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It had been a hell of a night.

Initially it was due to yesterday’s letter. The longer I pondered it the more little details started to stand out. The fact that my size of dildo was the smallest on offer and an option she hadn’t even considered. Did size actually matter? That challenge to me about not letting a ‘girl’ do better than me. She said she was teasing and she said it was about foreplay, but was it really? Or was she actually telling me that I had to up my game now that she had a measure for comparison. And the fact that she’d screamed ‘all sorts of stuff’ back to Casey. Stuff she wouldn’t normally say. Stuff Casey wanted to hear her say. What had she said exactly? What had she said about me? Whatever it was I knew that she’d felt guilty about it afterward as she got Casey to apologize, but had she actually wailed the truth in the throes of passion?

All of this and more relentlessly gnawed at the edges of my thoughts to leave me horny, jealous and uncertain just as the letters before it had. It was a state I’d become accustomed to over the course of the month and had come to enjoy in its peculiar way. Little did I know then that tonight would be different. Tonight the fantasy would escape the envelope.

It was just past midnight when I a text came in. It was from Bradley. After what happened the other night my heart flutters at just seeing his name pop up. Strangely, all the text showed was a hand emoji in the sign of the horns. Bradley being a metal fan it wasn’t an unusual emoji for him to use though the lack of context left me puzzled. I thought maybe a message had failed to send or something so I shot back. “Rockin out?”

His reply can swiftly. “Rock out with my cock out.” Followed by the same emoji.

I was confused at first but as I thought about what to send back a vague recollection slowly bubbled to the surface of my mind. That hand sign had another meaning. The sign of the bull. It was a sign related to cuckoldry! What the fuck was he telling me?

The answer came seconds later there when a photo of a very familiar body laying on a very familiar bed popped up on my screen. A woman’s body. A naked and sweaty body. Sarah’s body! Bradley had sent me a picture of my wife’s naked body! It was framed to show the torso and a bit of the upper legs. Her head, arms and lower legs couldn’t be seen but the rest of her soft curvaceous flesh was all there in exquisite detail. Those full tits, that smooth belly, that sweet pussy, all those wonderful bits that had once been my treasures alone stared back at me from the screen of my phone.

I damn near drove my rig off a bridge.

After recovering from the initial shock two items quickly grabbed my attention. The first, her pussy had been shaved. There wasn’t a hint of her short blond pubes. Her crotch was now as smooth and hairless as the supple thighs that flanked it. When had she done that? And the second…was the massive load of glistening white cum pooled on her soft pale tummy! A load that had to be nearly twice what I shot on a good day. God damn! When I was able to find a spot to pull over and study the picture more closely I catch a used rubber laying across Sarah’s left thigh. I don’t know if he pulled it off and shot onto her belly or bust in the condom then poured it out on her but either way my old friend’s copious jizz had been, right then in that moment, all over my wife. And on her left thigh rested another condom, fresh and unopened.

My oldest friend had just fucked my wife, and he was about to fuck her again. I sat paralyzed staring at the picture for close to half an hour. My brain had seized up, my body had frozen, as the jealous lust that had been smoldering all evening roars hotter than ever. No other texts followed. And I had been too cowardly to send one myself. Numb to the world and as horny as I’d ever been I put my body into autopilot and go through the motions of the rest of my shift.

With Sarah sound asleep in our room I now sit at the kitchen table staring at the envelope and wondering if I could bear what the contents were going to reveal. Unable to stop myself I tear it open and begin to read.


Dear David,

No fair! Darn Bradley went and spoiled my surprise. The stinker! Before I get into that though, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Was I the first to say it to you? I hope I was.

Alright, I’ve got some explaining to do.

Initially I had something fairly tame planned for last night. After being with Casey and her big ding-dong I thought that I’d want a night’s rest. Turns out I was wrong! Ha ha ha! I’m really starting to enjoy sex in a whole new way. I’m thinking about it a lot and I want it way more than I ever used to. This challenge has really awakened the sexual woman inside of me. And last night I was sitting there and I thought, what the heck, let’s check off a secret fantasy of mine. Or at least try. I’d hoped to do it with Richard but he turned me down flat. Casey was busy with visiting family and getting ready for Thanksgiving and the others in the cool club I didn’t know well enough to let them in on such a private fantasy. I needed a partner that I could trust for this one. I had almost given up and returned to my first idea when I was thinking about how I wasn’t the only one with a secret naughty interest. And that’s when a devilishly wicked idea came to mind. I knew I had the right bait, but was there a fish in the pond?

I’m going to be honest. I never intended on having sex with Bradley at all. I consider him a good friend and all but he’s always so scruffy looking and opinionated in the worst ways. Seriously, does he ALWAYS have to talk about politics? I wish he knew just how unattractive that makes him. He might have girl of his own if he laid off it a bit. Him being a friend of yours made it awkward but I thought that if you were okay with me being with Richard, a total stranger to you, how could you possibly be upset at me being with Bradley? At least we know that he is someone we can trust, right? And the poor guy never gets any action, it was least we could do for a friend for Thanksgiving. He he he! Besides, at that point I had my heart set on the fantasy and, as they say, beggars can’t be choosers. I was so horny!

And that is when I did my wicked thing. I put out the bait. Texting him I simply asked if he needed a fresh pair yet. He knew exactly what I was talking about as he got back to me right away saying, ‘old pair is better’. I asked him if he was in the area. He said, close enough. I asked how he wanted them. He said to rub my pussy to orgasm in them, in a cruder way than that of course. Then I said to come and get them. Then he told me he’d be here in an hour. The trap was set.

So initially I did as he asked and rubbed my pussy to a nice orgasm through my panties. Then I took them off, folded them neatly, and set the damp undies at the end of the bed. The whole time I was thinking about how nasty it was. But who was I to judge? Especially with what I had in mind.

And then…I took off all of my clothes and handcuffed myself to the headboard. Yes I did! You read that right. Ha ha ha! I put myself into bondage! It was something I’d never even dreamed about before this month but the moment I read about it in one of my novels, well, let’s just say a fire had been lit. The thought of being naked and helpless as a strong man has his way with me? Oh my God, I can’t even tell you what that does to me.

My body was on fire as I lay there waiting for Bradley to come and see me. My heart was beating so fast! I kept the keys tight in my hand just in case something went wrong. And then something did go wrong. I got an itch on my nose and I went to let myself free to scratch it when your butterfingers of a wife dropped the keys! My hand had gotten all sweaty from holding like I was. They hit the pillow and slid down into my hair! In my panic I tried to scramble but ended up sending the little keys flinging off the side of the bed. When I heard them clink to the floor I realized that suddenly I really was helpless!

Oh my God, David. I’d never been so scared. Here I was handcuffed and I had left the front door unlocked. Anybody could have walked into the house and I couldn’t do a darn thing about it! And even if things did go to plan and Bradley showed up I wouldn’t have a chance to have a second thought before he saw me. My fate was sealed.

Eventually I calmed myself. I told myself that we lived in a safe neighborhood and that Bradley wouldn’t actually take me against my will and that even if he didn’t show up or come upstairs the worst that would happen is that I’d spend the night like that until you found me in the morning. That would have been fun! He he he! And once I settled down again I found that I was hornier than ever. Horny with no way to relieve it. Ohhh, it was such sweet torture.

Fast forward by a half an hour and I hear not a truck but a rumbling bike roll up to the house. He’d ridden his Harley here! He’d been at home when I texted him and rode all the way to the city at night just for my panties! To get here in just an hour, he must have driven fast.

Ready to pop from embarrassed excitement I listen as the engine is turned off. Then a moment of silence before the doorbell rings. There was a long pause until he rang again. In that pause I was having so many doubts I nearly yelled for him to go away. I nearly yelled for him to come in. Instead I stayed quiet, deciding that he would have to find me this way on his own. He knew I was home since the bedroom light was on. What would he do?

I guess you already know. Yeah, he stepped into the house and called for me. Still I remained quiet. Part of me wanted him to give up while another part of me wanted him to keep going. He kept going. The feelings that went through my body as I lay and listen to him slowly making his way up the stairs as he called my name were beyond anything I’d felt before. It was shame and humiliation and fear and lust all rolled into one. My body tingled and my pussy begged to be touched as I lay there so very still and waited for Bradley. I was so overwhelmed that when he appeared at the door I think I nearly fainted.

The look on his face was hilarious. He looked at me, looked at the panties I’d left him at the foot of the bed, then looked at the box of condoms I’d left beside the panties, then blushed nearly as hard as I was. For all his bad ass attitude he sure can turn into a pussy cat sometimes. Trying to remain as calm as I could I looked down toward the panties and said, ‘Will those be okay?’. Ha ha ha! You could have knocked him over with a feather.

He walked to the end of the bed and looked at my underwear, then slowwwwly up my naked body. God above, it drove me wild to see him looking at me like that. My body squirmed on its own, trying to cover myself, but the handcuffs wouldn’t let me. I was so wet that he must have seen the glisten on my pussy lips. It made me feel so naughty. He licked his lips, scratched his chin, then picked up the condoms and said, ‘Serious?’. I nodded yes. ‘David?’, he asked. I nodded again to tell him it was okay. For a minute I wasn’t sure what was going to happen until he grinned, shook his head, and muttered ‘Ya think you know a guy.’.

There isn’t much to say as to the rest. As you know Bradley is not a man of grace, not at all like Richard or you or Casey. He peeled out his leathers and clothes (so hairy!), got himself hard with my panties, slapped on a condom then climbed between my legs. He didn’t even try to make it sexy or sensual. He just used my body for his own gratification. Somehow that just made it all the naughtier.

He didn’t last long but he didn’t need to. I was so wound up from my long wait and the feeling of being trapped in bondage that I climaxed for him in record time. It was nice to feel the ‘oomph’ of a real man again but I have to confess that after Casey the night before I was missing the extra depth, but his cock was thick and felt very good. That bend, that wonderful bend! Ha ha ha! He touched me in totally new places. And when he rammed into me his dick would sort of twist and put pressure against my clitoris on each thrust. It was quite nice. I think I prefer your upward bend more, but his is good too.

After a couple of minutes of grunting and humping he pulled out and pulled off his condom and shot his big mess onto my belly. But I guess you saw that part. I was laying there catching my breath and off in la-la land when he took the photo. I hadn’t even seen him grab his phone. He’d already sent it to you before I had a chance to stop him. Not that I could have in my predicament. Sorry about that. He told me not to worry and that ‘cucky will like it just fine’. I asked him what that meant but he just laughed and said not to worry about it.

I knew he wanted to go again as he’d taken out two condoms from the box so I laid there and watched him get hard again. He didn’t say anything or do anything to make me feel sexy or good, he just sniffed my panties and stroked his dick as he stared at my body. He’s so weird! If I hadn’t have been so horny I would have called it off then. But as I watched him stroke himself I knew that I wanted more. With his mess was all over my belly all I could do is lay there waiting for him as it dribbled down my sides. He finally got hard and fucked me again, in the exact same way as the first time. The guy is a terrible lover! On the bright side he lasted longer the second time. His second load he shot all over my titties, and you know how much he cums! Ha ha ha! From neck to crotch I was a MESS!

After that I told him where the keys were. He released me without issue. As I wiped myself off he got dressed and told me that he’d had a great time. I told him a little white lie and said that I did too. Not that I had bad time, his dick was thick and the orgasm was amazing, but he’s terrible as a lover. He didn’t touch my breasts or caress my body or say that I was beautiful or do any of the nice things in making love. Both times he just climbed on top of me and humped until he was done. It was interesting just being used like some kind of masturbation doll and not entirely unpleasant if I’m honest, but I know that sex can be so much better. I know he’s your friend but I think I’m done with Bradley. Anyway, he told me to wish you a happy Thanksgiving and asked if he could keep the picture. Since my face wasn’t on it I let him. And that was it. He left with a smile on his face and my panties in his hand like some kind of trophy.

And that was about forty five minutes ago. I am tired, this letter is long, and I want to go bed.

It must have been quite a shock to get that picture last night. I wish I could have seen your face! I hope you liked it. It sort of broke our rules but it wasn’t technically me who did it, so I’m innocent. Well, not that innocent. He he he. This is all so fun, isn’t it?

Now quit reading and hurry to bed, my love. Your mom is expecting you over there by three at the latest. I’ll be heading over earlier to help with the meal, even though I’ve already had my stuffing. HA! That was Bradley’s joke. Terrible, isn’t it?

Your butterfingers,



I’d prepared myself for the worst and yet still the letter had blindsided me. My wife had boldly fucked my oldest friend, twice. Not simply fucked him, but cuffed herself to our bed and let him have his way with her. And now Bradley thought for certain that I was a cuck. Which I suppose I was. The title didn’t sit well with me, but what other word was there?

The most sobering bit was how she continued to share her thoughts with absolute brutal honesty. Her critique of Bradley’s size and style gave me an insight into her mind. What would she think the next we made love? Would she be silently rating my performance like in these letters? Would she be comparing me to Richard, Casey, and Bradley? How could she not?

“What have we done?” I whisper.

I shuffle upstairs, shred the letter, take my shower, and slip into bed beside my wife’s warm, soft body. She must have been half awake as the moment I am under the covers she lets out the most adorable sleepy moan and sidles up next to me. Reaching across she take my far arm and pulls it over her. I turn to lay on my side, my right arm across her body and my raging erection pressing into her bare hip. She feels it right away.

“Mmm.” She smiles, her eyes still closed. “Good morning to you too.”

I gaze at her, in awe of her effortless beauty. “Good morning.”

She snuggles closer, her hip rubbing hard against my manhood. “How was work?”

I continue to stare at this face of an angel even as I imagined her in this very bed hours ago getting stuffed by hard by Bradley. I could see her tits bounce as his thick, curved cock plowed into her shaved, pink pussy. I could hear the thump, thump, thump of the headboard hitting the wall just like it did when I bedded her but this time it was his repetitive grunts as his hairy body humped and heaved on top of her. I could hear her orgasmic cry followed by the low growl of him busting his seed over her quivering naked flesh. She was so beautiful! God, how I wanted her!

“Good.” I croak my answer at last.

“Yeah?” She grins and wriggles in delight, her breast brushing my arm and her hip grinding against my stiff meat. She felt so good! “You didn’t, I dunno, see any egg laying mammals running around out there?”

“Egg laying…?” She was referring to a platypus of course. I take a long breath. “No.”

“He he he. Mmmmm!” Beneath the covers she arches her sexy body in a big stretch and in doing so rubs against me one more time.

It was nothing. It was just a stretch. An innocent rub of body against body. But for me it was too much.

“Hnngh.” I groan as without warming my dick starts spitting hot cum against her hip.

“David?” Her eyes snap open and she looks over at me, confused and concerned. “What…? Are you…!?”

“Hmmm.” I try to hold in my whine as my body jerks through my uncontrolled climax.

A change comes over her as her groggy mind catches up to what was happening. Her expression changes from puzzlement at the throbbing and wetness at her hip to one of sympathy and pity. Keeping her hip firmly against my dick to provide me with something to hump against she reaches up to stroke my cheek and gazes deeply into my soul.

“Shhh. It’s okay. It’s okay.” She whispers sweetly. “It’s okay, David. Let it go. It’s okay.”

“Hnngh…hmmm…ohhhh.” My whines turn to warbling whimpers as I shudder through the final spasms.

My cum had shot up her side and made a mess all over the sheets between us but she paid it no mind. She simply held my gaze with a patient, kindly smile until I was spent completely.

Everything goes still, everything goes silent, as the humiliating reality of what had just happened descends on me. But before the shame could seep deep enough to reach my heart my wife’s beautiful smile widens as she runs her fingers through my hair.

“I love youuu.” She whispers. “I love you, David.”

“I love you too.” I gasp. “I love you!”

“My David. My dear David.” She pets me and strokes me then gives me the tenderest of kisses.

Nov. 24th


Michael Dierks

Spreading this awareness of David's role in Sarah's activities is really good ... as they are in this together. Very expanding for David as well as Sarah. 😉

Michael Dierks

This is why I really appreciate Grimbous stories. David could take the "traditional" path for a "cuck" that I read every where else, which I don't much enjoy. What I like here is he takes an active stance, he's insecure about his place now but he knows he wants his place, and Sarah wants him there, important ... with whatever else she wants. Thanks for bringing something unique and engaging.


I worry for if this will continue after the challenge is over . Or if after the challenge, she’ll just be a one-man woman