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Taking up her suitcases I invite Maria in. She steps over the threshold and with a sassy sway of her curvy hips makes straight for the kitchen. Sarah stood to the side watching as her cheerful friend enters our kitchen as if she’d lived here for years. Our weekend together had officially begun.

I set Maria’s bags near the stairs then follow her into the kitchen where she was already unloading the shopping bags and scouting out the organization of the kitchen.

“I’m just gonna grab a shower.” I say. “Just, um, make yourself at home.”

“I will, Daddy.” She says brightly. “If you wait until after breakfast I could join you.”

“Join me?”

“In the shower of course.” She winks as she gives me a longing look up and down my frame. “There’s so much of you to wash. I could help?”

“Er, maybe next time.”

“Okay.” She says returning to her work. “I’ll have your breakfast ready as quick as I can.”

I stand a moment watching this woman who was barely more than an acquaintance for me taking charge of our kitchen like a pro. This was clearly a woman who knew her way around a kitchen. With grace and rhythm Maria was poetry in motion as she swished this way and that yet she also possessed the hard-won efficiency of an experienced short order cook. Her years as a mom were shining through. Sarah was a damn fine cook but she didn’t quite have…this. Not yet anyway.

Speaking of Sarah I am startled as I turn to walk back down the hallway to find my wife right there at my side. She’d been quiet as a church mouse as she stood just beside and behind me during my short chat with Maria. I flash her a smile and she gives me one back, though not right away. As I head for the stairs she pauses a moment before following closely in my wake. Taking Maria’s bags I climb the stairs.

The precise moment that we are out of earshot Sarah speaks. “I really was going to make you some breakfast, baby. I didn’t forget.”

I do my best to hide my grin. As I suspected would happen the green-eyed monster had entered our home just one step behind our guest. “It’s okay, Sarah. It’s nice but I don’t expect it.”

“Okay.” She smiles, her slender shoulders relaxing a moment, only for a second later her brows to furrow. “Wait. No.”


“You’re supposed to be ignoring me and making me jealous, remember?” She says, following me into the guest room that would soon be a nursery if things went to plan. “Don’t comfort me like that.”

“Sarah, I was just saying…”

“You were just assuring me that everything was okay. You were being your wonderful self.” She says. “You can do that Sunday night.”

I roll my eyes. “Sarah…”

“Listen, mister.” She pokes her finger into my chest and glares up at me, adorably. “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to work myself up for something like this again. Okay? So lets take advantage of this weekend. Whether you like it or not you’re going to cuckold me and you’re going to have fun doing it!”

I have to bite my lips so as not to laugh. I didn’t want to belittle her passion…but she was being so damn cute! “Is that so?”

“Yep.” She gives me one firm nod. Her serious expression cracks for a moment as she asks with a glimmer of hope peeking through the words. “Unless you want to safeword now. It’s okay if you want to, baby.”

“Mm, nah. Not yet. I gotta at least give it a try, right?”

“Right!” She nods again with redoubled resolve. “We’re doing this!”

“We’re doing this.” I repeat…then turn with the bags still in hand to leave the room.

“Um. Wh-What are you doing?” As she’d requested I ignore her questions. Walking down to the next door over I carry Maria’s bags into our room and place them on the floor at the foot of our bed. Frozen in the doorway Sarah stares at her friend’s luggage with wide eyes. “Oh.”

Pretending she wasn’t there I go about undressing for my shower. Out of the corner of my eye I track Sarah slowly make her way into the room to sit at the corner of the bed, still staring at the suitcases. “Yes.” She whispers. “This is what I’m talking about, David.” She takes a deep breath. “Why…shouldn’t she sleep here? Of c-course you’d want her to…um…sleep…ummmm…”

Grabbing my bathrobe I sling it over my shoulder and leave my wife to sit upon the bed that she’d made. With my wife given time to reflect I expect that by the time I was leaving the washroom again our safeword might be spoken, though it wouldn’t be by me. That said Sarah had surprised me more times than I could count during our Naughty November. When it came to sexy stuff Sarah’s tenaciousness and imagination seemed to have no bounds.

During my shower I really start to ponder what Sarah had told me just before Maria’s arrival. I knew a part of this was Sarah experimenting with sharing me in order to potentially open up new horizons for the future. Neither she nor I yet knew how we would react to me having another woman in my arms but if we were going to try swinging or orgies or God only knows what else we needed to find out what was possible. But another part of this weekend, the main part, was about her getting inside of the head and the heart of the man she loved so dearly. Strange as this all was I could not help but be touched by my wife wanting to understand even my deepest, darkest fetish.

The way of doing it might have been odd and a bit extreme, par for the course with Sarah, but I could actually understand where Sarah was coming from with her kinky request of getting cucked. Back in November she had discovered so much about her own sexual tastes and desires. She had learned that she enjoyed erotica, masturbation, anal, exhibitionism, and discovered the special pleasures that came with fucking big dicks. She had learned all of that and SO much more and yet, deep down, my particular fetish remained a mystery to her. She understood it in a book learning sort of way but no matter how she’d tried she hadn’t been able to get a grip on it from the inside out, so to speak. I wasn’t sure if what she was attempting here would actually help her to understand anything but I did understand the logic. Walk a mile in their shoes and all that.

It was as I am finishing my steamy shower that I decide that I would give her all that she was asking for. She asked for it and she was going to get it. I would let her have it with both barrels, heaven help her. Those powerful, visceral, and utterly overwhelming experiences from November as I read about Sarah’s adventures with other lovers were seared into my memory forever. It had been TORTURE! Exquisite torture for a cuck like me, but torture nonetheless. Unlike me Sarah would have no separation between her and the cucking, as I had with her letters. She would be living under the same roof as it was happening. Added to all of that she would have the misfortune of getting cucked by someone who knew this kink like only a cuck could. The poor girl hadn’t a clue what was coming for her. Pretty quickly she’d either learn that she liked it, as I had, or she’d tap out before any lasting resentment could set in. This was going to be interesting!

In the meantime I could let myself go and truly try to enjoy myself with Maria while also making her fantasy come true. Sarah was my dream girl, my soul mate, and the love of my life but maybe a little variety wouldn’t be so bad. For the first time since Sarah and I had started going steady I had license not to simply look at another woman but to partake in the flesh. I couldn’t deny at being excited by that. As I opened up and really allowed myself to think about Maria in that way I began to appreciate more and more just what a sexy hottie she really was. She was different than Sarah and it was in those differences where she shone brightest.

Toweling off it hit me that that that there was something else that appealed to me more than I cared to admit. I quite liked the idea of providing Maria with something that even her dominant and sexually extreme BDSM husband could not give her. Just like that dashing and inexhaustible young Richie with that annoyingly, yet arousingly, big cock of his could give Sarah a ride in ways that I just couldn’t compete with suddenly I had something that Javi couldn’t match. In a very real way Sarah wasn’t the only person that I’d be cuckolding this weekend. While I hadn’t considered it until now it some petty facet of my manly pride yearned to even the scales against Maria’s husband. I was on the other side of the equation. For once ol’ David was going to be the bull.

I slip into my thick blue robe and tie the belt. After a swipe across the steamed up mirror I look myself in the eyes and slowly nod. “Here goes nothin.”

Back in the bedroom I find Sarah still sitting where I’d left her. She looks up at me. “I was thinking, David.” I peer down at her half wondering and half hoping if she was going to use the safeword before anything that could not be taken back could be done. The ‘Platypus’ remains in its cage. “To make Maria feel more welcome maybe before you get dressed and head downstairs you should…” Taking my wife’s soft hand I get down to one knee just like I had that night she made me the happiest man in the world. “Oh!”

Gazing deeply into her cornflower blue eyes I say to her with all of my heart. “I love you, Sarah!”

For a moment she is too taken aback by the intensity of my words to speak. When she finds her tongue again she says. “I love you too, David.”

I wait another moment before kissing her hand then rising to my feet and leaving the room still in only my robe.

Back in the kitchen I find Maria cooking up a storm. The chili infused Tex-Mex smells coming from the bubbling pan on the stove were unbelievable! And it wasn’t only the smell that got my mouth to watering as, just as I walked in, Maria was bent over as she searched through the cupboards. What a big, beautiful ass!

“Hey, Princess.” I say as I glide up behind her.

She stands with a skillet in her hand and smiles at my greeting. “Oh! Hi, Daddy. Breakfast isn’t quite ready yet.”

“No hurry.” I say peering over her shoulder at the simmering green sauce that was producing all of this incredible aroma. “Mmm! What is this?”

Shifting a little closer to me she gives the sauce a stir. “This my homemade salsa verde. All the ingredients come from my own garden.”

Out of the corner of my eye I spot Sarah sneaking in to quietly grab a place at the table and watch us.

“Wow!” Lightly I place my hand on her shoulder to test her reaction. Subtly her shoulder pushes back to welcome my touch. “This smells incredible, darlin.”

“You really think so, Daddy?”

“I really do. Smells spicy. I like it spicy.” I say as I very gently stroke her long, wavy hair. “Good job, Princess.”

Maria stops stirring to look up at me. She seemed surprised and slightly off kilter at the warmth of my paternal tone. “Um…”

“You really made that sauce all by yourself?” Leaning down I give her darkening cheek a little peck. “Daddy’s so proud of you, baby.”


“I’m kinda tired so I thought after breakfast maybe we could snuggle and watch a movie together?” I say, my hand drifting to give her full, round ass a slow cirle around it. “Would you like that, Princess?”

“Yes!” She gasps. “I would…like to cuddle with you very much.”

“I’d like that too, baby. Be a good girl and do your chores then we can watch our movie, okay?” I shift just a couple of inches closer to her to let her feel small against my hulking size.

“Ch-Chores?” She whispers through a trembling breath. Damn! I was just getting warmed up and I already had Maria weak in the knees. This was easier than I thought.

With a nod toward the fridge I say. “I’ll put your chores list up on the whiteboard on the fridge.” I give her shoulder a supportive squeeze. “Keep an eye on it as I’ll be adding to it now and then.”


I give her a smile and another pet. “Atta girl. I know you won’t let me down, Princess.”

She smiles back, her lovely blush accentuating an already lovely face. “I won’t, Daddy. I won’t let you down.”

Turning her attention back to the stove she cooks my breakfast with a newfound urgency. Back at the table Sarah sits as still as a statue. Only her eyes move to follow me as I walk to the refrigerator.

Okay. That was actually pretty fun! Seeing Maria’s reaction to my affectionate attention was a treat and seeing my envious wife silently stewing over it was at least a little bit amusing. On my way downstairs I had realized that if I was going to dominate Maria I had to do it in my own way. Leather and bondage and physical punishment were Javi’s proclivities. There was nothing in that realm where I could even dream of competing with him. The dude had is own home dungeon for goodness sake! No. If I was to be Maria’s dominant this weekend I had to do in my own way and play to my own particular strengths. Strengths that she herself had listed to me as we signed the contract. Warmth, patience, strength, honor. These were to be my tools of dominance. With her Master Muffin got her fair share of the stick, with Daddy she would only find the carrot. Not only was it what she was after, I could think of nothing else to enflame Sarah’s jealousy than me treating another woman like my very own princess.

After erasing the whiteboard of the various little reminders Sarah and I had left on there I jot down my Princess’ list of after breakfast chores. ‘In any order you choose: Dishes. Unpack. Handjob. Put away leftovers.’

Upon writing the third item on the list my heart beat faster and I could hear Sarah’s chair creak as she suddenly shifted in it. Oh God, was she ready for this? Was I!? And was this going too quick for Maria? I guess we’d find out soon enough. I give Sarah a ten count to speak the safeword if she wished. The word is left unsaid. Without even a glance her way I leave the room to return to the bedroom. I had to clear out some room in the dressers for Princess to unpack.

Part 3



You know. Gentle femdom is great, so why wouldn’t that translate over to gentle maledom?! I have never even considered it. Also, I genuinely laughed out loud when “handjob” was listed on the after breakfast chores. If I wasn’t already excited for this venture into cuckqueaning, I am even more excited now. Love it!!