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With a controlled drop Winona unhooks my legs and lets me fall to my bed.  With a giggle and a bounce I come to rest in front of her.  With nothing but desirous thoughts in my mind I stare longingly at the bulge in her jeans right in front of me then slowly up her long, beautiful body to her rather cockily smirking face.  In just the dim light coming up from the street through my window Winona seemed to glow in the dark.  She loomed large in every way, filling my room with her presence.  I give her my routine.  A bat of the eyelashes, a lick of the lip, and an oh so innocent yet ohhhh so naughty flash of my big baby blues.

Her grin widens at my attempt to seduce.  Holding up a finger she waggles it back and forth with a nuh-uh expression to let me know that she would not be so easily manipulated.  She had other plans in mind than jumping straight to the cock sucking.  Or so I thought.  There was fellatio on her mind but not the way I assumed.

She surprises me by holding my gaze in hers while she slowly lowers herself to her knees at my feet.  Our eyes never parting she unbuckles my belt, opens my pants, then pulls them down underwear and all.  My rock hard erection slaps up against my belly the moment it was clear of the lowering undies.  The clothes are pulled from me, followed by socks, to leave me in the nude.  She admires my body but her gaze is soon drawn down to my saluting penis, a hungry fire burns in her hazel eyes.  Compared to most I was small.  Compared to hers mine I was downright tiny.  A pale and slender five inches, undeniably cute but probably disappointing for a lot of girls.  But that look Winona gave it made it and me feel a hundred feet tall.

Shifting closer between my spread legs and settling down to sit her butt down on her heels Winona makes herself comfortable.  She grasps my bare thighs then runs her hands up my legs then up my stomach and chest before petting back down again.  Taking my dick in her right hand she gives it a firm squeeze and in response it flexes to its max.

“Fuck you’re hard baby girl.”  She whispers as her grip shifts and kneads around my hardness, my puffy pink knob poking up from her hand.  “Like steel.”

I coo softly in reply.

She sidles in even closer.  Leaning forward she gives my belly a kiss.  Letting go of my dick she reaches to the side to take my hand, her long fingers interlocking with mine, and holds it tight.  She then does the same with her other hand.  Both clasped pairs of hands come to rest along side my thighs.  Bending forward she caresses the front of my erection with the tip of her nose.

“You are so pretty.”  She breathes, her warm breath washing over my genitals.  I smile as I realize that she was talking to my penis directly.  She kisses it and smiles as it twitches.  “I love you pretty one.”  She whispers then kisses it again, lower this time.  “You are just…”  Kiss.  “…so…”  Kiss.  “…lickable…”  I flinch as she tongues my smoothly shaved balls.  “…and kissable…”  Another kiss just below the head.  Her eyes flare as she licks her lips.  “…and suckable!”

“OH!”  I gasp aloud before catching myself as all of a sudden my penis was enveloped by warm, wet mouth.  “Mmmmmm!”  I moan through bit lips.

“MRRRMMM!”  Winona lets out a deep, lusty growl as she takes me to my base and sucks hard, her growl giving a toe-curling vibration to what was already an incredible sensation.  Slowwwwly she draws back up my shaft sucking harder than I ever felt before.  I am actually trembling as she reaches my knob and begins to jab it with stiff tongue punches.  Opening her mouth with a pop she lets my wet dick snap back and smacks her lips.  “The perfect hummer size.  Fuck do I love your body baby girl.”

I just sit there blushing and smiling like the love struck fool that I was.  With everything she did Winona just made me feel good.

“Mmmmm.”  She wraps her lips around me again and makes me writhe as once again she sucks like an industrial wet-dry vac!


Her active tongue slaps and stabs, buffeting my little peen in such a wonderfully strong and aggressive Daddy sort of way, before she begins to bob up and down on my cock.  Her rhythm, or lack there of, was difficult to adjust to.  She would suck up slowly then come back down in one mighty gulp.  She would bob for a few strokes then suddenly shift it up without warning to flick and lap at my tip with a furious tongue.   Then she would stop sort of chew at my knob with her upper teeth sheathed by her lip and her bottom set by her extended tongue.  And everything she did had this sort of brute clumsiness to it.  It felt incredible, just a bit…crude.  All was explained with her next words.

“Mmm.”  She swallows.  “The real thing is WAY better than a dildo.”

“Real thing?”

She licks my dick with a flicking flourish off the top.  “Yours is the first one I’ve sucked.”

“Oh!  R-Really?”

“I’d go down on Kayla’s strap-on sometimes.  Not the same.”  She says.  “And I did try some shit with some boys on the Rez.  But I’d be damned if I was going to be on my knees for just any ol’ dick.”  She kisses my penis, hard.  “I was waiting for just the right one.”

“Ohhh!  I’m…I-I’m honored.”

“Honored?”  She laughs and nuzzles against my shaft.  “It’s just a beej.  I see why ya like them though.”  She looks up, eyes glimmering with joy.  “What do ya think?  Am I any good?”

I am beaming.  “Better than g-good.  Best beej ever.”

“Eyyy!  I’m a natural.”

I giggle.  “Shhh!”

“Oh!  Ha!  Right.”

Letting go of my hands she crawls up past me and onto my bed.  Laying back she undoes her jeans and wriggles out of them, her massive schlong spilling from her panties with a meaty thud.  I swear it got bigger each time I saw it.  As she twists and kicks her clothes off I catch a glimpse of her pussy.  It was such a wild sight, seeing a body with both sets, and one that I treasured.  I already thought her a one in a million, it just so happened that in her case it was literally true.

When she is as naked as I am she slaps the blankets to her side and whispers.  “Get that cute clitty over here.”

“Yes Daddy!”  I scamper alongside her and turn myself around to present my clit to her.  Laying on her side she takes my balls in a hard, yet careful, grip then guides me back into her mouth between the finger and thumb of her other hand.  “Hmmph!”  I grunt as her hard blowjob continues.

Right there in front of me Winona’s massive organ throbbed.  Daddy’s cock called to me and I did not resist.

I have to angle my upper body away a bit for it to work but I soon find my distance.  Grabbing her thick shaft in both hands I open up and latch onto her fat knob and start to suck right back.  My technique was softer and gentler but no less pleasurable.

“Ohhh fuck baby.”  Winona is forced to break from my dick to sigh as I take her as deep as I could.  “Your mouth feels so good!”

“Mmmm.”  I coo proudly and begins to bob away.

“Ohhhh geeez!”  She huffs and strokes my dick.  “Let’s see who can make who cum first.”

I titter.  “You’re on.”

Poor Daddy.  She didn’t stand a chance.

We lay in a 69 blowing each other to the best of our ability.  Winona’s bj rough and wild and mine silky and skillful.  She has me feeling good, really good, and I could feel that pressure to blow beginning to build.  But on sucking dick baby girl was not about to be beat.

Steady and building in pace and intensity her beefy cock slides in and out of my suckling lips.  Every time I needed a little break I would I would focus on her knob and flick at her hole which invariably would make her stop to gasp out a hard breath of overwhelmed pleasure.  And as good as she was her erratic style never found that persistent, driving rhythm that could so efficiently bring dick to orgasm.  Where me on the other hand.  “Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm!”  Ignoring the stretch in my jaw I mewl and moan as I suck Winona’s cock with relentless determination.  And damn did it feel good having her big rod in my mouth again.

After a few more minutes I feel her starting to tense up.  Fighting with her own body she tries to resist thrusting back against my mouth but with each passing second she was losing that battle more and more.

“HRMPH!”  She snorts, her hips shaking.  She was so close.  In a last ditch effort she sucks me harder and faster than ever.  But it was too late for Daddy.  Baby girl was about to get her prize.

“Hmm, hmm, mmm!”

My dick flips from her lips.  She grips my ass and lets out another of those low, bassy growls then grunts.  “Fuck!”

“MMM!”  I mewl as her great cock throbs in my hands and an instant later my mouth is flooded with hot cum.

The hand on my ass snaps down to grip the back of my head and struggling mightily to stay quiet she bucks and thrusts as wad after salty wad of jizz blast down my gulping throat.  I swallow as much as I can before I cough-snort a bunch out my nose and she lets me go to grab a breath.  The last few spurts I take across my cheek and lips.

“Ohhhh fuuuuck.”  She sighs as she squeezes out the last of her sticky load.  “You’re too damn good, girl.”

I belch and giggle and kiss her tip.  “I won!”

She looks down at me with a sort of ‘how dare you’ look on her face.  “You little…”  She grumbles whatever she was going to say.  “No fair!”

I smile a big, cummy, victorious smile.  “So what do I win?”

Chapter 70