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In today's early access episode I'll show you how to automatically align motions in iClone. This process works well when a new animation is applied from the library, but when we take out part of an existing animation it does not. I'll show you a trick to make it work though. Enjoy!

There's a little story behind this video actually: I reached out to Reallusion recently to ask if they had an affiliate programme. Those schemes don't make me rich, but provide a few extra coffees a month. Whenever someone buys a product through one of my links, I get a small commission. So if you buy Daz content for example, and you go via https://wpguru.tv/daz just before checkout, I get a cut at no extra cost to you (and it's always greatly appreciated).

A few days later, someone nice from Reallusion got back to me and said he liked my channel, and that they are very happy to add me as an affiliate for their content (yey). They also suggested that I should apply as a Reallusion Certified Trainer, given the knowledge I have with other applications and pipelines.

While flattering, I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of iClone let alone Character Creator. I'm certainly learning more about it all the time, and it's a great app to use, but I don't think I'm at a point where I can call myself qualified teacher for this thing. Nevertheless my contact made it clear that it would speed the whole affiliate thing up a bit, so I took a look at the application form and... sure enough, I'm definitely not qualified to even fill that thing out 😄. What a surprise!

Part of the process was to make a video about any iClone topic of my choice, which is why I've made this video here (and also because  I didn't want to forget this particular trick). I also had to upload a complete iClone project, which of course I didn't have so yeah, I gave that a miss. I've explained all this to my contact but haven't heard back in a while so the whole thing may not happen. At least we get another video out of it and the notion that at least I gave it a shot 😎

I hope you've had a great weekend. Mine was fantastic: I've finally worked out how to use control rigs in Unreal Engine and wrote an article about it. I've also managed to record two videos about the process, which will be beneficial when it comes to animating any rigged object in your Unreal projects. I'll edit those this week and share them with you as soon as they're ready.

On a completely unrelated note, I've bought a couple of special edition Lamy fountain pens and several ink samples that I'm having fun with. Who knew long hand writing would be so inspirational?

Have a wonderful week and stay creative!


Aligning Animations with Forward Motion in iClone

In this episode I'll show you how to automatically align motions in iClone. This process works well when a new animation is applied from the library, but when we take out part of an existing animation it does not. I'll show you a trick to make it work though. Enjoy!


Joe Joyner

Jay, Thanks much for your latest video. I’ve been a hobbyist at this stuff since 2007 when I was introduced to iClone 2.5 by a former colleague and officemate in the mathematics department at my community college. We wrote and were awarded a small technology grant to use iClone to create short math intro videos. I was bitten by the 3DCG bug and the swelling hasn’t gone down yet. :) Congratulations on your recent fountain pen purchases. I’ve been a fountain pen enthusiast since my junior high school days many decades ago. I’ve acquired a few pens (standard and calligraphy) over the decades although I’m by no means a collector. I’ll not be buying an $800 fountain pen, for example. $50 or so is my ballpark. I need to get back into more non-digital writing and calligraphy again.

Jay Versluis

Oh really, you're into fountain pens too? How exciting! I had no idea it was a hobby until recently. I've only recently re-discovered the joy of longhand writing thoughts and notes, and like you I feel I'm giving screens too much attention. Pen and paper are great to think out loud, make productivity lists and all kinds of other things. I used to do this years ago, then transitioned to an electronic version of it, but it's not the same. Tell me more about your collection! I'm into the Lamy pens and have been experimenting with different ink samples. Did you know that bottled ink is more popular in the US than over in Europe? When I grew up, we all had cartridges, and I still find them more practical for daily use. Bottled ink certainly has advantages, but it can get messy fast 😁