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Sarah: Thursday, 11:12 am

With my laptop open I sit at the dining room table doing my best not to think about those moans of sexual delight that I had heard drifting through our open window the night before and failing spectacularly.  Again and again I would hear Crystals orgasmic cries and sweet handsome Cody’s rough language echoing in my ears.  Gosh it sounded like they were having a good time.

Last night I saw that Alfred had been trying, genuinely trying, to last as long as he could and I realized it was going to take him some time to last even ten minutes.  With Alfred’s training as my inspiration I decided that as he built his stamina perhaps I could learn to climax easier and faster so that I could meet him halfway.  Not only would this improve our sex life I thought it could be a lot of fun along the way too.  All this sex stuff lately really had me buzzing!  And so, on some of the more tasteful sites for ladies in my predicament, I learn about how I might go about this.  I learn about the joys of extended foreplay and using other body parts before, during, and after to increase the woman’s pleasure.  I learn about kegel exercises which might not only make me cum better and harder with the side benefit of possibly tightening my private parts.  I thought this was brilliant.  Alfred wasn’t getting any bigger but if I could get tighter that would be just as good!  Most crucially I learn about how ninety percent of sex for women happened between the ears.  I read that for a woman it was almost impossible to climax without allowing herself to and conversely she could climax with ease if she worked herself up enough and in the right ways.  With men sex was more physical, with women it was more mental.  One columnist said that orgasms were all about getting into the right frame of mind.  ‘Let your fantasies take you.’  She wrote.  ‘Don’t fight your desires.  You don’t have to express them necessarily but let your imagination run wild during intimate times.’  And finally I learn that, like my husband, I might benefit from a bit of frequent self-stimulation myself.  Practice makes perfect after all.  It all made sense to me.

I am about turn to another advice article when a knock at our back patio door breaks me out of my focus.  As I snap out of it I am surprised to find myself flushed in the face, perky in the nips, and soggy in the crotch.  Goodness.  All this sex thought had my body at a steady simmer even just reading about the technical aspects of it.  I look up already knowing that there was only one person who would knock on the patio door like that.

“Come in Crystal.”  I say as I close my laptop.

The door slides open and through the curtains steps my neighbor in nothing but a string bikini and sunglasses.  With a dash of jealously I eye her long, lean, voluptuous body.  It was the type of body they put on billboards.  My too squishy petite figure was a far cry from such raw sexual hotness.  Even when I was her age my body could never compete with THAT!  My jealousy is abated at the thought that if I had looked like her my Alfred would have never gathered up the nerve to ask me out.  She had the perfect body but I had my King.  I would have taken that deal one hundred times out of a hundred.

“Hey Sarah.”  She says as she pulls out the chair across from me and plunks her firm ass onto it.  “Do you have any sunscreen that I could borrow?”

“Oh.  Yes of course.”  I get up and retrieve it from the cupboard.  “Here you go.”

“SPF 50?”  She says as she looks at the tube front and back.  “No wonder you stay so pale even with all that gardening.”

“I burn easily.”

“It’ll do.”  Right there she begins applying it to her arms.  “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”  I sit back down across from her.  “It’s a nice day for tanning.”

“Perfect.”  She says as she smooths out the white lotion to make her skin glow.  “After last night I’m not about to do to much else.  Whoo!  Sorry about the noise.”


“From our banging.”  She says bluntly as she dribbles a few blobs of the lotion across her chest.  For just an instant my racing mind imagines the oozing white goo as something else.

“Oh my.” I blink my eyes and try to push out the lewd thoughts.  “We…didn’t hear anything.”

She smirks as she rubs lotion over her exposed upper chest.  “You sure about that?  I’m not sure how you could have missed it.”

“Excuse me?”

With the tube she points to the window above the sink.  “You left the lights on while you were, ahem, listening.”

“Oh!  Um.”

“We even hammed it up a bit knowing you guys could hear.  Ha!”

“Oh golly.”  I blush.  “We didn’t mean…”

“It’s cool Sarah.”  She says, moving onto her trim belly.  “An audience only made it hotter.”


“Hell yeah.”  She stops and looks across to me.  “Did you like what you heard?”

“Oh golly!”

She laughs.  “I know Alfred did.  He bent you over right there, didn’t he?”

“Crystal!”  My blush warms.

“Just sayin, that’s what it looked like from where I was laying.”

“We…we didn’t know you could see us.”

“Men are so funny, aren’t they?  What is it about seeing and hearing another man fuck a woman that gets them so revved up?  Sometimes I think they like the watching and listening even more than the act itself!  Ha!  They’re such pervs.”

“Well…uh…I never really…er…noticed.”

She turns, sitting at the very edge of her chair, and runs a long line of lotion along her smooth thigh then begins to smear it all over.  “Even with our sex life Cody still watches porn.  Guys just can’t get enough of it.”  She says.  “And when he watches me, look out!”


“When we hotwife or have a threesome or whatever.”


“With another woman he’s chill but OMG, that boy goes beast mode when he watches me with another man.  He’s like a different person.”

“He is?”

“Oh yeah.  It makes him want me so much more.  He gets this crazy look in his eyes.  Like I’m a drug and he’s an addict.”

“He…wants you more?”

“Like desperate for me.  Like I’m the hottest woman in the world.”  She says, switching to the other of her long shapely legs.  “And when he reclaims me!  Fuck Sarah, he’s like a wild animal or something.  Something about the competition brings out the beast in that boy.”  She chuckles.  “Honestly it is our best and hottest sex.  He cums so hard and so do I.”  She smiles, her hands running up and down her calf.  “Afterward we really bond too.”

“You do?”

“Mmm.”  She nods.  “He gets all…soft and sappy.   The things he says.  Ha!  He’s such a romantic fool.”  She laughs again.  “Doesn’t last long though.  Ten minutes later he usually wants to fuck again.  After another man he always takes me at least twice.  All men really want is sex.  Especially alpha dogs like Cody.  The rest is just bonus for them.”

Remembering the happy way Cody spoke of his secret pen pal and how he talked about not wanting to sully that little corner of his life with sex I say.  “I’m not so sure about that Crystal.”

“I am.”  She says.  Standing up she puts the lotion on her booty and down the back of her long legs.  “So have you talked to Alfred yet?”


“About your womanly needs.”

“Oh, um…”  I clear my throat and bristle.  “That’s none of your bees wax Crystal.  I can’t believe you told Faith.”

“Shit.  She told you?”  She laughs.  “Sorry Sarah.  I couldn’t help busting her balls a little.  Faith and I are always talking shit to each other.  It’s something of a slut rivalry between us.”

“My daughter is not a slut!”

“If you say so.  But she sure acts like one.”  She turns and lifts her ponytail.  “Do my back?”

“Hm?  Oh, uh, sure.”  I get up and walk around to stand behind her.  Putting some lotion on my hands I rub it over the warm, supple skin of her neck, back and shoulders.

“Alfred talked to me about it you know.”  She says.  “He actually came to me for advice.”

“I know.”

“I couldn’t believe that stuffy, nerdy Alfred put himself out there like that to me.  It was actually kind of sweet.  That dude is crazy for you Sarah.”

I smile.  “I know.”  I step back.  “There you go.”

She flips her ponytail back around.  Taking off her sunglasses she finishes with her face and ears.  She slips them back on again and gives me a nod.  “Much appreciated.”

“No problem.”

“Catch ya later Sarah.”

“See you later.”  I say.  “Enjoy the sun.”

“I will.”  She stops and looks back over her shoulder at me.  “I’ll try to remember to leave the lights on tonight.  Just in case.”

“Leave the…?”  My blush returns with a vengeance.  “Oh!”

With a laugh and twirl she exits the house and slide the door closed behind her.

“That girl.”  I whisper while shaking my head.  “Shameless!”

Even as I said it though I found myself jealous of her once again.  Something she said had stuck in my steamy imagination.  To have him look at her like she was a drug that he couldn’t do without.  To have him look at her like she was the most attractive woman in the world.  To see the beast come out of him.  To have her man go at her like a wild animal, twice!  The best, hottest sex they ever have she said.  For a promiscuous couple like Cody and Crystal, that was saying something.  I found myself wondering what the beast inside of my husband might look like.  The thought of him looking at me like Crystal described, the thought of my King reclaiming his Queen…golly I was wet!  Arousal really was all in the head.

Something else had caught my ear too.  A term I’d never heard before.  Opening up my laptop I type in the search word ‘hotwife’.


Alfred: 12:01 pm

If I was distracted yesterday today I am downright dysfunctional.  This time the lewd thoughts that fueled the perma-boner in my trousers aren’t simply an annoyance they are obsessive.  Last night I had had sex with my wife while listening to my young neighbor fuck his girlfriend.  Those wails and grunts haunted my thoughts.  ‘Take it!’  He had cried out in a hard authoritative tone that I had never heard from my happy-go-lucky secretary.  ‘Take that big cock you whore!  Cum for me you fuckin slut!’  And cum for him she did!  Riding along with those memories free of charge was the awareness of how this goofy boy barely out of college had totally outshone me performance wise.  When we first heard the neighbor pair they were already mid-coitus.  When we were done they were still going strong.  And the soft moans Sarah let out were a different sort entirely to Crystal’s wild wails.

Most humbling of all however was the memory of how Sarah pleaded for me to keep going even after I had cum.  How she didn’t want me to stop until she had her own climax.  Normally she always orgasmed at the same that I did, or so I thought.  Last night’s exception combined with the fact that my wife was opening up and exploring a newfound sexual curiosity had me wondering if her rising libido came with a fresh honesty.  Perhaps she didn’t always cum when I did.  Maybe, sweet and loyal woman that she was, she had been…faking it all these years just to assuage my ego?  It would definitely align with her confession that she wished I could last longer.  I shake my head.  No.  No way.  Sarah had always been honest with me, in everything.  Though even as I told myself I could almost hear the…pity?…envy?…jealousy?…in her soft voice when she said, ‘Let’s go to bed baby’, as the neighbors continued to make love.

I had already set it up to work through my lunch to take advantage of the distraction that was Cody being out of the office.  As I hear him getting up and ready to go I call for him.  “Cody.”

“Hey King.”  He says as he pops through my door.

“King?”  I say, trying my level best to act casual around the annoyingly handsome lad.  The annoyance stemming mostly from the fact that until just the other day I hadn’t even noticed what a looker he actually was.  It was not something I ever expected to notice in another man.  “That’s a new one.”

“Sarah calls you that.”  He says.  “I thought it was cool.”

“How do you know that?”

“She told me yesterday when I was home for lunch.”

“You drove all the way home for lunch?”

“Yeah.”  He says.  “It’s a Wednesday thing.  That’s why I’m always late Wednesdays.  I sneak home when I know Crystal’s at work to do stuff online with a buddy of mine overseas.  Don’t tell Crystal.”


“Sarah actually noticed.  She made me lunch!  Ham sandwich and ratat…uh…vegetable stew.”  Ham sandwich and her ‘special’ ratatouille?  It was the same lunch that she’d prepared for me.  He continues.  “It was so cool.  She’s so cool.”  He laughs that lilting carefree laugh of his, so at odds with that hard manly tone I now knew he was capable of.  “She is such a Mom.”

“Erm, yeah.”

He looks at her photo on my wall and his smile brightens.  “You are a very lucky man Mr Wilson.  She is quite a woman.”

“Yeah, she’s…she’s my Queen.”  As I stare at her picture images flash through my mind.  Cody…home for lunch…every Wednesday…all alone…just him and my wife…he and his boyish charms…she and her motherly soul…she makes him lunch now…what else does she do for him when there’s nobody around to see them?

“So what did ya want, King?”

“Huh?”  I blink hard and bring myself back to the moment.  “Right.  I was going to ask you if after your lunch you could swing by the college and give Faith a ride.”

“A ride?”

“To the train station.  I guess she’s heading out for some academic conference for a few days.  She doesn’t want to take the bus with all of her luggage and I thought it would save her the cab fare.”  I say.  “I could do it myself but I’m so busy here.  If you wouldn’t mind I’d really appreciate it.”

“Oh, yeah!  No sweat boss man.”

“Swing by her dorm around 1, you know where that is yeah?”

“Oh yeah.  Been there tons.”  He says.  “But if I’m not picking her up until 1…?”

“Don’t worry about it.”  I say.  “Try your best to be back before 2 pm but take your time.  You’re doing me a solid here.”

“Sweet.  You got it, King.”  He snaps his fingers and points at me.  “One first-class ride for the boss man’s daughter, comin up.”

“Awesome.”  I say.  “I’ll text her and let her know to expect you.”  As he turns and is about to leave I say.  “Mind closing the door behind you?”

He gives me a thumbs up and closes the door behind him as he leaves.  I text my daughter and give it about another minute until I was sure he was gone then spring from my chair and hurry to lock my door.  From there I stride across my office to close the blinds, even though I was on the sixteenth floor.  I then return to my chair.  Turning it toward my wall of photos my gaze settles on the picture of my beautiful wife.  I open a drawer and take the small package of tissues I kept there and place it on the desk beside me.  And then I undo my zipper.

Just last week I NEVER would have considered doing anything like this but if I didn’t relieve some of this tension I was going to go mad, and I certainly wouldn’t get any work done.  Besides, I wasn’t just jerking off.  I was training.  I was doing it for her, for us.  I bring up a stopwatch app on my phone and place it on my desk at the ready.  A paltry 3 minutes and 13 seconds was my time to beat.  That shouldn’t be so hard.  Baby steps Alfred, baby steps.  Rome wasn’t built in a day.

With my eyes on my smiling wife I fish out my rock hard pecker and prepare to stroke it solo for the first time in twenty years.  With my left hand I start the time as I begin to masturbate with my right.  Barely ten seconds in and my mind starts to wander.  Sarah…Cody…alone…at home…him eating my meal…in my house…with my wife…my…perfect…beautiful…wife.  Cody’s voice rings out in my mind.  ‘Take that big cock you whore!  Cum for me you fuckin slut!’

“Nnnnngh!”  In the nick of time I am able to snatch a tissue and contain the mess.  Grunting and huffing I blast my hot seed into the tissue right there in my office as off to the side the timer reads 3 minutes and 8 seconds.  “Fuck!”  I grunt as I shudder through an intense but lonely climax.  “God damn it.”  My baby steps were going the wrong way!


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