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Barrett sensed that Dolores was hiding something from him, but considering her attitude he didn't muster up the courage to ask directly. After school that day, Dolores left the school quickly. Barrett was worried that she had encountered something difficult again, so he immediately decided to follow Dolores secretly to investigate what she had encountered. Dolores was fast, and Barrett was barely able to keep up with her until he was running at full speed. He saw Dolores enter a large abandoned community, and while walking through a thicket, Dolores instantly used her magic to weave a new battle suit then drew a whip-like weapon and next disappeared from Barrett's view. Barrett was still looking for Dolores' trail when he suddenly heard the sound of monsters fighting and screaming not far away, and he bravely and cautiously walked in the direction from which the sound came, finding many limbs of what looked like humanoid creatures along the way. The skin of these creatures was gray and white, and the scattered limbs were burning with strange purple flames, as if they were not supposed to exist in this world.

Dolores' mission this time is to capture an evil spirit that can occupy the body of other creatures, the flesh of the possessed creature will produce certain mutations thus enhancing combat power. Only the evil spirit has recently occupied the body of a human, he found that human flesh and its adaptability is very good, so it intends to find some more powerful human flesh, so it recruited some otherworldly creatures as subordinates to help him capture more human repeatedly test.

Thanks to Risako's guidance, Dolores's combat was greatly improved, and the evil spirits' minions were almost just reacting before she cut them up and purified them.

When the evil spirit's legs were cut off and it was about to be captured, Barrett, who had arrived late, saw the two of them in a tussle and let out a shriek. The evil spirit and Dolores found Barrett at the same time, but Dolores was momentarily dazed by the sand thrown by the evil spirit interfered with the vision, the evil spirit grabbed the ground with his hand and flew at Barrett, touching his head with his palm, it successfully occupied Barrett's flesh.

The evil spirit that possessed Barrett gained more power because of his special physique, even so Dolores was still better. But she panicked because Barrett was taken over, and could only try to injure its limbs first and restrict its movement before trying to figure out what to do. The evil spirit noticed Dolores' panic, and since she didn't dare to kill herself, she could launch a bolder attack. It used its sharp claws to cut numerous wounds on Dolores' body, and finally managed to hit her hard on the head, putting her in a coma.

The evil spirit had planned to kill Dolores directly, but it realized that Dolores' flesh might be the strongest human flesh it had been looking for, and that after possessing this body it might be able to return to that world and avenge its former shame... So it put its hand on Dolores' head, intending to cast a body-snatching magic.

Just as the hand that cast the seizure magic was about to touch Dolores' head, a mutated head suddenly struck the evil spirit's hand from the side, and in the next instant the evil spirit's soul was transferred inside this head and rolled down to the ground. It turns out that the pear sands cut off the head of the previous body of the evil spirit, and in the nick of time flew kicked over, imprisoning it in the process. Now the evil spirit without a body, was successfully incapacitated, pearsako picked up its head into the cloth bag, and put a sealing spell on it.

Barrett struggled to regain consciousness, he saw Ishako carrying Dolores on his shoulders and was about to leave, I wanted to go after him and ask what happened, but he was not yet in full control of his body, so he could not stand up.

Ishako heard Barrett's groan, threw him a first aid kit, dropped a message and left with Dolores.

"She could have easily completed this mission if you hadn't gotten in the way."



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