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I was learning that a bit of training can work wonders for both of us.  Afterward Rosa felt as good as I did.  Calm, centered, everything right with the world.  Whatever it was that made me feel so at ease under her control she got something similar from it as well.  Caring for me seemed to do more for her than caring for herself.  I was someone on which she could focus all of her kindness and nurturing feelings and that brought her life.  What I loved is that feeling of giving over control to somebody I could trust, it set me free.  For my Lady it was the taking of control that fed her soul, in a chaotic uncaring world she had this one place and this one special person to exercise her will and impose her own order.  I didn’t pretend to understand it but it made me feel good seeing the effect on her.  That night we sleep well with her cuddled up behind me as big spoon.

I don’t wake until much later than usual, the deep shade of the thicket keeping the morning light at bay.  As I blink my eyes open I could hear the calls of workers already hard at work in the fields around us.  I sit up and look around to see Rosa already awake and groomed for the day.  She smiles when she sees me awake.

“Good morning Master!”

I take a breath of the green smelling air.  “Mornin Rosa.”

“No rabbits I’m afraid.”

“Yeah, it was worth a shot.”  I rub my face.  “Ah well, gets us on the road that much quicker.”  I stretch my back and arms.  “You should have woken me sooner.”

“No way.”  She says.  “You needed the rest.  Besides…you looked so damned cute I didn’t want to disturb you.”

I shake my head with a laugh.  Me?  Cute?  Rosa was such a funny one.  As is custom now she grooms and shaves me, it feels as great as ever, and after a good drink of water we are packed up and ready to go.  As Rosa takes a private moment with the old cypress I head back down the path to unset the snares then wait for her on the road.  A trio of the field workers see me and give me a wave, I wave back.  After a moment I decide to head out to chat with them. They stop their work as they see me coming and gather to meet me.

“Hail.”  The shortest and oldest of them says.

“Hail.”  I reply. 

He gives me a once over, noting my pack and common clothes.  “What brings ya to these parts stranger?”

“Land.”  I say.  “Got an inheritance down South.  A nice parcel right on the Aciris.”

This gets many nods of approval and well wishes of congratulations.  These were men who appreciated the value of land.  We introduce ourselves and I tell them a bit about the journey to Rome and how smelly and crowded the capital was then onto a few things about the trip this far.

“You’re just startin a farm with what’s in that pack there?”  The biggest of the group, nearly my size, says.  “That’s it?”

“Yeah.  I took all we could spare from back home.”  I say, then thumb behind me.  “Plus I have my slave.”

“Mmm.  Shoulda sent some brothers or cousins with ya at least.”  The eldest says.  “Man shouldn’t be by himself.  Needs some family.”

“We couldn’t spare anyone.  No one else wanted to come either.”  I say, though deep down I had to agree with him.  I never said anything but I did feel a bit of a pariah being sent out here on my own.  My grandpa even went so far as to tell me not to send any requests or even a bad word back until I’ve made something of myself, so as not to worry my mother.  “No.  It’s all on me.”

“Mmm.”  The older guy slaps my arm.  “Well.  You’re strong, you’re young.  You’ll be fine lad.  Have faith.”

“Thanks.”  Just then my stomach lets out a long low growl.  I notice a few glances between them but ignore it.  “So my plan is to avoid Potentia altogether and take the road for Grumentum when we get to it.”

“Yep, that’ll save you almost a day’s walking.”  The one who hadn’t much spoken yet chimes in.  “Not much of a road though.  It’s gonna get pretty wild the further South you go.  You’ll be cutting straight through the mountains.”

“You’ve been down that way?”

“Many times.  I have family not so far from Grumentum.  Even got a cousin who’s an actor at the theater there believe it or not.”

Perfect!  I ply the man with questions about the route and what to expect along the way.  He is a font of practical information.  While he hadn’t made the trip recently he’d traveled our route half a dozen times since childhood.  He tells me of watering spots, shelters, hazards, fishing holes, landmarks, and even of a friendly old hunter who is known to give travelers aid from time to time. Not all of the answers were good though.  As I had worried monsters really were an issue through the Apennines and the guy told me he wouldn’t recommend going without a larger group to provide safety.  He suggested if we insisted on traveling as we were to stick strictly to the road and, if we couldn’t find shelter, to camp without a fire.

“How long?”  I ask at last.

“On foot, three long hard days at least.”

“Three days.”  I say, more to myself than to them.  So close yet so far.  Grumentum wasn’t our final destination but it would be the last major stop before the end.  “Three days.”

“If you’re lucky.  Any bad luck though or if your slave ain’t fit for long travel and it could easily be five or more.”

“Thank you so much.”  I say to the man.  “I can’t even tell you how much this will help us.”  Glancing back toward the road I see the violet of Rosa’s hair.  She was waiting for me.  I turn to the men and shake each of their hands in turn.  “Blessings to you and your families.”

“Fortuna and our lady Ceres be with you Quintus.”  The eldest says.  “Why don’t ya go ahead and stop by that wagon over there on the way out.  If you see something ya need…we won’t miss it none.”

I look over toward the hay wagon he spoke of.  It wasn’t hay he was offering me.  On that wagon would be food and refreshment for the men for a hard day in the field.

“I…couldn’t accept…”

“I was going to head back to the villa soon anyway.”  The youngest says.  “Wouldn’t even be a problem to bring back more.”

“I’m not looking for charity.”  I shake my head.

“Who said anything about charity?”  The middle one says.  “Hard times can hit anywhere and anyone.”  He laughs.  “Who knows?  You might see our ugly mugs on your doorstep one day looking for work.”  He pats my shoulder.  “But do what you think is right.  Be careful out there Quintus.  I hope you find your way safely.”

With that the three return to their work.  I turn back toward the road and take two steps until I see my slave waiting for me in the distance.  Rosa was hungry, just as hungry as me.  I can hear her voice in my head from the early days in this trip.  “Pride is your Achilles heel.”  I stop and look back over at the wagon, my mind not on my stomach but hers.

I hear the old guy laugh.  “Go ahead.  Ain’t no shame.”

I close my eyes and let out a long breath.  “Thank you.”  

This trip had been such a humbling experience.  While never wealthy my family had always been comfortable.  Comfortable and not very charitable to those hard on their luck.  Living the life of a pauper was an education that I vow to myself to never forget.  In so many ways I was different from that sheltered farmboy who set out from the only home he’d ever known just a few weeks ago.  Swallowing my pride and keeping my hungry Lady close to my heart I walk to the wagon.  The three men don’t look my way.  They knew how hard this would be for me and they knew I didn’t need anybody watching me while it happened.  I find the food bundle stuffed to the hilt with bread and hard cheese and nuts and olives in oil and fresh fruits.  Just like back home these working men had working men’s appetites.  Thanking them under my breath once more I gather up about half of the food and head back toward the road.

As I climb the small embankment to the road Rosa’s eyes light up.  “What is all of this!?”

My head bowed I mutter.  “Those men…gave us this.”

Hearing the somber tone of my voice Rosa’s gaze rises from the food in my hands to my face.  She puts a hand on mine.  “That was very kind of them.”


“It’s a good thing to let people show their kindness.  Don’t you think?”

I let out a sigh.  “Yeah.”

“Nobody thinks less of you Quin.”  She says softly, moving closer.  “They wouldn’t have offered it if they couldn’t spare it.”

“I know.”

“I don’t think any less of you Master.”  She says.

I huff.  “I’m being stupid.  Pouting like a child.”  My eyes go South, in my heart the drive to make my farm a success stronger than ever.  I may be on my knees now but I WOULD get back on my feet soon.  Straightening up I say.  “You mind walking and eating?”

“Not at all Master.”  She takes the sack of food from me and passes me back a bread.  I take it and rip into it with my teeth. She takes one and does the same as we turn our shoulders South and continue on our way.

Chapter 54 


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