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“Last night was amazing,” Susan sighed, wincing slightly with each ginger step.

“Definitely,” Daphne murmured, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend from behind and smiling at Harry and Hermione.

“Anytime you want a repeat, or if you want to meet up with us and the others, just let us know,” Harry said, hugging them both.

“We’ll be in touch,” Daphne said. Looking past him, her brow furrowed, and she asked, “Hermione, are you okay?”

Harry turned around and saw Hermione sitting on the disheveled bed, chewing her one of her nails absentmindedly and staring off into space.

“Mione?” he asked a little more loudly, and she startled before looking at them.

“Take care, you two,” she said, giving Daphne and Susan a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

Mouthing, ‘I’ll talk to her,’ to Susan and Daphne, Harry politely ushered them out of the room and turned back to his girlfriend. “Is something wrong?”

“Harry, I think we need to talk,” Hermione said, sounding worried.

“Hermione, if you’re having second thoughts about a more long-term thing with Susan and Daphne, that’s fine,” Harry said, sitting down next to her on the bed. “They’re well aware that we’re just getting to know each other.”

“Harry, it’s not them,” Hermione sighed. “I’d happily let you marry them, the rest of our lovers, and half the women in Britain at this point. My problem is that I don’t have a problem with that.”

“I…” Harry trailed off for a moment. “I guess we have gotten pretty used to our unusual life.”

“It’s not just that we’ve gotten used to it; we’ve changed as people,” Hermione complained. “I was a straight as an arrow prude when we started dating with a perfectly moderate sex drive, and now I’m practically a lesbian nymphomaniac.”

“You’re exaggerating,” Harry said, “and it’s hardly unheard of for people our age to discover things about themselves that weren’t immediately apparent.”

“Self-discovery isn’t transformation, Harry,” Hermione argued. “The whole reason last night even happened was because we spoke pretty openly and publicly about the fact that you buggered Padma. When this all started, I was terrified of us getting caught and rumors of our deviancy leaking to the press, and that conversation barely phased me.”

“I’ll admit that I did think that was odd,” Harry said.

“Something’s happening to us, and it’s high time that we stopped putting off going to Madam Pomfrey about it,” Hermione said.

“Bloody hell, how many times have we talked about going to her and then just decided not to?” Harry asked.

“Or just put it out of our minds entirely,” Hermione added. “It’s been fun, addictively so, and I’d be happy to keep it going, but we need to get a healer to check if there’s something wrong with us.”

“This is going to be bloody awkward,” Harry muttered.

“We’ll just have to soldier through,” Hermione said flatly. “It’s not as if we haven’t explained all of this before.”

“There is an ever-so-slight difference between explaining that I have god-tier stamina and a magic cock to a girl I’m looking to shag and explaining all the freaky stuff we’ve been getting up to to our school matron,” Harry said wryly. He then sighed, “We really should talk to her, though.”

“That’s the spirit,” Hermione smiled.


Luckily for them, it was a Saturday, and there was nothing keeping them from going straight to the hospital wing.

“Of all the hare-brained things I’ve seen in my life,” Professor McGonagall hissed, “pun not intended, this has to take the cake.”

“The book swore that that potion would let me become an animagus,” Ernie Macmillan said, while sporting a pair of enormous brown bunny ears.

“There is no such potion, Mister Macmillan,” Madam Pomfrey sighed. “You’ve been had, I’m afraid. Where did you come across the book, anyway?”

“A guy in Hogsmeade,” Ernie replied. “You can fix me, right?”

“Rest assured, I can fix this,” Madam Pomfrey replied. “You’re not the first partial transformation case I’ve needed to deal with. Oh, can I help you two?”

Professor McGonagall and Ernie both turned to look at them.

“Um, there’s something that we wanted to talk to you about, but if you’re busy…” Harry went to say.

“Not at all,” Madam Pomfrey replied. “This won’t take long. If you’ll have a seat, I can be with you shortly.”

Hermione and Harry sat down and waited in silence as the healer carefully undid the effects of the odd potion their fellow fifth year had taken. After a few minutes, he was back to normal, and both he and their professor left, leaving them alone with Madam Pomfrey.

“Now, what seems to be the problem?” she asked.

“Um, well…” Harry said.

“Just one moment,” Hermione said, drawing her wand and quickly casting muffliato. “Harry and I have been having issues.”

“What sort of issues?” Madam Pomfrey asked, choosing not to ask about the spell.

“Issues of a...well...personal nature,” Hermione said, reddening a bit.

“I see,” Madam Pomfrey said, drawing her wand and summoning parchment and a quill from her office. “Do you believe the problem to be of a magical nature?”

“I doubt it’s natural, frankly,” Harry said.

“And when did it start?” Madam Pomfrey asked.

“It’s been like this from the beginning,” Harry said.

“I see,” Madam Pomfrey said, making a couple notes. “That will make it somewhat harder to pinpoint when exactly the curse was cast, if it was indeed a curse of some sort. For a boy your age to suffer from any dysfunction is unusual in the extreme and does suggest some sort of curse.”

“It’s not a matter of dysfunction,” Hermione clarified.

Madam Pomfrey paused for a moment before saying, “Given your reluctance to say more than calling it a personal issue, I assumed that we were discussing something sexual in nature. What exactly is the problem? Know that I am here to help you in any medical way that I can and that I am bound to keep your confidence in any case that doesn’t involve imminent danger to you or another.”

“I...er...last way too long,” Harry stammered.

“Oh,” Madam Pomfrey said. “Um…”

“He’s also...too good,” Hermione muttered, fully blushing by now. “It usually takes more than one girl to make him...finish because we keep passing out on him.”

The healer just blinked at them. “More than one…”

“Hermione wanted to see if there was something wrong with her, so we invited another girl into our bed, and she reacted exactly the same,” Harry clarified.

“But now, it seems to be changing us in ways that I never would have expected,” Hermione said. “We have another half a dozen girls now, and we’re being less careful, and it seems to be snowballing, and…”

“Okay, stop!” Madam Pomfrey said, holding up her hand. “Go back to the beginning and tell me everything, including names. As I said, I am required to keep everything confidential, and I’m assuming that spell you cast was some sort of privacy charm…”

“It was,” Harry replied. “Something that I found in my mum’s old journals.”

“Lily always was good at charms,” Madam Pomfrey said, smiling warmly for a moment. “Now, everything.”

So they did as she said, telling her everything from the first time they had sex to the previous night. To her credit, she didn’t have much of a reaction to anything, remaining perfectly professional throughout, though they imagined that, having worked in a castle full of teenagers for decades, there was likely very little that could still shock her at this point. She seemed particularly intrigued by the story of Parvati’s birthday and the odd, hypnotic effect that his music seemed to have.

“Alright,” Madam Pomfrey said once they’d finished. “I don’t need to tell you two that your case is quite unusual. Have you noticed any changes in the behavior of your...um...friends?”

“No, actually,” Hermione said, furrowing her brow. “The only ones who’ve become less cautious are Harry and I, though we were the most concerned when this first started.”

“Alright,” Madam Pomfrey said. “I’m going to run a battery of tests and see what I can find. In the meantime, both as a matter of basic propriety and in the interest of preventing things from escalating any further, I would strongly advise that you not seek out another girls.”

“Right,” Harry said, flushing slightly under her gaze.

Madam Pomfrey stood then and, drawing her wand, cast a series of diagnostic charms that neither one of them could make heads or tails of. With each spell, she grew a little more perplexed-looking until, finally, she seemed to have used every spell she could think of.

“I don’t know what to tell you, Mister Potter,” she said. “Physically and magically, you appear to be in perfect health. I’m not detecting any curses or other maladies…”

“So there’s nothing really wrong with me?” Harry asked.

“There is definitely something going on with you, Mister Potter,” Madam Pomfrey replied. “I’m going to need to run more extensive tests. Give me your arm; I’m going to need a blood sample.”

Harry just sighed and extended his arm toward her. She took what she needed quickly enough, and with a tap of her wand, the hole from the needle closed right up.

“Alright, that will be all for now,” Madam Pomfrey said. “Bare in mind what I said before, and when I get the results, I’ll let you know.”

“Thank you,” Harry said as he stood up.

“We should have done this a while ago,” Hermione commented.

“Yes, you should have,” Madam Pomfrey said. “Thankfully, from what I’ve managed to divine thus far, it doesn’t appear that you’re in danger, Mister Potter, but any clear abnormality should be brought to the attention of a healer in future, just to be on the safe side.”

Saying goodbye, the two of them left for the dorm, realizing that they were going to have to talk to their lovers about their visit with the healer.


“I’m sorry that we didn’t forewarn you about this, but I honestly feared that if we put it off again, we’d never speak to a healer,” Hermione said, lying on her bed surrounded by Lavender, Parvati, and Ginny.

“It’s fine,” Lavender shrugged. “Healers have to be confidential about stuff, right?”

“Yes,” Hermione said.

“I think you’re overthinking the ways that you’ve changed, Hermione,” Parvati commented. “You have a healthy sex life with a number of lovers who adore you. Of course, that’s going to change your outlook on things.”

“Even if the changes in me are perfectly natural, you can’t deny that Harry’s abilities in bed are unusual,” Hermione argued. “Lav, you’re the most experienced of us. Is what Harry can do anything like what the other boys managed?”

“Honestly, it’s hard to believe that they’re all the same species,” Lavender replied, earning a snort from Harry, who had flown in through the window to join them. “But, like, does that matter? So you’re a god in the sack. That’s hardly a bad thing.”

“I just want to make sure that I’m not doing anything harmful to any of you,” Harry said.

“Aside from making me limp, you haven’t yet,” Lavender purred.

“You’ve been oddly quiet, Ginny,” Hermione said.

“Hmm?” Ginny asked before shaking her head. “Sorry, it’s just that; all this talk of Harry’s uniqueness reminded me of something. You said that Madam Pomfrey didn’t figure much out, and by your description, she didn’t sound entirely convinced that she would figure it out. Harry’s uniqueness is clearly weird, and I was just thinking that no one does weird quite like my friend Luna.”

“Luna?” Hermione asked before paling slightly. “Oh Merlin, I completely forgot that she knew about us.”

“She does?” Harry asked, his mind flashing back to the time he’d seen her naked.

“She was the one I confided in initially when I saw you with Hermione and Lavender in the shower,” Ginny said.

“You think she might have some idea?” Harry asked.

“I’m sure she’ll have many,” Hermione scoffed. “Some invisible gremlin creature that’s only found in the remote jungles of Brazil made his way to England and placed a blessing on your penis because it was the largest he had ever seen.”

Lavender and Parvati both burst out laughing at that as Ginny scowled.

“A lot of her ideas are out there, but she can be really insightful,” she argued. “Be honest, part of the reason you two were so reluctant to go to the hospital wing with this was that you realized it sounded insane, right?”

“I also wasn’t terribly keen to discuss my sex life with her, but yes,” Harry replied.

“Well, maybe out there problems require out there explanations,” Ginny said. “She’s probably by the lake right now, if you’d like to talk to her.”

“That would probably be a good idea in general,” Hermione said, wanting to speak to the only person who knew about what they all got up to other than each other and Madam Pomfrey.

“I’m not busy today,” Harry said. “You two want to join us?”

“Can’t,” Lavender grumbled. “I have some reading that I need to catch up on. Bloody potions!”

“I’m hanging out with Padma today,” Parvati said. “Do let us know if she happens to really have an idea.”

“Will do,” Harry said, kissing the both of them goodbye.

He hopped on his broom as Hermione and Ginny left, and flew straight down to the lake, quickly spotting a familiar blonde figure in Ravenclaw robes.

“Hello, Harry Potter,” Luna said as he set down next to her. “Are you here to speak with Mr. Tentacles too?”

“Who?” Harry asked.

“The squid,” Luna replied, smiling serenely at him. “He’s very nice, a great listener, and sometimes he tickles me.”

Harry just blinked at the odd blonde.

Staring at his broom, she said, “I suppose it’s a lovely day for flying as well.”

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you,” Harry said, shoving the broom in his mokeskin pouch.

“Really?” Luna asked, sounding excited.

“Yes, I…” Harry went to say.

“Harry!” Hermione exclaimed as she rushed to join them.

“Hello,” Luna said. Spotting Ginny just behind Hermione, she smiled and said, “If only it were warmer, we could have so much fun.”

“Huh?” Harry asked.

“It’s far too cold to undress right now,” Luna said.

“Undress?” Hermione asked.

“Did you three not come to induct me into your harem?” Luna asked, cocking her head.

Hermione blinked owlishly at her while Ginny just snorted and said, “Actually, we came over because we have an unusual mystery that we’re trying to solve, and we thought that you might have some ideas.”

“Oh, well, mysteries can be fun too,” Luna said, sounding only slightly disappointed. “What is it?”

Harry went to reply, only to be cut off by a sudden influx of students clearly looking to enjoy the crisp, fresh air.

“It might be best to discuss it privately,” Ginny said. Turning to Harry, she murmured, “The room?”

“Yeah, that works,” Harry replied. “When you’re done with the giant squid, meet us on the seventh floor by the tapestry of the lunatic trying to teach trolls to dance.”

“You’ve found the Come and Go Room?” Luna asked, perking up.

“The what now?” Harry asked.

“The room that becomes whatever you want,” Luna explained. “The House Elves told me about it when I visited them in the kitchens once.”

“Oh, uh, yeah, that’s the room,” Harry said, surprised to find that anyone else knew about it.

“Mr. Tentacles won’t come out with this many people about, as he’s surprisingly shy for such a large creature,” Luna said, “so I can come now if you’d like.”

“That’s great,” Ginny said, taking her hand and leading her away, with Harry and Hermione following along.

The four of them quickly made their way up to the corridor featuring the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, and Luna wasted no time in showing that she knew how the Room of Requirement worked. Hermione went to say something but decided not to, wanting to see what exactly the bizarre blonde would envision. To her shock, as they entered the room, they discovered that it was a perfectly ordinary sitting room, complete with a few comfortable-looking leather chairs and a cozy fireplace.

“So what’s the mystery?” Luna asked as she sat down.

“It’s about me,” Harry said as he joined her. “The reason why Hermione and I have been...seeing other girls is that, well…”

“Your penis is enormous, and taking it too often is quite taxing?” Luna asked.

“It isn’t that!” Hermione exclaimed.

“So Harry doesn’t have a massive penis?” Luna asked. “Because Ginny said it was very big.”

“His cock is very big, but that’s not why they’ve been doing it,” Ginny clarified as Harry and Hermione just stared at Luna. “Once he’s inside one of us, it’s rare for it to take more than a minute for us to cum, and we often just keep cumming once we start over and over again until we pass out.”

“Oh,” Luna said, her big gray eyes widening. “Well, that can’t be explained just by size.”

“Ginny thought that you might have heard of something like this before,” Harry said. “Is there anything you can think of that could explain it?”

“If you had asked me a year ago, I would have suggested that you might be a male Veela, but as it turns out, there have never been any male Veela,” Luna said. “Have you considered that you might be some kind of sex god?”

“I knew this was a waste of time,” Hermione muttered under her breath.

“I think I’d know if I were some kind of god,” Harry chuckled.

“You’re probably right,” Luna said. “There is one thing that might explain your condition, but I would need to run a test to make sure.”

“What kind of test?” Hermione asked warily.

“Nothing invasive,” Luna said, standing up. “We will all need to stand, however.”

“What do you have in mind?” Ginny asked as she did so.

“This,” Luna said, and instantly the cozy sitting room and the chairs disappeared, replaced by a vast forest not unlike the Forbidden Forest.

“Wait, how big can this room get!?” Hermione cried.

“What kind of test needs a forest?” Harry asked.

“This kind,” Luna said, undoing her robes and revealing that she was wearing nothing under them. As the clothing pooled at her feet, she grinned at Harry and turned around, showing off her lovely round arse.

He had seen her naked once before, catching a glimpse of her small, very perky breasts, but had averted his gaze before she ran off. Now able to openly feast on the sight of her lily-white cheeks, he grinned at the mouth-watering sight before recalling that Hermione had said nothing at all about fucking Luna.

“Luna!” Hermione cried.

“This is the only way to know for sure if I’m right,” Luna said. “If you catch me, Harry, you can do whatever you want to me.”

With that, she took off, running into the forest, and Ginny groaned.

“For fuck’s sake, Luna,” the redhead muttered.

“Ginny, what the hell was that?” Hermione asked.

“Apparently, this has been a fantasy of hers for a while,” Ginny replied. “I didn’t think that she’d just try and go for it again, though.”

“Again?” Hermione asked.

“She did this once before in the actual forest,” Ginny replied. “I thought you knew.”

“Apparently I wasn’t told,” Hermione said, looking over at Harry in annoyance. That annoyance quickly turned to concern as she saw the look of intense struggle on his handsome face. “Harry?”

He wanted to chase after Luna more than anything in the world in that moment, and only the fact that his girlfriend was there and hadn’t okayed fucking the gorgeous little blonde stayed his hand.

“To be honest, that night was so weird that I just put it out of my mind,” Harry explained. “After I fucked the living daylights out of you.”

“Wait, was that the night that you came back from an evening fly looking like you needed me more than you needed air?” Hermione asked. “I limped for two days after that night.”

“Um, guys, do you think that the room could have made magical creatures within this forest?” Ginny asked.

“I honestly have no idea,” Hermione replied. “I wouldn’t think so, but then I wouldn’t have expected it to be able to create an entire forest either.”

“Why?” Harry asked, still feeling on edge.

“Because if there’s any chance that the room could do that and this forest was made from Luna’s imagination, then it could be filled with all kinds of things that could hurt her,” Ginny replied.

“Damn it,” Hermione swore. “We need to go after her...Harry?!”

The second she said the words, Harry tore off like a bat out of hell. Hermione and Ginny followed after him, but quickly got left behind, unable to match the speed with which he navigated the thick vegetation of Luna’s forest. Where they had to move carefully to avoid tripping, Harry didn’t, finding himself oddly surefooted.

As he continued running through the forest, he noticed that it was oddly quiet, with none of the sounds that the Forbidden Forest had, and that Ginny’s worrying had been for naught, but he noticed something else as well: the smell of arousal. It was faint but growing, and he groaned as he felt his cock harden. Luna was clearly enjoying this a great deal, something that became even more apparent as he drew close enough to hear her giggling.

“You’re getting close, Harry!” she yelled. “I sure do hope that I don’t trip over a log and end up with my arse stuck up in the air.”

Harry growled at the image, his cock hard as steel as he pictured taking the moon-eyed blonde like a bitch in heat. He had no idea why the idea of chasing a girl through a setting like this turned him on so much, but he realized that it had been what so aroused him during his last encounter with Luna. It was an odd kink, he had to admit, but one that he desperately wanted to indulge in. His robes snagged on a bush, and in frustration, he drew his wand and spelled them off, continuing along as naked as his prey.

“Oof!” he heard Luna gasp, and he rushed over, coming to a halt as he saw her lying on the grass in a small clearing within the forest.

The smell of her dripping wet slit filled the air, and he felt his cock throb at the scent as much as the sight of her naked body. She was gorgeous, tiny, and lithe, yet with delightfully wide hips. He couldn’t decide if he wanted to bury his face between her thighs and drink down her intoxicating arousal or bend her over and sink to the hilt inside her drooling slit more.

“Oh my!” Luna exclaimed as she looked over at him, her eyes locking on his turgid cock. “I knew you were big, but your penis is massive. My poor little pussy’s never going to recover from this!”

“Fucking hell, Luna,” Harry groaned.

“If you can conjure lube, you can take my arsehole as well,” Luna offered, getting onto her hands and knees and shaking her arse at him. “I did say that you could do anything, after all.”

Harry sank to his knees on the soft grass and ghosted a hand over the smooth skin of her back, making her shiver.

Leaning in, he whispered in her ear, “You keep talking like that, and I’m going to fuck you within an inch of your sanity.”

“T...to hear most people talk, I’m already insane,” Luna replied, looking over and grinning at him.

“They’ve said the same of me before,” Harry said, kissing her left hip and peppering little kisses around her cheek. “Perhaps sanity’s overrated.”

“I...ohh!” Luna gasped as he gave her drooling, hairless slit a long lick, groaning at the taste of her. “I didn’t expect…”

“You smell so good, though,” Harry grinned, grasping her hips and burying his face between her thighs.

Luna clawed at the ground, moaning loudly as he ate her out from behind. His nose brushed her puckered arsehole as she ground her clit against his chin, and she cried out in bliss. That felt so bloody good!

“Harry!” Hermione called out as she joined them.

Harry looked behind him to see her holding his discarded robes, followed closely by Ginny.

“Hello, Hermione, Ginny,” Luna called out. “Harry was just showing me how divine it feels to have your vagina licked.”

Ginny snorted, while Hermione just sighed.

“As hot as this looks, I have to ask, what was the point of all this?” Hermione asked.

“To prove my...oh Merlin, I love that...my theory,” Luna moaned as Harry continued to lap at her folds.

“Theory?” Harry asked, reluctantly backing away from her. “I thought you were just really turned on by being chased.”

“Oh, I am,” Luna replied. “I’ve been dreaming of you chasing me through the forest, catching me, and then fucking my brains out for a while now, and that was my first clue.”

“Your first clue about what?” Hermione asked.

“Harry’s been gifted with the traits of a satyr,” Luna replied.

“A satyr?” Ginny asked.

“A giant penis, endless sexual appetite, gift for bringing pleasure, and musical talent,” Luna explained.

“Actually, that might explain why animals are so fond of you too,” Hermione said.

“The satyrs all disappeared not long after the death of the god Pan,” Luna said. “How you ended up like this, I can’t say, but you being satyr-like does explain it. The way that chasing me turned you on so much also points to it.”

“Like a nymph,” Hermione said. “In a way, you’ve been making all of us into your nymphs.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Harry said. “You’re saying that I’m turning into one of those goatmen creatures from Greek Mythology?”

“I can’t say that you’re transforming or anything,” Luna replied. “You don’t look exceptionally hairy, as fitting as that would be.”

Harry smiled at the pun. “Well, it’s something to bring to Madam Pomfrey, at least. Maybe there have been other cases like this.”

“I doubt it,” Luna said. “Daddy loves odd medical cases, and if he’d come across anything like this, I’m sure he’d have told me. You might be better off speaking to a Veela about it.”

“Why a Veela?” Ginny asked.

“Veela are creatures of sex, much like Satyrs, and some have theorized that they are what remains of the old nymphs,” Luna said. “I’d expect them to have records of cases like yours, if there are any.”

“We do know a Veela,” Hermione commented.

“I guess that I could reach out to Fleur,” Harry said. Chuckling, he added, “Probably best to avoid saying the word nymph just in case Tonks is around.”

“You know, Luna, I owe you an apology,” Hermione said. “I really didn’t think that we’d get much of anything out of coming to you with this, but you have given us a potential clue that might help us figure out what’s going on with Harry.”

“I’m happy to help, though, if you want to make it up to me…” Luna said, shaking her arse in Harry’s face.

“Oh, that was already a given,” Hermione purred, undoing her robes and letting them pool by her feet. “Harry, give her everything she would need for a lengthy article on parselmouths.”

“I already know that discrimination against parselmouths is based in ignorAHH!” Luna shrieked at the top of her lungs as pleasure beyond her wildest dreams suddenly assaulted her senses.

She came harder than she imagined possible, writhing and convulsing on the ground as a torrent of fluid gushed from her spasming cunt, soaking Harry’s face. She had enjoyed many orgasms since she first discovered the pleasures that could come from rubbing her pussy, but none of them held a candle to the intensity of the pleasure that his vibrating tongue gave her. How long it went on, and whether it was one long orgasm or an unending chain of them, she could not say. All she knew was that when he finally pulled back and allowed her to collapse on the ground in a heap, her mind felt floaty and numb.

“If it’s all the same, I’d rather that you didn’t write an article on that,” Harry said dryly.

“The world...has to...know!” Luna panted, her body still spasming off and on.

“At least don’t mention me by name,” Harry sighed.

“Okay,” Luna replied, rolling onto her back and staring at the magically conjured sky.

As her senses returned to her, she heard soft female moaning and sat up to see Hermione laying back as an equally nude Ginny knelt before her and ate her out.

“That looks like fun,” Luna murmured.

“Both Hermione and Ginny would be happy to let you try it out,” Harry said, sounding amused for some reason that escaped her.

“Oh fuck, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t…” Hermione trailed off in a wordless scream, her thighs tightening around Ginny’s head as her back arched off the ground.

Luna watched in fascination as the other girl came hard, her body shaking and writhing under the redhead’s skilled tongue. Hermione’s orgasm ended far sooner than hers had, and she collapsed on her back after a moment, her heavy breathing doing wonderful things to her modest breasts, especially with the light sheen of sweat on her tanned skin.

“Give me...a second...and I’ll return the favor,” Hermione panted, grinning from ear to ear.

“Actually, Ginny, Luna was hoping to try that out,” Harry said.

“It looks like ever so much fun, and it felt wonderful,” Luna gushed. “I only wish we’d known how lovely this could be back when we used to have sleepovers.”

“I...er...wouldn’t want to try anything like this at home,” Ginny said awkwardly.

“But I thought you wanted Harry to take you in your bed,” Luna said, looking confused.

“I…” Ginny went to say.

“You know, Gin, with the room, we could do that sometime,” Harry said, chuckling softly as Ginny’s eyes widened and darkened at that realization. “So, Luna, this is your first time, right?”

“Mmhmm,” Luna replied.

“How do you want it?” Harry asked. “On your back, on your hands and knees, however you want.”

“Hmm,” Luna mused, tapping her chin as she thought about it. “As much as I love your pretty eyes, and I’m sure that looking into them while you stick your penis inside me could be fun, all of my fantasies of you have been more bestial than that, so on my hands and knees sounds great.

Ginny laughed at the comment about his eyes, while Harry just smiled. From anyone else, hearing his eyes called ‘pretty’ might have stung his male pride, but Luna was just so earnest in everything she said, that he couldn’t take offense. Having her crawl on the forest floor in front of him certainly helped too, and Harry felt his cock throb at the sight. Ginny laid down on her back in front of her and spread her legs, showing off a very wet pussy.

“Just do what you think would feel good, and I’ll let you know what I prefer from there,” Ginny said.

“Okay,” Luna said, lowering her face until she was level with Ginny’s dripping slit and giving it a few tentative licks.

“You know, it occurs to me that we’ve been very limited in our use of the room,” Hermione murmured as she wrapped her arms around Harry from behind. “I can think of a few places where it might be fun to get fucked.”

She reached around and wrapped her hard around his cock, giving it a few gentle strokes as he watched Luna continue eating out Ginny.

“Merlin’s balls, you’re a little minx,” Harry groaned.

“Mmm, that’s good,” Ginny sighed. “Go a little higher. Lick my clit. Ahh, fuck!”

“Mmm, this is as fun as it looked,” Luna sighed. “You look ever so beautiful in pleasure, Ginny. Though I’ve always thought you were beautiful.”

“You...ugh...you’re beautiful too,” Ginny moaned.

“Maybe we’ll have another couple in our little harem soon,” Hermione whispered.

“I thought we weren’t using the h word,” Harry chuckled.

“You’re potentially part satyr and making us all into nymphs,” Hermione said. “I think I’m past caring what we label ourselves as. As a side note, would Tonks really care that much about just hearing the word nymph?”

“Probably not,” Harry chuckled. “All I know is that a few dickheads in her grade started making nympho jokes in her third year, and that’s when she started hating her name.”

“I figured it was something like that,” Hermione said.

“Oh fuck, that feels amazing!” Ginny moaned, tightening her grip on Luna’s head. “Suck on my clit, but be gentle.”

“Like this?” Luna asked before wrapping her lips around the redhead’s throbbing nub and sucking it into her mouth.

“Yes, yes, YES!” Ginny screamed, her back arching off the ground as she came.

“Claim her, Harry,” Hermione murmured in his ear.

“Yes, claim me, Harry,” Luna parroted. “Make me yours!”

Harry grinned ferally down at the blonde and sank to her knees. Taking his cock in hand, he brushed the bulbous head through her soaking wet folds, making her moan and getting some of her wetness on him. After taking a moment to line himself up with her dripping hole, he pushed forward and popped inside her.

“Fuck!” Luna screamed, falling forward in shock.

A still-panting Ginny caught her and held her tight, brushing her hair out of her face and grinning down at her.

“Feels incredible, doesn’t he?” she asked.

“S...so big!” Luna cried, holding onto Ginny like she might float away otherwise.

Harry continued pushing forward, burying himself inside her inch by inch until, finally, his hips were pressed up against her round arse. Whatever was so unique about him, he was glad for it. Not only had it resulted in him ending up living a life that most men would kill for, but it had to be what made it so easy to fit inside women despite his immense size.

“Feels like you’re...in my...stomach,” Luna panted, shaking from exertion. “You feel so good!”

“So do you, Luna,” Harry whispered in her ear before nuzzling and kissing her neck. “You’re so wet and so bloody tight.”

She turned her head up so that she could look at him above her, and, gripping her neck gently, he leaned down and kissed her. The angle was awkward, but there was something oddly hot about it too, and she returned the kiss with a smile on her face.

“Fuck me, Harry,” Luna whispered. “Fuck me hard until I pass out from pleasure, and then keep fucking me.”

“As you wish,” Harry growled, grabbing her hips and holding her steady as he pulled most of his cock from her sweltering depths and thrust forward.

Luna cried out in pleasure, and he felt her tight tunnel begin to flutter around him quickly as he built up to a steady rhythm. Ginny held onto her, looking down into her gray-blue eyes, and she moaned and whimpered. Hermione quickly joined them, sitting next to Ginny and watching Harry fuck Luna with the same look of undisguised glee that she always had when she watched him with someone.

“Oh Harry!” Luna cried, sounding half out of her mind as he continued to fuck her hard and fast. “I’m gonna...CUM!”

The gorgeous little blonde fell forward into Ginny’s arms as she came with an ear-piercing shriek. Digging his fingers into her hips, Harry maintained his pace, continuing to fuck her even as her inner walls spasmed around his length. As had happened before when he was treating her to the joys of parseltongue, her orgasm bled into the next and then the next as Luna was consumed by a maelstrom of unending pleasure.

“YOU’RE...A...GOD!” she squealed as she convulsed in ecstasy before passing out and going limp under him.

“Pull out of her, Harry,” Ginny said.

“She was pretty adamant about me fucking her after she passed out,” Harry pointed out.

“There will be time for that later,” Ginny said. “I want to taste her sweet little pussy on your cock.”

“I agree,” Hermione purred, wrapping her arms around the redhead. “We can lick it all up together until the entire shaft is clean, and then decide between us which one will sit on it and which one will sit on his face.”

“Well, if you insist,” Harry chuckled, pulling his thick cock from Luna’s gaping pussy and sitting back.

Hermione and Ginny crawled up to him, twin looks of lust and desire in their brown eyes, and then, as if they’d practiced the routine, moved down in unison and started giving the sides of his cock long, slow licks. Harry groaned, resting a hand on each of their heads, and looked over at the unconscious blonde in front of him. Perhaps her theory was completely wrong and would end up leading them on a wild goose chase. He couldn’t say that he cared much either way, given the other benefits that the day had given him.

At any rate, it gave him an excuse to reach out to Fleur again, which would be nice. He hoped Luna was right, if only so that he would finally have at least part of an explanation for all the strangeness surrounding him. He had to admit that if anyone was going to have records of guys like him, it would make sense for it to be the Veela.

“Oh fuck, you two are such dirty girls,” Harry groaned as the two of them started sucking on his balls, their cheeks flush against each other.

Luna’s satyr theory was something that he could ponder another day.


Garami Gergely

Will you include other Veela beside Fleur in the future? Preferably Apolline


So, some satyr connection and Sirius know something. Quite interesting.