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Added that qualifier in the post title to make sure I didn't freak anyone out when they glance at it in their emails.

Essentially, I'm sending this out as an update for everything that's currently being worked on. There's been a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes!

1. Outcast Main Story
No changes here. The series is still set to end on Book 6. Book 5 will last until Chapter...39? Ish? Depends on if some chapters end up longer or shorter than anticipated. After Book 5 finishes, I'll be taking a several week break to finish planning Book 6 and recharge. There won't be a Side Story 3 this time, because [redacted for spoilers].

2. Outcast Webcomic
Can't give specific details, as this is still a long ways off, but production is proceeding smoothly. The people at Tapas who scouted Outcast have expressed a strong understanding of the story's central themes, which gives me confidence that the adaptation will be treated well.

3. My Next Solo Story After Outcast
Title pending. This is in the planning phase and will remain in the planning phase until Outcast is finished. It will have no relation to Outcast outside of being within the same genre (fantasy LitRPG). Planning is going well, and that's all I'll say on it for now.

4. The Skill Thief's Canvas
This is a story that author Rafael Kalleen (who worked on me with the Side Stories) and I have been cooking up. The plan is to get it running on a consistent release schedule well before Outcast ends. It will continue as Outcast finishes and I start releasing my untitled second solo effort, so once The Skill Thief's Canvas starts, I'll have two stories running concurrently for the foreseeable future.

Here's where you guys come in. Over the next five days, we're planning to release a sort of beta test of Skill Thief here, one chapter a day. No pressure to read it, but it you DO, feel free to give feedback. This is your opportunity to help shapes what comes next.

5. Secret Fifth Project
Oh...sorry. I haven't unlocked enough personal Prerequisites to reveal this one yet. Perhaps someday...

That's everything for now!





Giving big Sanderson vibes here

Dennis Hornsby

I genuinely don't know how I'm going to live life without outcast twice a week. I struggle the weeks you don't upload. Outcast has become such an integral part of my life this past 2 years that..... I may just die when it's over


I'm having an existential crisis for the same reasons man. Who am I if I can't be reading new Outcast chapters every week?


There's tons of stories out there these days, so I hope you can find another that can become part of your routine, even if it doesn't end up being one of mine. Royal Road and Kindle Unlimited are gold mines for readers.


I was actually just wondering (desperately hoping? pining?) when we'd get more details about The Comic. Any chance we could get a hint as to what kind of time scale a "long ways off" looks like? I am kind of hyped for the beta chapters coming up and also the new solo book off in the distance. So far I can't see any possible way they could miss the mark, and I have no clue what they're even about yet, lol.