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“That’s it baby girl.”  Winona croons in a deep, sultry voice.  “Suck Daddy’s big, fat cock.”

“Mmmmm.”  I moan blissfully.  I let go of her shaft and grip her firm thighs as I begin to bob forward and back on her massive schlong.  I savor the taste, the feel, the smell, the weight, everything.  I’d waited so long to have a cock like this in my mouth and it was even better than I imagined.  “Mmmmm!”

“That’s it.  Good girl.”  She slides a hand around the back of my head to guide my pace and rhythm.  Her taking back control lights up every pleasure circuit I had plus a few I didn’t even know about.  “You can’t get enough of Daddy’s cock, can you?”

“Mmmmm.”  I mewl.

Her other hand moves to rest on her hip, her thumb catching the left placket of her shirt to pull it back along that half of her body revealing her one breast.  She’d clearly done it on purpose but the move had been so smooth it looked like it happened by accident.  The breast was…was…perfect!  At least on her long frame it was.  It wasn’t small.  It wasn’t big.  It was smack dab in the middle.  Enough soft flesh for a perfect handful.  Though full and firm it drooped nicely into a pouting teardrop.   The subtle swoop at the bottom made the nubs of her sienna brown nipples point ever so slightly upwards.  The near perfect circle of her areola, a little smaller than the width of a golf ball, matched well with the circular dreamcatcher below.  It was the type of breast that just begged to be sucked on.  That would have wait though.  Right now my mouth had more than it could handle.

“Mmm, mmm, mmmmm.”  I coo with each sucking stroke.  As I give her head I find my jaw actually beginning to stretch and settle into a wide yet comfortable position, and the more comfortable it got the smoother and easier the motions became.  “Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm!”

“Ohhhh fuuuuck baby.  Yesssss.”  She grips my hair, pushing and pulling my head as she fucked my mouth.  “Hahhhh.  Tell me you love it.”

“Shhhlrrp.”  She pulls me off of her fat tip.  “I love it.”  I gasp breathlessly.  My wide eyes admiring her gleaming dick, a ring pink lipstick showing me exactly how much I’d taken.  “I love your cock Daddy.  I love your cLLMMM!”  She stuffs her member right back through my lips.  “MMMMMM!”

Oh my God!  The way she was using me!  YES!

“Now that you’re all warmed up can you go deeper baby?  Can you deep throat Daddy’s monster?”  She pulls me in with a firm grip and carefully thrusts forward at the same time.  “That’s it.  Deep as you can Avery.  Give me that throat baby.”

“MMMMMM!”  I whimper in pure submissive rapture as her cock slides into places no man had gone before.  “MMMMM!!!”

“Fuuuck yesss baby!  That’s it!  Take it!  That’s a good girl!”

“HMMMM!!!”  Her swollen glans pushes past my tonsils and into the larynx proper!  My eyes filled with tears and my throat filled with cock I do all I can to open up for her.  At first I try to ignore the rapidly rising vomit reflex then briefly attempt to fight it but after just a couple of seconds my body reflexively begins to gag on this deep intruder. Snorting and heaving I curse my flesh for not being to follow where my cock sucking spirit wanted to go.  “GLRRGH!  GLLLGH!”

Winona sees my struggle and pulls out in the nick of time.  I do not retch thankfully though drool streams like a river from my open lips as I pant and steady myself again, great strings of saliva connecting my mouth and her dick like drooping streamers.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.”  I gasp and swallow.  “I’m good.”

Her hand eases from my hair and softly pets me.  “Avery…if Daddy’s ever too hard with you…you call for Mommy okay?”

I look up at her to see her face transformed, suddenly warm with softness and kindness.  “Mom-my?”

Like an angel she beams her rays down over me.  “Mommy won’t let anything bad happen to you.  Ever.  Okay baby?”


“Atta boy Sprout.”  She strokes my cheek ever so softly.  “Can Daddy keep going?”

I nod.

Before my eyes the warm smile curls to one side, her eyes narrow with lewd desire, and her one brow rises with devilish intent.  And just like that…Daddy was back.  She takes me by the hair again then with other hand grips the base of her cock and starts to slap the wet meat across my face.

“There’s a good girl.”  She praises me as her hard, heavy meat slap, slap, slaps back and forth across my face.  “You almost took it all!  A little training and you’ll take the rest.”

“Mmmm.  Yes Daddy.”

Loving the cock clubbing I give Daddy a big smile and a giggle as I gawk up a little confused but a whole lot more captivated by the strange dichotomy I’d just witnessed.  It was just dawning on me that Winona was role player.  She was accustomed to inhabiting different people and she had a naturally creative mind.  Why shouldn’t Mommy and Daddy be different roles that she could slip into and out of as the situation demands?  What fun!  It was quick but I also caught the shift in pronoun.  Mommy said ‘Atta boy.’  Daddy said ‘Good girl.’  I don’t know why…but I liked that.  I liked that a lot.

After allowing me to recover Daddy feeds her cock back into my mouth.  Taking my head in both hands now she holds it still and starts to fuck my mouth in long, deep thrusts.  She knew my limits now and was careful to work within them.  In a sort of submissive nirvana I just gaze up in awe at the way her powerful body bent and flexed in graceful, sinuous motions as she used my sucking, slurping, suckling mouth for her pleasure.

I love it.  I love it!  I LOVE IT!  I love Daddy’s cock!  I love it so much!  I loved how it stretched me and penetrated me and filled me.  I loved the way Daddy would grunt with good feeling and the way his balls would sometimes brush my chin.  I didn’t just love it, I needed it!  I never knew how much I needed a big, dominant Daddy to pleasure but now that I did I just knew that my life would never be the same again.  And with each sloppy thrust I grow ever more hungry for my cummy reward.

Her shaft glides easily in and out of my tight, wet lips.  My voice high and soft I mewl and whimper for my sticky treat.  “Hmm!  Mmm!  Mmmm!”

“Ohhh baby girl.  You look so fucking beautiful sucking my cock.  You were born to suck cock.  Your body was made for big cock, wasn’t it baby?”

“Hmmm!”  I nod as best I can while impaled.

“I know it was.  I knew it the moment I saw you.  I knew you were just the kind of girl I needed.”


“Rrrm.”  She growls as her cock flexes hard.  “Why don’t you play with your clitty for me.  Tease your pussy.  Go ahead baby girl.”

“Mmmmm.”  I coo as my right hand slips down into my damp panties.  With the base of my palm I rub my clit and balls while my middle finger stretches to tickle my hole.  “Hmmmmm!”  I moan and writhe with unchained passion.

“Gooood girl.”  She lets out a hard breath as my unrelenting oral drew her climax ever closer.  She bares her teeth and hisses, her intense hazel eyes bearing down into mine.  “Fuck baby.  Fuck you’re good.”

“Hmmmm!”  My palm is wet with my clitty juice, my finger now rubbed my hole furiously, all the while Daddy’s cock stuffed my sucking maw like it was a pussy.  HEAVEN!

Kayla and I had gotten kinky but I’d never experienced anything like this.  Not even close!  This was more than kink, this was a sexual and spiritual awakening!  Winona knew how to handle me.  How to talk to me.  How to use me.  How to dress me up and make me feel right.  Me in my panties and nightie, Winona in her crisp collared shirt and jeans, baby girl with her penis locked up tight, Daddy with a beautiful pair of tits, and big dicked Mommy watching over her boy from the wings.  Sex and gender and sexuality and dominance/submission had all been thrown into a blender and set to puree.  There were no borders or limits here.  There were just two horny people eager to explore the limitless possibilities that the other provided.

I could feel Winona was close.  The way her hands gripped, the way her cock was so fucking hard and the way her thrusts had gotten faster and more urgent told me the finish was just moments away.  I bring my hands up again and grip her hips hard so that I could hold on for the final flurry.

“Hff!  Fuck!  Oh fuck baby!”  She grunts, her beautiful face contorting to the rising pleasure.  “That’s it.  Fuck!  Ohhh fuck!”

My eye wide and innocent I gaze up at Daddy and suck with all I had.  My lilting little noises beg for the messy reward that I had earned.

At the very last moment the rough, tough expression of Daddy evaporates leaving only this incredible woman momentarily unmasked and vulnerable. She brows turned up in the middle, a look of ecstasy across her feature, she lets out a whispered gasp.  “So…beautiful!”

She suddenly pulls out, her bulbous knob popping from my lips, and holds me still with one hand as the other strokes her cock wildly.  I bring my hands up to lay across my chest, covering my titties in a dainty pose, and I keep my mouth wide open.  Extending my tongue as far as it could go I bat my eyes and wait, looking as pretty as I knew how.

I don’t wait long.  Three strokes later I am blasted square in the face with biggest, fattest, hottest wad of cum of my life.  That first single shot was as much as Eddie’s entire load!  And it was soon followed by another…and another…and another!  I try to keep my eyes open but my face is soon slathered with oozing semen.  One blast catches me right across my open mouth, jizz coating my tongue with savory sperm and sliding down my gulping throat.  She tasted even better than I’d imagined.  Not only was each throbbing spurt of cum so much more than what I was used to, her orgasm seemed to go on for twice as long!  Adoring every second of it I sit and let it rain down over me.  Hair, ear, nostrils, eyes, Winona’s one woman bukkake gets EVERYWHERE!

“Ohhhhh fuck.”  I hear Winona sigh.  A moment later I feel the last dribble squeezed out onto my lips.  After a couple of deep, heavy breaths I sense her whole body relax.  “Ohhhh wow.  Sprout!  Ohhhh wow!”

Only now, knowing that she was done, do I close my mouth and swallow.  Good girl that I was I knew my manners.  Forcing an eye open so that I could see her I sit up nicely, my face coated with seed, and say in my sweetest voice.  “Thank you Daddy.”

Chapter 46 


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