Coolant Tanks [Raruh Asset] (Gumroad)
After initial trials the GF line of Raruhs ran into issues maintaining efficient internal temperatures while packing and carrying palettes of cans. Researchers have begun testing fluid tanks which can pump a patented new coolant through high temperature components.
Includes Blendshapes to match the tail and ponytail animations!
Menu for changing fluid level and parameters in game!
Customizable shader with color swapping, foam lines, and more!
Original avi by @torinyannyan1 and @LimeBreaker
This asset uses a Fluid Shader made by @MinionsArt
See more work from them here!
3.2k Tris
Can be added with Blender, Modular Avatar, or VRCFury!
Tail Grabpass in the demonstration video uses the pink tint mask for inverted alpha and grabpass masks with .5 for Grabpass blend amount and no refraction or blur.
If you have any issues let me know!
NOTE tutorial still includes how to change base animations for toggles in FX
HOWEVER in 1.3+ you can replace the default FX, Menu, and Parameter files with the corresponding replacements in Animation>Replacement folder from FT or Usual. Because of the parameters for FT version it doesn't include Amplitude and frequency in the menu.
Update 1.4 is out with VRCF! Please lmk if you have any issues with it I'm still learning how it works.
Now Modular Avatar compatible! Go to Raruh_Coolant>Fluids in the Hierarchy, Right click>ModularAvatar>Setup outfit. Then replace FX, menu and parameters as mentioned.
For SPS compatibility change mesh for SPS plug from auto to liquid_shaft and ponytail