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As the miles stretched out before them, Pete couldn't help but notice the changes in his son Jack. They were subtle at first, but now, with Jack settled into the rhythm of the road, they were becoming more pronounced. Pete glanced over at his son, who was munching on a bag of chips as they cruised down the highway.

"You know, Jack," Pete began, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement, "one of the perks of this job is the good food you get along the way. Can't blame you for indulging a bit."

Jack chuckled, wiping crumbs from his chin. "Yeah, Dad, *BURP* it's hard to resist sometimes. All those diners and truck stops with their hearty meals."

Pete nodded knowingly. "I remember when I first started out. Same thing happened to me. You start enjoying those meals a bit too much, and before you know it..." He trailed off, gesturing good-naturedly at his own midsection.

Jack grinned, patting his own belly lightly. "Looks like I'm following in your footsteps, huh? Not quite the lanky teenager I used to be”

Pete chuckled, shaking his head fondly. "Seems like it. You're getting rounder in the face and belly, just like I did when I started out. It's a badge of honor in this profession, you know."

Jack laughed, a deep, hearty sound that echoed through the cab. "I guess I'm shaping up to be heavier than you, Dad, and I'm just getting started."

Pete smiled, a swell of pride rising in his chest. "That's right, son. Embrace it. It means you're living the life of a true trucker. Hey, I know we just filled up an hour ago, but wanna stop for some milkshakes?”

“Will you buy me two?” Jack quipped back, giving his new gut a hearty slap, “I’m starving!”



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