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this is weird but i redid these pages because i felt they could be better. dialogue hasnt changed, the only difference is just the art. some of you might like it, some of you might like the older one more, and if so, you can keep the old ones since nothing has significantly changed with this redo.

since this was originally supposed to be posted this month (pages 10-19) i will instead be moving pages 16-19 to next month in order to be fair to you all that supported. 10-15 will be the ones posted publicly instead. moving onto the new pages now.

(re) PRELUDE Korean Rice Bunnies 16-19




You're spoiling us again! I really like some of the changes, especially the soft dad and her face looking at the condom and eyeing up the dildo! Either way, both are amazing and I love some of the changes you made! Can't wait to see more in the future! Personally, I'm just happy to see whatever you post here, so I'd say post those next images when you want to! I'm just happy to support and see more of your art!


both is good