totally not true of course, but I blame YouTube's compression for them not spotting that. My favourite comment was "what game is this", so perhaps there's a market for "Dress in Distress" after all (thanks for the title suggestion, Brian!). Here's the video, in case you've missed it: https://youtube.com/shorts/Z7dh4SjHmik

In somewhat disturbing news, my main workstation has developed some severe issues around Windows explorer. Randomly copy/paste stops working, explorer doesn't refresh after I create or rename folders, and Firefox prevents Photoshop and Premiere form opening sometimes. There's no reason for it, but I feel it's time to refresh this thing and I'm having Windows download it's "repair" version now to give it ago. Wish me luck that it doesn't take away too many of my remaining hours on this planet, and may it all happen with a minimum of data loss.

That's all I have for today. Don't forget to pick up all the daily birthday gifts on the Blendermarket, it's always nice to get presents when it's someone else's birthday. 

Stay dry, stay safe, and stay creative.


Chaos Cloth Edit v2

Learn how to use Daz Clothing as Chaos Cloth in Unreal Engine. No more clipping and merged meshes! With Chaos Cloth we can send the character and clothing separately, add cloth physics and even swap out clothing without the need for modular character setups. Note that the system is a little beta and flaky at the time of recording, but I can see this is going places. Enjoy!


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