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Four Volumes of 3D animated loops. 55+ Unique Animations!

Febuary 10th 2024 Update:

Thank you all so much for your amazing support!

All the raffles have been drawn, and all the promotional commissions have been finished.

As of the end of this folio, here are some fun final numbers!

  • 1169 total sales across Itch.io and Gumroad. (Hands down the most I've ever received for sketchfolios)
  • Just about 7500$ total raised (after fees!) This takes my loans from 26.5k to 19k! LES FUCKIN GOOOO!
  • 4 Raffles pulled and contacted. (3 Are completed)
  • 10 Sketch commissions (All finished)
  • 2 Animation Commissions (1 Finished, 1 waiting on their order)

The folio will remain up as PWYW (minimum 2$) for the indefinite future. I will likely make a separate animated sketchfolio in the future since I usually make little doodles here and there.

Thanks again for all of your support!


  • ​6 Patreon Versions!
  • Third Raffle will be pulled today!

​THIS IS IT! The last installation to this big ass-folio.

Fun stats so far:

  • 231 Gumroad Purchases
  • 673 Itch.io Purchases
  • About 7500$ total dollars spent! But, 15%~ (about 1k) goes to payment processing/site fees. So we've raised about 6500$ Nearly 25% of the entire thing! Super appreciate everyone's support <3! 
  • ​10 Folks got Sketch Commissions​. As of this moment, I've finished 9.
  • ​2 Folks got Animation Commissions. ​One is finished and included in this volume!


​I will continue the promotion stuff for this until February 9th, 11:59pm MST!

  • The 4th and last raffle will be pulled then. So join now if you're interested!
  • Commission options will be closed.
  • The Folio will stay up for sale. Same PWYW price. Future sales will continue to go to student loans.

​OK! That's it! Thanks for joining my shenanigans, and thanks for all the awesome comments. I'm glad y'all could appreciate these <3! I'll likely post a couple of my favorites in the future so everyone can enjoy them.


  • Second Raffle will be pulled today!


  • ​Now has MP4s! (Including Volume 1)
  • First Raffle will be pulled today!

LETS KILL THESE STUDENT LOANS~! (By kill, I mean, make a dent in)

Presenting: Carrot's Animated Sketchfolio EXTRAVAGANZA~!

SO the government decided to not give us 10k in student loan forgiveness. =( C'est la vie. So looks like it's up to SMUT TO SAVE THE DAY.

So over the past few years, I've been learning Blender. Throughout that time, I've made a lot of animation doodles. Like A LOT. But they're using Smutbase models, or are just kinda unfinished. So I never posted them... But there's some juicy stuff in there, so I figured let's bundle em up for a folio! There is A LOT though, so I coulda split this into many folios? But that's cringe, so instead I'm going to have them all in one, but release them in waves, or rather, VOLUMES.

With that I present to you, Volume One of the sketchfolio!

  • 15 Unique 3D Animated Loops!
  • 23 Gifs!

Plus, over the next few weeks, I will be adding Volumes 2, 3, and 4 to this bundle. A whopping like, 55+ unique animated scenes. TONS of smut. Quite spicy, quite raunchy! Feral content, Anthro content, Sizeplay, Interspecies. Y'know all that good stuff. PWYW 2$ Minimum!

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. To sweeten the pot, if you donate 10$+ you'll be entered in a weekly sketch raffle! Each time I release a new volume, I'll also pull one of the emails that purchased the folio. (that means get in now, and you get the most chances!)


I know some of y'all HATE those DANG student loans. And some of y'all are super dang generous. So for whatever reason, if you're feeling absurdly generous, I can offer ya this:

(NOTE: Apparently Itch.io charges less tax for these options)

200$+ For a sketch commission. One character! Costly, but hey, it's a donation.

500$+ For a 3D animated commission. Just a loop, but it'll be spicy~! Using the models in the folio.

If you do one of these big boy ones, I'll be in touch in email, or you can note me on w/e website.

Ok that's it! Please enjoy all this raunchy content, and look forward to more next week! Just so y'all know, I'm at 27k on this student loan. (About half of what I had when I started.) These sketchfolios have been such a massive help on loan progress, so thanks for looking!


Carrot Model - Sculpt (Carrot), Retopo (Arsemaus), Rig General (Yurusa), Additional Rig/texturing (Carrot)
Angel Model - Sculpt (Carrot), Retopo (Arsemaus), Rig General (Yurusa), Additional Rig/texturing (Carrot)
Duchess - Sculpt (Carrot), Retopo (Arsemaus), Rig General (Yurusa), Additional Rig/texturing (Carrot)
Perdita - Sculpt (Carrot), Retopo (Arsemaus), Rig General (Arsemaus), Additional Rig/texturing (Carrot)

Yurusa - https://twitter.com/YurusaArt
Arsemaus - https://twitter.com/ArseMaus

From SmutBase:

Tauren - https://smutba.se/project/189/
Vulpera - https://smutba.se/project/194/
Worgen - https://smutba.se/project/32741/
Pandaren - https://smutba.se/project/240/
Roach - https://smutba.se/project/439/
Generic Dog Models - https://smutba.se/project/35780/
Enno - Pulled from Smutbase?
Toys - Various smutbase

Additional Credits

Wolf - Furu-Yari https://twitter.com/oldspear



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