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With the word given Cassie and I are on each other in an instant. Both of us go straight to thing we’d been thinking about. For me that meant smashing my mouth into those plump, inviting lips and plunging my tongue deep into her hot mouth. For Cassie it meant yanking my belt free and pulling my tunic from my body, a task she quickly finds to be impossible given the way our necks were bound together. This only slows her down however as while we kiss ferociously and passionately she finds the little slit at the front of the neck hole and savagely rips the fabric straight down the front.

“Mrrrm!” I growl at the ferociousness of her tearing and tugging. She doesn’t stop until my tunic is pulled asunder from top to bottom at which point she pulls it off my arms to let it fall. It hadn’t even hit the floor before her grasping, groping, gripping hands are all over my muscular torso. “Hmmm!”

Following her lead I pin her brooch and pull her palla away then turn to removing her dress. I’d only just begun to feed her smooth shoulder through the neck when she stops me. “Tear it.” She hisses between kisses. “Tear it off of me.”

“Yes, Miss Cassie.” I whisper just before she plants another hard kiss on me.

Knowing that she could take a bit of roughness I grab the front of her dress and in one great heave shred the fabric from her body. The sound of tearing cloth fills the room as I pull every fiber from her body. Beneath the dress I am pleased to discover that she was wearing nothing at all.

“HRRRMMM!!!” Cassie groans loudly into my mouth as she presses hard against me, her supple breasts squishing against my upper abs.

My hands run up and down her sides and back and arms and hips and ass. While always a thick and buxom farm gal Cassie’s weeks of relentless training had changed her as it had changed me. Still full of figure in all those lovely womanly ways Cassie now had added more firm muscle beneath the soft outer layer. After way too much working and fighting and not nearly enough loving her flesh felt so damn good in my big hands. When she reaches into my breeches she finds my manhood as hard as steel.

“Hrmm! Mmm!” We moan as our deep kisses get wilder and hungrier. With our necks bound so closely there wasn’t much else to do with our heads but kiss, and so kiss is what we do. “MRRM!”

With Cassie stroking my dick I quickly slip out of my breeches and step out of them the moment they pool around my ankles. Having just pushed my breeches down my hands were low so on the way back up I slip one between Cassie soft thighs and the other gropes at the side of her big tit. I slip my middle finger into her cunny to find it hot, wet, and oh so ready. Grabbing my hand hard she holds it still and begins to grind against it while her other hand keeps stroking. My finger buried in her pussy as deep as it could go I jerk and vibrate my hand to give her as good of feelings as she was giving me.

“Fuuuck!” She lets out a sharp breath then kisses me again, pushing me back a step in her ferocity.

I then let her push me back another step. The hotter things got the more our dynamic was shifting. She knew that I liked dominant women in the bedchambers and she was only too happy to step into that role. Her touch was so different from Rosa’s. Far less gentle and far less experienced, by comparison she was almost clumsy in the way she pawed and pulled at my flesh. I was hardly complaining though. I found that I enjoyed the raw edge of Miss Cassie. With my lust burning so hot after so many weeks of denial it was just what I needed.

“Hahhh!” I gasp loudly as she suddenly takes my balls in a crushing grip. “Ooooh!”

“I need you.” She hisses, her eyes ablaze. “Now!”

Not even bothering taking me to the floor or the bed Cassie instead takes the most direct path and climbs my body. Reading her intentions I hook my hands under her full, round ass and lift her up onto me. I pull her as high as our binding would allow then with her tight to my body I let her weight settle downward. With no guidance needed nature’s design is fulfilled as cock enters virgin pussy.

“Ohhhh!” I sigh.

Wrapping her strong legs hard around my hips Cassie lets out a lustful growl. “Rrrrmmm!” Her eyelids flutter a moment before snapping open again. “Ohhhhh fuck!”

She wasn’t as crazy wet as Colly, as intensely warm as Rosa, or as tight as either of them but gods damn if my first vagina with a woman of my own race didn’t feel INCREDIBLE!

Experiencing her first real penis she was feeling the same way. “Gods!” She gasps as she gyrates her hips while keeping me balls deep inside of her. “You are better than any toy. Better than…ooh gods!” Her fingers claw across my neck. “QUIN!”

Just then a subtle but unmistakable waft of cooling magic washes across our naked bodies. Together glance toward our Lady to see that she was listening and observing silently but with great interest. With a single graceful finger she lightly traced up and down the long bulge inside of her dress as she waits patiently for her turn with her pair of horny humans.

Our Lady’s vision upon us only intensifies our unchained desires. Elbows on my shoulders, her palms pressed like a vice into either side of my skull, and her legs squeezing my body Miss Cassie begins…to bounce!

“Oh! Ohhh! OHH FUCK!” With heavy impacts her bounces up and down on my impaling cock. “FUCK!”

I set my feet to support our combined weight. With a handful of cheek in each splayed fingered grip I help her out while also adding my own hard thrusts into the mix.

Plap, plap, plap, plap!

Cassie’s wet pussy slams down onto my manhood again and again and again, feeling better on every stroke. I had quietly worried building up to this day whether I would be able to perform for Miss Cassie, thinking that after so long without sex I might cum too quickly before she could find her climax, but as we fuck I felt good. I felt strong. I felt powerful! I had never been harder and that pressure of orgasm was still easily manageable. As amazing as she felt I think her being not as tight as I was accustomed to helped my stamina, though my training and submissiveness was a big factor as well. My soul’s desire to bring satisfaction to a woman over my own fleshly pleasure had seemed to been ingrained in me. That being the case Cassie’s cries are music to my ears.

“So good! Fuck! Sooo good!” Leaning back as far as the twine would let her she picks up the pace. “You feel sooo fuckin good!”

“You too, Miss Cassie.” I huff.

Grabbing my hair she steers me like a plow mule. “Bed! Now!”

“Yes, Miss Cassie.”

With her still grinding against me I walk to the big bed then turn around just as she guided me. Carefully I sit down. The moment her knees hit the support of the bed Cassie takes over completely. Gripping my shoulders she rides me faster, her hot, wet pussy gripping harder.

“Hmmm! Rmmm!” She hums with rising passion. “Grab my tits, boy.”

“Yes, Miss Cassie.” Filling my hands with her big, soft titties I give them a good squeeze.

“Harder!” I grip harder, far more than I would ever dare with my delicate Lady. “YESSS!” She bounces harder and faster. “Yes! Fuck! YES!”

Plap, plap, plap, plap!  The drumbeat of our flesh echoes off of the walls as our shadows dance upon them.

“Hrm! Hrm! Hrm! Hrm!” I do what I can to thrust back but in my seated position I can do little but provide a good base for her to work off.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!” She rides as hard her collar would allow, her gaze stabbing deeply and her warm, sharp breaths blasting over my face. “Fuck, Quin! Yes! YES!”

I do not even try to match her ferocity. Instead I open, I reveal, I soften. My body remains strong, every bit as strong as she needed it to be and more, but through my yielding gaze and fawning expression I unveil my sexually submissive nature. Mewling higher and softer my grunts become meek whimpers. “Hm! Ooo! Ohh, Miss Cassie!”

“HRRRMM!” Her fierce expression starts to crack as waves of ecstasy course through. “You’re gonna make me cum! MMMMM! Ohhh gods!” Plap, plap, plap, plap!  Quicker and quicker she goes, riding down her climax on her powerful steed. Her pussy was so slick and sloppy and wonderful gliding up and down. “OH GODS!” She yelps as I stiffly pinch her plump nipples between thumb and finger. The unexpected nip was all that was needed to send her over the edge. “OOHHHHHHH QUINNN!!!” Grabbing my hair hard in both hands hunches over me as her whole body quakes in orgasmic release. My left ear is nearly deafened as she WAILS her bliss. “AAAHHHHHHH!!!” Letting go her boobs I hold her close and push with all I had to go as deep as I could as she grinds and shudders her way through an incredible orgasm. “OHHHHH FUUUUCK!”

Chapter 139


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