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“How did your session go?” Dumbledore asked.

“Well enough,” Harry replied, “we seem to be making progress sorting through the memory dump.”

“I’m glad,” Dumbledore smiled. “I take it the memories have stopped popping up at inopportune times?”

“For the most part,” Harry replied, “if I see or hear something that can trigger a memory, that will do it, but they’re leaving me alone, mostly.”

“Alright,” Dumbledore remarked, “now hold tightly.”

Grabbing the sleeve of the older man’s robe, Harry soon found himself experiencing the familiar and unpleasant sensation of apparition.  In no time at all, the pair found themselves outside a cave near the property on which once stood Voldemort’s old orphanage.

“This location had been on my list of possibilities,” Dumbledore commented. “Tom’s hatred stemmed from his poor childhood.  It makes sense he would hide the product of one of his most heinous acts near the place where his monstrousness first manifested.”

“There are a few things we need to worry about here, but other than the inferi, they’re simple,” Harry said.

“Inferi?” Dumbledore asked.

“A few dozen,” Harry confirmed.

Dumbledore paled slightly at the reminder of the sheer number of people Tom had killed.

“So long as we don’t touch the water, they shouldn’t be woken,” Harry said. “The potion in the bowl will disappear with the charm I showed you, and aside from that...”

Without another word, Harry cut his palm on a small knife he’d kept in his pocket and wiped some of the blood on the rock wall, revealing the path.

Episkey,” Dumbledore cast on the small cut, “you could have asked me to do that.”

“I can hardly do anything,” Harry grumbled. “The least I could do is bleed for you.”

Dumbledore just smiled and said, “you are using Tom’s knowledge for good, in this case, the recovery of historical artifacts.  You shouldn’t feel down just because you can’t do magic for a few more days.”

“I’m just glad it’s the holidays,” Harry muttered. “I’d hate to have to catch up on two weeks of practical work.”

“You’ll find in life that there’s a silver lining to be found inmost things,” Dumbledore remarked. “Obviously, we can’t leave dozens of inferi here.”

“No,” Harry agreed. “I had Dobby buy me a satchel with an expanded space charm on it.”

Harry pointed to the bag at his hip for effect.

“If you ward the walls and the floor of the cave, you can summon the water in it into the bag and then just fill the whole cave with fire,”  Harry explained. “We can then just return the water.”

“Not a bad plan,” Dumbledore commented. “It will have to be done after we retrieve the locket, though.”

“Little point trying to get it if it’s been melted,” Harry agreed.

Entering the dank, dark cave, Dumbledore cast “Lumos Maxima.”

Harry looked around, noticing that as bright as the blinding white light from Dumbledore’s spell was, it completely failed to illuminate the murky depths or show their undead inhabitants.  Finally, both their gazes fell on the simple boat just off the shore and the basin on the tiny bit of ground at the other end of the cave.

“Did he always like things to be over-complicated?” Harry asked.

“He always had a certain fondness for the convoluted yes,” Dumbledore replied.

“We’re lucky he did,” Harry commented as they entered the boat. “I mean, if I were him, I’d have tossed the lot of them in the Marianas Trench, or buried them somewhere in Antarctica or something.”

“Tom Riddle was always extraordinarily powerful and quite intelligent, but no one ever accused him of being terribly logical,” Dumbledore agreed.

It took the pair a few minutes to paddle over, break the spells on the basin, retrieve the locket, and return.  Once that was done, Dumbledore began warding the cave floor to keep any additional water out.

“Can you get an exact number of inferi?” he asked.

“No, the memories of him designing this place are still jumbled,” Harry replied. “I was able to see him cursing the basin and hiding the locket, but I don’t know if even he knew how many people he killed and trapped here.  From the latest image of the place I can make out though,, I wager more than fifty.”

“All those people,” Dumbledore sighed “such a terrible waste of life.”

“He’s finally gone at least,” Harry agreed. “He’ll hurt no one else.”

With the job done, Dumbledore summoned all the water in the cave into Harry’s empty satchel, taking only a few seconds to drain the whole thing.  Even the elderly wizard blanched a little at the sight that met themthen.  Both Voldemort and Grindelwald used armies of walking corpses during their wars, but no matter how many times one saw a host of rotting carcasses advancing on them, the sight never failed to be unnerving.  With a spell Harry didn’t catch, mighty flames spewed from Dumbledore’s wand, engulfing the first few inferi immediately.  Harry was reminded again, as he had been during the man’s duel with Voldemort in the Ministry Atrium, that Dumbledore truly was one of the most powerful wizards in the world.

“Get back Harry,” he commanded, his voice filled with power.

Harry stepped back further, right to the cave entrance, and just watched in wonder as a mighty cyclone of yellow flame reduced the small army of corpses to ashes.  When Dumbledore finally ended the spell, what had been a writhing mass of putrid flesh attempting to get up and run at them was just a pile of ashes and seared bones.  Dumbledore’s control over the fire had been greater than Harry had anticipated, and he noted that no part of the rock wall had even been singed.

“Open the satchel,” Dumbledore ordered, his voice calmer again.

Doing as he was told, Harry just watched as every drop of water was returned and the cave was made as it had been again.

“You know, even after all this time, magic still amazes me some times,” Harry grinned.

Dumbledore chuckled softly, admitting, “it still happens to me occasionally.”

“That’s actually comforting...” Harry commented, opening the locket and watching a piece of paper fall out.

He picked it up, his brow furrowed in confusion, and read the contents aloud.

To the Dark Lord

I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more.


“Are you kidding me?!,” he growled.

“Calm yourself, Harry,” Dumbledore commented. “Destroying a horcrux is difficult, and knowledge on the topic at all is difficult to obtain.  Our task here is to figure out who this R.A.B. is.”

Harry scowled, putting the fake locket in his pocket, and thought for a moment.

“Well, the fact that he refers to him as the Dark Lord rather than You-Know-Who or Voldemort suggests a Death Eater,” he posited.

“Well done, Harry,” Dumbledore approved, “five points to Gryffindor.”

Dumbledore paced for a moment.

“So if we assume the letters to be initials, and the person to have been a Death Eater, then we need a Death Eater by those initials who would have a access to the kind of ancient and dark knowledge needed to learn of horcruxes,” Dumbledore reasons. “Few of the prominent Death Eaters weren’t wealthy but not many were on the level of Lucius Malfoy for instance.”

“So a really rich Death Eater”, Harry pondered, “you know, Sirius’ whole family with the exception of him and Andromeda served Voldemort; would any of them fit the initials?”

“Regulus,” Dumbledore breathed, his eyes twinkling. “Regulus Arcturus Black.  Grab my robe; we’re returning to Grimmauld Place.”

Harry did so and found himself a moment later in front of Sirius’ old home.  For a moment, pain gripped his heart as his own memories flooded him for a change.

“Are you alright?” Dumbledore asked, his voice soft.

“Yeah,” Harry dismissed. “I had to return here eventually.  As convenient as it would be, what really are the chances that not one but two of his horcruxes were under our noses the whole time?”

“It does seem unlikely,” Dumbledore conceded, “but over the years I have found the unlikely to more often than not be as likely as the likely.”

Harry chuckled lightly at his mentor’s words.

“Kreacher!” Harry called as they entered the dark, unwelcoming home, “get out here, you worthless piece of fil...”

Harry’s tirade was cut short by the sight that greeted him.  In the middle of the living room, the demented house elf’s corpse lay withered and decayed, with obvious signs of a beating covering him.

“FILTHY TRAITOROUS HEIR!” Walpurga’s shrill voice echoed through the house: “LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!”

Harry froze and blanched at the sight.  Dumbledore, for his part, just turned to the portrait.

“My good woman, what do you mean?” he asked.

“My Kreacher was ganged up on by other elves!” Walpurga hissed, “They said they did this for my traitorous son and his heir!”

“What?” Harry asked before calling someone he figured could answer him. “Dobby.”

“Harry Potter, Sir, is calling Dobby?” Dobby asked.

“Do you know what happened to Kreacher?” he asked.

Dobby looked at his feet. “Dobby was knowing how much Mister Grimm dying hurt Harry Potter and might have told the Hogswarts elves that Kreacher was doing it.”

“So they beat him to death?” Harry asked.

“House Elves take their duties very seriously,” Dumbledore answered, “it is entirely conceivable that they would react poorly to a House Elf getting their master killed.”

“Could you just dispose of him for me?” Harry asked Dobby.

“Dobby will,” Dobby responded, disappearing with the corpse.

“House Elves are scarier than we give them credit for,” Harry commented.

“YOU ARE A TERRIBLE, TRAITOROUS MONGREL...” Walpurga tried to scream, only to be silenced by a charm from Dumbledore.

“Plenty of magical creatures are capable of more than our society gives them credit for,” the headmaster asserted, “now we should probably start with Regulus’ room...”

He was interrupted by the reappearance of Dobby.

“Is Harry Potter wanting Dobby to dispose of the locket Kreacher had as well?” he asked, holding the real Locket of Salazar Slytherin in his hands.

“No!” Harry exclaimed. “I’ll take that, actually.  He had this on him?”

“Kreacher was hiding it in his rags,” Dobby replied. “Kreacher was a weird elf to be having a treasure so.”

Harry refrained from pointing out Dobby’s fondness for socks.

“Thank you, Dobby,” Harry said, examining the locket.

“You don’t suppose Regulus asked him to destroy it?” he asked after a moment as the other elf left.

“A final request from his master, which he couldn’t have hoped to accomplish, would explain why Kreacher held it so dearly as he died,” Dumbledore concurred.

“Let’s get out of here, please,” Harry requested.

Tempus,” Dumbledore cast, checking the time, “despite our little detour, we’re making good time.  We should make our way to Gringotts.”

Taking Dumbledore’s sleeve in hand once they were outside, Harry again endured the uncomfortable sensation of apparating and appeared outside the Leaky Cauldron, well hidden from sight.  Making their way through the bar and Diagon Alley, they soon found themselves inside the familiar and unwelcoming goblin-run bank.  Fortunately, even the single bank in the entire area wasn’t that busy on the Saturday afternoon, and shortly enough, they were able to see a teller.

“What business do you have with Gringotts?” the goblin asked tersely.

Dumbledore quickly replied, “Mister Potter here would like to meet with the Black account manager to discuss matters involving article three subsection two of the Bank Treaty of 1511.”

The goblin’s eyes twitched slightly and he immediately activated a small floating orb on his desk, speaking Gobbledegook into it.

“Down the hall to your left, fifth door on the right near the back,” he growled, “be quick about it.”

“We need to meet with the Black account manager because Bellatrix was a black?” Harry guessed.

“No,” Dumbledore replied, “due to how busy I was this year finalizing my accounting of Tom’s life, attempting to confirm how he managed to escape death, and preparing for my own, I forgot to inform you that Sirius named you his primary heir in his will.  You’ve been left the House of Black.”

“Grimmauld Place?” Harry asked.

“No, not the Black’s house, the House of Black,” Dumbledore corrected. “You’ve been left the Black Lordship, just as you will inherit the Potter Lordship when you turn 17.  It means more than it would in the muggle world, but not nearly as much as you might think.”

He added the last part as Harry’s eyes shone with interest.

“How will inheritances work?” Harry asked, “Not that I hope to have to think about that for a while."

“Preferably you would have at least two sons so that one could inherit each house,” Dumbledore replied thoughtfully, “though given your unique circumstances as the sole living heir of two houses, under the old laws, you could technically take a second wife.”

Harry blushed at the knowing look the old man gave him but said nothing as they arrived at the door to the account manager’s office.

“What do you want?” the older goblin inside snarled.

“Harry here was the reason that Voldemort and his followers died,” Dumbledore explained. “Under the provision I quoted to your teller, there is a chance that his magic will recognize those deaths as conquests...”

“I am aware of how our treaties works,” the goblin hissed, producing a copper bowl and a small knife.

“Cut yourself and bleed in the bowl,” the goblin ordered Harry.

“I’m sorry, what is your name?” Harry asked.

“Snapfang,” the goblin replied shortly, “bleed in the bowl.”

For the second time that afternoon, Harry cut his hand and bled for the sake of magic.  Once the goblin deemed the amount sufficient, he took the bowl and, dipping a more ornate blade inside, muttered a bunch of incantations, presumably in his language, until a bright purple light burst within.  Harry watched with interest as his blood was seemingly sucked up into the blade, reddening it with every drop until the bowl was dry.  The goblin then brought the blade down onto a piece of parchment and, with one final goblin word, released the blood onto the sheet, which slowly formed a list of names.

Looking it over, Snapfang turned to Harry, sneering, “congratulations! Your killing spree has netted you a number of vaults.  I do wish you wizards would kill each other more frequently; it would make our jobs so much simpler.  Bring the list to a teller and have them transfer ownership.  Now get out.”

Without a word, Harry and Dumbledore left the room.

“Such charming creatures,” Harry snorted the moment the door was closed.

“Their disdain for us is not something they’ve ever felt the need to hide,” Dumbledore agreed, “but then the issues between our peoples have been quite mutual over the centuries.”

It was a short order from there to get the vaults put over in his name, access Bellatrix’s, and retrieve Hufflepuff’s Cup, with Harry informing Dumbledore of every curse placed on the thing and him removing them.  A short time after that, the pair ended up back in Dumbledore’s office.

“I must thank you for helping me retrieve these things,” Dumbledore said, placing them in pre-arranged places in his office. “It’s always nice to be able to return the possessions of the founders to their school.”

“I’m just glad we didn’t end up destroying three priceless historical artifacts,” Harry remarked. “That would have been a waste.”

“Indeed,” Dumbledore agreed. “Anyway, in case I don’t see you before next Saturday, enjoy your week.”

“You as well, sir,” Harry replied, leaving the room.

Checking the time, he noted he had just enough time to shower and change before his date.  With some nervousness, he left to get ready.


“So you helped him find not one but three priceless artifacts?” Ginny asked, “you know, for anyone else, that might be the highlight of their month.”

“Yeah, well, you know me,” Harry replied, his tone just as teasing. “I’m never happy unless I’ve got at least three major things going on at any given time.”

“I don’t know Harry,” Luna smiled. “I think you might come to really enjoy normal life.”

“Normal being a relative term, given what we’re doing right now,” Ginny joked.

“Well, I think we all know that nothing for me will ever be entirely normal,” Harry laughed.

“Ordinary is nice, but overrated,” Luna piped up, sipping her mulled wine“I think everyone should have some part of their life that is odd.”

The three of them sat together in the Three Broomsticks, enjoying a leisurely dinner date.  Harry had felt a little strange asking for a table for three and knowing it was to be a date setting, but he hoped he’d have to get used to it.

“I still can’t believe Rosemerta actually agreed to serve us alcohol,” Ginny grinned.

“Well, given the article in the Prophet, we should expect a lot of that,” Luna commented.

“You know, I’d say I can’t believe that they just printed that I killed Voldemort without a shred of proof,” Harry muttered, “but since when has that rag needed proof for any of their claims?”

“I still say we should tell them how we did it,” Luna said.

“I’m not telling the entire world that I killed the most feared dark lord in a century by having sex and failing to read a warning,” Harry said with finality.

“I don’t know Harry,” Ginny smirked, “think of the new moniker you could get.  ‘Boy-who-shagged’ for instance?”

“Man-who-shagged would be better,” Luna commented ,“or man-who-destroyed-both-the-dark-lord-and-his-date?”

“It would be a better explanation than the one the Prophet came up with,” Ginny snorted. “I mean, you killing Voldemort with some kind of mighty super weapon?  Really?”

“It is a pretty mighty weapon,” Luna said, her voice serene.

Both girls giggled at that.

“Are you quite done?” Harry asked dryly, his eyes showing his mirth, “All that article means is that I’m going to have to put up with even more attention from everyone around me, and I’m going to have to apologize because it will extend to you two as well.”

After a second, he added, “I mean, if you want to continue seeing us.”

“I’m enjoying myself so far,” Ginny said with a grin.

It was the truth.  The three of them had gotten along beautifully, and she had really enjoyed their dinner.  The food had been as good as it always was at that pub and the wine was a welcome treat.  Sitting there afterward, just imbibing the sweet, warming drink and chatting the night away with her dates, made for a wonderful night.

“What do you both want to do after Hogwarts?” Harry asked.

“I’d like to spend as much of my time as possible searching for undiscovered creatures,” Luna replied simply.

“I’d like to play Quidditch professionally,” Ginny said. “My dream is to fly for the Harpies.  What about you?”

“I don’t know, actually,” Harry admitted. “I had thought of becoming an auror, but I think at the time I was just going for something familiar.  The more the realization that he is really dead sinks in, though, the less the idea of fighting dark wizards for a living appeals to me.  Especially since all the Death Eaters are dead.”

“You could always fly,” Ginny suggested. “You’re utterly brilliant in the skies, and you’re without a doubt the best seeker here.”

“I do love Quidditch,” Harry replied, “but I don’t know if it’s something I could do for a living, you know?”

“Do you have any ideas?” Luna asked.

“Well, this might be the wine talking,” Harry chuckled, “but right now I want to open a vineyard.”

“That could be fun,” Luna said.“With elves to help, you could find a little paradise all your own.  Maybe a multi-acre stretch in Languedoc or...ooh, maybe a nice Greek island.”

Harry closed his eyes and smiled. “An island would be brilliant.  No press, no fans, just myself and the people I care about.”

Ginny’s heart swelled at the sight of Harry in that moment.  She’d never seen him look more relaxed or peaceful.  Imagining the future did give her one disconcerting thought, though.

“I get that this is our first date, and I’m probably an idiot for bringing this up, but it’s not like we don’t already know each other and I need to know, how would a three-way relationship work longterm?” she asked.

“Triad relationships can work.” Luna replied, her voice almost song-like as she envisioned what she wanted for the future: “I imagine that we would simply do everything that a couple would as a threesome, making sure to pay equal attention and affection to each other to avoid making anyone feel left out, and as far as formalities are concerned, your family is far more likely to care than mine.  Daddy will be happy with any arrangement if it makes me happy.”

“What are you saying?” Ginny asked.

“I’m saying if hypothetically, the three of us built a good and lasting relationship, then years from now, you could marry Harry and I’d happily be your shared girlfriend,” Luna replied. “I’ve never dreamed of a wedding or the like, as I know you have.  Besides, I think the idea of having sex with a married couple is quite kinky.”

Ginny gaped at her oldest friend in shock, and Harry just rested his face in his hand.

“Look, Ginny,” he said, “I really don’t want to overwhelm you or make you think that we’re thinking any further ahead than you are.  We’re young, and we have plenty of time to see how we work together.  Don’t feel pressured or like we have more expectations of you than you can manage.  I think it’s pretty obvious Luna and I are both kind of new to this.”

Ginny laughed lightly, taking one of Harry’s hands in her left and one of Luna’s in her right.

“I’m okay, really,” she said. “This is kind of weird to us all, I know, but I wouldn’t have come tonight if I wasn’t really interested in seeing what dating you both could be like.  We’ll see the future when we get there.”

Harry thought about pointing out that he could technically marry twice but thought better of it.  There was plenty of time to let them know about Sirius leaving him the House of Black, and they had already strayed too far into marriage talk for a first date as it was.

“So I’m curious,” Luna began, “what is it about the idea of playing Quidditch professionally that doesn’t appeal to you?”

“I don’t know,” Harry sighed. “When I got here, flying was the first thing that I was really good at, and over the years I have enjoyed Quidditch, but flying is something that I do occasionally to clear my head or just because it’s fun.  I wouldn’t want to risk that losing its fun if it became something I had to do all the time for my job.”

“Makes sense,” Ginny commented. “I want to play professionally, but I’ve wanted that since I was a little girl.  I’ve never told anyone this, but I used to sneak out at night and break into the shed outside when I was a kid, starting when I was about six.  I’d just practice flying for hours if I could get away with it.  My parents are both heavy sleepers, thankfully.”

“Your brothers never caught you?” Harry asked.

“Bill almost did once,” Ginny laughed at the memory, “but I convinced him I’d been sleepwalking.  He caught me in the kitchen on my way back to bed.”

“How’d you do that?” Harry asked.

“Didn’t acknowledge him when he called to me,” Ginny grinned. “I just let my eyes close and walked right past him.  When he grabbed my shoulder, I acted confused, like he’d just woken me.”

“Devious little thing, weren’t you?” Harry laughed.

“I’ve always been closest to Bill,” Ginny laughed. “Being the oldest, he seemed to take it on himself to look out for me.  A side effect of that was that I had him wrapped around my finger from the time I could say his name.”

“I was always fondest of Bill,” Luna murmured, “he was always kind to me.”

“You got away with everything as a kid, didn’t you?” Harry asked. “I mean, with the twins to blame, it couldn’t have been hard.  Except that one time with Luna, of course.”

With that one comment he looked to Luna and Ginny froze, her face reddening in embarrassment.

“You told him?” she asked, her voice accusatory.

“Yes,” Luna replied simply, “it is a funny story.”

“Luna...” Ginny scowled.

“Ginny I acknowledge that you had a crush on a character that shared my name,” Harry said diplomatically. “I don’t hold that against you, and I swear I don’t think less of you because of it.”

He took her hand and kissed it, his emerald eyes captivating her chocolate ones.

“You making out with Luna roleplaying as that character is funny, but I wouldn’t make fun of you for it,” Harry assured her. “As a kid, I had a crush on an orange skinned space princess from some of my cousin’s American comics I used to borrow when no one was looking.”

“I know kids all have little crushes,” Ginny said. “I just don’t want you to ever think that I can’t tell the difference between you and the ‘boy-who-lived.’”

“It’s easy to tell the difference,” Luna said dreamily, “the boy-who-lived doesn’t have a hors...”

“Luna, how do you feel about flying?” Harry asked, cutting her off.

“I learned the same as everyone else in first year,” Luna shrugged.“I don’t think I was ever very good at it though.”

“The practice brooms at school are dreadful,” Harry muttered.

“They really are,” Ginny agreed. “The brooms I practiced on as a kid weren’t exactly the best, and even I thought they were crap.”

Harry’s eyes lit up as an idea formed.

“Why don’t we teach you how to fly on a real broom?” he asked.

“You mean your Firebolt?” she asked.

“Exactly,” Harry replied.

“I don’t suppose I can get a turn on it too?” Ginny asked, her eyes practically puppy-like.

“Of course,” Harry replied, “in fact, I was hoping to see if you could fit three people on a broom.”

“I’m not sure we could,” Ginny said.

“I guess we’ll just have to sit really close,” Luna grinned.

With that, Harry paid the tab, and the three of them left, walking back towards the castle.

Ginny turned to Harry, and said, “so tell me more about this space princess we’re both in competition with.”

Harry laughed, saying, “she was a redhead, so I guess Sirius and Remus were right about that Potter trait, though I’m equally partial to blondes.”

With that last comment, he kissed Luna’s cheek, eliciting a wide smile.

“She could fly, and,” he paused, his face turning more grim as his childhood memories came in, “I used to dream she’d come fly me away from them.”

Both girls immediately put an arm around his waist, sensing his mood.  He hadn’t yet confided in Luna about his childhood, but both knew it was less than pleasant, and Ginny kicked herself for making him think of it.

Way to kill the mood, Weasley,” she thought to herself.

“I’m not sure why you didn’t want Harry to know about our childhood adventure,” Luna piped up, hoping to improve Harry’s spirits. “Boys think the idea of girls making out is very sexy.”

“We were ten, Luna,” Ginny chuckled, “that doesn’t count.”

“I agree; we should recreate it to compare some time,” Luna replied, her silver eyes shining with mischief.

Ginny could only laugh lightly; her mind suddenly filled with images of the stunning blonde in her arms and Harry caressing them both as they kissed.  Choosing not to go to the Quidditch pitch but tothe lake, Harry summoned Dobby to bring him his broom, then held it out for the girls to see.

“This is a very fast broom and wouldn’t normally be something I’d suggest for practice, but if I’m behind you, it should be fine,” Harry commented. “Just get on in front and I’ll show you how to work it.”

Turning to Ginny, he added, “I’ll give it to you in a few minutes.”

Luna wrapped her thighs around Harry’s broom and leaned her head back onto his shoulder as he placed his hands on her hips.

“Alright, now kick off the ground...” Ginny heard Harry whisper before they took off slowly.

Luna was clearly not used to flying much, but Ginny noted that either she was a quick learner or Harry was a good teacher as she quickly picked up the basics.  She knew from her experience in D.A. that both were likely true.  Just sitting down and watching the pair, Ginny found herself feeling odd emotions.  As she watched the two of them have fun, Luna melting into Harry’s embrace as she flew a good broom for the first time, it occurred to her that she was mildly jealous but couldn’t decide who she was jealous of.  It all seemed so easy to hear Luna in particular describe it, as if the three of them could just make a go of things and make it work.

“Could that even work?” Ginny muttered to herself. “Could I ever forgive myself if I didn’t find out?”

As the pair descended, Harry came over and handed Ginny his broom.

“Have a go then,” he grinned, that grin growing as Luna wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you,” Ginny beamed, her face radiating her excitement.

Without preamble, she mounted the broom and took off into the night sky.  Her hair flowing in the wind as she drove herself to greater and greater speeds, she soared through the sky, using all of her willpower to keep from crying out at the experience.  The firebolt was insane, allowing her greater speed and control than she had ever experienced before.  After several minutes of speeding through the air, she returned to Harry and Luna, finding the pair on the ground, Luna’s head resting on Harry’s shoulder as he ran his fingers through her hair.  They turned to her when they heard her approach.

“How was it?” Luna asked.

“This broom is incredible,” Ginny gushed.

“Ginny, scoot forward on the broom,” Harry asked. “I want to see if the three of us can fit.”

Ginny did as she was asked and immediately felt Luna wrap her arms around her.  She sank back into the blonde’s embrace, letting her nuzzle her neck.

“Having fun?” Luna asked.

“Yeah,” Ginny replied.

Harry got on behind Luna, just barely fitting behind them both.

“You’re sure you want to try this?” Ginny asked.

“Just don’t go too high,” Harry commented.

She took off, willing the broom to speed the three of them across the lake.  Harry tightened his grip on Luna, who in turn tightened her grip on Ginny, the three of them trying their best to stay on the broom.  For his part, Harry’s vision was mostly blocked by the mix of red and blonde hair in his face, but he trusted Ginny to fly well.  Ginny eventually realized why fitting three people on a broom wasn’t a great idea as the broom started to shake under her grip.  Bringing the three of them over the ground and away from the lake, she turned them over, allowing them to land in a heap without hurting themselves or damaging the broom.

“Okay, that might not have been my best idea,” Harry chuckled, wrapping his arms around the pair who had fallen on top of him.

“I would say it turned out rather well,” Luna said, snuggling into his chest and wrapping an arm around Ginny.

Ginny turned, finding herself embraced by the pair of them, and without thinking, she kissed Harry deeply.  She accepted his tongue into her mouth with a moan, getting louder as Luna started kissing along her neck.  Seemingly working in tandem, as Harry pulled away and started kissing her neck, Luna moved in and captured her mouth.  For the first time since she was a kid, Ginny found herself making out with another girl.  She could have noted the differences, how much softer her lips were compared to the boys she’d kissed, for instance, but in that moment, all she could focus on was how bloody good it felt as the pair of them focused on her.  She pulled back with a gasp when Harry started nibbling on her ear, and Luna took advantage of that to start nibbling on the other one.

“Wait,” she said, all thought of taking things slowly fading in her, “do you want to take this somewhere less…snow covered?”

Harry and Luna looked around and laughed, warming charms having momentarily made them forget they were out in the winter cold.

“Room of Requirement?” Harry asked.

“It would probably be best,” Luna replied.

Without a word, the three of them rushed up the seventh floor, taking full advantage of their vast knowledge of the secret passages in the castle to do so without running into anyone in the sparsely populated castle.

Harry chose to be the one to will the room to become what he wanted.  Ginny was clearly into them, and Harry certainly had hopes for where the night could go, but he didn’t want to scare her off and figured Luna would go all out in creating a bed for three in an overtly romantic room.  As the three entered, they found themselves faced with a large, comfortable-looking sofa instead.  Luna’s dreamy gaze lingered on him for a few seconds before she turned and took Ginny by the hand to sit with her.

“I can’t believe I’m really doing this,” Ginny said.

“Are you sure you want to?” Luna asked, a featherlight touch of her fingers ghosting over Ginny’s hair, “Neither of us will do anything that you aren’t comfortable with.”

Ginny nodded, too excited to respond in words and without saying anything more, Luna kissed her and pulled her onto her lap.  Ginny straddled Luna with a moan let loose into the other girl’s mouth, wrapping her fingers in the long blonde hair as Luna’s hands settled on her hips.  This, she decided, felt too good not to even think about stopping.  All thoughts of what it meant for her sexuality disappeared as she sank fully into the embrace of the dreamy eyed girl.  Ginny’s focus was so absolute that she actually pulled back in surprise when Harry’s hands found her waist and his lips found her neck.  Luna took full advantage of her momentary shock to place her own kisses along the other side of the narrow column, and soon Ginny could only moan and mewl as she experienced the sensation of two people simultaneously stimulating some of her most sensitive spots.

Harry moved on from Ginny’s neck to capture Luna’s mouth, kissing her deeply as the blonde’s hands came first tentatively and then firmly to Ginny’s chest, kneading her full breasts through her robes.  Ginny moaned, kissing along Harry’s neck and almost moaning again at the salty taste of his skin.  Her teeth grazed his pulse point lightly, and the groan this elicited from him shot straight to her already nearly boiling core.  She knew, as horny as she was rapidly getting that unless she truly wanted to end up spending the night with them, something that at that point she was already mulling over, she would have to leave then.  But just as that thought entered her mind, Harry pulled away from Luna and pulled Ginny on top of him, laying back and wrapping his arms around her as he plundered her mouth with his tongue.

Ginny sank into the passionate kiss, their tongues dueling for dominance, and started grinding on him automatically.  She had never been as horny as she was in that moment, and her willpower was rapidly leaving her as lust and desire took over.  For her part, Luna sat back, watching the two people she cared for and desired most on Earth indulge in their shared passion and longing for one another.  With a wave of her wand, she moved their boots to one end of the room, convinced that, at minimum, they wouldn’t need them for a while.

Ginny pulled back after a while with a groan. “What on Earth is that?”

“What’s what?” Harry asked, teasing her ear with his tongue.

“Tha...” she paused, her eyes going wide as saucers. “O,h Merlin’s balls, is that...”

“I said he was big, didn’t I?” Luna asked, embracing her from behind and tasting the column of her neck again. “Do you want to see it?”

Ginny shuddered under the pale girl’s ministrations, thinking, “that thing felt gargantuan!  There’s no way...”

“Yes,” she admitted.

With a grin, Luna pulled the other girl back into her lap and kissed her again.

“Go on, lover,” she teased, “give her a show.”

Harry stood, finding his feet bare, and removed his robes slowly.  Figuring that’s what Luna meant by a show, he locked eyes with Ginny and revealed his muscular, swimmer’s build of a body to her inch by inch, growing harder every second he stood under her and Luna’s twin lustful, hungry gazes.  Luna, it seemed, had given up entirely on subtlety and was openly caressing the other girl’s breasts as they watched him together, drawing lustful moans from the horny redhead.  He held the robes around his erection for a few moments more, having stopped wearing underwear at Luna’s insistence before revealing his manhood fully.

Ginny’s jaw dropped. “There is no way that could fit!”

“Of course it will,” Luna replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“It’s as big as my forearm!” Ginny exclaimed.

“Oh hush, it’s only ten inches,” Luna corrected, “ten gloriously thick inches, which will stimulate places deep inside you that you didn’t know you had and make you feel all manner of delightful sensations.

She started kissing Ginny’s neck again as she spoke, drawing lustful moans equally due to the equine manhood in front of her as to Luna’s skilled efforts.

“It took me a few times to be able to take all of it,” Luna continued, “but already I can take every inch of it down my throat, in my cunt, and up my arse.”

“Your arse?” Ginny squeaked.

“Oh yes,” Luna moaned, “you’ll cum so hard with him buried to the hilt in that tight, wonderful bum of yours.”

Harry walked forward at that moment, and Ginny’s eyes moved up and down with his rigid horsecock bobbing almost comically.

“Do you want it, Gin?” he asked, “because I don’t want to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, but I’ve wanted you for so...”

He didn’t finish that statement, as in an instant Ginny was on her knees, examining the mammoth organ up close.  Tentatively, she took it in her hands, neither of them managing to wrap fully around it, and pumped experimentally.  She had been convinced that she wanted to take things slowly, but, given that flying alone had always gotten her wet, to say nothing about the fact that both Harry and Luna had been singularly focused on driving her insane for what felt like ages by that point, she was too turned on in that moment to care.  All she knew was that the man of her dreams and a woman she increasingly desired both wanted her and that she wanted to be with them.

Bringing the cock to her mouth, she pulled the foreskin back and teased the gland with her tongue, making Harry groan and his knees buckle slightly.  She let him sit down and got to work, taking a couple inches of cock into her mouth, having to stretch her lips to make it fit at all, and using both hands to wank him.

“Oh fuck Ginny,” Harry groaned, his fingers instantly buried in her fiery locks.

“Merlin,” Ginny breathed, pulling her head back to examine him, “sit back; I want you to enjoy this.”

Harry complied and immediately felt his eyes cross as a full six inches of his cock were engulfed by his new lover’s sinful mouth.  Luna watched the scene from right next to them, openly stroking her now-gushing pussy through her robes.  She had dreamed of this scenario before: the two objects of her affection and lust locked together in pleasurable abandon.  She would have liked to kiss Harry while Ginny worked, or even better, to strip naked, sit on his face, and scream to the heavens on his talented mouth, but the look in his and Ginny’s eyes, locked on one another as she sought to bring him over the edge, was too sexy to disturb.

Harry was convinced again that he’d died, that somehow Voldemort had broken into the castle and killed him, and this was his afterlife reward for enduring all that he did in life, because there was no way it was real.  As he looked down, his verdant eyes locked with a pair of chocolate brown ones, smoldering with lust.  Her bobbing head did nothing to stop the constant contact as they both shared without words their burning desire for eachother.  Ginny’s tongue massaged his cock in ways that quickly reduced him to a moaning wreck, and the couch on which he sat eventually became a bed for him to lie back on.  Vaguely, he noticed his girlfriend snake her way around the redhead.

“Are you enjoying that?” Luna whispered in Ginny’s ear, getting an enthusiastic moan in response.

She traced her fingers along Ginny’s still-clothed hips and ass before stroking her sex lightly.

“Why don’t I rid you of these cumbersome robes so you can have your fun too?” she teased, taking the moan she got back as a yes.

With a wave of her wand, she banished Ginny’s clothing and her own to a pile with Harry’s.  Lustfully taking in the sight of the other girl’s arse, she appreciated the firm, round cheeks covered by white cotton and bit her lower lip at the sight of how the material covering the girl’s quim had gone nearly transparent with how soaked through it was.

“You really mustn’t wear underwear, Ginny,” Luna said dreamily. “Constricting your nethers makes it easier for the wrackspurts to cloud your mind.”

Evanesco,” she cast, vanishing the offending material of Ginny’s cotton panties and revealing a very wet pink cunt.

Luna appraised her new lover with a smile, her dreamy eyes shining at the sight of her on her knees.  Ginny’s ass had indeed grown and was full.  She lacked hair on any part of her, save for a small patch above her womanhood.

‘Great minds think alike, it seems,” she thought to herself.

Without a word, she sank a finger into Ginny to her last knuckle, making the girl pull off Harry’s cock with a moan.

“Fuck Luna!” she cried, being so close to the edge that even Luna’s finger threatened to get her off.

Luna pulled back and sunk the wet digit into her mouth, her eyes closing as she enjoyed the flavor.

“Delicious,” she breathed, “and trust me, by the end of the night we will all be very well-fucked.  Harry and I staved off this morning, just in case you decided to join us tonight.  It was very hard.  He has six orgasms he needs to have tonight, and in truth I’m surprised he hasn't yet.”

“Sheer willpower,” Harry forced out.

“Well, that’s rude,” Luna chastised with a grin. “Ginny clearly wants a load of your thick, delicious cum, and she should be given what she wants.”

Without another word, Luna sank down and licked Ginny’s slit from clit to perineum.

“Oh, dear Morgana,” Ginny cried, taking Harry’s cock in her mouth again.

Luna quickly decided that Ginny tasted just as lovely as Harry, if quite different, and drank deeply of her arousal, purposefully avoiding her clit or any further fingering.  She would let Harry get her off first and just keep her on edge while Ginny finished him.

With a cry of her name, Harry came hard, having gone longer without an orgasm that day than he had since he started dating Luna, and held her head, letting massive spurt after massive spurt of cum fill her mouth.  Ginny was immediately shocked by the sheer volume he produced, but she swallowed every drop she got greedily.  She had never been one for the mess a guy could make if he came anywhere other than down her throat, having learned that the hard way with Dean.

Luna eased off as Ginny let Harry’s length fall from her mouth with an audible pop.

“Seems he enjoyed that,” Luna giggled.

Harry fell back and said, “you’re incredible.”

Ginny blushed at the praise and sank back as Luna hugged her from behind, kissing her deeply.  She shared the last traces of Harry’s load with the other girl, allowing her to guide them both to the bed next to Harry.  Harry sat up and managed to truly see their pair naked together for the first time.  He noted that while Ginny’s breasts were slightly smaller than Luna’s and her arse slightly bigger, the two had very similar bodies, and he found himself wondering if they simply shared an idea of what counted as perfect or if Dumbledore had been wrong and it had been his ideal the magic had used when it changed them.

“Harry,” Luna said, breaking him out of her reverie. “I think it’s time we showed Ginevra here how much we adore her.”

Ginny normally would have bristled at her full name being used, but she found that the breathy way Luna said it was far more hot than annoying.

Harry crawled between Ginny’s legs and took in the sight of her weeping pussy.  With the neat triangle of red curls above it being similar to Luna’s blonde triangle, he figured that on some level they shared aesthetic ideas.  Without a word, he dove right in, eating her out with glee.  She had a slightly stronger flavor than Luna, he noted, but was no less delectable.

“Oh Harry!” she cried out, gripping his hair and holding on for dear life.

Luna moved down as well and, after casting a quick cleaning charm, gently pushed the pair onto an angle so that she could sink her tongue into the other girl’s puckered asshole.

“Luna, what the...” Ginny tried to question, only to be cut off as Harry started speaking parseltongue right against her clit, “FUCK!”

The ginger girl writhed and screamed both their names, coming harder than she ever had in her entire life and gushing all over Harry’s mouth.  Harry and Luna both grinned in unison as they felt her holes spasm around their probing tongues.  Harry gripped her thighs tightly and continued to eat her out, alternating between teasing and tasting her labia and sopping hole and tonguing her throbbing clit.  All the while, Luna continued to rim the writhing, screaming girl, helping Harry get her off over and over again.  After five consecutive orgasms Harry let her go, watching as she curled up, continuing to shake and sob in ecstasy, the ear-to-ear grin on her face unmistakable.

“Mer...Merlin’s balls, you two,” she stuttered, still trying to catch her breath and wiping tears from her cheeks. “Luna, why did you lick me...there?”

“I’m sorry, is analingus a second date thing?” Luna asked “Harry waited until the second time we slept together, but I am rather new to this.  Didn’t you like it?”

Ginny just laughed, “yeah, it felt good, great really, but isn’t it...you know, weird?”

“It’s been my experience that weird does feel good,” Luna replied, wrapping her arms around the still recovering girl. “Our Harry’s managed to make me cum just by sucking on my toes, and I still don’t know how that works.”

“Luna and I are both turned on by the idea of worshiping with our mouths,” Harry shrugged “we’ll hold off if it weirds you out, but we do use cleaning charms first so...”

“It’s fine,” Ginny said, waving off his concerns. “I’m not gonna run away screaming just because you two have your kinks.  No piss or shit, though, right?”

“Yeah,” Harry and Luna said in unison, both looking grossed out by the thought.

“So Ginevra,” Luna purred, “you’ve got to be running like a river after all that, but if you still aren’t sure he’d fit, you could watch us first.”

“No,” Ginny replied immediately, “I mean, you can go first if you want; he’s your boyfriend, but I feel confident he wouldn’t kill me.”

“He can be our boyfriend,” Luna said, “just as you would be our girlfriend, if you’ll have us.”

“I think I’ve pretty much had you already,” Ginny smirked dryly, “but I’m definitely interested in dating.”

Luna’s beaming smile made Harry’s heart soar even as it thundered at the idea of this really working.

“Then you should definitely go first,” Luna beamed. “Do you want to be on top?”

“No,” Ginny replied, turning to Harry and cupping his face in her hand, gazing into his eyes “I want my first time to be on my back.”

Harry kissed Ginny, and she found herself enjoying the taste of herself on his lips.  He led her down, positioning himself between her legs.

“I’ll go slow,” he murmured “let me know when you’re ready for more.”

“I’ll need you to,” Ginny said, “but I won’t bleed; I broke that years ago, broom accident.”

Luna helped place Harry’s massive cock at Ginny’s entrance, her eyes shining with mischief at the sight of just how much smaller the hole was than what was about to stretch it out, and she whispered in his ear.

“Make her ours.”

Without another word, Harry thrust forward, and for the second time in his life, he got to enjoy the look of a woman feeling him for the first time.  Ginny’s eyes went wide as saucers, and her mouth gaped open as she gasped for air.

“Sweet Morgana,” she gasped, “are you part giant?”

“One part certainly is,” Luna suggested.

Harry took the praise with a grin and continued to push forward, slowly sinking four inches of him inside her.

“So big,” Ginny groaned, “makes me feel tiny.”

“You are tiny,” Harry moaned. “Holy fuck, you’re tight.”

Luna watched, mesmerized by the sight of Harry’s cock stretching Ginny’s wet yet virgin pussy obscenely.

“You’ve nearly got half of it,” she said encouragingly.

“Half...AHH!” Ginny screamed as Harry pulled out and sank another three inches into her. “Slow...please!”

“Sorry,” Harry gritted through his teeth, struggling to control himself after having enjoyed reckless and uncontrolled sex with Luna for the past several days, “didn’t think I’d go so far like that.”

With another couple thrusts, he was buried to the hilt inside her, marveling at the hot, wet, tight depths he’d plundered.  Comparing her to Luna would be a mistake, he knew, and though she seemed slightly tighter, their pussies were quite similar, but the simple fact that he was fucking a girl he’d been craving for months was fucking with his head.

“So full,” Ginny moaned, mostly to herself, her eyes scrunched closed, “so good.”

After a few moments, Ginny whispered to Harry that he could move and he did, pulling out almost completely and thrusting back in fully.

“Ah, oh,” Ginny squealed, “harder!”

Harry complied, quickly setting a hard, rough pace.  He might have worried about taking her this roughly, so quickly if not for the pleasured cries she was letting out, egging him on.  With his calloused  left thumb, he started rubbing her clit as he fucked her, and soon she was cumming on his cock, her thoroughly soaked cunt spasming around him.  Looking over, he noticed Luna masturbating to the scene without a care in the world, three of her fingers plunging in and out of her own dripping hole.  He flipped them over and beckoned Luna to come over.

Ginny propped herself up with her hands on his chest, still trying to catch her breath.  Her heart still thundered in her chest from her latest orgasm.  She shuddered at the realization that not only was that the sixth she’d had since they began, but that they were nowhere near done.  She saw Luna crawl over and grinned as the blonde mounted Harry’s face.

‘That’s something I have to try,’ she thought.

Luna mounted Harry happily, facing Ginny.

“Roll your hips like this,” she instructed, mimicking the movement before placing her pussy directly over Harry’s mouth again. “It feels so good when you...oh...”

She began moaning immediately as Harry pulled her down, his hands firmly holding her thighs, and started eating her out.  Ginny had just been still while she recovered from her climax, but she did as Luna said and started riding Harry.  She loved the ability to control the depth and angle of penetration in that position as well as the power she felt being on top.  She just knew that if not for the fact that Luna was sitting on his face, she’d see him looking up at her with lust, desire, and need plain on his face.

“Oh fuck!” Luna cried out, falling forward as she came.

Ginny caught her, holding the shaking blonde in her arms as she continued to drive herself to her own next orgasm.

“Cum in her Harry,” Luna breathed, still gasping for breath, “next time she cums, cum with her.”

Without another word, Luna kissed her, plundering her mouth with her tongue.  If Ginny could still taste her ass on the other girl’s tongue, she didn’t notice as she melted into the kiss, making out with her girlfriend as she continued to ride her boyfriend’s cock.  Luna pulled away and kissed Ginny’s neck, focusing on a particular point that drove her over the edge.  She saw stars, the multiple different stimulations making her cum hard, and then she felt it.  Harry’s cock seemed to grow within her suddenly and spasm just before she felt the first powerful shot of sperm rocket up against her cervix.  Harry thrust deep, his mammoth cock placed just right against her to cum directly into her womb.  She came even harder at the sensation of being filled to the brim with his potent sperm and was thankful that she was on the potion.  She collapsed against Luna and rode out the last of their shared orgasm before falling forward.

Luna helped Ginny off of Harry’s cock, smiling at the look on the face of the, for the moment at least, very satisfied man, and rolled her onto her back.  She immediately dove on the girl and started lapping up her gaping pussy, groaning to herself as their combined tastes filled her mouth.  She reached up and kneaded Ginny’s breasts and continued to eat every drop of Harry’s load out of her as it slowly seeped from her overfilled womb.

Ginny just moaned and laid there, enjoying both the tender ministrations of her oldest friend and the afterglow of her mind-blowing shag.

“Enjoying that?” Harry asked.

“She’s...oh...very good,” Ginny replied.

“It turns out I love the taste of pussy,” Luna stated, “especially the cream filled kind.  Why don’t we find out how much I like pussy-glazed cock?”

With that, she sucked Harry’s entire half-hard length into her mouth and Ginny got to watch in amazement as Luna took the rapidly rehardening ten inches all the way down into her throat.

“Need to learn how to do that,” she mused aloud.

I’m dead and gone to Heaven,” Harry thought for neither the first nor the last time that night.

The three of them shagged for the next few hours straight, in every position and combination they could think of, and when they finally finished, they collapsed together in a heap of limbs and very satiated flesh.


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