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Catch-Up Report

I haven't been updating in a while. And the reason for this is, well... To be honest, it’s because I've started scouring the Internet for stories, and I've been reading them around the clock, day and night, as a means of escape from reality. While there is some energy to be gained by escaping from reality, I also feel like I've kind of disrupted my life's rhythm, including when it comes to my drawing.

On top of that, here's what I'm going to be doing for the remainder of this month:

Applying for Nikuket 12.

This year, I'm going to be circulating a "book in which my onee-san supports me and I support her. " I'm hoping to update my support sites one time before the 30th. I'm going to start drawing now.

Regarding the still unreleased new content from Nikuket 11:

First of all, I sincerely apologize that I still haven't been able to put my new works from last year up for sale. Also, I'd like to apologize for the many other works which are still not yet available for sale online.

As of last year, I had thought that I should be able to put things up for sale by the end of 2022, but I made what I wanted to do at the time as my number one priority, and I put work related to sales at the bottom of my list of priorities, and well, as a result, things turned out the way they are now. However, I have to say, I feel like it's extremely bad for my mental health that I haven't yet been able to do what I had planned to do last year.

Regarding the sale of "Fat Spring," there aren't any issues with printing, but when I look at it on my monitor screen, I think that it might be a good idea to make some small edits in some parts, and all that's really left to do now is to work on the English version. However, I have no other choice but to put this on hold because the time for Nikuket 12 is close at hand.

So, since I'm sure that some of you may be wondering what I plan to do in the future, including my plans for sales, so I'm going to post my current personal schedule of what I'm planning to do in the future.

Please note that I'm overly optimistic in my ability to predict the future, so I would sincerely appreciate it if you could see this as wishful thinking on my part.

Volunteer translator, "Ekkusu"




I hope you are okay. The most important thing is to follow your plan and then complete it. Finally, I hope that the books of Nikuket 8 can be sold on DL. Thank you.


https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/76910228 This one, thank you.