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Mitari no Sono Ep.108





My back pain is getting worse and it hurts a lot😭

Please "Good" and "Comments"!! Please let me know if there are any typos or omissions.



b 27

Chise is on the offensive! 😳💗


Good as usual, masterpiece my mate


God I'm loving this arc so much, Chise is so great! I really like the variety of camera angles and positions you used this time, it looks really great! Please keep up the good work! Also I hope your back pain gets better soon, rest and recover if you have to!


Hope you recover soon, Chise killing it😂


Take care of yourself, maybe go clinic to check your back pain


Love the new episode, but please make your health a priority! Get well soon!


This and the past episodes have been fun and fantastic! I’m enjoying Chise a lot and her intimate approach to Kei as Kei deserves it! Not much to say besides that footjob blowjob position…YES! 😍 Now then, Nush-san, I appreciate all the hard work you put into your art! That said, I hope you’re not overworking yourself since you have back pain, I recommend taking breaks/exercise and resting! It’s scary if you don’t as you might develop a serious health condition as some famous mangakas have! 😞 I don’t mind if the series is delayed a little if it means you don’t hurt yourself too much…Since you’re having back pain you should look into changing your setup so your back isn’t breaking! Like getting a tablet holder that you can move around freely and getting a very nice chair that supports your back! You probably have those already but still…I only wish the best for you! Thank you and take care Nush-san! 😊


I was convinced that I was right that I spent time thinking about these camera work. Thank you!


For the time being, I’ll consider the environment to work while standing and go to the clinic. Thank you for your concern! It's very reassuring!