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“GNNNNGHHH!” A low groan rumbles from my chest up through my neck and vibrating Miss Cassie’s borrowed dick that currently occupied my mouth as Rosa thick cock pushes into my slicked up hole. Oh yes! It may have been a long time since I last felt her but there was no doubt about it. She had certainly gotten thicker! And longer!!! The new girth ached a bit on first penetration, but ohhhhh what a wonderful ache! “HRRRNNNGHHH!!!”

“Ohhhhh!” Rosa sighs as she stretches me like never before while her long, hard rod probes into unexplored territory. “Ohhhh, my boy!”

After weeks of dreaming of this moment it exceeded even my wildest expectations. To be filled again, stuffed better than ever, by my lovely Lady was GLORIOUS! “HRRRMMMM!” That alone would have been a fantasy come true but to have it happen while my big titty Miss was jamming her stiff penis down my throat, all while ‘someone’ was also giving me amazing head, took this moment into undreamed of heights of surreal lust. As Rosa pushes in the last half an inch until her big balls are resting on my taint all on its own my voice rises in pitch into the voice of pure submission. “Hnnnmmmm!”

“You took it all on the first try!” My Lady rewards me with a gentle caress down my back. “My good little slut.”


“Heh!” Cassie, with both hands in a deathgrip in my hair as she thrusts away, quips. “I thinks he likes it as much as I did.”

“Probably more.” Rosa giggles. “Women like them this way and that way, but from what I know of men they like’em Lady sized.” She pats my bottom. “Isn’t that right, lover?”

“Hnnnnnghhhh!” I whimper in ecstasy.

“Don’t speak with your mouth full, boy.” Cassie pulls her dick from my mouth and commences to start clubbing my face with its wet hardness. “Answer our Lady.”

“Nnngh. I love it!” I gasp, then repeat as my Lady flexes on her next deep stroke to stretch me to the limit. “I lovvve iiiit! FUUUCK! It’s…so…fucking…beautifullll!!!”

“Ohhh.” Rosa coos happily at my replacing ‘big’ with ‘beautiful’. As her boy it was my job to know she didn’t like those kinds of words used for her elegant anatomy.

“Atta boy.” My Miss grabs her shaft and roughly stabs her cock through my open lips. “What about my cock, hmm?” She starts face fucking me hard and fast again, her big breasts bouncing with thrusts so deep her balls were bouncing off of my chin. “You like that, hmmm?”

“Hmmmmm!” I answer her with a surrendering moan and by sucking her all the harder, which of course only I could feel. From both ends I could feel my throat gripping and constricting around my knob as is plunged in and out of my drooling maw. It was WILD! “Hrrmmm!”

“Yeahhh you do, fuckin slut!” By her dominant grin and the sheen of sweat covering her body Cassie was aglow and in her glory! She might have been born with one but you wouldn’t have known it by the way she was wielding that rock hard dick with a brash confidence that I’d never shown with it. She was incredible, and still only blossoming! “That’s it, boy, suck that cock like a good little cock-sucker!”


From behind my Lady was just hitting her stride. With my ass all stretched out, warmed up, and wet as could be thanks to the copious amount of oil she’d used Rosa no longer needed to hold back. With gradually quickening thrusts my Lady strokes in and out and in and out and in and out of my hard gripping orifice. Like olives in a press, with each ass filling inward stroke that pressed across that ‘special spot’ inside of me a fresh dribble of warm precum oozes across my tongue.


“Gods, he moans like a slut.”

“Yesss. Listen to him sing for us.” Rosa croons proudly. “My beautiful slut.”

Both hands now gripping my hips my Lady really finds her rhythm. Pap! Pap! Plop! Plap! Deep and steady she plows my asshole as Cassie ravages my mouth and throat. “HMMMMM!” To have a gorgeous women take you from each end was an erotic pleasure second to none, but to have THESE two women doing it had me reeling with disorienting passion. At my back half all was smooth and gentle and loving, but with the brute anus straining girth of an Amazon. At the front it is a wild ride of dick slapping, hair pulling, throat fucking action. It was all a boy could take! “Hnnnngh!” Hearing the urgency in my whine Cassie pulls her cock from my dripping lips to instantly replace with her sweaty balls. Lapping and licking, slurping and sucking, I worship them as I had her throbbing penis.

“Mmm. That’s it, baby.” She presses both testes into my mouth as she strokes her spit covered dick. “Suck my balls. You look so FUCKING good down there, baby.”

“Nnngh! Schlng! Mmm!” Like an addict with his drug I can’t get enough. I suckle with all I had as my ass is fucked and my manhood stroked until I could take it no more. “Yes! Yes! YES! Ohhhh! LADYYYY!”

“Let him cum, my dear.” Rosa orders softly, and not a moment too soon.

“You want it, boy? Fucking take it like a man!” Grabbing my hair with one hand and aiming her cock with the other Cassie blasts her thick, hot, pungent load all over my ecstatic face.

“OHHHH FUUUCK!!! OHHHHH!!!” My orgasm starts in my stuffed ass and pulses through my groin and balls and out through my throbbing penis. To me it felt like I was spewing my load all over the bed beneath me while at the same time Cassie was painting her seed across my face. As I take her facial I stare up at her in awe of her feminine power, feeding her ego as her hard stare back down made me delightfully lesser. To show her even greater submission I open my mouth wide and let her pump the last few ropes across my lips and tongue. “HAHHH!”

“By Venus and Cupid!” Her blue eyes flare as something breaks through the eroticism to touch her on a deeper level. “I fuckin love you so much, Quin!”

“Mmmm.” Rosa slows her thrusts in perfect time to fading orgasm. “I told you he was powerful.” She pets my bottom. “My perfect boy.”

“Ohhhhhhh…” I let out a long sigh as my climax fades to its conclusion. “MMMFFF!”

Had it just been Rosa and I there might have been a moment of soft mercy, Miss Cassie however hadn’t even squeezed out her last drop before she fed her cock back into my maw. “Don’t you stop now, boy. Miss Cassie can go alllll night long.”

Gods have mercy! Not one to disobey I start sucking away at my sensitive softening manhood as Rosa starts to pick up the pace once more. As aroused as I was it does not take long for me to suck myself to hardness once more. “MMMMM!”

Like a hog on a spit I am skewered though both ends for another few minutes before my Lady changes things up.

“Come here, my love.” Rosa’s soft hand glide around my tummy. She pulls me away from Cassie and brings me upright in a kneeling position, her cock still deep inside of me, as she hugs me from behind. Her warm, supple body presses into my back as she plants one soft kiss after another across my shoulder blades “I love youuuu.”

“Ohhhh, my Ladyyy.”

From the front Cassie walks on her knees to press in against me and kisses me across my chest and shoulders. “I love youuuu.”

Smothered in my women’s love, bodies and breasts and dicks pushing in front and back, I had found my paradise. “My Misssss.”

We kiss and snuggle for a short time before Rosa strokes Cassie’s hair. “My girl. Behind me.”

“Yes, my Lady.”

As Cassie follows her command my Lady runs her hands down my chest and stomach and whispers. “On your back, beautiful man.”

“Yes, my Lady. Nnngh.” I groan as her penis leaves me empty so that I could move, a state she does not leave me in for long as as soon as I was on my back my legs are spread and I am made her cock sleeve once more. “Ohhhhhh!” I moan in joy as that feeling of fullness returns. I look up at my lithe, sexy Lady, worship in my eyes, as she sidles in close. Only then, as I peer down to admire her, do I notice the blank space where my dick and balls were supposed to be. Weird! Putting the strangeness to the side I keep my attention where it belonged, on her. “I love you, my Lady Rosa.” This brings a flushed smile to her perfect features. “I love you, my Miss Cassie.” From around Rosa’s left horn Cassie peeks to blow me a kiss. Me on my back with my legs spread wide and my two dominant women looking down on me from above, I was one happy submissive.

Rosa pauses to direct her other submissive. “Oh!” A cute gasp escapes her while at the same time I feel my penis entering a familiar hot, tight pussy. Cassie gently places her hands on Rosa’s hips, treating our delicate Domme with the tenderness she required, and pushes into Rosa right to the hilt. A mask of pure bliss our Lady sings. “Ohhhhhh, gods. Yessssss.”

“Ohhhhh.” I echo her pleasure. She was inside of me. I was inside of her. Both giver and taker at once we were making love as few couples ever could.

“Rrrngh!” A deep, lusty grown from Cassie and the euphoric expression growing on her face tells me that she was not forgotten about. Rosa’s tail had obviously Cassie’s snatch.

Thus begins the hottest, craziest, most erotic sessions of love making this quiet rural valley in the center of the Empire had ever seen. As Rosa makes love to me she in turn is taken from behind by Cassie who then receives it from Rosa’s tail. Our duet had become a trio, and oh what music we make. It takes us a little to find a rhythm suitable for three but once we find it we are poetry in motion. Tail thrust, Cassie thrust, Rosa thrust, Quin stuffed then back again in reverse order we were a single three headed beast from myth with feral the grunts and groans and squelching to match.

As Rosa fucks me, deeply and passionately, her hands are over my naked body. Where her vision failed her she was seeing me as much as she can through touch. My chest, my abs, my legs, everything she can reach is pet by her small, soft hands while her hot cunny grips around my thrusting manhood while back door squeezes her superior womanhood.

“Ohhh! Ohhhhhh! OHHHHHH!” Cassie said that I moaned like a slut, but I dare to say that my sounds would even make a street walker blush. “OHHHHH!”

“Hnf! Ohhh! Fuuuck!” From behind her Lady Cassie thrusts away. Reaching around Rosa she fondles her plump little titties and rubs up and down her slender, nubile body. She kisses our Lady’s neck and shoulder and even licks her horn and nibbles her dainty pointed ear while her burning eyes gaze down on me. “Fuuuuuck!”

Giving over to her passions Rosa’s song, lilting and pure as only her voice could be, echoes through the night. “Ohhhhh Quin! Ohhhhh Cassie! OHHHH GODS, YESSSS!”

Our voices a chorus we make sweet, passionate love like this for only the gods knew how long. Around us the walls and ceiling and even bed we had sex upon melts into obscurity. In our shared bliss time and place had no meaning. There was only each other.

“Cum with me.” Rosa sighs, a command for both her pets. We hear and we obey. As our combined thrusting hurries through the final few strokes each of us find our way to the peak of ecstasy. “Hohhhhhhh!” As one I feel my Lady’s thick cock throb in my guts as her wet, hot cunny grips tight to milk my thrusting manhood. A split second after she pumps her first blast of jizz into my belly I am busting hard inside of her tight pussy.

The feeling of my Lady’s double orgasm combined with my own was…indescribable! “GNNNGHHH!”

Behind Rosa Cassie shudders as she too climaxes on Rosa’s deep thrusting tail. “OHHHH GODS! OAAAHHHHHHHH!!!”

Four orgasms in unison, two for the Lady and one for each of her pets, as three souls are bound as one. In release Rosa, Cassie and I cement our bonds in a moment of pure shared sexual passion weeks in the making.

Chapter 147



"And their world explodes... in bliss."