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I really need to make male friends,”Harry thought to himself as he waited for his date to arrive.  Looking over at Ron, who was wearing some truly unfortunate dress robes, he contemplated trying to go say something but thought better of it.  There had been a short period after the first task where his one-time friend had seen through his envy over Harry being a champion in the tournament and tried to make amends, but learning that Harry was sleeping with Fleur had ended that.

Losing Ron’s friendship a second time hadn’t been as bad as the first, both because part of him had seen it coming that time and because Fleur had a great way of taking his mind off of his troubles.  He still couldn’t believe that the veritable goddess had decided that she wanted him, but as he stood there waiting for her to arrive to be his date for the night, he wasn’t about to question his good fortune.

“Bloody birds,” he heard Dean mumble behind him, and he couldn’t help but agree with the sentiment.  There was an entire group of boys around him waiting as he was, each one having been ready for the ball for some time.  Harry was standing all alone, as even Hermione was taking forever to get ready.  Harry found it perplexing that she had adamantly refused to tell him who her date was, but he figured that he’d find out soon enough.

Most of the guys were keeping their eyes glued to the staircase, as their dates were upstairs within the castle, and Harry was glad for it because, as Fleur finally arrived, he was happy to have a moment to stand their slackjawed before all the guys around him started gawking.  She was stunning, even more than she usually was.  Her dress was a shimmering silver that complimented her hair and showed off her incredible figure perfectly.  The plunging neckline would have been enticing on a less buxon woman, but on Fleur, the sight of her cleavage alone was enough to make his pants grow tight.

“I’d ask what you zink, but ze look on your face says it all,” Fleur said, sounding amused.

“You cannot blame ‘im, ma cherie,” Marie giggled. “I ‘ad to pick my own jaw off of ze ground when I saw you in zat dress.”

It was the first time that Harry noticed the lovely redhead, and not for lack of reason.  She was stunning in her dark blue gown.  It showed less skin than Fleur’s did, but it clung to her curvaceous figure like a second skin.

“Tu es Belle,” Harry said to Fleur as his brain turned back on.  Her face lit up at the compliment in her native tongue and she drew him in for a searing kiss.

A chorus of bloody hells rang out behind him, but he only barely noticed.  Fleur pulled away after a moment, a line of saliva keeping their mouths connected for a precious few extra seconds.

“You look incroyable yourself, mon tresor,” she purred, looking down at him.

Harry had filled out nicely over the past month.  Between training with Fleur and the regimen of nutrient potions that she had insisted that he start taking, he had put on a fair bit of muscle and had even gotten a little taller.  Before, he had been about Fleur’s height, perhaps even a hair shorter, but now he had a good inch on his sort of girlfriend.

“So where’s your date, Marie?” Harry asked.

“I’m expecting her any time no…” Marie trailed off as she looked up the stairs and noticed something that drew her attention.

Harry looked up, and his jaw nearly dropped a second time at what he saw.  Some of the girls had started to come down the stairs.  Lavender and Parvati were among them, and as much as both girls looked lovely, they were not who Harry found himself openly staring at.

Hermione was with them, dressed in a periwinkle blue dress that showed off her surprisingly lovely figure without showing very much skin.  Her hair had been tamed into soft brown waves, and she had worn it up, allowing only a few gentle curls to fall by the side.  It wasn’t the first time Harry had thought so, but it might have been the first time that no one could deny that his best friend looked beautiful.

“Wow,” he said the moment she walked up to him.  He immediately realized his mistake and turned to apologize to Fleur, only to find her staring at Hermione just as he had been.  The look in her eyes was one that he had seen many times directed at him, and he felt his pants grow tight at the thought of Fleur and Hermione together.

“My my, Marie, you do ‘ave good taste,” Fleur said. “You look gorgeous, ‘Ermione.”

“I look gorgeous?” Hermione asked incredulously. “Fleur, you’re stunning, and Marie...wow, just wow.”

Harry watched Hermione look Marie up and down with some confusion.

“You look rather ‘wow’ yourself, ‘Ermione,” Marie purred, taking Hermione’s hand in hers. “Together, we might even give Fleur a run for ‘er money in how many boys will stare when zeir dates aren’t looking.”

“Toge…” Harry tried to say as he caught on to the less than subtle clues he was witnessing. “Marie’s your mystery date?”

“Mmmhmm,” Hermione replied, looking bashful.

Before Harry could say anything else, Professor McGonagall spoke up.

“Alright, it seems that most of you have arrived,” she said, and as he looked around, Harry noticed that she was right.  While he had been distracted, first by Fleur and Marie and then by Hermione, quite a number of people had arrived.  He noticed Malfoy standing, looking like a preening peacock next to Pansy while a rather unhappy-looking Parvati stood next to Ron and looked at his robes.

“Champions, come here with your dates,” his head of house continued.

Tugging on his hand, Fleur snapped him out of his reverie, and the two walked over to where the professor stood.  The two of them stood behind Cedric and Cho, who were in turn behind Krum and a girl he didn’t recognize, presumably a student from Durmstrang.  McGonagall led them inside the main hall, which looked fancier than he could recall ever seeing it before, and towards the top table where the judges sat.  Snape wasn’t sitting there, but the misery quota he generally filled was being handily taken care of by a scowling Karkaroff.

Harry pulled out Fleur’s chair for her and let his hand ghost over her bare back before sitting down next to her.

“I know I already said it, but you really do look amazing,” he said quietly.

“I could stand to ‘ear it again,” Fleur said, smiling at him.

Once everyone else was seated, Dumbledore stood up and said, “say what you wat and it will appear.  To demonstrate: roast beef, mashed potatoes, and sauteed carrots.”

A plate appeared before him filled with exactly what he had mentioned, and Harry felt his stomach rumble at the sight.

“Boeuf Bourguignon,” Fleur said, and a bowl of hearty stew appeared in front of her.

“Steak au Poivre, and mashed potatoes,” Harry said.

“Your pronunciation is getting better,” Fleur complimented him as she dug into her dinner.

“With your reward system, how could I not learn the language?” Harry chuckled as he started cutting into his steak.

They had been provided a list of available dishes ahead of time, featuring standard English fare, French dishes, and various eastern European meals.  Fleur had worked to convince him to try something French, and as he put that first bite into his mouth, he was glad that she had.

“Fantastic, no?” she asked as he groaned softly. “Ze sauce is amazing.  If ze ‘ouse elves did it properly, it’s been made with green peppercorns.

Harry cut a small piece off and held it out for Fleur. “You want to check?”

Fleur smiled at him and accepted the mouthful eagerly.

“Manifique,” she sighed once she had swallowed the steak. “Zey did a wonderful job with both dishes.  ‘Ere, try some of ze stew.”

Fleur managed to get a little beef, potato, and carrot on her spoon and brought it to Harry’s mouth.  He accepted the food and groaned at the taste.  He was about to thank her when he heard Professor McGonagall clear her throat pointedly.  Looking at the older woman, he noticed her glaring at them and realized that they had attracted a few looks.  He blushed and sheepishly returned to his meal.

“You see what I mean about French cuisine?” Fleur asked.

“I’ll admit that both our dinners are delicious,” Harry said. “I have some experience in the kitchen, so I suppose that I could try learning French cooking, since it’s clearly the way to your heart.”

“Mon Tresor, you already know ze way to my ‘eart,” Fleur purred, “but if you learned to cook zings like zis, well, I’m afraid you might never get rid of me.”

Suddenly aware of what he’d be doing that summer, Harry focused on his meal.  Once everyone had eaten, the plates and bowls were cleared, and the first dance began.

“Zere’s no need for you to be so tense,” Fleur said softly. “You’ve become a lovely dancer.”

“I’m just worried about stepping on your feet,” Harry admitted.

“You ‘aven’t in quite a while,” Fleur said, “and you ‘ad a far greater audience when you outflew ze dragon.  Surely I’m less intimidating zan ze ‘orntail.”

“You’re certainly prettier,” Harry quipped.

Fleur laughed and moved his hand slightly lower on her waist as the music began.  When Harry heard of the Yule Ball, he had been more terrified than most.  He was already spending most of his nights with Fleur by that point, so he wasn’t that worried that she’d say no, but he had no clue how to dance.  He had waited until she was coming out of a parseltongue-induced coma to ask her to be his date and teach him how to dance before the ball.

After the first few steps, he felt confident enough to lead her, twirling her around the room in time with the music.

“See, you’re fantastic,” Fleur said warmly, her bright blue eyes shining up at him. “You’re quite a quick learner, ‘Arry, zough, I already knew zat.”

Her voice took on this breathy, lustful tone in those last few words, and Harry swore he felt each one in his cock.

“Did you know about Hermione and Marie?” he asked her quietly.

“Of course,” Fleur replied with a smirk. “I would ‘ave told you, but ‘Ermione ‘as been reluctant to go public while she sorted through ‘er feelings.  Plus, I wanted to see your reaction when you saw zem together.”

“I had no idea she was a lesbian,” Harry said, feeling like an ass for not noticing something that big in his best friend.

“Trust me, mon tresor, your friend is anything but,” Fleur said. “She’s clearly bisexual, zough, and Marie ‘as always ‘ad a talent for making girls realize zat.”

“Did she do that for you?” Harry asked.

Fleur laughed as she replied. “It was ze ozer way around. I ‘it puberty, ze allure manifested, and Marie went from being my dearest friend to being my dearest friend who wanted to devour me.”

“Well, I can hardly blame her for that,” Harry whispered in her ear, earning a heated look.

“She ‘as always preferred women to men,” Fleur said. “Zank goodness for zat too.  I lost all of my ozer friends to petty jealousy over boys, but never ‘er.”

“Why aren’t you two…” Harry trailed off.

“Together?” Fleur asked. “We ‘ave been friends since we were girls, and she was ze only one I did not lose.  I couldn’t risk dating ‘er only for it to go badly.  On top of zat, she likes keeping zings casual.  Being able to seduce gorgeous little things like zat friend of yours and come back to my bed suits her just fine.”

Hearing her talk about her very female friend and their sexual history had always had a way of riling him up, and as they danced, it was no exception.

“I could have you right here,” he growled in her ear, delighting in how she shivered against him.

“And ‘ow would you do zat?” she asked, staring into his eyes, her own black with lust. “’Ike up my dress and take me against ze wall, or perhaps bend me over ze ‘igh table and fuck me like a bitch in ‘eat?”

“As I said, like a pair of rabbits,” Marie giggled, shocking the two of them out of their lustful fog.

Looking around, Harry and Fleur noticed that most other people had joined them on the dance floor while they were lost in their own world.

“You’re not wrong,” Hermione replied, looking equal parts embarrassed and amused.

“You two look a little, ‘ow you say, ‘ot under ze collar,” Marie said, sounding purely amused. “Maybe we should cut in before you cause an international incident.”

“Sounds like a great idea,” Fleur said, pulling away and taking Marie in hand. “You two catch up while Marie and I dance.”

Before Harry could say a word, Fleur was spinning Marie around the dance floor and he was very happy to be wearing robes, if only for the help they provided in hiding erections.

“So, Marie?” Harry asked.

“Could we sit down?” Hermione asked.

Harry nodded and led her to a nearby table.

“Does that change how you see me at all?” Hermione asked, her voice small and uncertain.

“How you look right now certainly does,” Harry said. “I haven’t said it yet, but you look beautiful.”

“Harry, please,” Hermione said, though she did flush at his words.

“Why would I care that you’re dating a girl, assuming you two are dating?” Harry asked.

“Because I do?” Hermione asked. “I’ve never really thought all that much about dating, truth be told.  I cared more about my studies, but any time that I did think about it, I always saw myself with a man.  Then Marie came along and has brought out this whole other side of me, and it’s been confusing, and exhilarating, and a little scary.”

“Are you happy?” Harry asked.  When she nodded, he added, “then that’s all that matters to me.”

Her radiant smile made his heart sing.

“How long has it been going on?” Harry asked.

“About three weeks now,” Hermione replied.

“I can’t believe I missed all this,” Harry said.

“We’ve been discreet, and you’ve been distracted,” Hermione said. “Speaking of that distraction, would she really be okay with you calling another girl beautiful?”

“Fleur and I aren’t really dating, as I’ve said,” Harry said shrugging, “and even if we were, she’s not exactly the jealous type.”

Hermione snorted and said, “why would she be?  She’s Aphrodite in the flesh.  Truth be told, she should have been my first clue.  I swear I spent more time trying to keep my eyes off of her behind as you did when she first arrived.”

“Would you like to dance?” Harry asked.

“I’d love to,” Hermione said, placing her hand in his.

The two walked back to the floor, and Harry led her around.

“I’m guessing Fleur taught you, right?” Hermione asked.

“Yeah, dancing lessons weren’t high up on the priority list for the Dursleys,” Harry said.

“You could have asked me,” Hermione said.

“I could have,” Harry said, having come to that conclusion only after he had already gone to Fleur, “but I guess that I just thought it would be best to learn from the woman I’d be taking to the ball.  That way, I’d be learning what she wanted specifically.”

“You’re a good boyfriend,” Hermione said, “even if you two haven’t actually decided to date yet.”

“I just wanted to be good for her,” Harry said.

“Unlike some guys, I could mention,” Hermione said flatly, nudging her head over. Harry looked over where she was signaling and saw a miserable-looking Ron sitting next to his equally unhappy-looking date.

“Poor Parvati,” Harry sighed.

“I give her five more minutes before she decides to find someone else to dance with,” Hermione said. “Between you seeing Fleur, and Ron and I not talking, that’s why I had so much time for Marie.  It’s also why I was so worried that you might not like that I was dating her, even though that’s completely irrational, given that she and Fleur…”

Hermione trailed off and looked worried.

“I’m well aware of the nature of their relationship,” Harry said. “Talking about it is actually why Fleur and I looked like we were about to, as Marie put it, ‘cause an international incident’ when you two interrupted us.”

“It did look intense,” Hermione murmured, blushing.

“I’m not going anywhere, Hermione,” Harry said. “You’re my best friend; you know that, right?”

“I know,” Hermione said softly, her warm brown eyes staring up at him adoringly.

“Mind if we cut in?” Fleur asked.

“Of course,” Hermione said, flinching away from Harry like he was radioactive. “Marie, would you like to go get drinks?”

“Actually, ‘Ermione, I was ‘oping zat we could dance,” Fleur said.

“Oh, um, okay,” Hermione said, sounding flustered.

“Would you care to dance?” Marie asked.

“I’d love to,” Harry said, leading her by the hand onto the dance floor.

“Fleur says you’re a remarkably quick study,” Marie said.

“When I really want to learn something, I suppose,” Harry replied. “So about Hermione…?”

“Oui?” Marie asked.

“I know it’s only been a few weeks, but what exactly are you two?” Harry asked.

“’Ermione and I are ‘aving fun,” Marie replied, her blue eyes filled with mischief.

“And she knows that’s all that it is?” Harry asked. “She’s as new to this as I am.”

“I ‘ave been upfront, ‘Arry,” Marie replied. “You don’t need to worry about me...leading ‘er on is ze phrase?”

“Yes, and I’m glad to hear that,” Harry said.

“You care for ‘er,” Marie said.

“She’s my closest friend,” Harry said.

“You two seem like Fleur and me,” Marie commented. “Tell me, ‘ave you and she ever…?”

She didn’t need to finish that question, and Harry blushed at the thought.

“No, never,” he replied quickly.

“‘Ave you ever zought of it?” she pressed him.

Harry looked over at Hermione dancing with Fleur and couldn’t help but think of it.  She was so beautiful in that dress.  The way that a few locks of her tamed hair flew around her head as she moved, the light sheen of sweat that made her smooth skin glisten in the light, and the way that her arse filled out the dress were captivating even while she was in Fleur’s arms.

“Zat answers zat,” Marie giggled.

“We’re friends,” Harry insisted. “Dating would just complicate things.  That’s the same reason that you and Fleur aren’t together.”

“True,” Marie said.  Leaning in, she whispered in his ear, “but one does not need to date to fuck, ‘Arry.”

Images flew into his head unbidden.  Hermione sprawled out on the bed, her legs spread wide, as Harry feasted on her pussy.  Her staring down at him, intense lust in her beautiful chocolate eyes, as she rode him with wild abandon.  Her screaming his name as he bent her over and fucked her in her gorgeous arse.

“Fleur would…” Harry protested.

“Join in,” Marie purred, “as would I.”

“What?” Harry asked, going still, “but you…”

“Prefer women, yes,” Marie giggled. “Fleur made sure of zat, both by being ze sexiest little zing to ever live and by filling my ears with complaints about ze inadequacies of every boy she ever tried to date.  You are far from inadequate zough, aren’t you?”

Harry’s pants grew painfully tight as Marie went on.

“I ‘ave never ‘eard Fleur gush about a boy as she does about you,” Marie went on, her body pressed into his so tightly that she had to feel his rock-hard cock. “Between ‘ow you ‘andle ze allure, your magical tongue, and zis magnificent cock, I cannot ‘elp but be curious.”

She subtly felt up his cock as she spoke about it, and it took ever ounce of willpower Harry had to not groan.  He looked over at Fleur and Hermione and saw that they had stopped dancing as well and were huddled together in a quiet, intense-looking conversation.

Is Fleur proposing the same thing?” he thought to himself, and as Hermione looked over at him witha stunned look on her face, he realized that she was.

“Talk it over with ‘er,” Marie said, “and if you two agree, zen join Fleur and me in our carriage.  It’s ze room at the end of ze hallway on ze first floor.”

Marie turned and went to leave before stopping and looking back over at him.  A mischievous twinkle in her eye, she leaned in and added, “by ze way, ‘er cunt tastes divine.”

With that, she giggled and walked off, leaving a painfully hard Harry standing there, gobsmacked.  Even with his robes, his enormous erection was hard to hide, and he started thinking of anything that might rid him of it.

Dumbledore and McGonagall fucking, Flitwick and Sprout fucking, Snape and Filch, oh, thank Merlin,” he thought to himself as his erection started to wilt.

Walking over to the punch bowl in a daze, he found an equally dazed-looking Hermione standing there.  The second she saw him, she blushed, and for a moment, he thought that she might run off, but she took a deep breath and seemed to force herself to look him in the eye.

“Did Marie…?” she trailed off.

“Propose that we meet them in the carriage?” Harry asked, not wanting to say the words in the relatively quieter part of the main hall.

“Yes...wow...and she…” Hermione trailed off again, seemingly unable to put her thoughts into words for the first time since they met.

“Are you considering it?” Harry asked.

“Are you?” Hermione asked.

“Hermione,” Harry said, his tone making it clear that there was only one possible answer.

“Not them; they’re perfect, but…” Hermione tried to ask.

“Hermione, I meant what I said,” Harry said softly. “You’re beautiful.”

“This,” she said, pointing all around herself, “isn’t me.  I’m not…”

“Hermione,” Harry said, stepping in closer.  Her big, doe eyes widened further as he stepped right up to her. “Tonight isn’t the first time that I’ve found you stunning.”

“When?” she asked, her tone almost disbelieving.

“You remember last year, when you punched Malfoy in the face?” he asked.

“Really?” Hermione asked flatly.

“Picture me doing it and tell me you wouldn’t think the same,” Harry said defensively.

“I...okay, I guess I can see that,” Hermione conceded.

“And then later on, when we were riding on Buckbeak together,” Harry said, ghosting a finger over her arm. “You have no idea how desperately I hoped that you wouldn’t feel how hard I was.”

“I did,” Hermione breathed, her pupils widening, “but I thought that it was just a normal physical reaction.”

“It was you,” he whispered. “You have no idea how fucking hot I find you.”

“Oi,” a loud voice came from behind Harry.  He turned around and scowled at Ron for interrupting them. “Have you two lost your minds?”

“What are you on about?” Hermione asked, sounding just as irritated as he was.

“Those two are from the other school!” Ron snarled. “Fleur’s their bloody champion!  They’re clearly using you two to get a leg up in the tournament!  And since when are you into birds?”

Harry could only stare, dumbfounded, at his former friend for a solid few seconds before he finally found the words to reply.  “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t give a toss about this idiotic tournament?”

“If you were so concerned about that, why did you ask Fleur out?” Hermione asked.

“I...that...it was the allure!” Ron exclaimed.

Harry rolled his eyes.  It had been that moment when Fleur had informed Ron that she was seeing Harry and that they would be going to the ball together.  He had been annoyed with her at the time since that was the final nail in the coffin of their friendship, but he had quickly realized that no matter when the redhead had learned the truth, he would have reacted the same way.

“Ron, you have a perfectly lovely date tonight that you ignored so thoroughly that she went off on her own,” Harry said, looking pointedly at Parvati, who was dancing with Padma and her date, Terry Boot.  If the heated looks on all three of their faces were any indication, Boot might be getting luckier than anyone in the castle other than Harry that night.

“I, well, look at me!” Ron exclaimed bitterly.

“It was your attitude, not your robes,” Hermione said. “If you had come to me even as late as yesterday, I could have transfigured them into something more tasteful.”

“I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you should pull your head out of your arse before you drive everyone away,” Harry sighed.

“Hey scarhead!” Malfoy said as he sauntered over.

Apparently it’s arsehole hour at the Yule Ball,”Harry thought to himself.

“You’ve really outdone yourself tonight,” Malfoy sneered. “Between the creature and the mudblood, you’ve managed to sully the Potter name more than it already was.  I don’t know what the redhead is, but she’s clearly a committed degenerate.”

“Malfoy, go bother someone who cares,” Harry drawled.  He couldn’t tell if there was some magical power to sex or not, but all he knew was that he cared so much less about petty, insignificant bullshit like the ferret in front of him than he did before he started getting laid.

“You can’t just dismiss me!” Malfoy exclaimed, enraged.

“Where did Pansy go?” Hermione asked. “Off to find a date who didn’t take longer than her to get ready?”

“Watch your mouth, mudblood!” Malfoy spat.

“Don’t talk to her like that!” Ron shouted.

“Harry?” Hermione asked. “I think our carriage awaits.”

Harry just cocked an eyebrow at her, and when she nodded, he felt his heart skip a beat.

“Good night, you two,” he said mockingly as he took Hermione’s hand and led her away.  Twin indignant cries came from behind them, but neither one paid them any mind.

“You’ll notice that he didn’t deny what I said about him and Pansy,” Hermione laughed.

“Hermione, are you sure?” Harry asked as soon as they were outside on the grounds.

“Harry,” Hermione replied, looking up into his eyes. “You aren’t the only one who felt something that night.”

“So you mentioned,” Harry said with a crooked grin.

Hermione blushed and smacked his arm, saying, “that’s not what I meant!”

“I know,” Harry said, wrapping his arms around her.

“Not here,” Hermione said, her voice breathy. “It would raise questions, and goodness knows if Skeeter has a source around here.”

“Alright,” Harry said, leading her towards the Beaubatons carriage.  As they arrived, he asked, “did Fleur say how to get in?”

“She gave me this,” Hermione said, pulling a white quill from the sash tied around her waist.

“Where was she keeping that?” Harry asked.

“The same place as her wand,” Hermione replied, smirking at him.

Harry let out a shuddering breath and asked, “how does it work?  Do you stick it in the lock?”

“No,” Hermione said. “You tickle it.”

True to her word, Hermione tickled the lock with the white feather, and it actually giggled before unlocking.  Opening he door, Hermione led them inside.

“It’s not like that’s the weirdest magical thing we’ve ever seen,” Harry commented.

“No, though it’s up there,” Hermione said. “Did Marie say which room?”

“The one at the end of the hall on this floor,” Harry replied.  Of all the times he and Fleur had snuck off together, this would be his first time actually seeing her in the carriage.  The few couples they passed on their way to the room were too engrossed in each other to notice.

He knocked on the door that Marie had mentioned, and it immediately opened to reveal Fleur looking somewhat disheveled.  Her dress was still on, but her long, silvery blonde hair was loose around her shoulders, and her lips looked freshly kissed.

“I ‘oped it was ze both of you,” she purred.

“Please come in,” Marie said as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Fleur from behind.  Unlike Fleur, Marie was mostly undressed, not that Harry could see much with her standing directly behind the gorgeous blonde.

Harry looked over at Hermione and saw that she looked as excited as he felt as they entered the room.  Marie immediately wrapped her arms around Hermione and pulled her in to kiss her deeply.  Hermione moaned into Marie’s mouth and immediately brought her hands up to cup the other woman’s breasts.  Harry noticed that Marie’s figure was actually similar to Fleur’s in many ways, or at least he would have if his brain hadn’t short-circuited at the sight.

“Zey look so sexy together, no?” Fleur purred in his ear as she cupped his cock through his pants.

“Fucking hell, yes!” Harry hissed.

Fleur reached between her breasts, pulled out her wand, and with a silent spell, she removed his clothes and moved them, neatly folded, over to a side table.  Harry was used to having his clothes spelled off of him and just groaned in relief at having his cock freed from its confines.  Hermione, on the other hand, squeaked.

“Merlin, it’s huge!” she exclaimed, her eyes wide as saucers as she stared openly at his cock.

“It is as big as you said, Fleur,” Marie said.

“I ‘ave never been one to exaggerate,” Fleur said with a grin.

“How would that even fit?” Hermione asked, sounding dazed as she continued staring at him.

“Oh, it will fit, ma cherie,” Marie giggled. “If Fleur is to be believed, it will feel incredible when ‘e fucks you deeply.  For zat zough, I will ‘ave to get you good and wet for ‘im.”

“I’m going to suck your cock, ‘Arry, and I want you to keep your eyes on zem as I do,” Fleur said. “I want you to watch Marie turn your little friend into a desperate mewling mess as I swallow this big, thick cock that you’re going to split her in half with.”

“Fucking hell, Fleur,” Harry groaned, making her giggle.

Fleur took his cock in her hand and placed ironically chaste little kisses on his throbbing glans.  Marie had moved behind Hermione and was undoing her dress as Fleur teased him, and as his friend’s brown eyes met his, all he saw was raw desire.  Fleur took the first few inches of him into her sinful mouth just as Hermione’s small, pert breasts were freed, and Harry wondered just how much she and Marie had planned this out ahead of time.  His hands went to Fleur’s head, his fingers snaking into her hair, but his eyes never left Hermione.

Her face contorted with pleasure as Marie kneaded her breasts and brought her mouth to her aching nipples.  Whatever Marie was doing with her mouth must have been wonderful because Hermione’s moans were loud and lovely, and Harry swore that each sound she made went straight to his cock.

Fleur was bobbing her head up and down on his cock, the heat and suction as divine as they always were, and when she buried her nose in his pubic hair, taking the head of his cock into her perfect little throat, he couldn’t help but moan aloud.

“Fuck, that feels so good!” he groaned, looking down at her beautiful face.  She pulled back until his cock left her mouth with an audible pop.

“Eyes on ‘er, ‘Arry,” Fleur admonished him with a wink.

She took his cock back between her perfect lips, and Harry looked back at Hermione, just in time to see Marie pull her surprisingly lacy black panties, down her long legs, leaving her completely bare.  His breath hitched as he got his first look at her little pussy.  Whenever he had thought about what she’d look like naked, he had always pictured her with a full bush, the same shade as her hair, but she was just as bare as Fleur.

Marie descended on that perfect little pussy, burying her face between Hermione’s creamy thighs.

“Fuck yes!” Hermione cried, and that proved too much for him.  The three beautiful women, Fleur’s masterful blowjob, and the promise of what was to come were all amazing on their own, but hearing Hermione swear as Marie ate her out was too much.  With a groan, he came in Fleur’s mouth.  She had clearly felt it coming, because just before he erupted, she pulled back so that his load would land in her mouth.  She stepped back with an impish grin and walked over to Hermione and Marie.  Hermione’s hands were grabbing desperately at the sheets, and her legs were shaking as she clearly neared her peak.

“I zink Fleur ‘as a present, ‘Ermione,” Marie said. “Open wide.”

They’re not going to…” Harry’s mind trailed off as he saw Fleur kiss Hermione deeply, sharing his cum with her.  Despite how hard he had just cum, his cock hardened again at the unbelievably erotic sight.

“Fleur ‘as told me quite a bit about your little ability,” Marie said. “’Ermione is right on ze edge.  Why don’t you finish ‘er off, ‘Arry?”

“Harry?” Hermione asked in a gasping breath, a little trail of semen by the corner of her mouth.  Fleur licked that up and looked around at him.

“Ruin ‘er, mon tresor,” she cooed.

“Ruin?” Hermione asked.

“Marie did not tell you?” Fleur asked.

“Tell me...oh fuck...tell me what?” Hermione asked as Fleur gently teased her lower lips.

Rather than tell her, Harry crawled between her thighs and looked at her soaking wet pussy.  Rivulets of arousal ran down towards her puckered asshole and Harry found himself wanting to stick his tongue there as well.  He gave her pussy a long lick from bottom to top, groaning at her taste.  She was clearly close, and he was more than happy to make her see stars.

Focusing on her clit, he conjured up the image of a basilisk in his mind and said, “my tongue vibrates when I speak parseltongue.”

Hermione didn’t understand him, of course, but she probably wouldn’t have even if he spoke English, as she immediately came.  A piercing wail escaped her lips, and her thighs clenched around his head as he worked his magic.  His face was soaked as she squirted all over him, but he didn’t mind in the slightest.  Drinking down what landed in his mouth, he continued speaking the language of the snakes into her spasming cunt, making her cum over and over again.

“Incroyable,” he heard Marie gasp.

“It will be like nothing you ‘ave ever felt, ma cherie,” Fleur replied.

Harry had developed a pretty good sense of what Fleur could handle when he unleashed the only good thing he could do with his rarest ability on her.  Unfortunately for him, he forgot that she was a Veela and sexually experienced besides.  Hermione, it turned ou,t had far less stamina than the gorgeous blonde, and he felt her go limp and silent under his ministrations.

“Hermione?” he asked in concern.  She was completely passed out, though he noticed by the rapid rising and falling of her chest, that she was still breathing.

“She will be alright, ‘Arry,” Fleur reassured him. “It was just a little too much.”

He looked around and noticed that Fleur and Marie had both gotten undressed while he was eating out Hermione.  Fleur was as much of a vision of perfection as always, but Marie was truly stunning as well.  She was curvy, with breasts as large as Fleur’s and hips about as wide, but she was a little softer around the middle, and her thighs were slightly fleshier.  She was definitely a natural redhead, he noticed, as though her nether lips were bare, her pussy was crowned by a forest of soft-looking ginger curls.

“Fucking hell, you two are gorgeous,” Harry breathed.

“You are not so bad yourself,” Marie said, looking him up and down. “Not so ‘airy after all, zank goodness.”

Harry chuckled at the bad pun.  Frankly, if she wanted him to, he’d happily remove all the hair on his body.

“As Marie said, I ‘ave been bragging ever since zat first time in ze prefect’s bath about your magical tongue,” Fleur said. “She ‘as wanted to experience it for ‘erself for days now.”

“If you lie back, Fleur could take a ride on zat cock while I ride your serpent tongue,” Marie suggested.

That sounded wonderful, and Harry decided to make a little room for them.  Picking up Hermione’s limp form, he moved her to one side of the large bed and settled down next to her.

“When she wakes up, she’ll ‘ave a front row seat,” Fleur giggled.  “Face me, Marie.  When you pass out, and you will, I’ll be able to catch you.”

“You are so sure?” Marie asked with a hint of challenge in her voice.

“Ze first time ‘e did zat to me, I was left an insensate wreck,” Fleur explained. “Zat is so ‘ard to do to a Veela; it is no surprise zat ‘Ermione ‘ere passed out, and I would expect ze same for you.”

Harry was treated to the sight of two beautiful women crawling towards him after they reached the bed, and his cock throbbed.  Fleur wasted no time straddling him and rubbing her dripping wet cunt on his length as Marie reached his head.  She turned around and swung a thigh across to the other side of his head, planting her knee between him and Hermione.  Her arse was a thing of beauty, round, soft, and even bigger than Fleur’s.  He sunk his fingers into her full cheeks, earning a sigh from the gorgeous redhead.  She was the palest of the four of them, and he knew that if he slapped that ass, her flawless, porcelain skin would redden instantly.

“Go on, ‘Arry,” she said. “Show me what you can do.”

He moved his hands up to grab her hips and brought her pussy down onto his mouth.  He wasn’t about to use parseltongue from the start, usually preferring to keep it as something to use at the end, when Fleur was already on the cusp of orgasm.  Marie was pretty wet, but he had no reason to think that she was close yet, so he started out slow, kissing and licking along her labia to taste her and start figuring out what she liked.

Fleur picked up his cock, lined it up with her pussy and sank down in one single movement.  She was well used to his considerable girth by now and incredibly wet as well.

“Fuck, I love zat stretch,” she moaned as the last inch slipped inside.

“I expected that to take more effort,” Marie said.

“It did the first few times,” Fleur admitted. “’E is very gifted, my ‘Arry.”

“Yours is ‘e?” Marie asked, sounding amused.  As if to stress the point she ground her pussy on his face as she spoke.

“What’s mine is yours, Marie,” Fleur moaned as she started riding him properly, “including zis wonderful cock.”

“Perhaps...oh fuck, right zere...if ‘e impresses me,” Marie moaned.

“You ‘ere zat ‘Arry?” Fleur asked. “Make zis greedy little salope scream, and you could be ze only man to ever ‘ave her.”

“I’d ‘ave to...ugh...cum really ‘ard for zat, ‘Arry,” Marie moaned, blatantly challenging him.

He swirled his tongue around her hooded clit, making her thighs quiver around his head, and grinned.  Fleur had teased him a few times about bringing Marie into bed with them, usually to get him hard again after he had cum or to get him to fuck her harder.  He hadn’t actually thought that it would happen, but if what she said was true about not trying men because she had only ever heard Fleur complain about them, then he had no reason to believe that he couldn’t make this a recurring thing if he just showed her that he could please her.

Pushing the hood of her clit back carefully with his tongue, Harry gave the sensitive nub some probing licks before speaking parseltongue.

Cum for me,” he said, driving her over the edge.

“MON DIEU!” Marie shrieked at the top of her lungs.  She bucked and writhed on his face, and he had to hold her tighter to stop her from falling off.  A litany of French words spilled forth from her mouth, only a few of which he picked up on.

Harry moved away from her clit for a moment only to return right afterward, pushing her over the edge again.  He had thought that it was just unique to Fleur, but it appeared that Parseltongue had a way of making every woman multi-orgasmic, as Marie became the third one that managed to bring to ecstasy again and again.  Fleur was riding him hard and fast by that point, clearly nearing her own peak.  Harry had already cum that night and had built up a good bit of stamina over the last few weeks, so he didn’t have to worry about cumming.

Marie fell forward, a babbling, incoherent wreck, just as Fleur came.  Harry could barely hear her cries of pleasure through the thick, warm earmuffs he had, but he certainly felt her pussy contract and spasm around his length.  He moved a hand to her hips, hoping to hold her steady if she fell, but she seemed to be holding onto a mindless Marie as she rode out the waves of pleasure.  When her orgasm finally abated, she reached forward and pulled Marie to her.  As she was pulled forward, Harry gave her arsehole a lick, making her squeak.

He looked over and saw Hermione staring at him, seemingly having just woken back up.  She launched herself over and kissed him deeply.  Their tongues danced together as she poured every ounce of adoration she had into it.

“I thought I was going to die,” she moaned as she broke the kiss. “I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

“Neither ‘ave I,” Marie moaned.  The redhead was staring at the two and moved in to kiss Harry as well.  As they deepened the kiss, Hermione buried her head in the crook of Marie’s neck, making her moan into his mouth as she kissed her there.

“Does zat mean you are willing?” Fleur asked.

Marie broke off the kiss and stared down at Harry as if in thought.  Eventually she shook her head and said, “for making cum like zat, ‘e could fuck my ass.  ‘E was willing enough to lick it.”

“I ‘ave taught him well,” Fleur laughed.

“Maybe later,” Harry said. “For now, I want to fuck that gorgeous pussy.”

“I ‘ave no cherry,” Marie said. “Zis one’s toy collection took care of zat in our zird year, but you will still be zhe first true cock I ‘ave taken.”

“Was it one of Fleur’s toys or yours that you used to take mine?” Hermione asked.

“We share a lot, ma cherie,” Marie replied. “Zough, I ‘ardly ‘ave to say zat ‘ere.”

Harry chuckled as Fleur stretched out on the bed.

“Marie, I want you to eat me out while I taste your lover,” she said. “’Arry, show ‘er ‘ow good it can be to be fucked by a man who can actually use ‘is cock.  I’m afraid I’ve tainted ‘er expectations with my own disappointments over ze years.”

“You try listening to zis one go on and on about boys cumming before zey even touch ‘er and zinking zat men are worth anything,” Marie laughed.

“I’m amazed you didn’t just give up if they were that bad,” Hermione commented.

“Zat’s because she craves cock, ‘Ermione,” Marie laughed.

“Well, luckily, I found one zat works,” Fleur said haughtily, “as you are about to learn.  ‘Ermione, could you sit on my face?”

“Yes,” Hermione replied without thinking.  Harry doubted anyone would need to think before replying to that question.

Hermione moved to straddle Fleur’s face while Marie crawled between her thighs.  That beautiful, thick ass swayed as she moved, and Harry realized why Fleur had set them up like this for his first time fucking Marie.  Watching those cheeks ripple as he pounded her from behind was going to be incredible.  He carefully felt around the soft, warm lips of her pussy and pushed a couple fingers inside just to feel her.  She was wonderfully tight, not unlike Fleur, but not so much so that he worried about hurting her.

“Go on, ‘Arry,” Marie purred, “show me why else Fleur ‘as been so obsessed with you.”

Harry chuckled at that.  He knew that his parseltongue ability was both why Fleur had sought him out in the first place and why she had kept coming back after that first time.  He had worked hard to build up stamina and learn how to use his cock, though, and had reached the point where she regularly praised it nearly as much as his tongue.

He nestled the head of his cock between her sodden nether lips and teased her, rubbing it over the sensitive flesh.  He knew the significance of this moment, for though Marie was no virgin, she had never had a man inside her and he wanted to make this special for her.  Pushing forward, he felt her lips part for him and the head of his cock slip inside.  Marie let out a gasp as he penetrated her for the first time and Fleur patted Hermione on her ass a couple times.  Hermione lifted herself off of Fleur’s face to let her speak.

“Warm flesh really is better zan ze alternatives, no?” she giggled.

“It feels really good,” Marie admitted, already moaning.

Fleur pulled Hermione back down onto her face, and Harry saw her own contort with pleasure as the Veela started eating her out properly.  Marie buried her own face between Fleur’s thighs again as Harry started slowly easing his considerable length inside her.  She was the first human woman he had ever been inside, and while her pussy didn’t cling to every millimeter of his cock quite as magically as Fleur’s did, she still felt incredible.  As he bottomed out inside her, he heard her grunt and just took a moment to enjoy her body.  His fingers dug into her hips, and he looked up at Hermione, whose mouth was hanging open.

“Oh Merlin, that’s so good,” the brunette moaned.  She was too far away to kiss, but Harry wanted to, as well as to hold her while Fleur’s talented mouth drove her ever closer to her orgasm.  There would be time for that later in the night.

Harry pulled back, feeling Marie’s silken walls cling to him as though they didn’t want him to leave, and plunged back in.  His hips smacked against her ass, making the fat cheeks ripple, something that was every bit as fun to watch as he imagined.  He quickly set a steady, careful pace, enjoying a slow fuck as he let her get used to his girth.  The redhead was moaning into Fleur’s pussy, and the blonde was moaning into Hermione’s.  His brilliant friend was the loudest of them all, not having anything to muffle her pleasured cries.  It was a surreal experience for Harry, who had still been a virgin just a few weeks ago, and he knew that he’d have to pace himself if he didn’t want the eroticism of the moment to push him over the edge.  When Fleur’s allure started running wild, it made things even worse, though thankfully, not only for him.

“What is that?” Hermione moaned, grinding on Fleur’s face harder than before.

“The allure,” Harry replied through gritted teeth.  He had picked up his pace and was pounding Marie by that point, something that, if the muffled screams coming from between Fleur’s thighs were any indication, she didn’t dislike in the slightest.

Fleur had managed to keep control of her allure while she came on his cock and was probably unleashing it at that moment intentionally.  Hermione was beyond words by that point, moaning and crying out in bliss as she raced towards her peak.  Harry carefully felt around Marie as he thrust deep inside her, trying to find a spot deep inside her that he figured she would adore as much as Fleur did.  When he finally felt the head of his cock slip inside something within her, he knew that he’d found it.

“Mon Dieu, OUI!,” Marie squealed.  Fleur pulled her head back down and started outright fucking her face.

“Hermione,” Harry barked, “grab her tits and pinch her nipples gently.”

He honestly wondered if she even heard him at first, as consumed by pleasure as she looked, but she did what he asked.

“Cu...cumming!” Hermione screamed as she broke, her whole body spasming.  Her face and chest flushed a deep red as the pleasure overwhelmed her.  Fleur’s screams were muffled by Hermione, but Harry noticed her toes curled hard and realized that she had come almost simultaneously with the brunette.

He let loose, fucking Marie as hard as he could and focusing on that spot deep inside her that had already made her squeal.

“Fuck me, you bastard!” she screamed. “Fuck me...GAH!”

A string of garbled French words followed as she came.  Her pussy clenched around his cock almost painfully, and a stream of fluid shot out to soak his balls.  He couldn’t hold off his orgasm any longer and tried desperately to do something that he had been attempting for weeks.  Squeezing the muscles Fleur had taught him to train at what he hoped was the right moment, he groaned in ecstasy as his orgasm hit him, though less powerfully than he was used to.  It still felt good, just less, and as it finished and he pulled out of Marie, he realized why.

“Fuck me, that was amazing,” Hermione moaned as she rolled off of Fleur and laid down next to them.

Harry moved over and kissed the still-panting brunette softly, moving to cup her small, firm breasts and feel the warm, soft mounds.  She whimpered into his mouth.

“’Arry?” Fleur asked as she regained her breath. “Did you manage to stop yourself?”

She was staring at his still rock-hard cock and licking her lips.

“Yeah,” Harry replied. “I came, but I didn’t.  I managed to time the squeezing for once.”

“Tres bien!” Fleur replied excitedly, grasping his face and snogging him hard. “Master zat and we will be able to make love for hours!”

“Can’t you just get him ready again with the allure?” Hermione asked.

“Oui,” Fleur replied, “but I can only do zat so many times in a session.  Zese beautiful balls might be big, but zey still ‘ave limits.”

She grabbed his balls gently as she talked about them, and Harry hissed at the sensation.

“By magic, zat was insane!” Marie exclaimed as she regained her breath.

“Everything I promised?” Fleur asked.

“At least,” Marie sighed, smiling up at her dear friend.

“Is it something you would like to do again?” Fleur asked.

“Only wiz ‘im,” Marie replied.

“I can understand zat,” Fleur sighed.  Eyeing Hermione, she grinned and added, “perhaps you feel ze same?”

“I, um…” Hermione stammered, caught off guard.

“Oh, right, you two ‘aven’t actually fucked yet,” Fleur said. “’Arry, blow ‘er mind while I ‘ave some fun with Marie, okay?”

Harry looked over at Hermione and cocked an eyebrow.

“I do want to know what this feels like,” she admitted, sounding a little uncertain.

“Start out on top,” Harry suggested. “That way, you can control the depth and speed.”

“Depth is what I’m worried about,” Hermione said.

“So just go at your own pace and take me as far as you comfortably can,” Harry said reassuringly. “If the guy knows what he’s doing, it’s not hard to avoid the cervix.”

“I’m glad my first time will be with you,” Hermione said warmly, grazing the back of her nails over his cheek, “and not just because you’re clearly pretty good at this.”

“Whenever you’re ready,” Harry said, smiling up at her as he settled down next to Fleur and Marie.  They were locked together, their heads between each other’s thighs, and their moans were quieted by their position.

Hermione straddled him and took his cock in hand, looking at it with the same intensity he had seen her give challenging assignments before.

“It’ll fit,” she whispered to herself.  Harry wasn’t sure if she meant to say that out loud, but it seemed to be what she needed as she lined herself up and pushed down.

“Ugh,” she groaned, “that didn’t work.”

In one fluid motion, Harry sat up, placing one hand on the small of her back and the other over hers on his cock.  Their faces inches apart, they just stared at each other for a moment, twin looks of lust and longing shared between them.

“Let me help,” he said.  Taking his cock in his hand, he rubbed it over her dripping cunt, focusing particularly on her clit.  She let out a cute little whimper and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Put it in,” she whispered in his ear, her whole body shaking with excitement.

He lined his cock up and pressed his forehead to hers.  This time, when she tried to push downward, the head of his cock popped inside, spreading her lips wide and making him groan at how incredibly tight she was.

“Oh Merlin,” Hermione gasped. “You feel like a fist.”

“How do you feel?” Harry asked, his voice just a whisper.

“Good,” she replied breathlessly. “It burns, but in a good way, if that makes sense.”

“Alright,” Harry said, smiling at her. “That first inch should be the hardest; just take it slow, and you’ll get used to me quickly enough.”

As he went to lie back down, she tensed and said, “no!  Stay like this, please.”

Harry nodded and stayed seated, taking her legs and helping her move them so that she could wrap them around him.  With little wiggles and bounces, she slowly took him inside her.  Every inch was a challenge for her inexperienced tunnel, but it was one neither of them wanted to give up on.  By the time he was fully sheaved inside her, Hermione was trembling like a leaf and breathing like she was giving birth.

“So good,” she whimpered. “You’re so damn big!”

“You took it all, baby,” Harry whispered in her ear.

Hermione looked at him in surprise for a moment and then kissed him deeply, pushing her tongue against his.  He responded to the kiss eagerly, pouring every ounce of his affection into it.  She started rocking gently in his lap, getting used to the feeling of having him actually move inside her.

“You two are adorable,” Fleur said.

Harry looked over and noticed a satisfied-looking Fleur and Marie staring at them in amusement.  He had been so focused on Hermione that he hadn’t heard them finish.

“’Ow you two never did zis before; I do not know,” Marie commented.

“Neither could tell zat ze other wanted zem,” Fleur sighed. “Such a shame.”

Harry agreed with the sentiment, but he wouldn’t trade what he was enjoying just then for anything.

“’Ave you adjusted?” Marie asked.

“I think so,” Hermione replied. “He’s bigger than your dildo.”

“Zat ‘e is,” Marie said, wincing.

“Try rolling your ‘ips,” Fleur said. “You’ll need to get used to ‘im moving within you as well.”

Hermione tried doing as Fleur said and gasped at the feeling of sliding along his cock.

“No, no,” Fleur said, crawling over, “let me show you.  ‘Arry, lay back.”

Harry waited for Hermione to unhook her legs before settling back, his eyes never leaving hers.  Fleur moved behind her and put her hands on the younger girl’s hips.

“Like zis,” she said softly, physically moving Hermione gently along him.

The brunette moaned as she let herself be moved like a puppet.  She kept up the motion and the rhythm once Fleur backed off, fucking him properly.  Her eyes were shut tight, and she was whimpering at the feeling.  Harry could feel that she had relaxed, her once almost painfully tight walls clinging to him without feeling constricting.  The feeling of her soaking wet heat was so wonderful that it made Harry forget how surreal it truly was to have his best friend riding his cock under the instruction of his fuck buddy.  Hermione had always been an attentive student, though, and this sex-ed tutorial was no exception for her.

“You feel so...oh god...so good inside me,” Hermione cried. “I never knew sex was like this!”

“It usually isn’t,” Fleur said. “Usually the man ‘as cum by now, if not sooner, but ‘Arry’s special.”

Harry knew that had more to do with Fleur being a Veela than anything, but there was no way that he was correcting her in that moment.

“You look so beautiful when you cum, ma cherie,” Marie cooed, crawling over to them. “Cum for me, ‘Ermione.”

Wetting two fingers with her tongue, Marie brought them to Hermione’s clit and started rubbing the sensitive nub in little circles.

“Zat’s a great idea!” Fleur exclaimed.  Reaching around to cup Hermione’s breasts, she kneaded them and started kissing her neck.

“FUCK!” Hermione screamed, completely overwhelmed by the three-part assault on her sanity.  Her orgasm ripped through her, making her entire body writhe in ecstasy.

Harry grunted as her already tight pussy massaged his cock erratically.  She fell forward as her orgasm ended, being caught by Marie and Fleur.  He sat up, wrapped her arms around her, and brushed her hair out of her face, enjoying the blissed-out look she had.

“Another screamer for a lover, we might ‘ave to look into ‘earing protection for you, mon tresor,” Fleur giggled.

“Amazing,” Hermione panted.

“You know, zere is a position I doubt you’ve tried with Fleur zat might work with ‘Ermione ‘ere,” Marie said.

“What is it?” Harry asked.

“You ‘ook ‘er knees under your elbows while she ‘olds onto your neck and stand up,” Marie explained. “You zen either, freely in ze air, or more safely, up against a wall, fuck her brains out.”

“Sounds fun,” Hermione said, just starting to regain her breath. “You want to try it?”

Horny Hermione was quickly becoming his favorite version of her.

“It might take quite a bit to fuck those big brains out of you,” Harry said with a grin.

“Harry, you’ve had sex with three women tonight, and you don’t even sound tired yet,” Hermione pointed out.  Giving him a sultry smile, she added, “I think you’re up to the challenge.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck again and spread her legs wide, letting him secure her while he grabbed her arse.  Once he was sure that she wasn’t going to fall, he stood up carefully.

“Oh, that’s so deep,” she moaned at the sudden change in angle.

He was aware of the precariousness of the position and moved carefully as he walked towards the nearest wall.  The second he had her pressed against it, he pulled half of his cock out of her and thrust back in gently.

“Oh, yes!” Hermione cried, “more!”

He fucked her slowly to start with, getting used to the new position.  Her cries of more and harder spurred him on, and he worked up to a more bruising rhythm.  He was trying to find that deep spot that had set Marie off without hitting her cervix and it took him a few minutes.  When he finally did sink inside that sensitive crevice, though, her reaction was immediate.

“Harry!” she screamed, her mouth hanging open in shock. “What is that?”

“Zat would be your fornix, I would guess,” Fleur said from where she was lounging with Marie on the bed. “Enjoy, ‘Ermione and ‘Arry, ruin her.”

Harry started fucking her hard and fast, making sure to stimulate that spot as much as he could.  Every time he hit it, Hermione screamed, begging for more.

“Do it, ruin me!” she cried, sounding half out of her mind with pleasure. “Make it so no...gah!...no other man could ever please me!”

Harry was too worked up to think about what he was saying as he replied. “You’ll never even want to look at another man by the time I’m done with you!  I’ll make you mine!”

“YES, YOURS!” she screamed at the top of her lungs as she came.  He didn’t slow in the slightest, fucking her like a man possessed by a demon of lust.  Her orgasm gave way to another and then another as she shrieked and squealed her ecstasy to the world.

Harry felt a sudden warm sensation across the skin of his arse and then a distinct breeze across it.

Marie appeared beside him and placed her wand on the table, saying, “sorry, mon cherie, but some zings I will not do if zere is ‘air.”

Before he could ask what she meant, she sank to her knees and grabbed his muscular arse with both hands.  Spreading the cheeks, she started swirling her tongue around his puckered hole.  The pleasure was like nothing he had ever known, and, already on the cusp of orgasm, he knew he was about to cum.

“Don’t try to stop it, mon tresor,” Fleur said, scratching his scalp lightly next to him. “Fill ‘er to ze brim, so I can drink your cum from her gaping cunt.”

The sound Harry let out as he came would have embarrassed him if he could focus on anything other than the pure pleasure coursing through him.  Between the incredible feeling of Hermione’s pussy, his already having stopped himself from erupting once and the sinful magic Marie was doing to his asshole, it was easily the greatest orgasm of his life.  His legs buckled, and he sank down, with a very unconscious Hermione sliding down the wall with him.  He slowly descended to his sit on the floor and then slumped back, taking Hermione with him.

“Holy shit,” he panted.

His limp cock fell out of Hermione, and Fleur rolled her over onto her back so she could start slurping his load out of her pussy.

“Try cleaning Hermione off of his cock,” Fleur suggested to Marie.

Marie took one look at his glistening, limp cock and shrugged, saying, “in for a penny, I suppose.”

She took his still-sensitive cock into her mouth and began cleaning it, making him hiss at the overwhelming feeling of it.  Fleur’s allure engulfed him, and despite how hard he had just cum, he felt himself grow inside Marie’s mouth.  The redhead escaped quickly and glared at a giggling Fleur.  The horny Veela crawled over to him, picked up his cock and sank down in one quick motion.  Somehow, he suspected that his night was far from over.


It was with bone-deep exhaustion that Harry laid back on the bed.  He had lost count of how many times he had fucked Fleur, Marie, Fleur, Hermione, and Fleur that night, but he doubted that the allure of a dozen Veela could rouse him at that point.  Hermione was practically glued to his side, her face resting on his chest as she snored softly.  Marie was behind her, cuddling up with her lover as she also slept, though her arm was draped over enough to hold Fleur as well, who was resting her head on the other side of his chest.

“’Ow did you like my surprise, mon tresor,” Fleur whispered to him.

“It was incredible,” Harry sighed, just as quietly.

“You managed well, ‘Arry,” she praised him. “Considering zat you were a total novice not long ago, managing to satisfy zree women, one of them a Veela, is quite impressive.”

“I just did what you taught me,” Harry yawned, half-asleep.

“I am sure it will be easy enough to convince them to repeat zis,” Fleur said.

“You want to keep having foursomes?” Harry asked, waking fully.

“Or more,” Fleur said teasingly. “Ze Veela of old used to ‘ave vast orgies with zere ‘arems of lovers, male and female alike.  It fell out of fashion after ze church spread its influence, and I could not get away with anything too grand, but a ‘andful of bisexual girls eager to share you and moi?  Zat could be a fun way to spent zis year!”

Despite everything, he felt his cock twitch and winced at the soreness of it.

He hoped that they would end up spending more than the year together, but knew better than voice the idea.  She had made it pretty clear that she wanted to keep having fun with him for the foreseeable future, and for now, that was enough for him, especially since her idea of fun seemed to be even more wild than he knew.



This needs a sequel.