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Hello and welcome new patrons! Thank you so much for choosing to support me! I hope you have fun here and enjoy all I have to offer. ❣️

Here is a link to the private adults only Discord server (and note if you so choose you can belong to it indefinitely I no longer have the policy of booting people who can’t show proof of continued patronage) 💓 -https://discord.gg/mrK5wnfQ

As you can see by this sketch and flat color sample, Kawitchii (aka Anna) is doing art again! Albeit in small amounts at her discretion. Right now for me she is doing the 2021 Kitti design. :3 I am very excited! If you wish to contact her to show love or interested in discussing a commission with her she checks her Twitter pretty often: https://Twitter.com/Kawitchii ( her Twitter also links to her new pages and email and such if you don’t use Twitter )

From March 13-21 I will be visiting my husbando D Knight with the family. To make most of my time I’m leaving my laptops at home but I will have my phone on in case there’s an emergency. I will have audios posted before I leave but I don’t think I will have time to schedule audios to go up while I’m away (we’ll see!). I will try to put up a Patreon exclusive before I leave that will be a scheduled post for mid week but if I don’t get to it please don’t be upset. I will try to do an extra one the week after I get back to make up for it! 🥺 But yes unless it’s an emergency (though note if it involves me using a computer it will have to wait....) I will be doing my best to enjoy my time away and if y’all can respect that it would be most appreciated. (To those who don’t know my spouse is a Sergeant in the Marine Corps and is currently away on a deployment; but during my older kid’s spring break I have the opportunity to visit with him along with taking the family to explore the area. Also hi yes I’m a mom to two kids one is 7 and the other is 9 months it’s part of why my schedule is so erratic XD )

I am working on something big. I’ve been talking to 11 other VAs/ASMR RPers and hopefully all of them stay in. It’s a big collab going up on the channel to celebrate 40k subscribers. Though it will have a quirk! Audience can vote on the other people’s characters presented in the collab and the winning creator gets a $40 gift from me. Just to make it kinda different. 🤷‍♀️ So yes when I get everyone’s bits I will take time to work on that and hopefully it will go up right before I go on my trip!

Just a heads up I don’t really take requests for audios. Though for y’all I will put up audio ideas and polls to get your feedback. Hope that works for you! Not doing requests comes from a (albeit not great) personality trait of mine where I don’t like being told what to do creatively. 😅 I will do it for customs obviously but general requests my brain is like “nope I take orders from NO ONE”. But yes a perk for all patrons is getting a first look at some audio and character ideas with the ability to offer feedback.

This might be a weird week as my baby the little fox has either bad allergies or a head cold. She’s very stuffed up and the medicine I have for her doesn’t work for long. Because of it she’s been sleeping like crap. And because it’s the quietest time I do my recording in the middle of the night. Please send positive vibes the wee 🦊 gets better very soon!

Again thank you all for your support! As well as your love and patience with me. It really means a great deal. 💕 I will do all I can to show my appreciation by giving back to you! Stay awesome everyone! xoxo Kitti Minx 💋💋💋



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