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In retrospect, he shouldn't have been surprised by what he found after running outside.

The signs had been there. He'd known that Harpies were being kidnapped by Elnaril, and that scouts weren't being sent to spy on the coalition, implying that something obscene was about to appear. Rob probably could've connected those dots together if he'd tried, but in his defense, he hadn't wanted to. Sometimes it was better for a person's sanity to ignore the pessimistic whispers of their subconscious and hope that the worst-case scenario never came to pass.

This was not one of those times.

A humanoid behemoth of flesh and feathers stood in the center of the street, engaged in combat with five coalition members. The abomination was thrice as tall as any man. Limbs, hands, muscles, organs, and faces had been stitched together in an unholy marriage of biomass. Veins of Corruption were tightly woven across its body, like sewing threads binding its form together. The faces on the surface of its body alternated between silence and screaming, intermittently gaining brief, fleeting moments of sentience to contemplate the agony of their existence.

On the surface, it looked like an extremely fucked-up Blightspawn. Unfortunately, even before casting Identify, Rob had already realized what it actually was. He'd seen its like during the Corruption epidemic in Fiendland. This was not a horror born from mana or the Blight; it was one born from people.

Name: Harpy Amalgamation
Level: 48
Status Effects: Union
Description: MY SKIN IT–

He shut the Identify screen before he read the rest of the Description. There wasn't a reason to see that right now. Instead, Rob activated Quick Thinking, taking stock of the hellscape he'd walked into. Aside from the Amalgamation engaged in combat nearby, he could see reinforcements up in the sky, flying above on misshapen wings. His ears picked up more Amalgamations battling in other parts of the city, and every now and then he would hear a sound of crumpling wood, as if the creatures were bursting out of hiding.

So many lives. He attempted to push the thought away, but it stuck in his mind like a weight around his neck. A single one of those revolting abominations looked like it was the product of at least fifteen Harpies merged together. Fifteen individuals with hopes and dreams and desires – reduced to building blocks for Elnaril's arts and crafts project.

It was somehow even more disturbing than the Fiend Amalgamations from months ago. Those were born when Fiends in close proximity became overly inundated with Corruption. The Fiends' mana-based bodies were especially susceptible to it, resulting in lovely side effects such as...well, melting. While horrific, it felt more incidental; a byproduct of Corruption interacting with Fiend biology.

Creating these Harpy Amalgamations must have taken effort. Experimentation. Intent. All for the purpose of turning innocent people into shock troopers that were an affront to all that was good in the world.

Rob summoned his longsword, a familiar rage smoldering within him. His sole regret was that he couldn't aim it at the person...the monster who truly deserved it. Yet. For the Amalgamations, he felt no malice; only pity. Hold still. I'll end your suffering.

He moved – and just like that, everything changed. Until then, the Harpy Amalgamation had been fending off four Combat Class users and one Thunder Rod wielder on its own. While a normal monster of equal Levels would've been overwhelmed by then, an Amalgamation was anything but normal, and the coalition soldiers were understandably hesitant to get near the fucking thing. Their battle was essentially at a stalemate.

Then several faces stitched on the creature's back spotted Rob dashing forward. All of its mouths screeched in unison as the Amalgamation dove into the fray, sensing that its death was approaching, and trying to do as much damage as it could in its final moments. Offensive Skills tore its flesh to shreds, yet it had flesh to spare, and no regard for preserving its mockery of a life.

Four sets of hands reached a Dwarven Lancer and grabbed his limbs. A sickly snapping of bones rang throughout the streets, and the Lancer barely had time to scream before a fifth hand grasped his skull and crushed it inwards. Dropping the remains without a care, the Amalgamation turned on a Thunder Rod wielder and seized her arm with speed that shouldn't have been possible for a creature of its size. Mouths wailing, the abomination turned and hurled the Dwarf directly at a stone building.

Rob tried. He honestly did. Rampage spam and the Bracelet of Teleportation put him mere inches away from the Dwarf, her hand missing his by inches. He averted his eyes, but he could still hear the nauseating crunch of the Thunder Rod wielder impacting stone, her low-Level body offering little protection against inertia.

In the scant seconds that Rob was distracted, the Amalgamation pounced on another target. The creature's body had been torn asunder, hanging by threads, yet what did fatal injuries matter to something that should have never lived at all? Its next prey swung a mighty hammer that caved in the Amalgamation's chest, and the faux deathblow did nothing to stop hundreds of pounds of meat and sinew from grappling the Dwarf in place.

As if giving a tender hug, the Amalgamation hunched forward and pressed the soldier to its ruined chest, flesh-wings embracing the both of them. It pressed further, sinking the Dwarf into its torso with a squelch that made Rob want to bleach his ears. Panicked cries for help became muffled, then disappeared entirely as the Dwarf disappeared as well, their body now a compacted part of the whole.

Rob forced down the bile threatening to rise to the top of his throat. A couple more Rampages put him next to the Amalgamation. It was close to collapsing, and the remaining two Dwarves likely could have finished it off on their own, but he wasn't taking any chances. Imbue Vitality.

He swung his sword in a one-handed blow. With that same uncanny speed, the Amalgamation shifted to the side, narrowly avoiding Rob's killshot. Having expected some bullshit like that, he reached out with his other hand, injecting a heavy dose of Purge Corruption energy directly into the abomination's system.

It immediately broke apart. Like age-worn strings that had snapped all at once, the Corruptive veins binding the Amalgamation shattered, reducing the profane fusion to a pile of lifeless, mangled body parts. Enough for several Harpy families and one crushed Dwarf.

The surviving Dwarves stared at the flesh pile with haunted expressions. Rob wanted to offer condolences for their fallen allies, but he was drawing a hard blank on what he could possibly say to raise their spirits. Considering that the Dwarves had fought a repulsive monstrosity and watched their friends dispatched in equally repulsive ways, a standard pep talk reeeeally wasn't going to cut it. This was definitely a scenario where he would've benefited from Diplomacy riding shotgun in his head.

It didn't help that he was busy mulling over his last attack on the Amalgamation. Although Purge Corruption did its job in the end, there'd been a sort of resistance when he pushed its energy into the Amalgamation. It reminded him of the Corrupted Leviathan; that beast's stolen body had acted as something of an insulator. If the Harpy Amalgamations followed the same principle, then Purge Corruption would still be effective, but not a near-instant kill like it was against Blights or Blightspawn.

Group Message Sent
Rob: Killed one. How many are left?
Meyneth: Dozens, from what we can surmise.
Keira: I've killed two of them. Assisting the Merfolk now.
Rob: Focus on minimizing casualties. They'll ignore you and go straight for the soldiers.
Rob: Elnaril is more than willing to take the resource hit to reduce our numbers.
Vul'to: Soul Shield is proving effective at warding off the Amalgamations.
Rob: Good. Keep it up and watch yourselves. No heroic sacrifices allowed.
Keira: Agreed – as long as you adhere to your own advice, for once.

Oh, fine. Closing the Message window, he revised his battle strategies going forward. The Dwarves continued their stunned mourning. Silence reigned.

For a grand total of three seconds. Distorted screeches resounded from above. Rob looked up to see a fresh pair of Amalgamations flying directly towards them.

He didn't hesitate. "Go regroup with Nerasi. Protect yourselves. I honestly don't know if I can." The Dwarves grimaced, then nodded, taking off running without a word of protest. They'd witnessed what could happen if an Amalgamation ignored him and went on a suicide charge.

Rob chugged MP Potions to restore some of what he'd lost while Rampaging, then opened his Party Screen. Everyone in Riardin's Rangers was okay, except for Faelynn, who was still recovering from Elnaril's Living Bombs.

Faelynn. His legs a blur, Rob dashed into the winery and leapt downstairs to the basement. Faelynn's injuries had largely healed, but her eyes were closed, having slipped back into unconsciousness. The two Merfolk and Harpy Warrior were there as well, gazing up at him with unsaid questions.

"Protect her with your life," he snapped, vacuuming the leftover HP Potions on the floor into Spatial Storage. "That's a goddamn order." Rob raced out of the winery, exiting just before a Harpy Amalgamation touched down and started to advance on his position.

Group Message Sent
Rob: Is there anyone who can spare backup?
Orn'tol: Malika and I have killed the only Amalgamation near our location. Why?
Rob: Faelynn is down. Not from the Amalgamations. Will explain later.
Malika: What?!?!
Malika: We'll be over right away!
Zamira: She's – oh gods, why didn't I check the Party Screen?
Zamira: I am defending a large group. Please protect her in my stead.
Rob: Will do.

His gaze was drawn to the second Amalgamation. Unlike its ally, this one hadn't chosen to descend. Based on its trajectory, it was heading straight for the Dwarves who'd retreated earlier. Rob summoned a crate of Firebombs, timed it carefully, then chucked it up into the air. Throwing Proficiency guided his aim, helping him nail the Amalgamation right as it passed overhead.

There wasn't time to wait and see if he'd successfully diverted its attention – the first Amalgamation was already upon him. It was no less grotesque than the original, its body comprised of twisted, tortured flesh that could only have been the product of a truly diseased mind. Rob sprinted forward, taking the fight away from the winery. If Elnaril was manually controlling the creatures, then he might get the bright idea of checking downstairs to see who'd survived the Living Bombs, and Faelynn was in no condition to defend herself.

Imbue Vitality was on cooldown, so Rob went for another Purge. Now that he knew what to expect, the Amalgamation's unnatural dexterity didn't surprise him. The hulking behemoth shifted to the side, avoiding Rob as if his outstretched hand was a descending guillotine, but the creature's size worked against it in this case, making it a bigger target. One touch was all that was needed.

Rob's fingertips brushed the Amalgamation's wings. In that instant, he expelled as much Purging energy as he could muster. He encountered the same resistance as before, like a makeshift damn holding back a raging torrent. If Rob had managed to get a grip on the wing, the dam would have crumbled entirely, but it offered just enough protection to prevent the abomination's Corruption-ridden flesh from coming undone.

That didn't mean it came out unscathed. The Amalgamation backed off and took to the air, its limbs twitching erratically as smoke rose from its ruined, bubbling exterior. An aroma of charred, decaying flesh suffused the area, prompting Rob to temporarily deactivate his Heightened Senses. Vowing to never smell again, he sharpened his focus, preparing for the Amalgamation's next attack.

It flew upwards and began to escape.

Rob's mouth fell open, dumbfounded. He could count on one hand the number of times he'd seen the Blight or its creatures flee a battle. They almost always fought to the last, even when doing so was an exorbitantly stupid idea. At first he thought Elnaril was directing the Amalgamation to run away, but its movements seemed identical to before; there was no sign of it being puppeted by an external force. The creature had simply decided – of its own independent volition – that Rob wasn't worth the trouble.

Which was bad news. Rob, no matter how hard he flapped his arms, was incapable of flight. He couldn't kill the Amalgamations if they kept avoiding him and going for softer targets. And the less of them he killed, the more coalition casualties there'd be.

Enmity, he thought, casting his Skill at the Amalgamation. Come and fight me, you fucking coward. What followed would've been a strange sight if his standards for 'strange' weren't skewed to high heaven. The Amalgamation froze in mid-air, its layered muscles tensing and un-tensing. Six of the faces sewn onto its exterior turned to glare at Rob, their eyes filled with hatred as they let out a shriek of zealous barbarism. The rest were unaffected.

After a few seconds, it won the battle against itself and continued to ascend. Enmity seemed to be less effective when used on creatures with a gestalt mind. Rob summoned another crate of Firebombs and prepared to throw, hoping that the Amalgamation couldn't dodge correctly in its weakened state. Hopefully he'd wound it enough so that whoever it attacked next would survive the encounter.

Cutting winds zipped in from the side and sliced a wing to pieces. The Amalgamation lurched, its remaining wing no longer capable of supporting its weight. More winds cut in, eviscerating the second wing just as ruthlessly, ensuring that the Amalgamation's fashion sense stayed nice and symmetrical. The creature screeched as it fell to the ground, landing directly on top of a giant earthen spike that rose to meet it.

Huh. Problem solved. Rob turned his head to find Malika – and for some reason, Goroth – sprinting towards him. Orn'tol was positioned at the opposite end of the street, hanging back as he shot arrows at the Amalgamation that had elected to ignore Rob. It wouldn't die, but it would be severely injured when it next landed, easy pickings for a careful squad of soldiers.

Well, easier.

"Thanks for the aid," Rob said, as Malika and Goroth approached him. "I really need to get a jetpack or something. Flying enemies are an exercise in frustration."

"Whatever a jetpack is, I want one too," the young Archmage professed. "By your glib tone, can I assume that Faelynn is safe?"

It's either gallows humor or I stop to think about how those Dwarves were killed. "She's mostly okay," Rob said, jabbing his thumb at the winery. "Long story short: the meeting with Harpy 'rebels' was a trap. Stuff exploded, and for once, it wasn't 'cause of me. Faelynn got heavily injured and concussed. Her wounds should be almost healed by now thanks to shared Lifedrinker Regeneration, although she'll probably be woozy for the rest of the day."

Malika clenched her fists, murder in her eyes. "I am going to call a thousand piercing thunderbolts upon Elnaril's feathered head."

"You'll have to get in line." Rob glanced at Goroth. "Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but why are you here? Shouldn't you be rallying the Fiends?"

"The Fiends are sufficiently rallied. I grouped them into defensive positions – the Amalgamations' Corruption-ridden nature poses a serious threat to our biology. As for myself, I am here on behalf of Fiend territory to secure the safety of its highest-Level Combat Class user. Faelynn is our race's most valuable asset."

His grim countenance softened. "Which made for an excellent justification to come here. I've known Faelynn since she was a child. I trained her, wished for her to rise to greater heights. She deserves more than an ignoble death in foreign territory. This should not be where she falls."

The last of Rob's lingering antipathy towards Goroth dissipated in that moment. Why are you making it so difficult to be annoyed with you? He cleared his thoughts, resolving to stop being a baby and actually have a talk with the Fiend later. For now, there were enemies to kill.

He turned towards Orn'tol, who was still on the opposite end of the street, firing arrows at the second Amalgamation's retreating form. Rob cupped his hands around his mouth. "Hey–"

The building beside Orn'tol erupted into a shower of dust and debris. A Harpy Amalgamation emerged from the cloud, its mouths practically salivating. Rob didn't know if it had been hiding in that house, or if it simply barreled through from one side to the next, but the result was the same: an ambush on a distracted target.

Orn'tol was the swiftest person in the coalition. His high Dexterity and Flight of the Coward made him nearly untouchable when fleeing an enemy. All of those advantages meant nothing as twisted fingers curled around his ankle, then squeezed, fracturing bone with the Strength of fifteen Harpies empowered by the Blight's essence.

Even with the Amalgamation's many mouths howling cries of victory, Orn'tol's scream rose above them.

Rob wasn't sure when he'd started running; only that he was. His heartbeat pounded in his ears. Step of the Wind encircled his legs. The rest of the world faded away as he laser-focused on the scene playing out before his eyes. More harrowing snaps resounded from across the street. The snap of Orn'tol's other ankle. The snap of his bow. The snap of his wrists as he struggled in vain.

Run faster. The Amalgamation's chest split open. Run faster. A teeth-lined cavity of pulsating Corruption revealed itself. Run faster. It brought Orn'tol closer. Run faster run faster run faster run faster.

Just then, seven faces on the Amalgamation's body quieted, their eyes beginning to glow. The abominable Mage Circle sent a furious gust of wind at Rob, so powerful that it tore up the ground in its wake. He planted his feet, cast Rampage to retain his forward momentum, and it wasn't enough. The wind pushed him away, sending him back farther than where he'd started.

No thoughts passed through his mind, only an unfiltered note of panic and horror as Orn'tol was brought inside the Amalgamation's torso, the chest cavity sealing shut a moment after.

"LET HIM GO!" Malika bellowed, sounding more desperate than he'd ever heard her. "LET HIM GO! YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM FROM ME!" Another bolt of lightning raced across the street, missing by a hair. She'd been launching spells the whole time, yet the creature was too far away, able to see her attacks coming and dodge.

Rob could do nothing except run again. The Harpy hadn't fled, incapable of taking to the skies while Malika's spells pinned it down. If he could just reach it–

A gust of wind stymied him. Reversed his progress. Couldn't. Wasn't working. Adrenaline coursed through him; not the excitement of a battle high, but the hysteria of witnessing something he refused to comprehend.

Party Screen.

Guerilla Ranger: 67
HP: 582 / 659
Stamina: 361 / 400
MP: 426 / 630
Status Effects: Crushed Bones (Ankles, Wrists), Lacerations (Moderate), Bleeding (Minor), Corruption (-301)

Still time. Keep. Trying.

His feet moved. His muscles pushed to their limit. He failed. Malika fired spells. She pulled out every element in her arsenal. She failed. Effort couldn't change reality – they were out of position, and their enemy had an easier win condition than them. The Amalgamation knew it couldn't win a fight, so it didn't even try.

And as it dodged, the hourglass filled.

343 / 438
Status Effects: Crushed Bones (Ankles, Wrists), Lacerations (Heavy), Bleeding (Moderate), Corruption (-522)

Rob had never felt more aware of his own body. The hair on his neck, the blood in his veins, the vibrations of his skin. He willed it to move faster, pushed harder, to...

To do something.

He was Level 87. So much power. Why didn't...why wasn't it helping? What use was Vitality when...


87 / 101
Status Effects: Crushed Bones (Ankles, Wrists), Lacerations (Severe), Bleeding (Severe), Corruption (-849)

About nine seconds had passed. In Rob's mind, they'd been at this for hours. Every instant was excruciating. His throat was closing, his thoughts lost in a haze. He sent frantic prayers to whatever would listen. The Skills, the system, even the gods.

Nobody answered.

Except for one. Goroth, having skirted the battlefield to avoid the gusts of wind, leaped in from the side. The Amalgamation was too laser-focused on Rob and Malika to notice his ambush. With a vengeful war cry, Goroth raked his claws over the creature's flesh, slicing its Mage-faces to ribbons. The gusts of wind immediately faded.

He wasn't done there. Goroth turned his claws on the Amalgamation's torso and carved it open. A multitude of grasping hands reached out, yet he ignored them, unphased by the snapping of his bones. Goroth widened the hole, working fast, knowing that he had mere moments before he was fully restrained. With one final push of exertion, he plunged his free arm inside and ripped out Orn'tol, tossing him backwards in the same motion.

The last thing Rob saw before Goroth was pulled into the creature was the Fiend giving him a determined, satisfied nod.

Rob caught Orn'tol out of the air. He laid him down gently, producing HP Potions from Spatial Storage. The boy was no longer breathing.

9 / 12
Status Effects: Crushed Bones (Ankles, Wrists), Lacerations (Severe), Bleeding (Severe), Corruption (-938), Breathless (Failing Lungs), Unconscious

Time seemed to hold still.

There were two options moving forward. The first was to quickly Purge some of Orn'tol's Corruption, feed him an HP Potion, then rush to help Goroth. It was risky. Orn'tol was in a bad, bad state. Half-assing his healing could result in his body going into shock and shutting down entirely. Rob had seen it happen to some Fiends during the Corruption epidemic, even when he was doing everything right. In this scenario, Orn'tol might live, and Goroth might live, yet neither was guaranteed.

The alternative was to commit fully to Orn'tol's recovery. Those extra seconds spent fixing him would be a death sentence for Goroth. Fiends were particularly susceptible to Corruption, and his Vitality wasn't as high as someone like Orn'tol, nor did he benefit from Rob's shared defensive Skills. In this scenario, Orn'tol would likely live, and Goroth would definitely die.

It wasn't even a choice. Rob knelt down and painstakingly removed the Corruption from Orn'tol's body. He didn't allow the extensive practice he'd accrued from the Corruption epidemic to be diminished by his frayed nerves. At his side, Malika sobbed as she poured HP Potions down Orn'tol's throat, closing his wounds and stemming his bleeding. Without shared Platelet Party, the boy would have already bled out before they could start at all.

Bit-by-bit, the color returned to Orn'tol's cheeks. Finally, mercifully, he began to breathe once again.

196 / 950
Status Effects: Crushed Bones (Ankles, Wrists), Lacerations (Moderate), Bleeding (Mild), Unconscious

That was the best they could do for now. Any more than four Potions would be rejected by his body. Shared Regeneration would take care of the rest.

Rob checked Orn'tol, then double-checked him. 100% certain that the boy would be okay, he turned his attention to the Harpy Amalgamation, his hands shaking with intent.

The clash that followed was barely worth noting. Without magic to protect it, Rob was able to simply run up and slaughter the creature as Malika pinned it down with spells. Once it was dead, he opened a hole in its chest cavity and hurriedly pulled out Goroth.

Or what was left of him.

Rob and Malika were silent. Sounds of distant battle echoed from across the city.

Eventually, Rob spoke up, because someone had to. "Need to keep going," he muttered. "Other people need our help. Let's regroup. I'll carry Orn'tol and Faelynn. You watch my back."

Need to keep going, he repeated to himself, turning away from the pile of slush that used to be Goroth. Kill our enemies. Protect our people. That's all we can do.

If he just kept going, everything...

Everything would be fine.


Thanks for reading!



And the descent continues.


Amazing chapter


Man this was intense... Goroth knew he would die saving Orn'tol. Rest in peace.