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I’d been in some locker rooms and public showers and seen a wide variety of man-members in my day but the organ that hangs between my own wife’s lean, shapely legs puts them ALL to shame!  As thick as a soup can and hanging half way down her thigh her monster beat them all.  Including my own average sized manhood which it absolutely dwarfed  Even though wasn’t even fully hard yet!  Had she been within an inch of me I might have been able to laugh it off but to be blindsided by the fact that hers so completely outclassed mine in both length and girth left me humbled and speechless.

Adding the immense size of the thing was the raw alpha presence that it exuded.  Unlike the rest of her there was nothing lithe or lean about that behemoth.   Blunt, crude, and even a bit ugly it hung and swung differently than mine.  Heavier.  As if gravity worked differently on hers than mine.  The fat ruddy knob was swollen well past the foreskin and prominent veins criss-crossed the thick tan shaft like a map of a river and its tributaries.  The bulky length sort of bulged in the middle and it had a slight curve to the right.  Hanging full and low behind it were two enormous balls held in a bald scrotum.  Indeed the transformation had not changed her pubes which were still impeccably shaved with a tidy little landing strip at the top.  It was such a surreal contrast to see this exemplar of brute masculine power swaying between my beautiful wife’s smooth and feminine legs.

A surge of the most confusing jealousy I’d ever felt rages through me.  I had the natural insecurity that any man would feel when seeing a bigger dong of course but it had so many more facets than simple dick envy.  Seeing my wife with her hand around such a superior piece of meat, even if it was her own, is a withering blow to my husbandly pride.  It’s not like she was a virgin when we met or anything but actually seeing my faithful spouse looking at and handling another penis felt like something had been taken from me.  A boundary crossed.  Add to this my ditzy young mistress’ obviously impressed stare and I was feeling second best by a country mile.  This cursed flu had me feeling feelings and thinking thoughts that no husband ever should to have to grapple with.  My own wife was simultaneously smokin hot milf and more man than I would ever be.

I was feeling jealousy in another way too.  Chelsea’s amazing tits, long legs, perfect ass, gorgeous shape, her whole sensual naked body, had been mine alone for twenty years.  My friends might check her out and our guests might ogle her when she wore her revealing black bikini by the pool but only I got to see the private bits beneath it and, more importantly, only I got to touch.  But now here she was with Missy admiring her body and eager to feel it for herself.  My long dreamed of threesome was happening yet now that it was here I didn’t know how to feel.  The bittersweet knowledge that my exclusive carnal claim on Chelsea’s body was now forfeit gave me pause to doubt.

At the sight of my wife’s massive schlong Missy couldn’t have released my dick from her mouth faster.  “Woaaaah!”  She says with wide awestruck eyes.  “Mrs. Parker!  You’re HUGE!”

“Not bad, huh?”  Chelsea takes a grip of her fat shaft, her slender fingers and thumb unable to even reach fully around the damn thing, and slaps it back and forth between her thighs like some over-sized rubber dildo.  The deep fleshy thuds it makes as it makes contact was confirms to the ear what the eye could already see.  It was both larger than life and the real thing.  “Not bad for a broad.”

“Jesus!”  I gasp.

Chelsea laughs at my shocked expression.  “What’s the matter peewee?  Can’t handle the competition?”

“Peewee?”  I wince at the ego shattering quip.

It only makes her laugh harder.  “Look at it and weep, dear little husband.”

As I reel from the insult Missy carries on like she hadn’t heard a thing.  All she seemed to care about was the slab of meat slapping from thigh to thigh.  “Big futa mama!  Wowwee!”  Crawling from me to Chelsea she kneels at my wife’s feet as she ogles from just a foot away.  “How big?”

“Eleven and half.”  My wife states proudly, though with a hint of disappointment.  “Just shy of a foot.  So damn close.”

“Eleven!”  I blurt.

“And a half.”  She corrects.  “Three quarters really.  Definitely more than twice your little shrimp dick.”

“Chelsea!”  I say in a harsh whisper.

But there is no mercy in her cold green eyes.  “Is there a problem, shrimp dick?”

“Wait a sec.  You measured it?  You got it hard?”

“I woke up and there it was.  My first morning wood.”  She says.  “Unlike your toothpick mine was a mighty oak.”

“I’m surprised one that big can even get hard.”

“Ha!  No problems there, old man.”  She says, her sneering words covered in razor sharp barbs.  She knew better than anybody of my increasing need for those little blue tablets of extra encouragement that I used.  As I blush she smiles.  “Everything is in good working order I can assure you.”


“Masturbated?”  She says.  “Yes I did.  All day long.  A gal’s gotta do something on a sick day, right?  It was…incredible.  I don’t know how you guys ever get out of the house.”  Shaking her hips so she swung freely she adds.  “Though maybe big ones just feel better.”

If my maid-mistress heard the slight on me she shows no sign of it as her entire focus was glued to the python dangling in front of her.  “A foot long.”  She whispers in a sort of mesmerized daze as her hand begins to reach up.  “And so thick!”

“I was as surprised as you are.”  Chelsea pulls her hand away as she watches Missy’s get closer.  “I’m wondering if maybe I got a new strain or something.  Mmm.”  She hums as Missy’s hand, pale and petite, takes a slow grip around the base.  “A bit of a shame that I’ll lose such a perfect specimen once the flu runs its course.”

“Perfect?”  I scoff.  “It’s too big!  It might look impressive but it’s too big to even do anything with.”

The women look at each other…then break into laughter.  Oh how they laugh.

“B-But you said that size didn’t matter!”  I stammer as my spirit wilts along with my belittled pecker.  “Y-You said that mine was perfect.”

She stops laughing, looks me dead in the eyes, and says oh so cruelly.  “I lied!”  There was not a hint of remorse in her hard words.  “We all lie.”  Her eyes flit to my crotch and she sneers with unfiltered contempt.  “The smaller the dick, the bigger the lie.  And mine was a whopper.”  The friendly facade was gone.  The mask was torn away to reveal the jilted demon beneath.  But demon she may be her wrath was a righteous one.  After what I did to her I deserved no better.  “I stayed true to your pathetic little bitch dick.  I had chances, so many chances, to get myself a real man.  Love truly makes a fool out of you in the end, huh?”


“No.”  She stops me with a look that could melt steel.  Then in a shift that leaves my head spinning she gives me that same calm and assuring smile that baited me into this trap.  “We’re having fun tonight.  Remember?”  She looks down and pets Missy’s curly red head.  “Isn’t that right sweetie?”

Missy hadn’t even heard what we had said as she continued to fawn over the huge penis in her hand.  “Sooo big!  Sooooo biiiig!”

“You like that, don’t you princess?”

“I…”  With guilt in her eyes she briefly glances my way before drawn right back to the schlong.  “I just…never saw one so big.”  She massages the beefy flesh softly.  “That’s all.”

“Was Jordan the biggest before me?”

“Oh, no!”  She giggles, innocently oblivious to the slight she’d just given me.  “Of course not.”  On the low end of average I knew that my willy wasn’t winning any awards for size but to actually hear it so bluntly from a lover was another vicious blow to my manly pride.  Missy gives Chelsea a slow stroke and marvels at the way it lurches and swells with life.  “Woooah.”

“But you always wanted one.  To feel a true monster.”  Chelsea grins.  “Didn’t you?”

“Oh!  I…um…I mean…”  Distracted by the proximity of such a monster poor little Missy was having trouble stringing two words together.  Shifting closer she forgets the question altogether and whispers again.  “It’s just…so big.”

“It is.  Why don’t you go ahead and wrap those pretty little lips around it.”  Chelsea’s hand cups the back of Missy’s skull and pulls her in.  “Why don’t you find out what a real cock tastes like.”

Hypnotized by the power of cock Missy, the young woman who so recently swore that she loved me, doesn’t hesitate a second to open wide.  “Mmm!”  She hums and her eyes widen as her mouth is filled to the brim with my wife’s fat knob.  “MMM!”

“Ohhhh fuck!”  Chelsea gasps as the warm, wet bliss of her first blowjob hits her full force.  “Ohhh my God.  Now I see why you’re always begging for these.”

“Yeah.”  I say.

“Hey!  Cheer up babe.”  She slaps my shoulder.  “Enjoy tonight.  Who knows?  It might be our last.”  Taking my arm she pulls me closer.  One arm around me and the other hand on the back of Missy’s head Cheslea lays her head on my shoulder and sighs.  “Ohhhh that’s nice!”

Standing side by side with my wife only reveals that much more just how much bigger she was than me.  My own dick looking pale, puny, and pathetic next to hers.  What it wasn’t however is soft.  The slight droop that came with my sagging spirit had cured itself by the sheer erotic hotness of seeing pretty Missy going down on a big dick.  There was something so sexy about seeing a woman handle a big one that while my ego may have shriveled my pecker was hard as a nail.

“Mmm!  Shrrmm!  MMM!”  Missy pops off of Chelsea’s knob and licks her lips.  “Dang that’s big!”

“We heard you the first five times.”  I mutter under my breath as Chelsea chuckles.

“So huuuge!”  Missy laughs as she smears the wet tip across her lips and cheeks.  “I can barely fit it in my mouth!  MMF!”  Opening her mouth as wide as it would go she latches back onto Chelsea’s growing organ and really starts to suck.  “Mmmm!”

“There’s a good princess.”  Chelsea croons as her grip tightens on my shoulder.  “That’s it.  Suck that cock like the wanton little home-wrecking slut that you are.”

“Mrrmmm!”  The more she sucked the more Chelsea grew until at last she flexes to full erection.  One solid foot of rock hard and wrist thick cock, even thicker in the center.  The rightward bend was still there, though not as prominent now that it was at full mast, and the bulbous veins throbbed but the imperfections gave it the fearsome, brutish aura of some hunch-backed cave troll.  I’d seen some monsters on porn videos but nothing could have prepared me for seeing a beast like this in the flesh.  It seemed impossible.  Inhuman!  But there it was sticking out like a cannon from my wife’s milf body.  At best Missy could get half of it in, not stopped so much for the length but the incredible girth.  Undeterred she soldiers on and begins to bob and suck with lewd determination.  “Mm!  Mm!  Mm!”

“Ohhh fuuuuck.”  Chelsea’s erotic moan sets fire to my confused libido.  “Ohhh!”

While my wife groans and leans into me for support I stand there like a mannequin mutely watching our maid give her head.  The threesome I’d always wanted was happening right now and I hadn’t a clue what I ought to be doing.  Being insulted, cucked and emasculated by the one and only woman whose opinion actually mattered to me on such things was so far outside of how I expected this to go it left me at a total loss of what I was doing here.

“Mm!  Mm!  Mm!”  Missy grunts on each and every jaw straining stroke.  She was struggling but enjoying it.  Her nostrils flare for breath and her chubby cheeks bulge on ever intake as she blows Chelsea’s dick as best she could.  “MM!  MM!  Pah!”  She gasps as Cheslea pulls her off of her and in one commanding motion turns the woman’s head and jams it toward me.  Realizing what is happening at the last possible second Missy lines up my dick with her open mouth and swallows me right to the base!

“Nnngh!”  I groan as hot, wet mouth envelops me from root to tip.

“Hmmm!”  Missy wraps her lips tight around my trunk, my tip gripped by her throat, and SUCKS with all her might.

“NGH!  Jesus.”

“She’s good.”  Chelsea chuckles.

“Mmmm.”  After Chelsea’s member Missy had taken my full length with barely an effort and even roots into me for more.  “Mm!  Mm!  Mm!  Mm!”  With a dick she could manage with ease Missy starts bobbing fast.  “Mmmm!”

“Ohhh fuck!”  I grab the back of Missy’s head as I receive her furious blowjob.

“That’s the spirit Jordan.”  My wife croons as she steps around behind me, her huge hard hog dragging along my leg as she goes.  “This is your biggest fantasy, remember?”


“Shhh.”  A long finger snakes along my shoulder, up my neck, then presses across my lips as the rest of her sidles up to me from behind.  The familiar feeling of her tits pushing into my back comes with a most unfamiliar feeling of her cock nestling between my ass cheeks.  “Let tonight happen.”  As her hand slips from my lips to around my neck she pulls back for a moment to let her schlong flop down between my legs.  

“Gngh!”  I grunt as she grabs her shaft and clubs my balls with her fat knob.  “MMM!”  I groan again as once wasn’t enough as she slaps and bludgeons my nuts with her meaty member all the while Missy’s incredible mouth continues to blow me.

“It’ll be gone in a week.  We might as well enjoy it while we can.”

“Am I even going to be here in a week?  Chels…”

She chokes off my voice by tightening her grip around my throat.  Pushing up hard against my back her long cock slides past my balls and along the bottom of my dick until her tip extends further than mine.  Without missing a beat Missy switches from my sex to the one she really wanted to be sucking.  “Mmm!”

“Rrrm.”  A hot whisper tickles my ear as fingers claw across my chest.  “You still love me Jordan?”


“Do you still love me?”

After a moment to search my heart I whisper back.  “Yes.”

“Good.”  She slaps my cheek.  “Then you do as I say and take your punishment tonight without making a fuss and maybe, just maybe, I’ll consider keeping your useless, cheating ass around.”

Her warm body against my back, my nuts and shaft resting on hers like a tiny bird on a stout branch, our horny maid gleefully working her knob, I take a deep breath and nod.  “That’s fair.”

“Mmm.”  She kisses my shoulder with surprising tenderness.  “Things won’t be the same after this.  Things will never be the same.”

“I…I understand.”

“We’ll talk.  Mmmm.”  She writhes from the pleasure Missy gives her, her shaft gliding between my legs as she does.  “After.”

Part 4 



Gotta love the big ding dong fan service ❤️


I do love the big dongs, I just love the little and middle dings too! 😄