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Harry Potter whistled a tune to himself as he strolled through Diagon Alley.  The sun was out, and it was blessedly warm on that summer day.  He had a rare day off, rare because he hardly ever bothered taking one.  That had been particularly true since his break-up with Ginny a few months ago, amicable as it had been, and it had taken his boss all-but threatening him to get him to take a couple days to himself.  As vexed as he’d been at being forced to take time off, he had to admit that the day was entirely too pleasant to feel all that bad.

“Morning, Mr. Potter,” Gideon Fortescue said as he wandered into the ice cream shop. “What can I get you?”

“I’ll take a small sundae, thank you,” Harry said, reaching for his coin purse.

“On the house,” Gideon said as he put together the sundae.

“I…” Harry went to say.

“I insist,” Gideon said, handing over the ice cream.

“Thank you,” Harry said, smiling at the shop’s owner.

He took his sundae and sat down by one of the windows, enjoying the simple pleasure of delicious ice cream.  Gideon’s father, Florean, had run the parlor for years before he was murdered by the death eaters.  The building had been torched, but after Voldemort was put down for good, Gideon rebuilt it and continued on as his father had.  Harry came in every few months to indulge himself in what remained one of his favorite treats, and he and Gideon acted out that same almost scripted scene each time.  The man remained quite grateful to Harry for ending Voldemort.

Sighing softly to himself as he ate the ice cream, Harry looked through the window and watched the various witches and wizards walk by.  He had gone straight into the auror program after the war ended and graduated at the top of his class at the academy.  It had been a few years since then, and he had developed quite a reputation among the aurors for his exemplary work.  That was part of why it was so rare for him to take time off: he was good at what he did, and he enjoyed it.  The job wasn’t without its costs, of course.  He had a couple more scars than he did before he joined up, but more than that, he came to truly understand Alastor Moody in a way that he never did when the old auror was alive.  He might not have been as bad as old Mad-Eye, but he did learn the hard way that after doing that job for long enough, it became almost impossible to ever really turn off your auror instincts.

People watching became somewhat of a hobby of his when he was alone and occasionally when he wasn’t.  He noticed things that he never would have before, his suspicious mind forcing him to look for signs that the people around him were up to no good.  Even if he hadn’t developed such habits, he would have been hard-pressed not to notice the sight of two witches wearing oddly bulky robes as they walked past the parlor.

Cooling charms were a thing, and despite the heat of the mid-August day, no one in the alley, save for the occasional muggle shopping for the kids upcoming year at Hogwarts, would have been uncomfortable.  Nonetheless, witches and wizards tended to wear their lighter robes during the warmer months, and the sight of two young women huddled together in thick, formless robes on one of the hottest days of the year was too odd not to attract his attention, and his suspicion.  As he was just about done his ice cream, he quickly snarfed down the rest of it, handed the bowl and spoon back to Gideon with one last thank you, and took off after the two women.

Wand in hand, he charmed himself to be as undetectable as possible and stealthily followed the two of them into Mr. Mulpepper’s apothecary.

“Have a nice day!” Mulpepper called out to the person he had just finished with as they left.

He spoke loudly to be heard over the chatter in the busy shop, which was rather packed at that moment.  The two women that Harry had followed almost disappeared into the crowded shop, but he had enough experience tracking people to keep from losing them.  He watched as the two of them swiped a few ingredients here and there, filling the pockets of their robes with them.  Mulpepper kept the rarest ingredients he sold behind the counter, along with most of the potions, but quite a lot of his merchandise was kept on shelves in the shop, and with the place being so crowded, no one noticed as the two of them stole a fair few things, including some of the cheaper potions.

Williamson’s going to be pissed at me for working on my day off,”Harry thought to himself, “but I can’t just let a crime I witnessed go unpunished, even if it is just petty theft.”

Technically, the two of them didn’t commit a crime until they moved their stolen goods out of the shop without paying, so Harry contented himself with watching them go about their illegal business for a moment before following them out.  Up close, he thought that they looked rather familiar, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

“It’s customary to pay for things in shops,” Harry drawled the moment they stepped into an alley outside the apothecary, making the two of them go stiff.

They turned around and stared at him, able to see and hear him since he’d canceled his charms, with twin looks of horror on their admittedly beautiful faces.

“Potter!” the blonde one hissed.

“Don’t even think of going for your wands,” Harry said as her hand twitched to her sides. “I could have you two disarmed and bound before you even managed to draw them.”

“Would we be gagged too?” the brunette asked impishly, though he could see her fear through her facade.

“That would be against regulations,” Harry said dryly, grabbing their wands with a wordless disarming spell. “Now, empty your pockets.  You’re both under arrest.”

“Fuck you,” the blonde snarled, tears forming in her eyes.

“Daph!” the brunette hissed.

Daphne Greengrass, that’s who she is,”Harry thought to himself. “She was in my year, if I recall.  This would be her younger sister, then.  Name started with A, I think.”

“Please, Auror Potter,” the brunette said. “If we put everything back, could you just let this go?  Surely something this minor isn’t worth your time.”

“I witnessed you two commit a crime,” Harry said. “Even if it’s a minor misdemeanor, I still have to bring you in.”

“Don’t waste your breath, Astoria,” Daphne said, glaring balefully at him. “If people like him were capable of mercy, we wouldn’t be in this position at all.”

He’d heard this spiel before and rolled his eyes reflexively. “Oh, I’m so sorry your family didn’t get let off for supporting Voldemort.”

Astoria shuddered at the mention of the name, but Daphne was too incensed to do anything but snarl, “we didn’t support that psychotic fuck!  My father sold potions ingredients to a couple members of his inner circle, under threat of death if he refused, and that was enough for us to lose everything.  We can’t even afford the potions we need for…”

“For what?” Harry asked.  He’d developed a fairly accurate internal lie detector, and not one word that Daphne had just said struck him as false.

“The women of our family have suffered from a blood malediction for generations,” Astoria explained. “We can manage the symptoms with some potions, but we can’t afford them anymore.  As things stand, we’re already starting to suffer the effects.”

“So you turned to theft to try and make up the money,” Harry said. “Why not get jobs?”

“Our family got smeared as death eaters,” Daphne said. “Who the fuck would hire us other than the brothels in knockturn alley?”

That brought Harry up short, and he started to wonder if bringing them in and messing up their lives further was the right thing to do.

“Empty your pockets, and I’ll hand you back your wands,” Harry sighed.

“Really?” Astoria asked, hope shining in her bright blue eyes, while Daphne just looked stunned.

“Do it before I change my mind,” Harry said, “and don’t let me catch you two at this again.”

“Alright,” Astoria said, elbowing her sister as she started handing over everything she had stolen.

Daphne quickly followed suit, and before long, everything that he had witnessed them take was in front of him.  The two of them apparated away the second they had their wands, and Harry made a point of discreetly putting everything back before heading to the ministry.  If the two of them lied to him, then he was going to make a point of catching them in the act again and dealing with them properly, but if they had been telling the truth, then they were wronged, and he was going to try to help them.  First, though, he needed to do some research.


“The Head Auror’s going to kill you,” Hermione sighed as she spotted him.

“I’m not here to work,” Harry said, “not technically, anyway.  I was on my way to see you.”

“I’m on my lunch break, so I can spare you a few minutes,” Hermione said.

“You take lunch breaks?” Harry asked, grinning.

“Yes,” Hermione said, chuckling. “Who’d have thought that of the two of us, you would end up being the one more likely to work almost constantly?

“How are things in the minister’s office?” Harry asked as he sat down next to her.

“They’re going well,” Hermione said. “The Minister’s managed to get quite a lot done over the last few years.”

“Shacklebolt’s been great,” Harry said. “He has had some stellar help, though.”

Hermione blushed lightly at the praise.

“I still can’t believe you have Umbridge’s old job,” Harry snorted.

“I prefer to focus on what an achievement it is to be Senior Undersecretary at my age rather than any of my predecessors,” Hermione said, “but you didn’t come here to talk about me, did you?”

“No,” Harry said, casting a quick muffliato charm. “What do you know about blood maledictions?”

“Where on Earth did you hear that term?” Hermione asked, looking concerned.

“It’s part of a case I’m not working,” Harry said.

“It’s some of the darkest magic ever devised,” Hermione said. “Truth be told, there’s only one thing I can think of that would be worse.”

She didn’t need to say another word for Harry to know what she was talking about.

“It must be pretty bad if you’re comparing it to Horcruxes,” Harry said.

“A blood malediction is a curse placed upon an entire bloodline, Harry,” Hermione said. “The effects can be horrifying, and they’re almost impossible to remove.  A confirmed case of casting a blood malediction curse is a one-way trip to…”

“Azkaban?” Harry asked.

“The Veil,” Hermione said. “So who’s this involving?  If you’re free to say anything.”

“You remember Daphne Greengrass from our year?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, I remember her,” Hermione said. “Slytherin girl, blonde, pretty.  She was consistently in second place behind me in our classes back in school, and she actually beat me a couple times.  So her family...”

“Apparently,” Harry said. “I caught her and her sister stealing earlier today, and when I went to arrest them, they told me about the curse.”

“You let them go?” Hermione asked. “Even if they are suffering from something like this, it doesn’t justify breaking the law.”

“It wasn’t just that,” Harry said, “or the fact that I wasn’t supposed to be working in the first place.  They said that their family got screwed after the war, something that I just verified, by the way.”

“What happened?” Hermione asked.

“Their father sold some rare potions ingredients to Bellatrix and Rodolphus during the war,” Harry said. “He said after the fact that they threatened him, which I believe, of course, but the court found him guilty anyway.  He didn’t go to prison, but the fines were ruinous, and now those two can’t afford the potions they’ve been taking to mitigate the symptoms of their curse.”

“Oh,” Hermione said, scowling. “That’s a complete miscarriage of justice.”

“Yeah,” Harry said. “He drank himself to death a couple years ago too.”

Hermione just sighed and rubbed her forehead.

“So there’s no way to undo a blood malediction?” Harry asked.

“It’s a curse of bloodlines,” Hermione said. “The only confirmed way to remove one of them is for the bloodline of the caster to be wiped out.”

“Shit,” Harry said. “How in the world do you…”

“There was a massive blood feud between two Italian magical families in the fourteenth century,” Hermione said. “Think the Montagues and Capulets only with killing curses.  One of them managed to curse the the patriarch of the other family’s main line in his youth, thinking that he had scored a killing blow, but it was the cursed family who ultimately prevailed.  Once they had killed the last scion of the rival family, their curse dissipated entirely.”

“Well, that’s not an option,” Harry sighed.

“No, it’s not,” Hermione said. “Why are you so invested in this?”

“They got screwed,” Harry said. “They got screwed by our side, and I can’t help but feel guilty even if I didn’t have a hand in it.  They’ve said that they’ve had trouble finding employment because of the association with the Death Eaters, so I might be able to help them there.”

“You’re a good man, Harry,” Hermione said, smiling. “I’m sure if you vouched for them, anyone would hire them, but be cautious.  You’re acting on guilt now, which is admirable, but you don’t know these two at all, and I’d advise getting to know them better before you try to intercede on their behalf.”

She had a point there, and Harry had to admit that he was acting on pure emotion at this point.  He could use offering to help them pay for this month’s potion as a way to get more information about the curse and try to get to know them better.  If they seemed like honest and dependable women, then he shouldn’t have much difficulty finding them work.

“Thanks, Hermione,” Harry said, smiling.

“You know I’m always happy to help you,” Hermione said. “Are we still on for drinks tomorrow night?”

“Yeah,” Harry said as he got up and undid his charm. “I’ll see you then.”

“See you, Harry,” Hermione said, getting back to her lunch, “and take care with your pretty witches.”

“It’s not like that,” Harry said.

“I do remember them, Harry,” Hermione said, smirking. “They didn’t exactly look like trolls.”

“Well, if they did, I wouldn’t need your help,” Harry snickered. “We both know that of the two of us, I’m the expert on dealing with trolls.”

“I do hope you’ve refined your technique since we were eleven,” Hermione laughed. “Seriously, though, take care.”

“You too,” Harry said as he turned to leave.


Figuring that Daphne was the more prickly of the two, Harry wrote to Astoria later that day and invited her over with an offer of help.  Despite this, the two of them showed up together the next day, still clad in those oddly bulky robes.  He had thought that they were meant to help steal more things since putting space expanding-charms on pockets was difficult and could end in disaster, but now he wasn’t sure.  He doubted that they were stupid enough to try and steal from him in his own home after he let them go the day before.

“Hello, Auror Potter,” Astoria said respectfully.

“Ladies,” Harry said in response. “Please come in and call me Harry.”

“Well, Harry,” Daphne said, speaking his name like it was a curse, “I’m very curious what manner of help you have in mind and what it’s going to cost us.”

“Daphne!” Astoria snapped. “I said you could come if you let me do the talking.”

“And I want to know why a man who didn’t say two words to me in the entire seven years we were together at school suddenly wants to help us out of the blue,” Daphne said, sounding Moody levels of suspicious.

“It was six years,” Harry corrected her calmly.  Years of being an auror had trained him to have no reaction at all to people hurling abuse at him. “Between how Malfoy acted and how your head of house treated me from my first potions class, I was taught early on to avoid you lot like you had the plague, but we’re not in Hogwarts anymore, and all that house business seems rather silly in retrospect.  Would you two care for a drink?”

“Yes, please,” Astoria said, removing her shoes and following him inside Grimmauld Place.

Daphne followed her sister’s lead and nodded when he cocked an eyebrow at her from next to the decanter of firewhiskey.  Pouring three drinks, he handed them each one and sat down, gesturing for them to do the same.

“I looked into your father’s case,” Harry said after a moment. “I believed you; I wouldn’t have let you go if I hadn’t, but I wanted to verify things all the same.  What happened to him was wrong, and I’m sorry.”

“So are we,” Daphne said bitterly, glaring down at her glass.

“That’s kind of you to say,” Astoria said, looking sad at the mention of her late father.

“I looked into blood maledictions as well,” Harry said.

“What did Granger have to say about them?” Daphne asked, her lip twitching slightly.

“That they’re some of the darkest magic ever devised,” Harry replied, not even trying to refute her words. “How long has this affected...you said it was just the women of your line?”

“Yes,” Astoria replied. “Sometime in the early eighteenth century, a woman of the Greengrass family rejected the marriage proposal of some member of one of the lesser houses.  We don’t know for sure, since the man had left Britain by the time the curse took effect, but we’ve always believed that he was the one who cursed her.”

“She had already been engaged to marry her cousin, also a Greengrass,” Daphne added, “and had no interest in the obsessed twat.  Her cousin loved her and married her, despite the curse.  As they had only sons, it wasn’t until the next generation that they realized just how terrible a curse it truly was.”

“They didn’t know what they were dealing with at first?” Harry asked, intrigued.

“You never do with blood maledictions,” Daphne said. “The first victim looks like they’re suffering from a curse like any other, and since the point of one is for it to spread through the bloodline, they never kill upfront.”

“That’s horrid,” Harry said.

“Yes, it is,” Astoria said. “Our family learned of a combination of potions that could manage the effects, as simple charms don’t work, and by the time we were born, our father was able to help us.”

“Our aunt Ophelia suffered from it as well,” Daphne said, “though she died years ago.”

“Did the curse…” Harry went to ask.

“No,” Astoria said. “She had a run-in with a Nundu during a trip to Africa.  Regardless, we were dealing with it until we couldn’t afford to anymore.”

“Which is where I come in,” Harry said.  Turning to Daphne, he said, “look, Miss Greengrass, you’re right.  We don’t know each other, and I don’t know if either of us said two words to the other during our time together in school.  I wouldn’t feel comfortable recommending you for employment while we remain strangers, but I would be happy to pay for your potions for the next couple months while we get to know each other.”

“And how well would we be expected to ‘know you?’” Daphne snarked.

“It’s not like that,” Harry said. “It’s just that since my entire personal experience with you two is catching you shoplifting, I’d like to make sure that you’re both on the level before I vouch for you with potential employers.  If I do, though, rest assured that my word will trump your recent history.”

“Why though?” Astoria asked, looking hopeful yet wary. “Why help two complete strangers?”

“Because what happened to your family was wrong,” Harry said. “The tribunals set up after the war were meant to deal with people who caused actual harm during it, to make sure that we didn’t have a repeat of the end of the first one where every Tom, Dick, and Lucius who was smart enough to keep his mouth shut about how much fun he had killing muggleborns and pay off the right people got away with it.  What happened to your father was a gross overcorrection and even if I didn’t have a hand in it, this is still the least I can do.”

“You really mean that,” Daphne said, looking stunned.

“Yes,” Harry said. “Now, what are these potions that you two have been taking?”

“They’re special glamour potions meant to overcome the natural resistances that the curse has to more conventional transfiguration,” Astoria replied. “It was an ancestor of ours that came up with the recipe to help his daughter.”

“Glamour?” Harry asked, confused.

“Yes,” Daphne replied. “It helps fool the minds of everyone we come in contact with so that we look and even feel normal.”

Harry just blinked before asking, “um, what does the blood malediction do exactly?”

“One of the reasons why it was assumed that our ancestor was cursed by the man she rejected was because of what it did,” Astoria replied. “The women of our line are given...unnatural shapes, diametrically opposed to the pureblood ideal.  We figured it was a sort of, ‘if you don’t want me, no one will ever want you,’ thing.”

“Luckily for us, her cousin loved her enough to overlook her deformity,” Daphne said.

“What deformity?” Harry asked.  As something clicked in his mind, he asked, “is that why you’re wearing those bulky robes?”

He’d nearly said unflattering, but knew enough to stop himself.

“Yes,” Daphne said, blushing slightly. “As for our deformity, well…”

“The ideal pureblood woman is sort of like your ex,” Astoria said, “thin and dainty.”

“Ginny is anything but dainty, I assure you,” Harry said dryly.  She was rather thin, though, with small, perky breasts, narrow hips, and a tight little arse, which he rather missed. “Wait a second, are you saying that the curse makes you fat?”

“Not fat, perse,” Astoria said.

“I thought you were dying!” Harry exclaimed, suddenly annoyed. “I felt bad because I thought that my side in the war condemned you two to death over nothing.  Not all pureblood women are shaped like Narcissa Malfoy anyway.  Molly Weasley isn’t rail thin.”

“Molly Weasley had seven children,” Daphne snorted. “There’s a reason why most pureblood women have one or two at most.”

“What happened to your father was still wrong, and if I can find a way to help reverse the decision, I will,” Harry said, pinching the bridge of his nose, “but the idea that you two risked getting yourself into legal trouble of your own over something this minor is frankly ridiculous.”

“Ridiculous!” Daphne growled. “Do you have any idea how impossible it would be to find a husband of good standing shaped like this!?”

Too angry to think about what she was about to do, Daphne stripped off her bulky robes right there, revealing the simple cotton bra and panties that she had underneath, and Harry felt his brain stop.  It would be a mistake to say that Daphne Greengrass was fat, but she was anything but thin.  Her enormous, heavy breasts strained the material of her bra nearly to its breaking point, each one being bigger than her head.  Her belly wasn’t flat, having a little bit of softness to it, but her waist was still relatively narrow, especially compared to her hips, which were as wide as her shoulders.  In the mirror behind her, Harry could see her round, fat arse, which was easily the biggest he had ever seen, and felt his pants tighten as his cock grew.  Her thighs were wonderfully thick as well, and Harry found himself thinking that to call this perfection a deformity was madness.

“Daphne!” Astoria exclaimed, utterly scandalized.

“Let him see how freakish we are if he’s going to doubt our need for those potions,” Daphne replied, though by the rapid reddening of her face, she clearly wasn’t quite as comfortable with her actions as her words would suggest.

“Beautiful,” Harry murmured, unable to take his eyes off of her perfect body.

“Huh?” Astoria asked.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Harry said, managing with some effort to look up into her crystal blue eyes. “How the hell do you consider this a curse?”

“What?” Daphne asked, dropping her robes in shock and looking at him in disbelief. “You...you can’t…”

Harry looked at her in confusion, as she sounded like he’d just told her that water wasn’t wet or something equally, fundamentally untrue.

“You’re stunning from head to toe,” he said, “and I really don’t understand why you seem to think you’re hideous.”

Daphne continued to stare at him like he had two heads, seemingly incapable of understanding why he was saying what he was.

“I look like that too,” Astoria muttered, recovering more quickly than her sister.

“Show him,” Daphne said, suddenly getting a conspiratorial look on her face.

“What?” Astoria asked.

Daphne leaned in and whispered something into Astoria’s ear that made her eyes widen.  She looked between Harry and her sister a few times before getting a look of resolve on her face.  Her robes soon joined her sister’s on the floor, and Harry was treated to the sight of two utterly perfect, wonderfully curvy bodies clad in nothing but simple bras and panties.

“You...actually like how we look?” Astoria asked in shock.

“Who the hell wouldn’t?” Harry asked, unable to decide where he wanted his eyes to rest for more than a moment.

“Pureblood men,” Daphne said bitterly. “The pureblood ideal has always been waifish from head to toe.

“I still can’t believe that this was an intentional curse,” Harry muttered.

“I just had a thought,” Daphne purred, walking up to him and tracing a finger down his arm. “maybe we could amend our arrangement.”

“Amend how?” Harry asked, feeling himself grow hot at having her so close.

“Instead of paying for our potions and getting to know us a bit before finding us jobs, maybe we could forget the potions and get to know each other a whole lot better,” Daphne whispered in his ear, her full breasts pressed against his arm as she leaned in.

“Di...didn’t you hate my guts like five seconds ago?” Harry asked.

“She never forgave you for not even looking in her direction back at Hogwarts,” Astoria snickered.

“Stori!” Daphne exclaimed.

“What?” Astoria asked impishly. “Was I not supposed to tell him about the first edition Harry Potter collection you used to have, or the massive crush you developed in your second year, or how badly you wanted him to ask you to the Yule Ball in your fourth year?”

Daphne started chasing Astoria around the living room after her first question, and Harry was treated to the absolutely divine sight of their massive asses jiggling and clapping as they ran.  When Astoria ran behind him, Harry intercepted Daphne and caught her, holding her in his arms and looking down into her beautiful eyes.

“Is all that true?” he asked.

“I…” Daphne went to reply.

“Yup,” Astoria purred in his ear, pressing her enormous breasts against his back, “and just now she was suggesting to me that the two of us try sharing you and seeing how it worked out.”

Harry hadn’t had sex since he and Ginny broke up and was more turned on than he could remember being.  Looking down at Daphne’s beautiful heart-shaped face, with her cute little nose and full lips, he didn’t even hesitate to kiss her.

“Mmm!” Daphne moaned into his mouth, melting into his embrace.

She plunged her tongue inside to meet his, and he responded to the kiss with equal passion.  He walked forward, leading her towards a couch that he pushed her down onto, never breaking the kiss.  His hand slid up her side until it reached her breast, and she broke the kiss to moan loudly as he kneaded the tender flesh.

“Holy shit!” Astoria exclaimed, watching the two of them in stunned awe. “You really do like the way we look.”

“Kiss him, Stori,” Daphne said. “He’s wonderful.”

“Wait, you were serious about sharing me?” Harry asked, sitting up.

“Harry, where on Earth would we find another man who would appreciate bodies like these?” Daphne asked.

Anywhere on the planet outside of your pureblood circles,”Harry thought to himself, though as Astoria climbed into his lap and started kissing him passionately, he found that he wasn’t selfless or stupid enough to say that.

He reached down to cup the round cheeks of her incredible arse and pushed his tongue into her mouth, dominating the kiss utterly.  Astoria moaned into his mouth, grinding herself onto his rapidly hardening cock.

Astoria broke the kiss and stared down at him in surprise.  As Harry looked up at her, he was taken aback by just how similar the two were generally.  If not for the hair colors, they could pass for twins, especially given their very similar bodies.

“Daph?” she asked, looking over at her sister. “I think Harry’s hiding a very big secret here.”

“Oh?” Daphne asked, going over and pulling her wand out of her robes.

“Mmm, yeah,” Astoria cooed, standing up.

Before Harry could say anything, Daphne cast a quick spell that removed his clothes and sent them between her robes and Astoria’s.  Harry couldn’t help but grin at the twin looks of shock and awe that they got on their faces as they took in the sight of him.

“Merlin’s balls!” Daphne exclaimed.

“More like Hagrid’s,” Astoria joked.

“He does seem rather giant, doesn’t he?” Daphne asked, grinning wickedly as she approached him. “Stay.”

With that simple command, she pushed him back onto the couch and sank to her knees with surprising grace.  Holding his cock up, she placed her forearm next to it and moaned at how well it compared.

“It’s bigger than any of my toys,” Astoria said as she joined her sister and wrapped a hand around him.

“Or mine,” Daphne said, smirking as Harry groaned at the feeling of having both of their hands on him.

“Do you two have many toys?” Harry asked.

“More than most pureblood girls,” Daphne replied. “One of the side effects of the potions is that while we’re on them, we don’t really feel pleasure, so our mother got us a number of aids to practice on so we could become proficient at ending things quickly.”

“Those potions sound like a nightmare,” Harry said.

“Better than being alone,” Astoria argued.

“Those side effects do wear off if you’re not on the potions, right?” Harry asked.

“Yes,” Daphne replied. “We’re entirely normal right now.”

“You two are much better than normal,” Harry said. “Strip down.  I want to see you two fully.”

“Okay,” Astoria said, rushing back and reaching around to unhook her bra.

Daphne quickly did the same, but Harry’s eyes remained glued to Astoria as her mammoth mammaries were finally bared to him.  If the fabric of her bra could have groaned in relief as it was removed, it would have as its heavy burden was removed.  Her breasts lowered to rest against her ribcage, firmer than he would have ever imagined given their immensity.  The large pink nipples that capped each one pointed straight at him, hard and wonderfully inviting.  Looking over at Daphne, he saw that her breasts were nearly identical to her sister’s, the only real difference being her slightly paler nipples.

“You two are goddesses,” Harry said as he watched them remove their panties.

“Sorry about the hair,” Daphne said as her full blonde bush was revealed to him. “Neither of us expected to do anything like this until our wedding nights.”

“Wait, you mean that you’re both…” Harry went to ask.

“We never expected a man to look at our real bodies with anything other than disgust either,” Astoria said as her panties fell to the floor. “You have no idea how much that look in your eyes alone is turning me on.”

He could believe it, if only because of the dampness he could see in her forest of brown hair.

“Every man you’ve ever met was an idiot,” Harry said, rushing to his feet and pulling the nearest one, Astoria, into his arms.

Her titanic tits pressed against his chest as he pulled her in for a searing kiss, and she groaned as he reached up to cup one of them.  A few simple words and expert touches were all it took to turn the pureblood beauty into a whimpering, desperate little sex kitten, and he felt both pleased by that and sorry for how touch-starved they both seemed to be.  He knew a little about that and was determined to show them how much pleasure they could feel.  As he heard Daphne’s little whimper, he broke the kiss and pulled her in to kiss her instead.

He groaned as Astoria latched onto his neck with her hungry little mouth, peppering kisses up it until she reached his ear and started sucking on the lobe.  Her hand found his cock, and she stroked him desperately, harder than he would have preferred.  Pausing his kiss with Daphne, he placed his hand over Astoria’s and showed her how to properly stroke his cock.

“We should take this upstairs,” Harry said.

“Lead the way,” Daphne purred.

They continued their little three-way make-out as he led them to his bedroom, still not entirely believing how this day had turned out, and when they reached his bed, the two sisters wasted no time at all pushing him back onto it and crawling on top of him.

“Smother me,” Harry gasped as Daphne reached him first.  She looked confused for only a moment before she figured out what he meant and crawled up until her breasts were in his face.

“Oh!” Daphne gasped as he wrapped his lips around one of her hard nipples and started lightly sucking on the hard peak.

“What is it?” Astoria asked.

“It feels so good!” Daphne cried in shock.

For someone who would have viewed her massive breasts as a problem since she started developing them, to learn that they could be a source of such pleasure was quite the surprise, Harry was sure.  For his part, he was just in heaven as he reveled in a pleasure he hadn’t even thought of before.  He had loved Ginny’s small pert breasts as well, but he was quickly learning that he was definitely a more is more kind of guy.  The warmth and softness of her tits felt wonderful on his face, and he quickly set about worshiping every inch of them with his hands, lips, tongue, and teeth, while Daphne just mewled in pleasure above him.

“Oh fuck!” Harry moaned as he felt his cock become enveloped in soft, warm flesh.

“What...oh!” Daphne said as she looked around at Astoria.  As she moved away from his face, Harry was able to see that Astoria had trapped his throbbing cock between her breasts and was moving them up and down along the shaft.

“I figured that this would feel good,” Astoria said.

“You’re right,” Harry groaned.  It felt lovely, though he’d be lying if he said that the visual aspect of it wasn’t the best part.

“I’ll have to try that later,” Daphne said.

“Daphne, I want you to sit on my face,” Harry said as he enjoyed Astoria’s gentle titjob.

“Huh?” Daphne asked.

“Squat over my face and lower your pussy to my mouth,” Harry explained.

“Oh!” Daphne exclaimed. “You mean, you don’t mind the hair?”

“I want to taste your cunt until you scream,” Harry said, his voice low and rumbling. “It would take more than a bush to change that.”

Daphne shuddered and scrambled to straddle his head with her thick thighs, grabbing hold of the headboard to help balance herself as she descended towards his waiting mouth.  He would have preferred to get a view of her arse like this, but if she felt more comfortable having something to hold onto, he wasn’t going to object.  It wasn’t as though the view of her pendulous breasts from that angle wasn’t incredible as well.

“Oh!” Daphne gasped as he started lapping at her slick folds.

Harry dug his fingers into the fleshy, jutting globes of her ass to hold her steady as he began feasting on her properly.  Ginny had never been willing to remove her pubic hair, feeling as though it would make her look like a little girl with her slender figure.  Daphne certainly didn’t have to worry about that, but he was well used to eating out a hairy pussy and truly did not care.

“Ah fuck!” Daphne cried.

“Mmm, is he that good?” Astoria asked.

Harry swirled his tongue around her clit again, making her squeak as she replied, saying, “ye...yes!”

He plunged his long and dexterous tongue as deep inside her as he could go, groaning at the taste of her.  He had always loved going down on Ginny and was glad to learn that his enjoyment of the act wasn’t restricted to his ex.  Hearing her pant and moan as he pleasured her was intoxicating, as was the way that her breasts jiggled and swayed every time her body jerked or shook.  Astoria had stopped stroking him with her breasts, seemingly content to just keep his cock trapped within them as she watched the show.

“Right there, right there!” Daphne cried as he carefully flickered his tongue over her throbbing clit.

She was soaring towards her peak, and her thighs had already started to tremble on either side of his head.  Figuring that she was getting close, Harry decided to pull out the big guns and use his favorite trick for making a woman shriek in ecstasy.

Cum!”he commanded in parseltongue, vibrating his tongue against her clit.

“FUCK!” Daphne squealed, her voice echoing through the entire house as she came harder than she ever had in her life.

She squirted, flooding Harry’s mouth as he tried to drink down what he could.  He moved his hands from her arse to her hips to help him hold her steady, and just as her orgasm started to ebb, he vibrated his tongue again, sending her careening over the edge a second time.  He kept this up for a few minutes, keeping her plateaued at the edge of ecstasy when she wasn’t cumming so that he could make her cum again and again.  Daphne screamed and shrieked until her voice went hoarse, and it was only when he felt her slump forward that he relented.

“Holy shit!” Astoria gasped as he lifted Daphne off of him and laid her barely conscious form down on the bed next to him.

“I daresay she enjoyed that,” Harry snorted, wiping his dripping face clean with the sheets.

“Ah...ah…” Daphne panted as she twitched and stared at the ceiling, her eyes glassy and unfocused.

“As much as I want to experience that, I’m dripping down my thighs over here, and I really want to feel this monster inside me,” Astoria said, climbing up onto the bed.

“Lie down next to Daphne,” Harry said, getting up for her to take his place. “I want you on your back the first time I fuck you.”

“First time?” Astoria asked, smirking at him as she lay next to Daphne.

“Do you doubt that?” Harry asked with a feral grin.  Before she could reply, he slapped his cock down on her belly, giving a view of just how deep he was about to go inside her.

“Fuck me,” Astoria whimpered at the sight, her eyes widening.

“That’s the plan,” Harry chuckled as he lined himself up with her dripping cunt.  He looked at Astoria, waiting for her approval.  When she nodded, he pushed forward and groaned at how good she felt.

“Oh fuck!” Astoria cried, grabbing the sheets on either side of her. “Oh, you’re so big!”

“You feel incredible,” Harry groaned as he pushed more of his cock inside her.

The first time he had slept with Ginny, it had taken him ages to fit as much of his cock inside her as she ultimately ended up being able to take.  Astoria felt every bit as tight as his ex had been, but her inner walls stretched far more easily.  As her face contorted in pleasure and her eyes widened in shock, Harry continued driving his massive cock further and further inside her sweltering depths until his balls were resting against her ass.

“Holy fuck, you took the whole thing!” Harry exclaimed, marveling at the feeling of being balls-deep inside a woman for the first time.

“So...so deep,” Astoria stammered, her whole body shaking from exertion.  He had managed to bury himself inside her with relative ease, but that didn’t mean that the stretch wasn’t incredibly intense for her.

“You look like you’re stretched to your limit,” Daphne murmured, having come to as Harry was pushing his cock inside her sister. “How does that feel?”

“So good!” Astoria moaned. “It kinda hurts a little, but it’s such a good hurt.”

“Do you want me to wait a bit?” Harry asked.

“Don’t you dare,” Astoria said, pulling him down for a deep, passionate kiss. “Fuck me, Harry.”

Harry needed no further encouragement and pulled half of his cock out of her depths before thrusting back inside.  Astoria wailed in pleasure as he began fucking her hard, the lewd sound driving him mad.  He wasted no time building up to a rough, frenetic pace that he never would have dared try with Ginny and marveled at how she not only took it but begged for more.

Later the next day, he would wonder if the nature of the curse that afflicted their family wasn’t different than they had assumed.  Rather than making the first victim and every woman of her line after her unattractive as they thought, it seemed more likely that it was meant to make them unbearably horny little sexpots with bodies made for sin and needs that could only be satisfied by the largest and most virile of men.  These would be thoughts for another day, however, as in that moment, Harry was incapable of thinking of much beyond “so fucking good.”

As Harry continued to fuck Astoria hard, her enormous breasts began to ripple and bounce across her chest, and he grabbed them both because he wanted to and to stop them from punching her in the face.

“Harder, harder, YES!” Astoria screeched as he kneaded her massive mounds and pounded her overflowing cunt.

The sound of skin slapping against skin and the squelching noise her soaking wet pussy was making were only barely drowned out by her screams.  Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see Daphne openly fingering herself as she watched them and grinned.

“You like that cock, Astoria?” he asked.

“I love it!” Astoria cried. “I love your fucking cock!”

“You take it so well, baby,” Harry said. “It’s like you were born for it.”

“I was!” Astoria screamed. “I was born for you.  I’m yours, I’m yours, just never stop fucking me!”

Harry let go of her breasts and grabbed her legs, moving them up onto his shoulders and bending her downward until he had her folded nearly in half.  Looking into her eyes, he began pounding down into her in that new position.

“If you’re mine, then cum for me, baby,” Harry rumbled as he fucked her.

“I wi…” Astoria went to say, and then paused as her eyes went wide and started fluttering.  While fucking her in that new position, Harry felt as though the head of his cock slipped inside a little space inside her that he hadn’t known was there.  Just as he was about to ask if she was alright, Astoria screamed, “YES!”

Her entire body began to spasm uncontrollably as her orgasm rocked through her.  A geyser of fluid erupted from her convulsing cunt and flooded the bed under them as her climax continued to overwhelm her mind.  On and on it went as Harry continued to fuck her, to the point that he wondered if this was one long, continuous orgasm she was experiencing, or a chain of them.  All he knew was that it was the hottest thing he had ever seen, and he wasn’t about to stop it unless she asked him to.  It had always taken him forever to cum, which was actually a hindrance in his old relationship and was anything but here.

“Uh, Stori?” Daphne asked after a while as her sister continued to convulse and whimper in pleasure. “I think that might be enough, Harry.”

“You sure?” Harry said, pulling his cock out of her still fluttering depths.

Astoria collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut and stared aimlessly at the ceiling as her gaping cunt continued to try and squeeze around nothing.

“How the hell did you not cum?” Daphne asked.

“It’s always taken me a while,” Harry replied.

“I guess it’s good there are two of us,” Daphne purred as she lowered her head to his cock.

“Wait, Daph...oh fuck!” Harry groaned as she licked the underside of his cock.

“Stori and I used to share toys now and then,” Daphne said before swirling her tongue around his bulbous head. “This isn’t my first time doing something like this.”

“Fuck, you dirty girl,” Harry groaned, his hands going to her head as she took the first few inches of him between her pouty lips.

She bobbed her head up and down on his cock, not taking him far, or going particularly quick, but just giving him a languid, teasing blowjob.

“That’s enough,” Harry said, pulling her up after a few minutes. “I want you on your hands and knees.”

“Yes, Harry,” Daphne said, shivering.

She crawled next to Astoria’s still-twitching form and stuck her gorgeous, thick ass in the air.  Harry rested his large hands on her round cheeks, marveling at how little of her they actually covered, and kneaded them gently.

“Your whole body is a work of art,” he murmured. “The both of you are so fucking sexy.”

Daphne just sighed at his words, seeming like she was starting to get used to the idea that someone might actually find her attractive.

“I’m a fucking idiot for not noticing you back in Hogwarts,” Harry said.

“I can’t argue with you there,” Daphne said, sounding haughty, but clearly joking.

“I should have asked you to the ball,” Harry said, rubbing the head of his cock along her slick folds. “If I had known you had a body like this, I don’t know if I could have resisted you.”

“Fuck,” Daphne whimpered, picturing the fantasy he was giving her.

“I could have taken you right there in the great hall,” Harry groaned. “Shown everyone that I had the hottest witch in our year as my own.”

“Oh FUCK!” Daphne shrieked as he plunged inside her wet pussy, burying half of his length inside her in one thrust.

“You like that idea, don’t you?” Harry asked, grinning wickedly.

“Oh fuck, you’re a beast!” Daphne exclaimed.

“And you seem like you’re moments from cumming already, just from having half of this beast’s cock inside you,” Harry said.

“Half...fuck!” Daphne cried as he pushed more of his cock inside her.

“So what does that make you?” Harry asked as he conquered the last few inches of her depths.

“A whore!” Daphne exclaimed. “You’re whore!”

“You’re going to be such a good whore for me,” Harry growled in her ear, making her shudder.

He began fucking her, quickly working up to the same bruising pace that he had fucked her sister with.  A symphony of skin on skin, deep rumbling groans, and high-pitched moans and cries soon filled the room.  Harry had thought that the sight of Astoria’s heavy breasts jiggling and rolling across her chest was incredible, and it was, but the sight of Daphne’s thick, round arse rippling like waves on the beach each time his hips smacked it was just as hot.  He dug his fingers into her fleshy hips and picked up his pace, trying to find that deep spot that had driven Astoria to untold heights of pleasure.

“So fucking good!” Daphne cried, throwing her incredible ass back against him even harder as she tried to reach her peak. “I’m so close, Harry; please don’t stop.”

Stopping was the last thing on his mind, though he could feel his orgasm fast approaching.  Changing his angle slightly, he continued to search for that little pocket he had found inside Astoria, belatedly remembering that she had been on her back when he managed it.  He was about to flip her over when he found what he was looking for anyway and felt his cock slip inside something in the greatest depths of her cunt.

“HARRY!” Daphne squealed, clawing at the bed, as her orgasm thundered through her entire body.

She threw her head back, a wordless scream spilling from her lips as her entire body began to quiver and convulse in pure ecstasy.  It was too much for Harry, who let go with a groan, filling her molten depths with rope after rope of his thick cum.  He fell forward as the greatest orgasm of his life hit him, barely managing to catch himself on his forearms.  The two of them rode out the waves of pleasure together, locked in mind-numbing euphoria for what felt like forever.

When it finally passed, Harry pulled his softening cock out of Daphne and rolled over, forgetting that Astoria was there.  Luckily for him, she had come to and moved, and he found the brunette grinning down at him as he opened his eyes.

“I hope you have one more in you,” Astoria purred.

“Give me...a minute,” Harry panted, enjoying the sight of her curvy body still covered in a light sheen of sweat.

“Of course,” Astoria said. “In the mean time, though, I think I’ll try and wake not at all little Harry back up.”

Before Harry could say anything, she took his still-half-hard cock inside her mouth and started teasing him with her wicked tongue.  Harry threw his head back into the pillow and groaned as Astoria started sucking his cock. There was only one thought that went through his mind in the moment.

I wonder if Williamson would let me take a few more days off.”