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The main upstairs washroom turns out to be as big and fancy as the rest of the manor.  Kept up and updated for modern standards it still oozed with that same two century old charm that gave this place such an incredible character.  It was easily the nicest one I’d ever set foot in.  Closing and locking the door behind me I place my folded bath towel on a small shelf then take a look around.

The room was surprisingly spacious, at least compared to the washrooms I was used to.  The high ceiling was framed by a molding of bewildering and beautiful patterns of curving criss-crossed lines and symbols.  It looked hand carved, it certainly wasn’t something you could just pick up at the local building supply store.  The upper part of the walls was a cream color and from about shoulder height down it was tiled with a lovely shade of teal.  The cool tiled floor was a similar shade to the upper walls and had a huge blue bathmat right in the center that had to be at least six foot long.  Another thing I was not accustomed to in a loo was the amount of natural light that this one had.  Behind the grand black, white, and bronze clawfoot tub were tall white curtains through which the sun filtered to give the space that warm wholesome glow that only natural light could give.  That, along with the full length mirror which was affixed to the southern wall, only added to the sense of openness.

Peeking behind the curtain I find a set of two windowed balcony doors, locked securely thankfully.  I would not make use of it obviously, but had I wanted to it would be possible to prop these doors wide open to bathe while looking out onto the garden as the fresh breeze from outside washed over me.  That sounded really nice.  On the northern wall, just beside where I walked in, was a grid of wooden cubbies.  Each cube was about a foot and half to each side and had a name plate at the base.  Seven of the nine had the familiar names of my housemates.  The bottom middle one was labeled “Joanna”.  They already had a spot for me.  The one to the right of that was blank and the one to the left was Dot’s.  Inside each were shampoos and moisturizers and what have you from basic soap and two-in-one in Hanae’s to a veritable cornucopia of unfamiliar organic lotions and elixirs in Charlize’s.  Along the west wall was the big free standing tub and a separate roomy walk in shower with frosted glass walls and door a few feet away.  On the East wall was a long marble counter with two sinks.  Above the sinks ran a another mirror which was about the size of the full length one but turned horizontally.  And around the south side of the sinks was a separate little area where a toilet and another urinal resided.

As I look about the impressive room an intrusive thought kept springing to mind unbidden.  I cannot help but wonder where it was that Hanae had been fucking Sloane when I heard the two going at it earlier.  Bent over the sink?  Riding in the tub?  Standing in the shower?  Did she have her pinned down right here where I was standing on this plush bathmat?  I could hear the moans of passion and the clap of flesh on flesh echoing in my memory, and everywhere I looked I could almost see their hot naked bodies pounding together as…

“Whooo.”  I pat my warm cheeks.  “Easy there Jo.”

I give myself a once over in the full length mirror.  In my one size too large white fluffy robe I was a bit flush but mostly I was starting to look as limp and wilted as I felt.  A nice shower or bath, a good meal, a quick call to my baby, and this gal would be hitting the sack early.  From the fear of getting not away from my aunt undetected to the sadness of saying goodbye to Prince to the giddy anticipation of the big trip to the disorientation of being in such a new and different city to the stress about pulling off and maintaining my deception to the pressure of meeting new people to the overwhelming shock of what I’d learned since I got here to the near constant horniness I’d been feeling since I saw a female penis for the first time…this girl was beat!

I’d perk up after a good scrub to clean up and a good rub to release some tension.  Speaking of which…my eyes turn to the shower.  It was time to take a look at that shower head.  Cracking the glass door to the shower open I am that it is a two-head affair, one of those big overhead rainfall types and handheld one hanging on a mount on the wall.  Ha ha!  Now we’re cooking with gas.  I am already reaching for the belt of my robe when my gaze drops and I get the scare of my life!  The huge living creature looking back at me from the floor of the shower was no rubber spider!


I leap back and shut the door as I reactively try to as much space and obstacles between me and the figure inside of the shower.  My heart is racing and my hands shaking as fight or flight short circuit to leave me stand frozen in place.  Through the frosted glass I make out the blurry outline of a shadowy black figure down on all fours like some sort of massive gecko.  My eyes bulge as, to my horror, I watch it slowly rise up to stand on two legs!  What the fuck!?  After a second of real terror my rational mind catches up with my animal instincts and I realize I recognized the figure in her short sleeved dress and black and white leggings and thick oval glasses.

Stepping forward I swing the door back open again.  “Beatriz!  Jesus Christ you scared the hell out of me!”  This was the third time now one of the girls got a start out of me and the humor of it was wearing really fucking thin.  “What the fuck are you doing!?”

Standing motionless within the doorway like a corpse in a coffin, the toes of her right foot rhythmically gripping at the floor of the shower, Beatriz stares at me with those bottomless black eyes of hers.  “I was going to take a shower.”  She says at a whisper.

“You were not!  You were hiding!”  I bark.  “You were trying to spy on me!”

“I was here first.”  She says, her placid visage and intense gaze never wavering for an instant.  “You came in after me.”

“The light was off!  You didn’t say anything.  I assumed it was empty.”

“You assumed incorrectly.”

“You have your clothes on.  You have no towel.  You clearly aren’t showering.”

There is long pause before she at last says.  “Clearly.  I was still here first.  You walked in on me, not the other way around.”

“You little…”  I clench my teeth and swallow the string of expletives I wanted to shout at her.  I point to the door.  “Get out!”

She looks, she looks at me, she steps out of the shower to stare at me more closely, then she tilts her head.  In a hushed voice I could barely hear she says.  “I know your secret.”

My heart freezes in my chest.  “Ex…excuse me?”

“I know.”  She says.

“I-I-I have no secret…”

“Oh, but you do.”  She tilts her head the other way.  “You like to watch.”


With the unblinking gaze of those huge black eyes seeming to penetrate the very depths of my soul she takes another step toward me.  “I saw you.  I saw you watching.”

“I…”  My words dry up as I remember that scant instant when I thought somebody was out on the balcony with me while I was peeping in on Sloane and Hanae.  I had been spotted after all.  “I…was just…exploring…um…”  I stammer for a reasonable sounding excuse but none came quickly to my tired brain.

For the first time since I’d met her…Beatriz smiles!  It was barely an upturn at the corners of her mouth but for her static doll-like face it was as good as a grin.  Lowering her chin she peers up at me over her thick spectacles, her dark eyes still seeming too large even without the lenses.  “It’s okay.  It can be our secret.”


“You see, I like to watch too…sister.”

The way she says ‘sister’ sends a shiver down my spine.  “Y-you do?”

She gives me a single slow nod.  “Yes, I do.”  Beatriz leans in.  “I don’t mind that you are the smallest of us.  In fact…it excites me.  I would very much like to see that.”

“Smallest?”  How did she know…?  Of course, the damn door was open when I said that to Dot.  Gretchen even warned us to be careful what we said with Beatriz about.  “That was said in confidence!”

“I’m one of the biggest.”  She continues.  “Larger than Hanae or Sloane.  Does that excite you sister?”

Bigger!?  They get bigger!?  “N-no.”  I lie, my mind reeling as it wonders how big she could be?

She glances to the door then back at me.  “Would you like to watch me now?”  She asks, her pale hands gripping her dress.  “You could hide if you like.  I’ll pretend that I don’t see you.  Would you like me to…play with myself?”

YES!  “No!”  I exclaim, aghast at her audacity.  

“Nobody would have to know…”

Standing tall I stamp my foot and point again.  “GET OUT!”

The room goes quiet as she stares at me for a few more seconds then, at last, blinks.  “Very well.”  With that she turns and leaves.  Just before closing the door behind her she says.  “See you around, sister.”

I rush to the door to lock it behind her.  What a freak!  After double checking the lock I then go the balcony doors and triple check them to make sure they were secured as well.  Now I had to be on guard for both practical jokes and a peeper on top of keeping my secret.  These strange women’s eccentricities were going to come with challenges, that was for sure.

My eyes drift back to the shower.  Bigger!?  I shake my head.  No way.

Splashing my face with water and giving myself a few moments to calm down again I opt to avoid the shower altogether after that start.  The tub didn’t have a pulsing pleasure wand but my fingers would do the trick well enough.  Besides, I could really use an opportunity to relax.  I draw a nice hot bath, set out my toiletries on a little stool beside the tub, check the locks one last time, then disrobe and slip into the warm tub.  Oh this was nice, much bigger than the tub back home.  I could stretch my legs and rest back on the sloped wall without having to bend my knees or hunch down or anything.  It wasn’t just long but it was deep as well and let the hot water get all the way up to my nipples before turning the faucet off.

“Ahhhhh.”  I sigh as I let my arms float at my side and the rest of me just…relax.  Laying my head back and sinking down so that my chin touched the surface I close my eyes and savor the stress melting warmth of the water enveloping me.  “Oh yes.  I could get used to this.”

Click.  My eyes shoot open as the sound of the bathroom door closing shatters my brief moment of tranquility.

“Knock, knock.  It’s just me.”  Comes Dot’s bubbly voice.  “Don’t worry, I’m not looking.”

“Dot!”  I bolt up and cover my boobs…then after a second’s thought switch to covering my non-existent junk.  “How did you get in?  I locked the door!”

“There’s a trick.”  She says as she hurries around the sinks to the toilet area.  True to her word she keeps her eyes carefully averted.  “It’s old and wonky.  You gotta do it just right.”

Balling up I hug my knees to my chest.  “Geez!  Can’t a girl get some privacy around here?”

“I know, right?”  She says, oblivious to the idea that I might be including her in that statement.

Approaching the urinal she hikes up her skirt to pin it under her chin then reaches down to hold her dick as she took a piss.  As I hear the trickle of urine against the porcelain I am struck with how odd it was to see a cute girl pee like that.  Odd yet totally natural too, for Dot this was as normal as breathing.  Dot being Dot she sways her hips back and forth as she hums to herself and by the looks of it she was peeing in figure eights.  She gives herself a shake, tucks herself away, flushes and lets the skirt fall down over her thighs again.  She comes back out, still very careful not to look at me, and checks herself out in the full length mirror.

Without concern of me being right there she lifts her skirt again to check her package as well.  And what a nice package it was.  All snug in her rosy pink panties I could clearly make out the shape of both balls and her soft cock.  Her size was much more what I was accustomed to seeing, though seeing it in a tight pair of panties was something altogether new to me.  It looked so…so…sexy!  The softness and snugness and implicit femininity of the garment over a dick was much nicer than boxers or briefs.  I make a mental note right then to get Prince into a pair the next time I saw him.  She positions her dick, her very cute dick, so that it hung straight down the middle of her nuts so that it made three perfect little mounds before she lets her skirt go again.  This too I found so new and yet so natural.  Stereotypical as it might be it seemed so fitting that a gal would make sure their package looked good where a guy might just let it hang as it may, I know I would if I had one.  From there she goes and washes her hands.  Through the mirror I can see her mouth moving as she mutters to herself, her mind deep in concentration on who knows what.  

She is about to leave when I stop her.  “Hey, what’s the trick?”

“Trick?”  She turns and looks at me, before blushing and quickly looking away again.  “Sorry!”

“It’s okay.”  I say, safely hidden behind the tub’s tall side.  “What’s the trick to the lock?”

She laughs.  “I have no idea!”  And with that she leaves the room.

Welp, so much for a nice casual bath and jill off session.  As if the weird moment with Beatriz wasn’t enough to put me off, now with the threat of somebody walking in on me at any moment looming large any chance at relaxation was up in smoke.  With my sexual engine still revving too high I hurry to get my business done.  Body and hair clean I step out of the tub and quickly dry off and slip my robe over my shoulders so that I could close it at a moment’s notice.  As the tub is draining I brush my teeth and my straight medium length brown.  I am about to retreat to my room when the full length mirror catches my eye.

I turn toward and approach.  I give myself a good look up and down.  Brown hair, hazel eyes, average weight, average bust, average body…in this house of beautiful women I was feeling awfully plain by comparison.  Even personality wise I was just a dull gray unassuming blob among the vivid rainbow of these vibrant eccentrics.  I had a ‘girl next-door’ sort of appeal that served me well back in Alaska, but down here I was nothing special.  I sigh, a hand running down my bare belly until stopping when my fingertips touched pubes.  “Nothing special.”  I whisper as my gaze focuses on what was, and what was not, between my legs.  Now that I was getting used to the idea my curiosity was starting to take over.  What was it like to have a penis?  What did it feel like to touch and to play with and to pleasure?  Did the balls feel as good and in the same way?  What was it like to pee standing up?  The thing I think about most of all though…why was I different from them?

I look back to stare into my own face, a face so strikingly similar to my mother’s.  I am Hazel White’s daughter, the evidence was right there to be seen as plain as day.  I was so like her…and yet I was not like her.  I was her daughter yet I was not a ‘sister’.  Why?  Did that have something to do with her and Dad running off to Alaska?  It was probably a blessing to be born normal and yet the longer I was an interloper here the more I felt like an inheritance had been denied me.  I found myself wishing that I were special like they were, like she was.  I wanted to share in that secret.  I yearned to have that special…connection with my mother.  God how I missed her still, even though my memories of her were so faded by time.  Dad too of course, he was such an incredible man and so full of life, but with Mom it ran deeper.  Dot had said as a ‘selfie’ her connection with her mother was different, that it was a different kind of loneliness being apart from her.  Is this what I was feeling?  All I knew, as I run my fingers over the smooth area between belly button and vagina, was that not only had fate stolen my mother and father too soon it had also stolen my chance to be special…like her.

A wistful smile plays at my lips.  “Honeycutt.”  I say her maiden name softly.  “Her name was Hazel Honeycutt.  What a pretty name.”  I let out a long sigh.  No matter what happened now, at least I had learned that.

Chapter 8 


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