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Sarah: Friday, 8:21 pm

Though I hadn’t touched a drop and Alfred barely touched the beer he ordered you would have thought that we were three sheets to the wind when we come giggling back into the house.  Who needed alcohol when we had lust on tap.  This new kinky adventure that we were on hadn’t just rejuvenated our sex life it had taken it to unprecedented new heights.  I was horny, he was horny, and with our kid grown up and moved out there was not need to be secretive about it.

I laugh, wild and free, as Alfred spins me into the living room and lays a hard deep kiss to my lips right there in the open.

“Alfred!”  I gasp as he pulls his lips from mine.  “The door!”

He looks back over his shoulder to our our front door which was still wide open.  “Ha!  Ooops.”  Dancing from my arms he heads back and swings the door closed.  The click of the deadbolt soon follows.  I feel toward one of the nearby lamps when he says in a hushed voice.  “Leave it off.”

“Ooo.”  I say in hopes of some in the dark nookie.

However, instead of returning to me Alfred heads toward the kitchen.  “You said we had a post dinner show?”

“Alfred!”  I exclaim.  “I was joking.”

“They aren’t doing it tonight?”

“Well…I mean…Crystal said they were.”  I say, moving to follow despite my protests.  “And she did say they’d leave the lights on.  But we can’t watch!”

“And why not?”  He laughs deviously.  “I mean if we just HAPPEN to look out of our window we can’t exactly help what we see, right?”

“And you say I’m bad!”  I giggle. “It’s not even 9.  They might not even be home.”

“Oh!”  Alfred suddenly jolts to a stop at the sink.  “Yeah they are!”

“Alfred!”  I titter as I hurry to see too.  “We shouldn’t be doing this.  They’re just kids.  They know our daughter for goodness sake!”

“I’m not seeing any kids over there Sarah.  Oh man.”

“Oh!”  I gasp as I come in beside him to see what he was seeing.  True to her word Crystal had left the lights on and the curtains parted so that from our slightly elevated vantage point we could peer down into their entire living room area.  Alfred was right.  Those were two adult people doing some very adult things!  “Golly!”

Our sweetheart of a neighbor Cody had his girlfriend pressed face down onto a yoga mat in the center of the room and was taking her from behind.  Or more from above really.  He knelt on one knee with the opposite leg sort of hooked around one of hers to help control her.  He wasn’t simply over her, he was pinning her to floor with his manly strength and weight.  My husband had done me like that many times in the past but never with that type of dominant energy.  Crystal had used the term ‘dicked down’ recently.  Only now do I truly understand the meaning.  And what an effect it had on them.  Out in the world Crystal was the more forceful of the couple.  But with just a look it was as clear as day that in the bedroom Cody was boss.

Our angle gave us a view from the side and a little behind in such a way that we could not actually see their genitals but good God was there a lot of firm, young flesh on display!  The pair of them were naked except for what appeared to be a black studded collar around Crystal’s neck.  A collar!  Like something a dog would wear.  And the way she was bent over with her butt in the air she kinda looked like a bitch getting bred.  Her body was perfect of course, besides the little bits hidden by a bikini I’d seen it all before, but it was Cody’s physique that stole the show.  When I’d happened upon him in Faith’s dorm room I’d only seen him from the front but from here I could see he was just as impressive from the back.  His long, lean, hard muscles twisted and flexed as he made passionate love to his woman.  This was a man in his prime and at his peak and it was a marvel to behold.  His legs, his back, his shoulders, his arms, the all appeared as carved from marble.  His firm bum was a work of art all on its own.  And while I could not see his penis, despite my trying, I could see his huge balls swinging to his thrusts.  Despite not being able to see his manhood it was so obvious, even from here, just by the way his body and hips undulated that his strokes were far longer my Alfred’s.  Seeing Cody’s body in action makes my already damp knickers downright soggy.

Reaching forward Alfred unlatches the window and slowly slides it open, keeping it quiet not because there was any chance our neighbors could hear it but because of some instinctive sense that we were doing something naughty and that naughty things ought to remain cloaked in dark silence.

“Ohhhh fucking God…yes!”  Crystal’s muffled bliss addled cries come wafting through with the breeze just like the other night.

“Daaamn.”  Alfred whispers as he lowers his arm again and the pair of us stand shoulder to shoulder watching our neighbors have amazing sex.

Crystals moans express the soaring realms of pleasure that Cody’s masterful lovemaking was taking her.  And actually being able to watch the action this time Alfred and I were along for the ride.  Cody was just so…good.  His movements were smooth and natural.  He was a born lover.  He could hold a steady rhythm for as long as he wished then seamlessly change up his angle, depth, and pace with the finesse of a ballet dancer.  He read his lover and adapted to her needs.  Coupled with that fluid grace was size and strength enough to satisfy any woman.  It was masterful.  He was magnificent!  Truly a virtuoso at work.

As I watched him my body ached to be touched and handled as Crystal’s was.  My mind putting me there face down on that yoga mat instead of her.  It was so intense that my coochie actually shutters in a strange sort of pre-orgasm as the young man turns his head in such a way that let us see his face.  GOSH!  That fierce expression paired with the way he handled his lover so powerfully and assertively, yet carefully, made my legs go all rubbery.  Again, Alfred was right.  That was no kid.  That was a MAN.

As I watched him I wondered what was so different between him and Alex.  They were both handsome and both experienced lovers but where Alex had made my pussy dry up and shrivel up as he loomed over me at the bar Cody had it dripping.  It wasn’t simply the eroticism of the scene playing out either.  I’d felt it before on our mundane interactions around the yard.  And then it hit me.  He was familiar.  He was known.  He was safe.

That huge Alex could have beat up my husband and ravished me with hardly an effort.  But Cody wasn’t Alex.  He wasn’t a sleaze.  He was a genuinely good guy.  He liked us.  He respected Alfred.  And Alfred was his landlord and boss.  And while he was younger and fitter than my King he was hardly a brute or a fighter.  I felt like if anything bad ever happened with Cody my husband would have the authority and physicality to be able to step in and protect me.  I realized that, as in other aspects of our life, I didn’t feel comfortable going anywhere or doing anything that Alfred couldn’t get me out from.  I enjoyed his protection.  I needed it.  I don’t know if it was just silly paranoia but it really mattered to me.  It made all the difference.  And it allowed me to lower my inhibitions to…fantasize.  Mmmmm.

It was sooo easy to see myself in that room.  Him, me, and Alfred.  Both of them looking at me and wanting me but only one of them allowed to touch me.  Yes.  Just one.  Alfred would have to wait to reclaim.  That would drive him wild!



My legs tremble as Cody pause and suddenly SLAMS all he had into Crystal and holds there.  He wasn’t finishing.  He was doing it simply to let her feel him.  It was so aggressive, so primal, so…so…manly.

What a beautiful man.  What an incredible lover.  What must it be like to be with him?  Crystal knew.  My own daughter Faith knew.  And I was jealous of that knowledge.  It was awful and twisted and so very unmotherly of me but…the fact he had done my daughter made him all the more tempting.  Faith thought me an old fuddy-duddy, a fossil, but she was wrong.  I was still a woman with all the same needs and desires as she.  How young and vibrant and sexy I would feel to lay with a virile young stud like Cody.  To be seen as desirable as Faith, to show her that I could compete with her on the same level, THAT would be something.  I suppress a giggle thinking about the look on my bratty daughter’s face if she found out.  Ohhh what a silly fantasy.

“God.  Look at them.”  Alfred sighs as awestruck as I was, his hands gripping the counter.  Glancing down I see the tent pushing out from his just dried trousers.

“I see them Alfred.”


The way my husband said that.  That look on his face.  Was he going to cum in his pants again?  I almost hoped that he did.  I loved seeing that loss of control and the way it humbled him.  As I look over at my husband I feel myself filled with a different kind of desire.  Despite myself I found that bit by bit I was thinking about Alfred as less a regular man and more a cuckold man.  Still a man, still MY man, just in a different category from other men.  And definitely in a whole separate class as the womanizing Alex or Cody.

“Let’s go to the bedroom baby.”  He says, almost pleadingly.  “Ohhh, let’s do that tonight.  I’ll take you from behind.”

Normally, pretty much always, I was happy to let Alfred take lead in our play.  But seeing that same desperation in him as when he messed himself made me want to take the reins and push him further.

“Let’s watch just a little longer.”  I whisper.  As he goes to reach for himself I lay a hand on his, denying him the satisfaction of a touch.  Heaven knew I wanted to touch myself as well.  And if I was going to hold back so was he.  I wanted him as pent up as I when we finally did go to the room.  “Just a little longer.”

He takes a deep breath and nods, his eyes never leaving the pair across the yard.

After another minute Cody reaches down and grabs Crystal around the waist.  Without even pulling out he lifts her and spins her around.  Standing her up he bends over over their sofa that sat just below the long window.  She grips the back of the sofa, her firm, young breasts now in full view as they faced us.  Standing behind her Cody grips her waist and starts to pound into her from behind.  Through the wall and across the yard we hear a low, steady clap, clap, clap as flesh impacts flesh.  Crystal’s face is a mask of purest ecstasy.


As for Cody…he was staring at us!  Startled at the unexpected connection I look around but see no lights that might give our voyeurism away.  The only light was coming from their brightly lit living room.  There was no way he could see us.  Yet still he stared.  And as he stares the ferocity in his face fades to be replaced by…longing?  It was hard to tell but there was something so sweet and fragile and vulnerable that came through his beautiful face that it made every maternal instinct in my body want to rush down there and give him a great big hug.

“You think he can see us?”  Alfred whispers, as taken aback as I.

“No way.  There’s no way he could.”

“What’s he doing?”

“I don’t know.”

Alfred looks to me and then back to them.  “He looks…sad.”

Perhaps from the refection off the window or just by sensing it Crystal notices the change as well.  Looking back at him she reaches out and takes his chin to return his gaze to her.  His fierceness returns and he flashes her a cocky grin then gives her one of those deep, hard bucks to make her yelp.  And away they go again.

Unable to watch for much longer myself as the lust overwhelms me I am just about to lead my husband to our room for our own nocturnal adventure when the bright lights of a car turning out of a driveway swipes across our house.  The light shines in from our front window and straight through the open space to hit our backs.  Our side by side silhouettes from the shoulders up flash across the kitchen wall and then the window in front of us.  And as it does Cody’s head snaps to look in our direction.  He saw us!

As one we both duck down though it was too late.  The jig was up.  We’d been caught!  In the dark crouched beside our sink we look at each other looking as guilty as sin.  Well this was going to be awkward to explain.

“OHHHH!  OHHHHHHH!!! OOHHHHHHHH GOD!!!”  Crystals rising wails were the most erotic thing I had ever heard.  “FUUUUUCK!!!”

Unable not to we rise again to steal a peak over the sill.  GOODNESS!

Cody looked like a man possessed.  Nostrils flared, eyes wide, every fiber and muscle taut with power he goes at the howling Crystal with a savage ferocity.  Gone was the grace and smoothness.  It was all raw, driving power now.  Cody had gone ‘beast mode’.  The thunderous clap of their bodies reverberate out and his own growls and snarls punctuate his girlfriend’s whimpering cries.  As Cody ravaged her all Crystal could do is hold on and endure the sexual onslaught.  Her mouth wide, her face contorted by pleasure, her eyes lost and clouded by bliss, her body rocked with merciless brutality…I had never seen a happier woman.

As for Cody his wild gaze was locked on our window where he’d seen us watching them.  We duck down before he could spot us again.

“Woah.”  I gasp breathlessly.  “Woah!”

“Yeah.”  Alfred says back.  “Bedroom now?”


Part 16 


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