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By popular demand I've decided to, or at least try, start a Discord server for Sofii. I also plan to eventually post uncensored content there. Though, I want to look into a proper way to link tier channels on discord with the tiers on Fanbox first.




I'll help you out. Discord ID: AMC~HUD#9731


I don't think there will be a need for content moderation. Access to your server will be by invitation only. Should your Discord server become a massive success, and have 500 paid subscribers on it, then there will be a need for some degree of community management. I think for the first few months, things will be quiet. My biggest concern is that when you start releasing nude images of Sofii, people will share them on sites like Gelbooru. That's fine when content is free, but when it's subscriber content, it's a kick straight to your wallet (and nuts 😂).


I'd rather not make a second discord account and prefer to stay anonymous. Maybe an email campaign to subscribers that pay for a tier of subscription?


Very nice be nice to talk about Sofii.


Keep us posted!!


Or create a Telegram group. Sounds better!


Can I have link please ?