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Thank you all for your support this year, 2023 was... ok :), and hopefully the next year will be a bit better for all of us.

I'm working on a set of illustrations with Fire Lord Ozai (avatar) for January, more updates in the next few days.

January Preview:


Pokemon comic / Ash x Gary - 2 new pages

+more once i know what that will be :)


All the above +

Let's Train! comic - Chapter II - new page

*Nightwing x Red Hood - MG comic new page

Ken - Life Size Doll short comic - page 2

+more once i know what that will be :)


All the above +

Johnny Test comic - new page

+  other stuff that I'll create along the way!

Some sketches/ideas I'm working on:

Vash x ...

OC short comics

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*Some rewards may not be made or other rewards may be added/swapped

I hope ill have ur support next month as well.




Very nice! Thanks so much for what you've given us this year!


bro. december is not sent yet , right ? coz I'am waiting Ash x Gary