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As a photographer, one of the most important aspects of a successful photoshoot is the ability to connect with your model. A strong connection can lead to better communication, a more relaxed atmosphere, and ultimately, better photos. Here are some tips and best practice for photographers on how to connect with models to get the most out of them:

Establish a rapport

When you arrive chat to the model, ask them about their interests and what brought them to modeling, their journey to the location, anything really.  Establishing a rapport early on can help to break the ice and create a more relaxed atmosphere.

Communicate clearly

Before the shoot agree clearly what you are shooting, share mood boards.  You must agree levels you are working to clearly before the shoot. 

During the shoot, it's important to communicate clearly with your model. Give them direction, but also be open to their ideas and suggestions. Make sure they understand what you're looking for in each shot, and don't be afraid to provide positive feedback when they're doing well. Show the back of the camera so they can see what angles etc you're getting.

Be professional and respect boundaries 

It's important to maintain a professional demeanor during the shoot. Make sure you arrive on time and have all of your equipment ready to go. Respect your model's boundaries and comfort level, and make sure they feel safe and respected throughout the shoot. When they are getting changed (even if you're shooting nude) leave the room and give them privacy.  Never touch the model or adjust clothes etc without an express invitation.

Never adjust the levels of the shoot or request higher levels during the shoot.  Level pushing is the biggest no-no in photography and models all talk to each other about photographers.

For that reason I always let the model set the levels we work to. And remember just because they may shoot nude or erotica with one photographer it does not automatically mean they will be comfortable shooting to those levels with you.

Show enthusiasm

If you're excited about the shoot, your model is more likely to be as well. Show enthusiasm for the project, and let your model know how much you appreciate their participation. This can help to create a positive and energetic atmosphere that can lead to great photos.  I've heard so many stories of shoots that pass without a word and zero excitement or energy.  Energy is infectious!


A photoshoot is a collaboration between the photographer and the model. Don't be afraid to work together to create something truly unique and special. Ask for their input and suggestions, and be open to trying new things. This can help to create a sense of trust and mutual respect that can lead to even better photos.  Don't forget that a lot of models are amazing photographers and even if they aren't they have a deep understanding of posing and light and especially how they they look their best - dont ignore these facts, include the model and your images will show the results.

Have fun

Finally, it's important to have fun during the shoot. If you're enjoying yourself, your model is more likely to as well. Don't be afraid to crack a joke or two, or to let your personality shine through. A relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere can lead to some truly amazing photos. But don't be weird or creepy!!

In conclusion, connecting with your model is an important part of any successful photoshoot. By establishing a rapport, communicating clearly, being professional, showing enthusiasm, collaborating, and having fun, you can create a positive and energetic atmosphere that can lead to great photos. Remember, your model is your partner in this creative process, and by working together, you can create something truly special.


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