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“Harder, Harder!” Daphne cried, holding onto the headboard in front of her so hard that her knuckles turned white.  Harry grew more forceful, thrusting into her sopping wet pussy so hard that the sound of his hips smacking her full, round arse echoed through the room.

Daphne buried her face in a pillow and screamed her pleasure into it.  They had been at this for a while, Harry’s mammoth cock splitting her poor little pussy in half over and over again as he turned her brain to mush.  He had discovered a spell that stopped a girl from cumming if cast at just the right time and had denied her five times already.  Tears were running down her cheeks from the sheer intensity of it and from the prolonged pressure of being held at the precipice of ecstasy for so long.  She needed to cum more than she needed air.

“Please, Harry,” she begged, far past the point of pride by then, “please let me cum.”

“Please what?” he asked, his own voice sounding strained and tired from the effort.

Daphne would have rolled her eyes if she hadn’t been so singularly focused. “Please Daddy!  Daddy, please let me cum!”

She could practically feel the pleased, self-satisfied grin on his face as he dug his fingers harder into her full, wide hips and pushed her arse down on the bed.  With her prone on her belly, he started pounded her with all his might, driving that equine monstrosity he called a cock, and she was just about ready to call her god in that moment, inside her drooling quim hard enough to make her see stars.

“HARRY!” she shrieked at the top of her lungs as she came, squirting all over him.

Pleasure beyond measure thundered through her, making her whole body go taut and then convulse.  Her toes curled almost painfully, she clawed at the sheets hard enough to scratch through them, and her brain was so fried that she didn’t even realize that he had cum too until he had collapsed on top of her, his body pressing her sweat-soaked form into the mattress.  Normally she would have objected to his weight, but as she slowly came to, recovering from the truly monumental climax that she had just endured, the feeling of his warm, strong body smothering her and the woodsy, slightly spicy smell that she had come to recognize as Harry made her feel loved and safe in a way that she never had.  She almost wept when he rolled off her and quickly scrambled to bury her face in his muscular chest.

“Amazing,” she panted, not yet ready for full sentences.

“Yeah,” Harry agreed, his brain apparently as scrambled as hers.

The two of them laid there for a while, just enjoying the afterglow of their mind-melting shag.  He cupped her arse with one hand and ran the fingers of the other one through the long, sweaty waves of her blonde hair.

“I’m going to guess you want to do that again,” Harry chuckled when he finally caught his breath.

“Harry, I am numb from the waist down,” Daphne replied. “It can’t be an every-day thing, or you might actually cripple me, but yeah, we’re doing that again.”

Harry laughed and buried his face in her hair, breathing deeply of her scent.  Daphne moved up to nuzzle his neck, kissing him gently when she heard a soft knock at their door.

“Do you hear that too, or did you actually fuck my brains out and the knocking is on my skull?” Daphne asked.

“I hear it too, and their timing’s actually not bad,” Harry said, extricating himself from her grip. “I need to shower before the prefect meeting.”

“Fuck,” Daphne groaned. “Well, if you could answer the door, I’d appreciate it.  I wasn’t lying about not feeling my legs.”

“That’s a shame; they’re amazing legs,” Harry quipped from next to the bed, running a hand down the nearest one.

Oh, hey, Astoria,” Harry said as he poked his head out of the door.

“Just let her in, Harry,” Daphne said. “It’s not like there’s anything on display here she hasn’t seen before.”

Harry chuckled and opened the door wider, letting in her sister, who tried and failed not to look at his glistening cock hanging halfway down his thigh.

“Oh, I can come back,” Astoria mumbled.

“No, we just finished,” Daphne said, gesturing to the chair by Harry’s desk and conjuring herself a glass of water.

“I...well…” Astoria went to say.

“Don’t mind me,” Harry said as he walked into the bathroom.  The sound of the shower running reached them a moment later.

Despite the sound of the water and the unlikeliness of Harry hearing them, Astoria took out her wand and cast a quick “Muffliato.”

Daphne summoned a robe to wrap around herself, and she looked at her sister expectantly.  Astoria looked conflicted, as though she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to say what she had clearly come here to say.  After a quiet moment and and obvious internal debate, she finally spoke.

“Draco and I slept together yesterday,” she said.

Daphne blinked and processed those five short words.  A few months ago, that news would have bothered her greatly, sick as she had been of seeing Astoria moon over a guy who she didn’t think was worthy of her at all.  In the few months since she first gifted Astoria with a dildo based on Harry’s cock, and especially in the several weeks since Harry and Draco’s race and its aftermath, her fury over her sister’s relationship had receded a bit.

Daphne still thought that Draco was a piece of shit, and the idea of him being with Astoria was still nausea-inducing, but her sister’s opinion of her boyfriend seemed to have changed.  The pair had made up after their little spat following the race, but Astoria didn’t seem to look at him with the same lovestruck eyes anymore.  She was continuing the relationship and seemed happy enough, but her opinion of Draco seemed a little more realistic than it had been.  A realistic view of Draco would inevitably lead to disappointment in Daphne’s view, and that definitely seemed to be what Astoria was giving off.

“How was that?” Daphne asked.

“I…” Astoria paused, looking as though she was trying to find the words. “The first time that you and Harry did it, was it good?”

Daphne couldn’t keep the small smile off of her face at that, though she quickly schooled her feature.  The Astoria of a few months ago wouldn’t have asked her something like that, being too innocent and inexperienced to know that sex could actually be good.  She knew better now, though, and as Daphne had hoped, a little knowledge was a dangerous thing.

“No,” Daphne admitted.  There was no reason to lie at this point. “Neither of us had any clue what the hell we were doing, and it hurt.  You know how huge he is.  We kept at it, though, and learned each other’s bodies quickly enough.”

“How long did it take for the sex to get like...it is now?” Astoria asked.

“It only really hurt the first time,” Daphne said. “After that, we started taking more time to get each other ready, we discovered the wonders of parseltongue, and Harry developed his stamina.  Within a few months, he was regularly making me scream myself hoarse.”

“Right, it just took time,” Astoria said, looking away for a moment.

Unable to help herself, Daphne added, “truth be told, I would have expected Draco to be better.  Harry and I were both virgins, but Draco’s has an ex-girlfriend and, if rumors are to be believed, a number of other girls in his past.”

“I know!” Astoria exclaimed, scowling. “I expected him to be the one who knew what he was doing while I was clueless, but he just seemed to be so basic.  He was purely focused on himself, barely fingered me before shoving himself inside, and then seemed to want to race me to the finish line.  It was a race he won handily, by the way.”

Daphne could see Astoria getting more and more frustrated as she went and was tempted to try to go for the kill, but decided against it.  Astoria was way too stubborn to let one bad night ruin something that she had been dreaming about for years and trying to build for months.  With that in mind, she took a different approach.

“That’s odd,” she said. “Even when he didn’t know what he was doing, Harry was still focused on making sure that things were good for me, more so than on his own pleasure, honestly.  Did Draco try anything?”

“Just some fingering beforehand,” Astoria sighed. “After he’d cum, he rolled over and went to sleep.  He was sweet in the morning but the rushed off to meet with something.  Maybe it had just been a while.  I did make him wait, after all.”

Daphne felt her eye twitch at Astoria blaming herself again, even a little, but the half-hearted way that her sister said the words soothed her somewhat.  She was grasping at straws, and deep down, she knew it.

“I don’t suppose that you have any idea how to teach a guy to be better in bed?” Astoria asked.

“No,” Daphne said. “When Harry and I learned together, it was very much a mutual process with two people who desperately wanted to be better for each other.  In your case, Draco’s not a novice, not a blank slate; he’s just a guy who was out of practice as you suggested, or worse, learned all the wrong things.”

“Maybe he was only ever with Pansy after all and she just didn’t like sex,” Astoria suggested.

“Or, she just didn’t know any better,” Daphne threw out there.

“That’s...actually a good point,” Astoria said, looking like a thought had just occurred to her. “I only know the sex was bad because I know what good sex is like.  If Draco and Pansy were each other’s firsts and never learned better, both could be stuck thinking that this is just what it’s like.  So how do I fix that?”

“I honestly don’t know,” Daphne replied. “You could try talking to him, but you’d have to be exceptionally subtle to avoid bruising his ego.”

“That’s my problem,” Astoria groaned. “If I offend him, at minimum he’ll just shut down, and I won’t be able to get through to him at all.  At worst, I’d risk damaging my relationship.”

“How important is this to you?” Daphne asked. “Draco’s young and probably not that set in his ways, but if he was older and less likely to change, and the sex was always going to be like what you experienced the other night, could you accept that?”

“I don’t know,” Astoria sighed. “If I didn’t know any better, it would probably be fine, and fuck me, isn’t that ironic?  You did something for me that few if any sisters in history would have been willing to to help me with my relationship, and now its the source of my biggest problem in it.”

Daphne winced slightly at that.  What she had done had definitely been to help Astoria, but it hadn’t been to help her relationship by any stretch of the imagination.

“To never feel like I felt that night again, I don’t know I could accept that,” Astoria whispered, looking down.

“Hey,” Daphne said, running her fingers through her sister’s hair.  “It’s only been one night, and like you say, he could have been rusty.  The only advice I can give you is to try making a couple suggestions the next time you two have sex and see how he takes them.”

That wasn’t the only advice that Daphne could give, but it was the only advice that she figured Astoria would take.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Astoria said. “Thanks, Daph; you’re the best.”

Astoria leaned down to hug her tightly for a moment and then walked towards the door.

“I’ll see you later, Daphne,” Astoria said.

“Later, Stori,” Daphne replied in kind, watching as her sister left the room.

The second the door was closed again, Daphne fell back onto the bed and let out a contented sigh.

“What did Astoria want?” Harry asked a few minutes later as he wandered out, freshly showered.

“To talk about her relationship trouble,” Daphne replied, stretching her arms above her head and grinning at the heated look it earned her. “Apparently you spoiled the poor girl.”

“Spoiled?  Oh, they uh...” Harry trailed off, looking uncomfortable.

“Yep,” Daphne replied, “and he was every bit as self-centered and inept as I knew he’d be.  I give it to the end of the year until the lack of orgasms drives her mad and she dumps him.  She even said that she only knew to be disappointed because you showed her what real sex was.”

“She said that?” Harry asked, pride outweighing his discomfort.

“More or less,” Daphne replied, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger. “Now I just need to think of a good guy who could live up to the lofty standard you set for her.”

“You had thought of Blaise before,” Harry reminded her.

“You didn’t hear it from me, but he and Pansy are seeing each other,” Daphne replied.

“Really?” Harry asked.

“Mmhmm,” Daphne replied. “I actually saw the girl smile the other day.  Amazing what a good boyfriend can do for you; something I know well.”

Harry smiled down at her warmly and took her hand in his, pressing a kiss on her knuckles.

“You’ll think of something,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss her properly.  With one last kiss to her forehead, he said, “I’ll be back in an hour.  Hour and a half if anyone gets long-winded.”

“I’m just going to take a bath and go to sleep,” Daphne whispered. “You tired me out, stud.”

“I’ll be here when you wake up,” Harry said softly. “Good night, love.”

“Night,” Daphne replied.

Daphne watched him go and sighed again.  Life was good.


Harry smiled to himself as he soared through the skies on his Firebolt, taking in the gorgeous view of the Hogwarts grounds.  He couldn’t help but sigh at how much he was going to miss the place.  Hogwarts was the first place that he ever felt at home in, the first place that he had ever felt like he mattered in or was loved in.  Despite all the trials and tribulations that he had gone through in his years at the ancient castle, he would treasure the memories of the place forever.  The end of the year was fast approaching, though, and he would soon have to leave it for good.  He hoped to return some day, perhaps to watch a son or daughter of his play Quidditch.

He smiled at the thought and turned back towards the castle, opening and enlarging the window to his room and flying through.  He would remember this particular room more than most, though few of his memories in there would be tales he could tell in mixed company.  He put his broom away and sat down at his desk to go over his Transfiguration essay again.  He had already edited it, but he was bored, and it wouldn’t hurt to read through it again, just to be on the safe side.  He would have spent his time with Hermione or Daphne, but the former was working on an Arithmancy essay that sounded like it was a total nightmare, and the latter was meeting with her sister.

No sooner had he thought of his girlfriend when he heard a key in the lock to his room and quickly put his essay away.  There was only one other person who had a key, and she was far more interesting than human Transfiguration.  Turning to the door, which he noticed she was struggling with a little, he was about to give her a hand when she got it, and both Daphne and Astoria came barreling in.

“Harry!” Daphne exclaimed, jumping into his arms. “We brought wine!”

“I can see that,” Harry laughed, looking at the pair of bottles in Astoria’s hands, one of them opened and, he suspected, mostly empty.

“Draco was gifted a case of them, but he hates Elvish wine, so he gave them to me,” Astoria explained. “Want a taste?”

“Sure,” Harry replied, taking the offered bottle and bringing it to his lips.  It was mildly sweet, with notes of pear. “Tastes good to me.”

“It’ll taste even better when you drink it out of a glass,” Daphne said dryly, reaching into the cupboard she had placed her things in and pulling out three wine glasses. “We had a couple in the kitchens where we were hanging out, but some moron stumbled in and knocked them over.  I barely caught the bottles.”

“Is he alright?” Harry asked.  He knew how Daphne could get when she was annoyed in general and he had no idea how she was when annoyed after a couple drinks.

“I sent him on his way,” Astoria replied, opening the other bottle. “Drink up, Harry.  We have about a glass and a half in us.”

“Well, if you insist,” Harry said, making short work of his first glass. “Why didn’t you two just hang out here?  I spent most of the night flying anyway.”

“Stori and I used to sneak off to the kitchens now and then to dine alone,” Daphne replied as she sat down on the bed. “We wanted to do it again before we graduated.”

“I can’t believe I’m nearly done with this place,” Astoria said, sitting down next to Daphne. “I’m going to miss it.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Harry said as he joined them. “Not all my memories here have been pleasant, but my favorite memories are almost all from Hogwarts.”

“We’ll make new ones,” Daphne said, leaning her head on his shoulder. “You and me together.”

Harry wrapped an arm around her and kissed her temple.  This wasn’t the first time that he got to enjoy a slightly drunk, highly affectionate Daphne before, but he never minded.

“Yeah, we will,” he said.

“You two are so lucky,” Astoria sighed.

The brunette had a wistful look on her face that he chose to drink rather than ask about.  Daphne on the other hand, was far more willing to inquire.

“How are things between you and Draco?” Daphne asked.

“We’re...fine, I guess,” Astoria said. “He’s really busy lately; he seems to barely have time for me, and I guess I’m just starting to wonder if this is it, you know?  He’s attracted to me, likes me, and enjoys spending time with me, but after all these months together, that just seems to be the extent of it.  There isn’t this great passion between us like you two have.  You can barely keep your hands off of each other, and I want that.  I just don’t know how to get it with him.”

The wine had clearly loosened her lips.  Astoria had never been that open about her relationship with him; Daphne, sure, but not him.

“Maybe you can’t,” Daphne said, her own lips looser than normal too. “Maybe he just isn’t the passionate type.”

“What do you mean?” Astoria asked.

“I know you’ve said that Malfoy isn’t like his father, and I agree,” Harry replied, “but no guy has nothing in common with his father.  The relationship that his parents shared always struck me as very cold and formal.  If that’s his basic reference for a relationship, then that’s probably what he’s looking for.”

Astoria and Daphne both just stared at him for a solid moment.

“I can be insightful you know,” Harry said dryly, pouring himself another glass.

Astoria either thought that he had caught up to them or just needed another drink herself, and filled her and Daphne’s glasses as well.

“What do that you want to do after Hogwarts?” she asked him, changing the subject.

“If you had asked me a year ago, I’d have said to become an auror,” Harry said. “Hell, less than a year ago, my plan was to take Shacklebolt up on his offer to go straight to the academy instead of returning here.  Now though, I think that I want to familiarize myself with my family’s holdings and see what I can do with them.”

“You’ll have my help, of course,” Daphne said, leaning into him. “Father’s trained me all my life to run his empire.  Helping you manage your investments will be simple.”

Astoria just drank and looked up contemplatively.  “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“You’ll be the lady of a house one day,” Daphne said, very specifically not mentioning Malfoy. “It’s all you’ve ever wanted.”

“It’s all I’ve ever been allowed to consider,” Astoria said. “Mother taught me from a young age that I would be the wife of a lord or heir and, in time, be like her.  You were only taught to actually run things because father doesn’t have a male heir.”

“I beg your pardon,” Daphne said coldly.

“Sorry, that came out wrong,” Astoria said contritely. “I just meant that you were always meant to take over for him while I was just supposed to be a wife.”

“Are you saying that you want something more?” Daphne asked.

“No, I just...I don’t know what I’m saying,” Astoria sighed. “It’s just the wine and me feeling down.  Ignore me.”

Harry took in the conversation in surprise.  Apparently, the state of her relationship was bothering Astoria more than she let on.

“Astoria, don’t let the way Malfoy’s been this year get you down,” Harry said. “He’s clearly still grappling with the war and its consequences, but that may change in time.  It’s entirely possible that you’ll find a way to bring out a more passionate side of him.”

Purposefully ignoring his girlfriend’s glare, Harry hoped that his words would at least make her sister feel better.  By the way that her blue eyes lit up, it seemed that he had succeeded, but her next words weren’t what he expected.

“Maybe the problem is that we both don’t know passion,” Astoria suggested. “Mother and Father aren’t as cold as the Malfoys but they’re not all that affectionate, at least that I’ve ever seen.  My only experience with seeing a truly loving, passionate relationship is yours, and it’s something that I’ve only experienced myself once.”

“I suppose you could end things with Draco and try to experience other relationships,” Daphne said. “If you two are meant to be, you could find your way back to each other, and, armed with more experience, perhaps you could bring out Draco’s passionate side like Harry said.”

“No, if I end things with Draco, that will be the end outright,” Astoria said, shaking her head. “He’ll just move on to someone else, and that will be that.”

“So, what are you going to do?” Harry asked.

“I need to learn how to inspire Draco’s passion without breaking things off with him,” Astoria said, looking slyly at them. “What I need is an education of a very different sort than I can get from the professors here.  My teacher would have to be someone I could trust implicitly to keep what we were doing to himself.  Perhaps I could find a couple of teachers.”

Harry went still as he realized what Astoria was suggesting, and he hazarded a look over at Daphne, who looked conflicted.

“Astoria,” Daphne said slowly. “This wouldn’t be like the first time.  What you’re suggesting is having an affair with us.”

“That first time, you said that my relationship was doomed as it was, and I had nothing to lose,” Astoria said, echoing her sister’s old words back to her. “It still feels that way, to be honest.  Before, I was the problem, too timid and uncertain to take what I wanted.  Now, he’s the problem, but I don’t know how to get through to him that there even is one.  If I had more experience, if I learned how to truly bring out the animal in a guy, it could help me salvage a relationship that I still really want, because you’re right; I can’t live my whole life in a sterile, passion-free marriage.”

Harry looked over at Daphne and didn’t need legilimency to know what she was thinking.  This had been what she wanted all along: for Astoria to see that there was more out there than Malfoy could give her, so that she’d find him inadequate and dump him.  The younger Greengrass might have said that she was trying to keep the relationship going, but she was already halfway out and taking this step would only guarantee the end of it.  The question was, was Daphne really willing to commit to letting him have an extended affair with her sister to get what she wanted?

“Alright,” Daphne said, downing her glass and setting it aside. “Alright, if you want a proper sexual education course from my darling boyfriend and me, I’ll allow it, but there will be rules.”

“Of course,” Astoria said.

“Daph, are you sure?” Harry whispered in her ear.  The first time and the blowjob contest had been limited things, but this sounded like it would be far more.

“I am,” Daphne replied.  Turning to Astoria, she said, “rule one: you two do nothing without me in the room.  Rule two: if I decide to end this for any reason at all, it ends; no discussion.  Rule three: only ever in this room.  None of these are negotiable.”

“Of course,” Astoria said breathlessly, her eyes shining with excitement that made Harry wonder just how long she had been thinking about this.

“Alright,” Daphne said, grabbing her wand and pointing it at Astoria.  With a silent spell, the younger girl’s clothes came off and flew across the room.

Astoria squeaked at her sudden nakedness and looked over at him with wide, lust-filled eyes.  Harry was on her almost immediately, pulling her in for a deep, passionate kiss.  Astoria returned the kiss with equal fervor, her fingers snaking through his hair and her tongue plundering his mouth.  She moaned when he forced her tongue back, dominating her completely, and pushed her down onto the bed.  He felt his own clothes leave him rapidly and wasted no time grinding his hard cock against her soaking wet nether lips.

“More!” Astoria cried, her head thrown back with a look of ecstasy on her face.  He had barely touched her, and she already looked like she was about to go off.  Just how pent-up was the poor girl?

Harry kissed his way down the slender column of her neck, earning breathy little gasps and moans from the brunette.  He continued down to her full breasts and kneaded the beautiful, pale globes, which fit into his large hands so well.  The feeling of his tongue swirling around one of her nipples made Astoria cry out in pleasure.  Harry felt Daphne’s large, bare breasts against his back and shivered as she nibbled his earlobe.

“Do to her what you did to me the other day,” she whispered in his ear. “Bring her to the edge again and again, denying her each time until she’s crying with need, and then make her cum harder than she ever has in her life.”

“Do you want to cast the spell?” Harry asked. “It would actually be easier if I could just focus on fucking her.”

“What spell?” Astoria asked, opening her eyes to look at them.

“You’ll see,” Daphne giggled. “It will be very frustrating, but if you can endure it like a good girl, the reward will be beyond anything you can imagine.”

“Okay,” Astoria said, nodding rapidly. “Do what you want to me; just please fuck me.  You can even skip going down on me.”

“You don’t want me to?” Harry asked.

“Harry, your tongue is literally magical, but I am so wet, I’m running down my thighs,” Astoria whined. “I need you.”

Harry paused by her breasts and swiped a finger through her sodden folds to find that she really was as wet as she said.  It was almost like the girl hadn’t been satisfied in months.

“Well, if that’s what you want,” Harry chuckled, taking his heavy cock and stroking her soaking wet pussy with its head.

“Fucking Merlin, have you gotten bigger?” Astoria asked, her eyes widening as she saw him.

“No, he stopped growing before we started dating,” Daphne replied for him. “You just haven’t seen it in a while.”

“Haven’t felt it in even longer,” Astoria whimpered.

“Let’s change that,” Harry said, pushing forward and slipping inside her molten tunnel.

“Fuck, yes!” Astoria cried in triumph. “Morgana’s cunt, I missed your cock!”

Harry grinned down at her as he continued conquering her tight depths all over again.

“You like this cock?” he asked.

“Love it!” Astoria gasped, grabbing the sheets below her. “Missed it so fucking much!”

Harry snorted and shook his head.  Both of the Greengrass sisters were enormous size queens, it seemed.  It was safe to say that her relationship wasn’t long for this world.  As Harry finally bottomed out inside Astoria, he felt her thighs shaking on either side of him.  He lifted her legs up, resting her ankles on his shoulders, and groaned at the feeling of her.  She was a slick silk glove, gripping his cock so tightly that he was happy that she was so soaked for both their sakes.  She felt so much like Daphne that he could barely believe it.

“Move, please!” Astoria begged.

“You heard the girl,” Daphne laughed, her voice full of mischief. “My poor sister’s so pent up; she hasn’t felt anything like this in months.  Fuck her, Harry!  Show her all that she’s been missing.”

It said something about how out of her mind with lust Astoria was that she didn’t even react to what her sister was saying.  Instead, as Harry pulled half of his cock out of her sweltering depths and plunged back inside eagerly, all that the gorgeous brunette did was moan.  He watched Daphne climb into bed behind Astoria and sit cross-legged by her head, just as nude as they were.  She had her wand in her hand, ready to cast the edging jinx at a moment’s notice.  A loud, squelching sound was already emanating from her overheated pussy as he fucked her, a testament to just how slick her creamy depths were.  Harry had to admit that, while it would never happen, he could get used to this.  He adored Daphne and was already thinking about spending the rest of his life with her, but having the two of them together was beyond his wildest dreams.

“So fucking good!” Astoria cried. “I’m already going to cum.”

He could feel her tight cunt fluttering around his length as her orgasm rapidly built inside her and signaled to Daphne, who grinned as she raised her wand.

Negaudens,”she cast, a faint purple light going from the tip of her wand to her sister who stilled before blinking at him in confusion.

“That...I…” she tried to ask.

“That’s the spell we were talking about,” Daphne purred, brushing Astoria’s hair out of her face with her nails. “It stops you from cumming and forces you to build up to it again.  You can cast it as many times as you like, preventing the person you cast it on from experiencing orgasm again and again.”

“But that’s…” Astoria went to say, looking like they had just told her her dog had died.

“Astoria,” he said, drawing her attention back to him, “the more times you’re denied, the longer that goes on, the harder you’ll cum when we finally let you.”

“The last time he did this to me, I was an insensate wreck for the better part of half an hour,” Daphne said, shivering. “It’s seriously become my favorite thing.”

“Not that you’d guess it from how she sounds during it,” Harry laughed. “What was it you threatened to do to me if I cast the spell again that last time?  Oh right, castrate me with a rusty butter knife!”

“I was upset; shut up,” Daphne said, turning pink.  Turning back to Astoria, she said, “you wanted a proper education; well, today’s lesson is edging, sister dear.”

“Oh, okay,” Astoria said breathily.

Harry started fucking her again, changing his angle slightly and driving up against her g-spot on every deep thrust.  Astoria’s mewling and moaning returned quickly, and she brought her hand between her legs, playing with her clit as she soared again towards orgasm.  If the brat thought that not mentioning her orgasm would help, she was wrong, and as Harry once again felt the signs that she was getting very close, he signaled to Daphne, who cast the spell a second time.

“Damn it!” Astoria cried, glaring at Daphne, who grinned.

Harry pulled out of her completely, flipped her over, and buried himself to the hilt in her perfect little pussy again.

“Ah, fuck, just like that!” Astoria cried, throwing her ass back against his cock in time with his long, hard thrusts.

Harry grinned at her obvious desire and fucked her even harder, his hips clapping against her ass hard enough to echo through the room.  He raised his hand and brought it down hard on her bubblebutt, making her scream.

“Spank me, Daddy!” she cried. “Spank me, fuck me, treat me like your whore!”

“Holy shit!” Daphne exclaimed, her own eyes dark with lust at the display.

Harry pounded her hard, continuing to spank her arse red as he did.  She was fucking gorgeous and absolute dynamite in bed.  He had forgotten how much he had enjoyed her the first time.  Her garbled moans and cries grew louder and louder, and Harry almost forgot to signal to Daphne when she was close.

“DAPH!” Astoria somehow managed to scream and whine at the same time. “Daddy, make her let me cum!”

“Not ye,t baby girl,” Harry said soothingly, realizing that she was getting close to her limit. “You’re being so good for us.  Just a little more, and you’ll cum so hard.”

“Harry’s right,” Daphne said, sounding deeply amused and aroused at once.

Harry had her on her belly at this point; the poor girl being too exhausted to hold herself up and was pounding her into the mattress.  The amount of time and effort it took to bring her back up to the edge of orgasm was growing shorter as he and Daphne managed to keep her plateaued just below her peak.  The next time that Harry felt she was getting close, he didn’t even signal to Daphne, figuring that she had suffered enough, but the other woman seemed to get enough clues from watching her sister’s face and hearing her moan and scream her mounting pleasure to know when to cast it.

“FUCK!” Astoria screamed in frustration, starting to weep. “Daphne, I’ll do your school work; I’ll give you my allowance; I’ll eat your fucking pussy; just let me cum!”

She was frustrated beyond words at that point and Harry was about to tell Daphne not to cast the spell again when she beat him to it.

“Fucking break her, Harry!” Daphne exclaimed, openly masturbating at the display by this point. “Make her cum so hard her brain melts!”

Harry picked up his pace, fucking her as hard as he had ever fucked her sister, all while she moaned and screamed in ecstasy.  He knew it wouldn’t take much, that the younger girl was so wound up tighter than a bowstring and on the cusp of orgasm.  Gathering her long brown hair in his hand, he pulled back, forcing her to face her masturbating sister, and moved up to her ear.

“Cum for Daddy,” he whispered in her ear, his tongue teasing the lobe.

He felt her cum before he heard her, her pussy clenching so hard around his length that he found it hard to move.  Her body went taught, her back arching hard and her feet kicking back against him.  After a moment of her silence, Harry looked around and saw her mouth held open in a silent scream, her face turning red.

“AAAAHHHHH!” Astoria squealed so loudly that it hurt his ears.

She went off like a rocket, her whole body convulsing under him.  She squirted, her pussy becoming a veritable geyser as she soaked the bed under them.  Her tight pussy milked him hard, and he found that he couldn’t hold on any further, groaning loudly as he flooded her depths with his cum.  He collapsed on top of her, barely catching himself on his forearms.  He panted hard, trying to catch his breath as his heart raced in his chest.

“Stori?” Daphne asked. “Stooori?  I think she’s out.  You should have seen how red her face got.”

“I...did,” Harry gasped as he pulled out of her, rolling onto his back.

“My turn,” Daphne cooed, crawling over to him.  She paused halfway, looking between Astoria’s spread legs. “Wow, you came a lot.”

Harry sat up and looked at the river of cum leaking from Astoria’s gaping, very red pussy.

“Daphne, if you drink that from the source, you’re not going for walk properly to a week,” Harry said, noticing how Daphne was staring.

“Tempting as that sounds, I can think of something much better that I could be doing with my mouth,” Daphne said, grinning wickedly.  Without another word, she moved lower and took his softening cock into her mouth.

Harry hissed at the overstimulation but felt his cock start to harden regardless.  Astoria would probably be out for a while, so he and Daphne had plenty of time to enjoy themselves.


Daphne woke up feeling supremely satisfied, something that she was well used to at this point and felt around the bed for Harry.  Still half asleep, she felt him on his side, facing away from her, and turned to cuddle with him.  Scooting closer to his strong back, she threw her arm over her boyfriend and was surprised to find herself cupping a large, firm breast.  That jolted her awake, and she sat up, taking in the sight of her boyfriend spooning with her sister in the soft light of dawn as memories of the previous night returned to her.

She swallowed thickly and looked away; the intimate moment was somehow much harder to stomach than watching them fuck.  Getting out of bed, the ache between her thighs made her limp as she made her way to the bathroom.  Sitting down on the toilet, she buried her face in her hands as more memories from the night before returned to her.  She agreed to let her sister have an ongoing affair with her boyfriend.

“Fuck me,” she whispered to herself.  Even with a few glasses of wine in her, she had had the presence of mind to make it clear to Astoria that it would end when she said so and that they weren’t to do anything without her, but still, the morning after, she found herself uncertain.

Limping back into the room once she had relieved herself, Daphne felt her heart rate quicken at the sight of the two of them still in bed.  Harry had rolled onto his back, and Astoria had cuddled up with him, one of his strong arms around her protectively as she rested on his chest.  They looked like a couple sleeping together after a night of mind-melting sex.

It’s just sex,” she thought to herself as she climbed back into bed. “It’s just sex they’re having, so Astoria gets bored of Draco and leaves him.  After that, it can end, and she can go find a great boyfriend of her own.”

Daphne rested her head on Harry’s chest across from Astoria, calming slightly when Harry wrapped an arm around her the same way.  She cuddled into him and closed her eyes, basking in the feeling of his warm, strong body.  This arrangement wouldn’t last long, she was sure.  Astoria wouldn’t have suggested it, even drunk, if she wasn’t just about done with her boyfriend.  She just needed a little more of a push, and this entire thing would be over.

It’s just sex,” she thought to herself again.


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