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Hello friends Right now I'm having a big problem. That is, I can't send the goldfish work files to all members? Which I am not sure why

Now I'm working on the problem.

But I don't understand where I should send files to everyone?

1. manage Benefits

2. membership manage

How are these two systems different? Because now I am unable to answer all questions of anyone who is not receiving files from me.


Kemono Dream

Manage benefits is related to tier tax if I'm not mistaken. You can put "general support" or "exclusive content" or etc. Membership manage which I assumes Relationship Manager? that's where you can check your supporter. You can select tick your supporter base on tier and then send a direct message [DM] If things too much for you to handle, I suggest you to make a discord group, it can make things lot easier to handle. ps. I wish to message you for "Tiggy" doujin but I'll wait until things got better on your end.


I'll wait