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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cedar-Ashens A spookier suggestion, a pregnancy themed Hag! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an Abortion Witch (Right), Abortion Hag (Left), and the Misbegotten Progeny (Everything else). Witches can gain power from a plethora of sources. Through making pacts with various entities, study and embodying specific concepts, and through the alteration and mutilation of their own flesh. Witches who alter their bodies through various forms, such as bloatmages, starvation witches, or Bloodletters, are known collectively as Shylock Witches. One of the most abhorred types of Shylock witch is the Abortion Witch. Also known as Miscarriage Witches, or Lifestealer Witches, they are witches who are driven to take the lives of unborn children to enhance their own ability. Abortion witches may not even be known as witches in their communities, hiding their true nature and blending in with the general public. However if they are within a particular society in which they are practicing magic, they will often appear as general practitioners of the arcane arts, or as shamans or medicine people, participating in various curative arts so as to not give away their true nature. Many will also pose as fertility witches due to their similar power set, and many may have even began as fertility witches before a traumatic scenario may have set them down a different path. These witches are often times incredibly promiscuous, seducing men and allowing themselves to be impregnated. In some scenarios they may not seduce many men, but settle down with one and be a very loving, close, and doting wife, constantly seeking sexual attention. Once they become pregnant, they allow the pregnancy to carry on until their full term has reached it's conclusion, at which point they will participate in a dark ritual called the Sepulchral Birth, to terminate the child at the moment the spark of true life should enter their body. The Umbilical must then be cut, and held to the heavens, where a dark force will heed their call, and lift the stillborn child into the air and into another world. This ritual kills the child and allows the mother to absorb the potential spark of life to enhance their magic, while also giving birth to a new evil spirit creature. Many times this is hidden to those around them, and the witch will act as if there was some form of accident or sickness that terminated the child, or they will move on to a new location. While abortion itself isn't an evil act, abortion witches use these ritualistic sacrifices of their own children at the moment they should be born to create an evil spirit creature known as the Misbegotten Progeny. While many women may suffer emotional and mental issues from the abortive process in any mundane scenario, the emotional toll of actively destroying the soul of the unborn child at the moment it comes to being can be devastating to the Abortion witch and send them spiraling into madness, though some are able to carry on with a ruthless abandon and efficiency. Some, while unable to perform the ritual on themselves, will become midwives, and perform the ritual on various women whom they have agreed to aid in the birthing process, therefore actively aborting the children of those which they were supposed to aid. Abortion witches often appear to be rather plump, and within one of the trimesters of pregnancy regardless of weather they truly are or not. Their magic causes their pheromones to go wild, and to also maintain the healthy "Glow" that maintains beauty and enhances their power, keeping them young forever. These witches can enhance their magic power through "Arcane birth" causing power to suddenly explode fourth and vastly enhance their magic output, or through "Arcane Abortion" and cancel opponent's magic and spells. In addition they possess magic with which to absorb the life from creatures, especially babies and children, through consuming them and absorbing their life force, but they can also cause widespread misfortune, miscarriage, and infant and mother mortality with their abilities. What they are most known for however, are the Misbegotten Progeny that they command. Though the process can fail, causing the creation of another creature known as an Unborn, if the process is a success, the Misbegotten Progeny will be born as a stillborn baby with black eyes. It will begin to breathe, open it's mouth to reveal fully sized human teeth, before the child vanishes. From then on, the Abortion witch can summon these hideous monsters to do her bidding, essentially becoming the witch's familiar. These creatures can be sent to attack their enemies, or sneak into people's homes and harass them for days on end with tactics of fear and violence. These witches will also make offerings to these babies, and moreso to one baby in particular who stands taller than the rest, looming in the darkness with a wide grin and warped giggles. Seemingly the one the ritual is made with to allow for this dark magic to flourish. Abortion witches use similar magic and spells to fertility witches, however abortion witches harness dark magic to inflict medical traumas and physical abnormalities on their enemies, while fertility witches often heal and treat various ailments. The worst of the Abortion witches may begin to change as they grow older, their skin growing smooth to an unnatural degree, and their pregnancies becoming larger and longer, eventually leading to them becoming an Abortion hag. Abortion hags, also known as Darkmothers, and Deathless Hags, are a strange breed of Hag evolved from an abortion witch. When Abortion witches age, they stay looking youthful from the lives they've stolen from the unborn. Once they achieve enough power, they will become immaculately pregnant. This pregnancy will drain much of their life, and cause them to become incredibly ill and bedridden. Their stomach will grow to be the same size as themselves and on the 9th month, they will pass and give birth. The creature they give birth to will be themselves, their consciousness and spirit transferred into a new form that emerges as a much larger, hairless pregnant woman. Abortion hags appear to be roughly twice the height of a normal person, and appear almost mannequin like. They have pale, pinkish, translucent skin, with which veins can be seen coursing through their bodies. They are constantly slick with an amniotic fluid like substance. They grow no hair, and possess no features on their body, remaining strange and smooth, lacking nipples completely. Their eyes are black, and they possess a wide mouth full of sharp teeth. Though they can disguise themselves through magic, they never grow hair, and remain in a state somewhere between being a pregnant mother and a newborn baby. The skin of an Abortion hag is soft and supple like that of a newborn, though her smile, teeth, and claws betray her true ancient heritage. Abortion hags are masters of healing magics and regeneration. If an Abortion hag takes enough damage, they can immediately send themselves into labor and give birth to another version of themselves, fully healed from their previous injuries and ailments. With their evil eye they can also inflict cramps and cause infertility and miscarriage in an instant. This can wrack those in pain even if they are not equipped to give birth, and it will rupture organs and ruin a creatures genitals through it's sheer force and violence. They can also let out a scream, similar to that of a baby, which can stun enemies, and cause less powerful creatures and objects to violently burst. Alternatively they can cause young females to be born with witch powers, and even impregnate some creatures through the proper spells. Through more of their dark magic, they can utilize their ability to be reborn through their own womb to instead bind themselves to unborn babies so as to be born again through the womb of another, usurping their child and often times killing them. As with Abortion Witches, the hags will employ the Misbegotten Progeny to do their bidding, summoning the creatures in from the null space they disappear to when not in view and sending them to inflict terror and kill their enemies. Finally we have the MisbegottenProgeny. The Misbegotten Progeny, also known as the Charnel Progeny, the Unyeaned, the Nightmare Stillborn, Or the Voidborn Young. Rare, but hideous entities, that appear as grey, pale, or otherwise dead-skinned babies with full adult mouths and black eyes, the Misbegotten Progeny are the result of dark rituals, curses, and freak accidents that cause an aborted or dead newborn to become a nightmarish creature after death. The Misbegotten Progeny can be created through an abortion ritual known as the Sepulchral Birth in which their life is snuffed out at the moment the birthing child would be granted a soul. This causes the creature to be born between the world of the living and the dead, and to become something strange and hideous. They appear as the same size as a baby, and they are able to fly freely as if moving through water. Their umbilical extends off into the darkness, fading away as if they are being tethered to another reality. It is incredibly difficult to cut through this umbilical, however if it is done, the Misbegotten Progeny will often drop down and become inert. The Misbegotten Progeny are spiritual creatures, possessing no true physical body though they can bleed and interact with the world, if they are slain, many times they will simply reform at a later date unless exorcised and purged from the world, though they do leave behind corpses when severed from their umbilical. They move quickly through the air and bite their foes with their teeth, also gripping them with their clawed hands. Their screams can rupture eardrums and cause internal hemorrhaging in the same way the Abortion hag can, with some of them screaming or laughing cacophony from the babies reaching a pitch that can rupture a creature's entire body and cause instant and massive bleeding. When Misbegotten Progeny enter an area, child mortality, infertility, and miscarriage in the surrounding area for miles will skyrocket for generations with many married couples and children reporting seeing a large baby like figure in their nightmares and the dark corners of their home. Those not bound to witches will oftentimes lurk around where they were created, haunting the area for decades. This has lead to ghost towns as families flee the area as more and more of their young are killed and add to the growing horde of dead babies. These creatures are powered by an unknown necromantic and evil force that seems to reside in a higher state of being as their umbilicals will fade off into non-existance, as will they as they move occasionally, with the babies being pulled away as if being pulled up by fishing line. On occasion colossal babies, shrouded in darkness may be spotted by the witch, or by those near her, looming in the darkness with an unwavering smile. Their enemies may be grabbed by massive hands and snatching mouths, all the while as the echoing sounds of warped baby laughter. Some believe these much larger versions of the progeny are of a singular mind. A force which some witches call Z'hag-Sharnn'a the Stillborn Scion, or some simply call it the Misbegotten, and whom many pray to as a deity. Where these 7 foot tall babies came from no one is sure, but even witches seem to fear and yet revere this creature... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Abortion Hag is one of the more gruesome types of hag that exists in the world. It and the Misbegotten Progeny were inspired by Queen Beast and the Watchers in Drakengard on PS2, something which still inspires me to this day! I've always wanted to make my own creepy babies with teeth, so here we are with a lot of help and references from babydoll heads and CGI baby models. I know some people are gonna get weird on me about this one because of the topic, but I am not against abortions. This isn't to paint people who have them in a bad light, this is just a creepy concept in which an evil creature actively tries to abort every child to get power, not any sort of hidden commentary.



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